OD victim in Canberra - (good news: found + recovering)

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Wow, I'm so proud to be a part of this community. We done the right thing, unlike the idiots on the Shroomery did with ripper.

All you Aussies who attempted to contact somebody who could help the victim did great work, especially hoptis.
Yes, Australia. My hats are eternally off to you. What I witnessed this morning was nothing short of a miracle.
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He's still alive, I can feel it.
Best wishes.

You guys really really amazed me with your quick responses and actions. Karma++++

EDIT: If his mom is looking for him, he's definately passed out somewhere. The 10mg of xanax probably knocked him out within an hour of his posting. He couldnt have been that far from where he made his post.
Does he drive? Is his car missing? Call his friends.
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I'm on the other side of the pond, but please let me know if there's anything I can do. ??? I'll be happy to help in any way I can.

Much <3 to all the BL crew (especially KITD & Hoptis), and prayers to mepat1111. Please keep us updated, Aussie BL'ers.
Any more news on this. What you have all done is absolutely amazing, I was almost brought to tears reading this thread. Hope to god he pulls through.
hoptis, you're a fine man for what you did, great work :)

in my thoughts and prayers
^ Indeed.... thoughts and prayers.

As has already been said, you all did the right thing. Mucho respect and admiration for actually being community-minded and not being afraid of being wrong.

Admiration doesn't do it justice.
to everyone who was involved

Well done very very proud and pleased !

Thank you for being who you are!
Hoptis, thank-you for your efforts (and everyone else who tried to no avail).

Just wonderful.
In my haste I forgot about caller id. I got a call back from his mum an hour ago, he's been found and is in hospital, I'm told he will be okay.

Thanks to everyone for your concern and assistance. I wouldn't have known to look in ACT for his number if it wasn't for your work.
hoptis said:
In my haste I forgot about caller id. I got a call back from his mum an hour ago, he's been found and is in hospital, I'm told he will be okay.

Thanks to everyone for your concern and assistance. I wouldn't have known to look in ACT for his number if it wasn't for your work.

Fantastic job, Hoptis :)
Thanks for the update hoptis, and so glad it's positive news!

Great news. I knew he was going to be ok. :D
Well done everyone.
First, I would like to tell everyone involved what a great job they did. This is the reason I love this place so much.

Second, not to derail the thread, but in order for the server to know where to send the packets you request, it has to know your IP address. We keep this information for 72 hours, to help track users that abuse the system. This is how I was able to obtain the IP in this situation. So, by the time anyone got a court order to view something, it would no longer be available.

Once again, great job!
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