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Harm Reduction OD Social v12 - Zero Tolerance

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down508- trust me I know my limits haha. I have to tolerance because I gave up on it fr a little while but I use to have a massive habit. but last night was great I nodded right to sleeeeep!
Ohhh wow! Just blew down 1mg buprenorphine, and I feel like 120% better! Feel like idk, I haven't felt this way in a longgggggggggg time
Yes! BDD social is making a come back! Better watch out od social! ;)

Much love, you all are the fucking shit!
Yes! BDD social is making a come back! Better watch out od social! ;)

Much love, you all are the fucking shit!

BDD social=yawn


Just kidding. Don't send me scathing PM's BDD'ers.

Edit: Almost done laying down the new flooring in my parents basement.. going from a disgusting ass carpeting to brand new shiny vinyl wood floors. Super natural looking with a nice dark grain.. only problem is whoever built their walls in the basement made them crooked as hell so I'm having to compensate for the pitches so the floor isn't ruined and all jacked in the middle.
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Leaving PA now. Got 8 houses to shovel and salt with a little more snow tonight so hopefully I make good money
Browsing BL before work and my bf is bitching at me to go back to sleep :|
Don't have to wake up early for once, time for 20mg of Adderall plugged, even though it didn't stop me from staying up last night lol and I had to wake up at 8. It's actually a cocktail with a little bit of phenazepam mixed in.
Sup bluelight, I'm just chilling at friends while tapering on some suboxone (I'm on 4mg at the moment). Basically enjoying some chronic, having a few drinks, and watching tv.

I haven't gave two shits about H since I don't have a connect here anymore in NC. Chilling with good friends is 10x better anyway.
^ Seriously. Once I started IVing BTH I lost all control of my habit. Despite managing my habit just fine for 2 yrs up to that point.
I liked H, but I didn't like it that much. Honestly H is low on my list of favorite opioids.
Been making good money today. I'm owed 9 hours X $15 an hour and I still got a couple hours left. Best part is its all cash money. Fuck yeah
Lol, where did this thread title come from? Both of the past two seemed somewhat random, but alright.
Also, wiggi, you should clear some space in that inbox of yours...you can have 500 messages, right? : P

Hi hi...

Just passing by...

OD: LOVE y'all socialites ♥
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