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Harm Reduction OD Social 2.1 v. "I just dropped my Gucci loafers off to get fixed" - Muv

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Wow, never thought i'd see the day OD social would be back.

Dopesick love is an awesome doc.
I saw the one in switzerland with the H maint. He talks about how clear and pure it is, unlike the brown crap on the st. It made me drool.

I'll check it out. And hell yeah I brought back the OD social thread ;) tee-hee
Hey everyone.. sorry to just jump in but i gotta quick question that i don't wanna start a thread about.
Are benzos very sensitive to heat like opiates? Only reason i ask is i have phenazepam that is 70% +/- 5% Pure and i wanted to sprinkle some on the top of a packed bowl and try smokin it making the sedation my legal buds produce more pronounced.

EDIT: it's all good, i can do some digging around to find out.. i just didn't know if anyone knew off the top of their head.
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iight thanks man, ill go try it. if i don't come back im sleeping lol. I donno how long it would take to kick in but my guess is fairly quickly.
I wouldn't want to try inhaling benzodiazepines IMO. Good luck HOOD!

I'd just smoke actual cannabis. ;)
I love how you shoot in HD :p

:D thanks man. I have it set up so that no matter what the background noise is, it won't record, for the latest shows I've recorded.

I normally used to just use my speakers and record using the webcam (which is capturing the video in all my shows), but I prefer doing it this other way now using my sound card to record. %)

My latest show from 6 days ago sounds pretty sick.
well i don't feel anything yet but by the taste and feeling i have in my throat/chest i don't think it was too healthy lol, It was just one of those things that popped in my head as a good idea for some reason lol, now i will smoke a cig and die lol.
well i don't feel anything yet but by the taste and feeling i have in my throat/chest i don't think it was too healthy lol, It was just one of those things that popped in my head as a good idea for some reason lol, now i will smoke a cig and die lol.

Well smoking cigarettes aren't healthy as I'm sure you know. ;)

Oh I've only used ellessdee a couple.... hundred times.

Well then your opinion can stand for yourself, I guess. Do you think that's what LSD did to you??
Good! I quit smoking so ya ewww cancer :D

Good job man! %)

Once I got my girl out to California, she quit smoking cigarettes for the most part. She just smokes weed a lot now. =D

I never liked cigarettes, they are truly disgusting.
well it works, but i wouldn't advise anyone to try it because it feels very unhealthy even with almost pure powder.. i can imagine everyone crushing up pills now and smoking them lol. Don't do it.. your lungs will thank you. Now i gotta quit smoking after 10 years because it's eww. haha

EDIT: i can't even see straight.. it takes me a while to focus on the screen of my laptop, good thing i know where the keys are.
Medical Marijuana


I loved looking at this. =D
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