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Overrated and underrated drugs

Le' X'tream us

center said:
Every drug is over-rated.
They're all fake and impractical.
Real happiness isn't obtained with a substance.
Faux happiness is,
and if you're seeking only that,
that's sad you can't be happy from within.

Many posts are over-rated...
...can you help me
understand this
faux happiness?

Is it the type of happiness only
can experience?


Can I ax',
what did you get temporarily banned for,
Capt'n Middle?
-coke (no need to repost the reasons, a lot of people did it already)

-DXM (if people would stop thinking about DXM as the cough syrup and start thinking about DXM as a pill, tablet, powder... Pure drug, w/e, maybe this wonderful substance would have a better reputation. I mean damn, it fucks my mind more than K...)
overrated: stimulants/coke, benzos

underrated: shrooms, lsd, weed, and alcohol

overrated: alcohol (obvious), crack (why??)

underrated (not to go along with previous statemants for sake of diversity): DXM for 2/3 of the drug community (I'm in the lucky 33rd percentile, only for about 200 tries. Lost the magic).

I'd say a fair bit of entheogens such as kratom, calea and the like are a tad bit underrated, as well as all psychs in general (elsewhere, of course ;))
killarava2day said:
Yup, coke is THE most overrated drug there is...

^^^I agree. There really isn't anything fun about cocaine to me. Yeah it gets you really high, but only for like a few minutes/seconds (IV) or like 20-30 minutes snorted. And the crash is probably worse than any other drug I've done. Not to mention all I get out of the coke experience is a sore nose, not sleeping, staying up all night talking bullshit, a feeling to do more more more, and waking up feeling like complete dog shit and then realize i owe some sketch ball $50 that i don't have.

I totally think alcohol is over rated. It can be fun, but IMO there are way better substances out there.

Not among the psychedelic community, but among society as a whole I believe that psychedelic drugs are completely under rated. Like once you've had an out of body experience or go explore another dimension you realize the incredible power of some psychedelics to open doors you didn't even know existed.
Alcohol (oh cool, let's throw up and not remember 3/4 the night)
Meth (I didn't care for the feeling, the only good part to me was the come down, because it was starting to wear off, not saying it may be good to other people)

Salvia by far (I thought since this thing was legal, that it wouldn't effect me hard, talk about a total brainfuck on 60x, wow)
Weed (alot of adults will say that it is a gateway drug, when that is about 50/50 to me, weed in itself isn't, it's great, only reason it may be a gateway drug is because it's illegal in the first place, I love the feeling, and it goes great with almost every drug)
PURE mdma (pure mdma is almost mind blowing, if you're in the right atmosphere, when i say pure, that's because alot of times when you get E tabs you usually get fillers, so you don't always have the same trip, which can be very dangerous when you don't know what you're getting, to me there is no feeling in the world like MDMA, but the comedown sucks hardddd)
meth is extremely overrated. i tried this when i moved to atlanta and i really tried to get into it, as the heroin in atlanta is bullshit, but i just didnt like it at all. i dont understand how people get all screwed up from it.
and with that i will say heroin and crack are definatly underrated :)
I'd say heroin is the most overrated drug of all time. Now I've had GOOD heroin, but 90 percent of heroin is crap cut to shit or worse, fentanyl or mptp or some crap masquerading as heroin. so I am speaking about it in general. When you have good heroin, it's amazing, but even then I'd say DILAUDID is greater then heroin. Even when i was doing alot of china, dilaudid rushes TOPPED the best heroin. I would love to try opana though. I heard amazing things about it.

This is also coming from a former addict, so I know my drug homes. It's amazing how people think heroin is so fucking great.
Weed is so overrated. I havent smoked in almost two months and dont miss it one bit.


Benzos are neither imo.
gher said:

LSD - everyone's afraid of the stuff because everyone knows someone who knows someone who took 1/10/50+ tabs/microdots/pills and got stuck in a trip for a week/year/forever. No, sorry, that shit just doesn't happen like that. They were fucked to begin with.

Hahah fuckin' a dude. Well said and very true.
Zubi420 said:
overrated: stimulants/coke, benzos

underrated: shrooms, lsd, weed, and alcohol

Draculen said:
Under rated:


Yup - i am quoting this for my thoughts on what's overrated and underrated.
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I find the most over rated drug of all is Meth. It is in my eyes the devils drug. I don't understand why people love it so much and get themselves so hooked on the crap. In my opinion, that drugs has the ability to turn a good person into a shit person. So why use it? If people are gonna first start to use it to wake themselves up so they can keep partying, why not opt for a nice sleep and some food? I dunno ... maybe Im just a bit of a grandma now days, but meth has never done anything for me apart from keep me awake for too long, and give me a terrible come down. And make me feel just crap in general. Dirty fucking drug.

I will take psychedelics over shit like meth and pills any day now days. Any drug which lets me still eat on it, i love it. I still love to get high every once in a while, but i don't like it if i can't eat for hours on end because of the drug. I can accept going without sleep for a little while i suppose, but it's not so bad on your body if you still eat through out the experience.

keef - to expensive for what it is around here

ritalin - the 20 mg white ir pills are nice but all others ive had suuucked


- for sure candyflipping, nothing comes as close for how good i felt while candyflipping

- that stuff you can get off ebay
Coke is quite possibly the most overrated drug I've ever took - I dont get this massive coke high that I would expect from something that high profile and that expensive. It's a total waste of time.

Underrated - I'd go for Ketamine, i love this stuff and its a bit hard to get hold of where I am, alot of people dont seem to like it either, i cant imagine why - it's my favourite!
bumping this great thread

Alcohol (you'd think this stuff was 24 hours of euphoria the way the idiots describe it, sooo hardcore to have 5 shots and fall down without getting high).
Cocaine (stigma, length of euphoria, purity concerns)
Steroid Abuse (diminishing returns, too much of good thing = bad)
Benzos (for euphoria)

All Opiates except hydrocodone
Oxy, if you have a script
Phenibut (you need to combine it with a stim!!! it will beat GHB and touch MDMA), and as withdrawal lifesaver (without the stims)
Tramadol (hit or miss, hits me, used to anyway)
Steroid Use (clean compounds, without the dramatic changes in weight)
Kratom (hit or miss, somewhere between hydrocodone and oxycodone... without the additional withdrawals and cravings)
Benzos (for withdrawal, for limited expectations)

WHAT'S THE MOST UNDERRATED PARTY/SOCIAL DRUG?? unfortunately all underrated ones are the downers for me.

Cocaine - I've grown to like the stuff a bit more now that I've done a decent amount and found some nice quality product, but I honestly don't understand how people could do it habitually. Just a couple of lines will make me feel like shit for hours afterwards, and the high isn't all that remarkable IME. Give me a nice amphetamine buzz over this any day!

Alcohol - Watch the collective IQ of everyone in the room slowly degenerate.


Hydrocodone - People dismiss hydro as being one of the less recreational opiates, but I love it. It was my first opioid and it never fails to make me feel amazing, even after being exposed to much stronger painkillers.

I could think of more but it's 3am...
OVERRATED: Cocaine. Hands down.

UNDERRATED: Cannabis. I have had full blown psychedelic experiences on pot alone. A lot of people have this attitude of "oh, it's only weed" but pot can be a very strong drug. In fact, pot affects my mind more than strong opioids do.