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Harm Reduction OD Social 2.1 v. "I just dropped my Gucci loafers off to get fixed" - Muv

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me too!

fuckkkkkkkk. My girlfriend just broke my 10 tree perc ash catcher. I would be lying if I said I am not upset.
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me too!

fuckkkkkkkk. My girlfriend just broke my 10 tree perc ash catcher. I would be lying if I said I am not upset.

Damn. No one is allowed to use the Cpt's glass but me, and my friends.

My girl hasn't broken any of my glass in 6+ years of being with her. %)

I have an 11 arm tree perc ash catcher, get one just like mine man. =D
my girl has never broken something until tonight. im not pissed at her, just that it happenedß
Awww, so it was her first time?

Just have her help you choose the next one.

I got my girl a bong for free for buying like 3 quarters of weed, it was so easy, and I just gave it to her, as I have 2 good bongs myself, and a 3rd I never use.
it's not the same in here since i fell asleep.. hmm what is it that is different? OH YEAH.. The Captain is banned AGAIN.

I loved looking at this. =D

This is actually outdated, marijuana has been decriminalized here in CT as well ;)
So on a can of coconut water it said something interesting.

Coconut water has actually been used as an IV in the tropics when standard IV solutions have been unavailable. We recommend you only drink it though, it's a much tastier way to Rejuvinate!

Interesting, no?
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C.Hs ban was triggered automatically due to him earning another infraction point.

There is no need for free C.H shirts ha. He'll be back in 2 weeks.
i was kidding. Bump

So on a can of coconut water it said something interesting.

Coconut water has actually been used as an IV in the tropics when standard IV solutions have been unavailable. We recommend you only drink it though, it's a much tastier way to Rejuvinate!

Interesting, no?
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That seems a little ridiculous.

Also... SPAM!

You can comment on it. But dont provide a link to a website like that...
..Really? well theres no other ways to read the fun facts.

Anyways todays the first sunny day in like a week of rain. Got a powerful wind though
Sorry it just seemed too much like spam...

I just took some codeine and a lil mxe to reduce tolerance. Omnoms.
We have had some trouble with people spamming some of the social threads lately, I think that is a little extreme, though.

Fun facts are fine to link to... and music, movies, wiki, anything not selling a product or adveertising yourself, such as your music, movies, etc...

And its not like tricomb is an exec at the cocunut water factory. Lulz.

Oxymorphone.... nom. I think I am going to switch from 4 x 4mg dilaudid to 2 x 5mg oxymorphone. My doctor won't switch me to norcos and I am so sick of my meds lasting 2 hours only.
Haha exactly, I wouldn't have posted an advertisement for something that's making me money. See I would feel wrong doing that, but sharing a link to the site backing up claims of IV coconut water seems harmless. :p

Besides its quite an absurd thing to claim, i found it hard to believe initially as well.

I wish my doc would switch me from OC to dilaudid. I think I could manage with 12mg/day. So frustrating. Fuck percocet for BT.

It's too bad I can't just tell my doctor that I need to supplement my scripts with other narcotics.

--"Doc, You don't prescribe me enough, so I have to make ends meet somehow."

--"Well we don't want that now do we, and I feel bad for prescribing all that tylenol. Let's try a more potent medication called hydromorphone."
Eh sorry, my trigger finger was a lil itchy, and there has been so much spam in the social lately that I jumped on it.

Yeah I can't believe they IV coconut water...
It's all good bro, I respect you keeping my beloved OD clean =]

I get to clean my bathroom now, sweet. I'd rather clean a forum lol.
Yeah... I'm only on the dilaudid. Scripted for around the clock relief. Its a joke. I would need so many pills to cover me all day, and I was on 8 x 8mg dilaudid, but I straight up got sick of it and I have been tapering off because he seems unwilling to come up with something better besides, let's try exalgo, oops, nope, insurance doesn't cover it, back to dilaudid.

He is a good surgeon and good a treating my pain otherwise, but maybe I'm not getting through to him. I'm asking to go to anything that lasts longer, including hydrocodone, but I haven't mentioned opana.
According to him, he only uses hydromorphone and fent for most patients, and fuck fentanyl.
I don't like fentanyl it's just too dangerous. Can't safely abuse it, and even used properly as directed there are huge risks. Also lost family to it.
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