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the skull-fuck scene i'm not so sure about. but it also looked as though that was possibly his legit erection.

The skull-fuck scene didn't look like a legit boner at all.

And the limp meditation scene is what first tipped me off it was fake. For one, that was like 8" limp. And B, look at how it stuck forward before it hanged down. You could almost see the make up lines. Clearly a prosthetic.
Are people born to be assholes or is it a skill that is learned over time??

That question is up there right with the meaning of life.
The skull-fuck scene didn't look like a legit boner at all.

And the limp meditation scene is what first tipped me off it was fake. For one, that was like 8" limp. And B, look at how it stuck forward before it hanged down. You could almost see the make up lines. Clearly a prosthetic.

oh please.

i've seen a few dicks in my day (albeit you may have me beat in that department) and it looked like a perfectly fine real-life wiener.

u just jelly BA

also.. if that's seriously the aspect of the film that turns you off about it then you really wait no fuck it that makes perfect sense for you.

I never said it was a "bad" movie.

It just sucks that the dude's cock was OBVIOUSLY fake, along with [most of the (?)] sex scenes.

I mean, hell. It ain't a bad movie. Better than Harry Potter. Not as good as Twilight, but definitely better than Harry Potter.
I never said it was a "bad" movie.

It just sucks that the dude's cock was OBVIOUSLY fake, along with [most of the (?)] sex scenes.

I mean, hell. It ain't a bad movie. Better than Harry Potter. Not as good as Twilight, but definitely better than Harry Potter.

you thought the sex was going to be real?

Let me rephrase.

They made it just realistic enough to make it disappointingly unrealistic.
Let me rephrase.

They made it just realistic enough to make it disappointingly unrealistic.

true. in fact, in the scene before he killed everybody i was thinking to myself "oh c'mon! that's not how you anally rape your son!"

it can be learned but those born with it are to be reckoned with

also truth. having to fine-tune your assholery makes you the worst kind of asshole.
I give it 3.5 stars out of five (compared to 2.5 for Hostel).

I guess I've been to desensitized by PornHub and Ogrish to fully accept a Yugoslaviwood imitation.
Ok, if my love were like a glass of lemonade, purplefirefly would have all my sweet juicy goodness, and ohline would be left with my cold jagged ice chips.
Ok, if my love were like a glass of lemonade, purplefirefly would have all my sweet juicy goodness, and ohline would be left with my cold jagged ice chips.

i chew on ice chips whenever i get panic attacks.

i don't know.
dirty bitch did not send the fucking money, pff YOU HAVE FAILED ME


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