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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Tripping Thread: Tripping Past 2020

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Traded the rest of my mxe (except one capsule) for something called tiletamine, a veterinary anaesthetic, usually mixed with some benzo (this stuff is just tiletamine on it's own). I've read some reports saying it's horrible and some saying it's amazing. It seems most people got the benzo mix though, so maybe it's the zolazepam that sucks?

Anyone tried it?

Edit: I'll definitely make sure to do my homework before trying it (if I do)..
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I’m tripping 10mg+10mg Psilacetin tonight with booze and benzos. Feeling good. Watching French films and enjoying the constant humor.
4-aco-dmt? I can never remember the tryptamine names, only their chemical names.

Have fun mate! If it's anything like mushrooms (I would imagine so), sounds like a good night.
4-aco-dmt? I can never remember the tryptamine names, only their chemical names.

Have fun mate! If it's anything like mushrooms (I would imagine so), sounds like a good night.
Yeah, 4-aco-dmt. I call it Psilacetin because it roles off the tongue better in conversation.
Traded the rest of my mxe (except one capsule) for something called tiletamine, a veterinary anaesthetic, usually mixed with some benzo (this stuff is just tiletamine on it's own). I've read some reports saying it's horrible and some saying it's amazing. It seems most people got the benzo mix though, so maybe it's the zolazepam that sucks?

Anyone tried it?

Edit: I'll definitely make sure to do my homework before trying it (if I do)..

I have always wanted to try tiletamine. Not a lot of reports, some people say they hate it (though I suspect those people have only tried the veterinary mixture which seems far less desirable as a recreational drug), and I have seen reports also that it is fantastic. Regardless, I wouldn't have traded MXE for it, personally, or at least, maybe I would traded some doses for some doses but I have a hard time believing it is anywhere near as good as MXE.

In any case, please report back when you do try it!
I have always wanted to try tiletamine. Not a lot of reports, some people say they hate it (though I suspect those people have only tried the veterinary mixture which seems far less desirable as a recreational drug), and I have seen reports also that it is fantastic. Regardless, I wouldn't have traded MXE for it, personally, or at least, maybe I would traded some doses for some doses but I have a hard time believing it is anywhere near as good as MXE.

In any case, please report back when you do try it!
Yes, will do. I wasn't liking the MXE as much as I remembered tbh (I did keep one dose just in case). I think all of the nostalgia on here made me feel I was missing something or had to jump on it when the opportunity came up, but I'm not that big on dissociatives anyway.

To be honest, I shouldn't be taking dissociatives from this person. I won't bore you all with the details, but that's who I was partying with when I first joined BL. We were ordering lots of RCs, I got a couple of those letters and realised I had to be more careful, she kept ordering dissociatives and really lost her way (at least IMO). We actually stopped seeing each other because of it 🙁

We met up again in recent months, she seemed to be doing better, but I can see the cycle starting again. I feel now the way I felt then, like a hypocrite if I say something.

... aand I bored you all with the details, my bad. I don't really have anyone I can talk to about it honestly. It's not your typical jam that anyone I know could relate to.
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Definitely not boring me with the details. I think that's why we all love this place, because here we have other people who can relate to stuff that only weird drug nerds can relate to. Most people are decidedly NOT weird drug nerds. Please always feel free to share your woes in here. <3

The reason I joined Bluelight was because, back in 2005/2006, I was experiencing RC psychedelics for the first time and I was having experiences that were profound and were changing my life, but when I tried to talk about it with my friends, they acted weird about it and eventually actually tried to do an intervention for me (like where they teamed up and confronted me, not with a professional or anything), because they thought I was destroying my mind with "weird chemicals from the internet". I started to doubt myself and it was really not good for me, and furthermore, my girlfriend at the time (who I later married and eventually divorced) told me that psychedelics were "immature kid stuff" and told me I better not ever do them again, so I was hiding it from her. I felt so alone, and I found this place through a mention in an Erowid trip report. And I finally found a place where I could talk to other people who didn't think I was crazy, and who could relate, who I could bounce ideas off of, and share what I was experiencing. It meant so much to me to have that. We all need to be able to vent and share things with people, and be understood. To me, though Bluelight of course exists to help disseminate truthful and nuanced information about drugs, its other purpose, which is at least as important, is to provide a community for people like us to be able to have, in a world where most people can't or won't accept or even understand.
I'd deff take the Tiletamine, if always wanted to try that and for experience sake I would make the trade. Sure MXE is amazing but I really like to take new drugs and that's a pretty rare one aswell, its so exciting when something is kicking in for the first time and you get this sense of awe. Think it was @Asante that said it's one of his favorite Dissos. Pretty sure that you can hole on it pretty heavy duty, I love diving deep.

Not sure how much you have but if it was me id probably binge it for a couple days and make all kinds of wacky ramblings in the social here.

