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Cocaine NSADD Cocaine Megathread

Yeah, that's usually the case. Even if it's re-rock it will usually be stronger than powder because it's super easy to cut powder. Any small time dealer that buys a big rock then breaks it down into powder obviously adds a little something to cut it before bagging it up to sell to you, because if he didn't it would still be in rock form. To cut a big rock of coke you have to cut it and then rock it back up which not everyone is going to go thru that trouble. Any asshole can (and will) cut a bag of powder to make more money off of selling you less and shittier coke.
Yeah, that's usually the case. Even if it's re-rock it will usually be stronger than powder because it's super easy to cut powder. Any small time dealer that buys a big rock then breaks it down into powder obviously adds a little something to cut it before bagging it up to sell to you, because if he didn't it would still be in rock form. To cut a big rock of coke you have to cut it and then rock it back up which not everyone is going to go thru that trouble. Any asshole can (and will) cut a bag of powder to make more money off of selling you less and shittier coke.

True, I think he figured out it lasted me a while, lol, that's why he gave me cut stuff. lol %)
From what everyone has been saying, the quality has definitely gone down in the last few years. I used to get fire stuff in 2007 and 2008 and now everything seems to be either Ritalin, or just weak product.
Yeah product is so weak.... I don't even know why I mess with it. I need to pick up an 8 ball for a friend though. She's going to give me some for free since I'm getting this through a person I know. She likes to speedball though but I'm not going to try that shit anytime soon or ever. I mean yeah IV coke must be so much better but I'd rather do other drugs before shooting up coke.
I just moved to Toronto. I'm into Opiates myself, but there is BOMB snow out here. I can't take a step without stepping into a pile lol

You just have to know who to talk to.
seeen some fire oldschool disco in so cal. its not all shitty i guess. lol

I remember article about first and only cocaine bar in La Paz, Bolivia. Sombody knows something about that? Is it hard to find that place? Still exist? Because article is from 2009, and bar was existing propably half-legal, and because of this there was many local changins.
I'm from central europe actually and for now I can't refford trip to Bolivia anyway but I'm asking because it's intresting and maby if someday i'm gonna have some extra money then also I make my dream come true - i try very high class, pure cocaine.
You lucky fuckers, Minneapolis is a fucking train-wreck for snow, luckily I am finding some good MDMA or I would move my ass
Ok.. question for some experienced coke users.

Ive gotten all types of coke.. lately rocked up slightly tinted yellowshit thats been sweet, sometimes its powdered with some smaller like pebble size rocks (i get dubs)

can anyone here vouce that straight powdered coke no rocks can be fire? My last experience, aside from numbing which doesnt mean shit, was straight powder blew ass. But my friend got soem powder as he described it that he said was really good. Just wondering what you think? Anyone ever gotten straight powder that has been fire or atleast good enough that you can shoot it and get a nice rush etc..

My bad experience with straight powder was realyl weird.. good bellringer with no high to follow. Honestly a lot of the rocked up coke ive had has had less of a rush but so mucgh mmore of a high/euphoria.

I am tryin to get high as fuck tomorrow.. get a bun or 2 and a g or 2 of coke and just do speedballs and I dunno.. its eitehr i buy that or I go on a mission around nyc/jc/newark/ptown which is just gonna be fucking annoying.
^yellow color comes from impurities and acid breakdown of acetone/MEK during crystallization.Although I've had yellow coke that was pretty good.Do you mean sweet as in good or sweet taste?A sweet taste means it's cut with lactose or mannitol.

Powder can mean it's cut, but sometimes it's good shit that was at the bottom of the bag. Rock can mean it's straight of the block, but re-rocking with cuts is more common.

A strong bellringer and rush with no high means it's probably cut with other 'caines like lidocaine or procaine. They give a rush but no high.

Really good coke will be shiny white crystalline rocks.
Hello and welcome to BL!

As far as your question,
Search engine is your friend...
man I havent had coke in awhile. tonight a friend paid me back some money he owed in coke. it makes me remember why i stick to heroin and weed these days. cheaper and much better quality compared to the rock we get around here.

it's just as good as it normally has been, but doesnt tickle my fancy anymore. might be because I got prescribed ritalin that makes its way into my nose though...
If a friend offers to pay me back in drugs I always turn it down. IME the only drugs people give away are doing so to save money/get rid of a shit buy.
getting coke in powder or chunks realy makes no difference, unless your getting straight of the brick it doesnt matter. its so easy to rerock coke, most of the time the powder is better
I prefer small rocks to pure powder. I've had some nice stuff that had a yellowish tint to it. The only way to know is to do it. The good stuff i've had has always glistened and shined just a little bit and has been comprised of small .2 rocks or so. The good stuff always had stronger "gas" smell then normal. I know it's easy to re rock coke, but for some reason it just seems like the rocks are usually higher quality, then again some coke could always fall off of those rocks and you would be left with powder. So there is no sure way to tell until you do a tester.
Its just coincidence but every time I get a powdery bag it ends up being garbage with bakin soda. I fear the real fine white powder lol. As long as it feels lumpy I am happy. The only powder ive had that was good was fish scaleish and almost moist in a sence. I had to use a razor blade instead of a card but it was up there with the best shit i ever had.
Best coke Ive ever done was straight powder. Me and my friend went half on an ounce so when we saw that it was a huge bag of powder we thought we got beat. Needless to say that was the cleanest coke I've ever put up my nose. I Couldn't finish a half gram before the sun came up.
My guy gives me powder for <3.5g but for >3.5g it's always rocked. Same consistency within the batches though.