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Overrated and underrated drugs


Cocaine- Spare me. The after effects of paranoia suck dick. Not to mention the fact that I'd rather not empty out my wallet.

Ketamine- Everyone seems to love this shit. Didn't last too long for me, and it wasn't worth the short high.

MARIJUANA- Yes, you 4/20 worshipping fiends. Marijuana is OVERRATED. Lets do a drug that makes me look like a fucking idiot! Good idea!


Vicodin- I know a lot of people who can barely feel the effects, but I love them. Makes me feel pretty good when I'm molding with my leather chair.

LSD- Great stuff right here, lasts a long time, and the hallucinations are fun. Only drawback is the chance of seeing 20 foot rampaging gorillas trying to rape you.

XANAX W/ ADDERALL- Some people dislike it, but I like the combination. Suits me well.
>>mixing e and special k. best combo ever. best feeling ever too.>>

Once again, people tend to report loving this shit.
Good is not identical with underrated.

Now before I say anything I want to say that most drugs have their own special conditions and scenarios where they can be great but honestly:




Hydrocodone (even though you can't get TOO high from it without getting sick, I find the quality of the buzz you get to be amazing)
Overrated: All bad drugs, and good drugs that cost any real amount of money.

Underrated: Tramadol. Good drugs that someone else pays for, or are cheap. Good drugs can be good, but they're just not worth any money really. The steep price is the over-rating. People voting with their walltes. Its really ashame :(
2c-i, coke in the states (see my note at the end*), vicodon, tobacco

mushrooms, lsd, n20 w/ lsd, 2c-b

*The cocaine I got in costa rica was fucking out of this world, total euphoria, an inch long line would have you jumpin, jivin and wailing. However, I never understood the appeal behind doing the coke everyone seems to have in the states. Its such a mild buzz, and so expensive. And it fucks your nose up.
enoughorangejuice? said:
Underrated: Cannabis, Sonata (zaleplon), mushrooms, LSD, salvia

Are you really that fond of Sonata?

Everyone I know tried it has told me it sux cox.

I can't imaginbe it being worse than (es)zopiclone. Ambien/zolpidem i like.

I guess i have to find out what Soinata is all about myself...

Coke. I like it, but it's probably about 4-5 times the cost in Australia compared to the US, which makes it the luxury drug here. Since meth exploded, coke has experienced this glamorous revival. People no longer associate it with junkies whatsoever because of its price tag and only moderate potential for addiction.

Pot - I've just never really 'got' it. It's fun for some giggles, but the amount of people I know who rely on it as something to turn to when things are going to shit is quite surprising.


Ventolin/Seretide - I had to rack my brain for a while thinking of something underrated - to all the asthmatics out there, these inhalers and their sister variations make life with breathing difficulties a breeze. <3
Overrated -
Morning Glories - Nausea, vasoconstriction, blech

Shrooms - recreational use that is - I find acid a lot more recreational, shrooms are dark deep trips that I don't find particularly "fun".

Cocaine - Never done it but all of my friends have tried it and say it's not very fun at all, seems it's mostly little rich college brats that find it enjoyable, and pay for a status drug not a high :p

Alcohol - not fun at all, somewhat enjoyable in lower amounts but I find weed works better and doesn't dull the brain as much (it slows the thought-processes but they go deeper too . . . very meditative).

Underrated -
Weed - I'm currently getting fully 3-dimensional flat-colored visuals, intricate mosaic patterns in brilliant reds and yellows, paisleys, tunnels of dancing figures, the most bizarre goofy psychedelic cartoon characters, visuals following music . . . and so many people find this drug to simply be "relaxing", "just fun", or even "dull". I guess I'm just sensitive. I used to get fully psychedelic effects, more terrifying even than a bad 1/8 oz. shroom trip. Oh by the way, best way to increase the high? Smoke in the middle of a huge fog =) The patterns in the fog with the streetlights bouncing off were beautiful, felt like I was in a cloud.

LSD - so many people are way too scared of this drug. They'll eat doses of 'shrooms large enough to land me in the friggin' ER or police station, but won't even try a tiny hit of sweet Lucy because it's "not natural". Friggin' hippies. I also believe psychedelics have a recreational aspect at lower doses (if you haven't had a fun acid trip yer missing out!), and acid is very good for this.

Cocaine: I can't say anything that hasn't already been said.

Weed: Too much paranoia, plus the fact that it makes people so goddamn quiet. Who the fuck wants to take a drug that keeps a group from having any real conversation? (unless it's beneficial and totally overwhelming in the way that psychedelics are)

Heroin: So many people pop hydros and rail oxys all the time, and yet are afraid to try this drug, like it will just magically turn you into an addict with one snort. Out of all the opiates I have done, heroin is probably the best, but oxy is only about an inch away. It's not that great.


Poppy pods: I know you have to eat either a whopping amount of poppy grounds or drink a disgusting amount of tea, but the 12 hour high is just so worth it. Pods are the energizer bunny of opiates. In fact, scratch what I said before, poppies are better than heroin (insuffulated).

2c-b: A lot of people claim no depth from this drug, but it was a great teacher for me. Especially with MDMA =D .
Over rated

Heroin: Ditto what 3,4-DHP said. There is so much stigma around this drug, particularly among those not educated about psychoactives, that is such bullshit.

Marijuana: Makes me anxious, and I just don't buy into that whole laziness aspect of it...I prefer opioids, which though they dope me out, at the same time get me doing some work.

Alcohol: People who aren't into illicit substances usually LOVE this stuff, even though they are always complaining about hangovers and crap. In Australia at least, there are also massive problems with alcohol and violence. I hate the shit.

Under rated

Codeine: Gets bagged a whole HEAP, but I love the stuff! 450mg is just about my sweet dose, not too long lasting either so I can spend the morning doped out then go to work in the afternoon. ;)

Poppy pods: Ditto 3,4-DP again, this stuff is great but because it's 'somewhat' legal, gets looked down on a whole heap.

MDMA: By this, I mean that it gets a whole lot of shit from the media and non-drug using community when in fact it is one of the most beautiful things EVER created by mankind. It should replace alcohol as the DOC for society.
overrated- oxycontin, alcohol
underrated- benzos

oxycontin is just a weaker, more expensive heroin high and i think people pay way too much for it.

alcohol is also not all its said to be because it has terrible hangovers and after effects and is quite addicting. its one of my least favorite substances

benzos on the other hand are amazing. in my opinion, they feel just like alcohol without the negative effects the proceeding day and without the total confusion while using them
Every drug is over-rated. They're all fake and impractical. Real happiness isn't obtained with a substance. Faux happiness is, and if you're seeking only that, well, that's sad you can't be happy from within.
I think coke is the most over rated drug ive ever took, along with meth.
Over rated:


Meh, I could post more. but around here everyone hypes way to much about it. I guess its because its all they can get. Everyone also talks about how AMAZING it would be to do dope, Yeah its fun for awhile. But theres deffinatly better highs IMO.

Under rated:


Everytime I mention everything above (besides acid) I just get this funny look like "Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?"

Oh well, more Kitty flips for me ^_^
Over rated:
lean(codeine) because for me the price to fun ratio is to much, for one dose which is 4oz, its 140$. thats just not worth it. for the same amount of money i can buy plenty of other things, such as X or what have you. just breaks my wallet for a few hours of awesomeness.
^WTF? $140 for one fucking dose of codeine (whatever a /dose/ is :s )?!?! i could get about 7g of it (mixed with apap) for that much :|