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Pics of you having fun vers. Eyes Like Buffet Plates *NSFW*

^ haha, i always used to think that mdma was just meant for raves.. But i guess after doing it indoors with ketamine and weed also its an amazing thing anywhere tbh.

Ive also melted into my chair before haha
Tbh, I think I would prefer using molly somewhere where I'd have access to something soft to sit/lay down on. Part of me wanted to dance, but I was overcome with a need to sit down and dissolve.
As much as we'd like our pills to be pure, they tend to be cut with something speedy. This I feel is more suitable for raves/social events/etc; I have more desire to move around.
Tbh, I think I would prefer using molly somewhere where I'd have access to something soft to sit/lay down on. Part of me wanted to dance, but I was overcome with a need to sit down and dissolve.
As much as we'd like our pills to be pure, they tend to be cut with something speedy. This I feel is more suitable for raves/social events/etc; I have more desire to move around.

I totally agree, when I take pills I get the roll and have to move and dance everywhere. When I take molly and go rave the first thing I do is scout the cushiest grass (or chairs/couches if they have them) and spend the majority of time socializing and sharing my cushy grass with others. It's a completely different experience for me molly vs. pills.

When on molly though, I feel like dancing makes the roll so much harder than pills. If I ever feel like it's receding I'll go dance my ass off for a good 20-30 minutes, get my blood flowing like crazy and it brings me back to my peak. Then it's time to find the cushy grass and some new friends :D

When I'm on pills, because of the inherent speediness they almost always bring I never get this rush from intense dancing. By the time everything is wearing off enough for me to notice, it's usually so far along that I'm not gonna get a huge hit again just by getting my blood going and dancing really hard. Usually pills keep me more on the floor and molly makes me more friends.
Hard to see my pupils, but me and a friend at New Years on 250mg of 6-APB each. As per his request I've blanked out his face though:


One where you can kind of see my pupil saucers because of the camera red-eye:

me on 100mg crystal mdma.

Been using mdma for a year now, approx 14 times ive used it, :
(ive got light blue eyes btw)
One of my friends told me that at one point during the night i had no colour in my eye left whatsoever, was just all pupil.

lol you guys all look fucked.

none of the pics I have are random internet or even facebook worthy haha.

does anyone else feel they are outrageously more photogenic when they are rolling?
^ i'm just smiling for once!
people are nearly like Wtf who is that guy, haha.

I never smile like that, but honestly no, i am no way near photogenic when rolling over 100mg dose, Anything higher than that and i really show ive took a lot.. especially when im coming up haha
people tend to have that glow on their face lol maybs thats what makes them more 'photogenic' or is it 'rollogenic'?
lol "rollogenic" is a perfect term. In some of these pics, there is something like a magical aura of happiness eminating from them. They just turn out so perfect I can't believe it haha. No matter how happy I am when I'm not rolling I can't manage a smile like that haha. I'd put them up, but there's just WAY too much brotherly love haha we look almost like we could be gay couples.
ahahaha wanderer your fucked mate,
Good work Lol haha :D

and ooooooohhhh colourful