That's what I usually do on those sorta drugs 😏
Definitely not boring me with the details. I think that's why we all love this place, because here we have other people who can relate to stuff that only weird drug nerds can relate to. Most people are decidedly NOT weird drug nerds. Please always feel free to share your woes in here. <3

The reason I joined Bluelight was because, back in 2005/2006, I was experiencing RC psychedelics for the first time and I was having experiences that were profound and were changing my life, but when I tried to talk about it with my friends, they acted weird about it and eventually actually tried to do an intervention for me (like where they teamed up and confronted me, not with a professional or anything), because they thought I was destroying my mind with "weird chemicals from the internet". I started to doubt myself and it was really not good for me, and furthermore, my girlfriend at the time (who I later married and eventually divorced) told me that psychedelics were "immature kid stuff" and told me I better not ever do them again, so I was hiding it from her. I felt so alone, and I found this place through a mention in an Erowid trip report. And I finally found a place where I could talk to other people who didn't think I was crazy, and who could relate, who I could bounce ideas off of, and share what I was experiencing. It meant so much to me to have that. We all need to be able to vent and share things with people, and be understood. To me, though Bluelight of course exists to help disseminate truthful and nuanced information about drugs, its other purpose, which is at least as important, is to provide a community for people like us to be able to have, in a world where most people can't or won't accept or even understand.
Absolutely this. After all, if you can't talk about this here with us, then where?
Thank you! Really means a lot.
We met up again in recent months, she seemed to be doing better, but I can see the cycle starting again. I feel now the way I felt then, like a hypocrite if I say something.

For what it’s worth, what you see as making you a hypocrite I see as making you experienced. You’ve been through it so you actually know what you’re talking about. Sometimes getting that perspective from a friend who knows could help, but certainly other times some people don’t want to be helped. I hope her situation doesn’t get too bad either way.

I’m not that big of a fan of methoxetamine either by the way. I enjoyed it but it wasn’t the most notable thing ever to me.

I was always interested in tiletamine, I’d be curious what you have to say about it.
I smoked around 35 mg of DMT tonight immediately followed by inhaling a balloon with eight chargers of nitrous oxide. It was my first time trying the combination, and it was interesting, but I didn’t think there was that great of a synergy. The nitrous oxide seemed to make the DMT less immersive and the DMT definitely made the nitrous oxide harder to enjoy or get into, but the nitrous oxide on the other hand definitely did make the DMT easier to enjoy. Smoking DMT is rarely a pleasant experience for me and has more of a harsh teacher vibe but this time I was completely detached from all the unpleasantness despite still feeling it, it felt like I was physically dying and I was just lying in bed kind of smiling and going “Yep.” with an occasional chuckle. My usual anxious thoughts meant nothing to me and I enjoyed observing them and reflecting pensively on how I got to where I am. I came out of the trip with an impression that I probably won’t feel the need to have this type of trip again for a long time.

That’s all I’ve got to report. Half an hour later it basically felt like nothing had happened.
Halloween party tonight! Gonna dress up in my sloth onesie and go to my bandmate's house at about 5:30 or 6. Pre-party there, possibly go to a house party, then off to see some live music. I picked up what are by all accounts very good ecstasy pills, probably gonna do one of those, and probably add some 2C-B into the mix once I hit the show. Might bring a small vial of MXE to do bumps of. It shall be a great night. :)
Halloween party tonight! Gonna dress up in my sloth onesie and go to my bandmate's house at about 5:30 or 6. Pre-party there, possibly go to a house party, then off to see some live music. I picked up what are by all accounts very good ecstasy pills, probably gonna do one of those, and probably add some 2C-B into the mix once I hit the show. Might bring a small vial of MXE to do bumps of. It shall be a great night. :)
Nice. Although I'm not all that in to Halloween, the fact that others are makes it an especially trippy night to trip.. Have fun!

Edit: Sunday afternoon here. Was looking forward to tripping tonight too, but was asked to work tomorrow, so just settled for some chill pills and phenibut. Feels groovy enough.

What's everyone else upto this Halloweekend?
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Shall be working like I always am most days now. But I've managed to add quite a bit to my savings so I'm happy about that. Just snuck a peak at the Methadone dosing paper here and I am at 50mgs now when I started at 105mgs so that is pretty significant. Deff feel the withdrawals start every evening but Ive been just powering thru it made it this far so, I'm gonna keep going. Waiting patiently for the 1,4-BDO so I can have that GHB high again, miss it quite a bit. Didn't realize it at first cuz I wasn't paying attention and the stuff is coming from overseas. It will get here eventually tho so I will bide my time.

Oh man, I can't wait to start taking some of my psychs I actually was also thinking about doing a smoked DMT and n2O combo in the near future @Kaleida. You make it sound really enjoyable, I to find that DMT can be a little ruff sometimes I get this distance anxiety and strange vibe to the max once in awhile, not all the time but when it really hits I find it harder to surrender to the trip. Probably gonna do some 2C-B pretty early on when I start getting swirly again, first drug will absolutely be the Pslacetin cuz it's one of my favorite substances ever very closely behind 2C-E and LSD. I've got couple doses of 2C-E but I wanna save it for when it's just right, pretty heavy duty for a re-entry drug.
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