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Nazi's Perfect Drug

Meth itself may not have killed many people, but it acts as a tool for killing.

Take a gun for instance. A gun can not kill anybody or do anything. All a gun is, is a well engineered machine. Nothing more or less. BUT put that gun into the hands of someone, and it becomes a tool used for killing.
Kind of off topic but if germany would had not attacked Russia...think most of the world would be speaking german right now.
johanneschimpo said:
I think this thread alone is proof enough we need a WWII forum, damnit!


Sorry......thats the German half of me comming out in support. Especially since I had relatives that fought on both sides.
The oatmeal comment was a statistic that I pulled out of my ass. I know bees probally kill more people though, but I don't think oatmeal has killed anyone. Oatmeal is about as much fun as an orgy with my grandparents, it couldn't kill a can of soda.
fastandbulbous said:
So as I mentioned in another post a long time ago on the same subject, methamphetamine deserves a place of honour along with radar, the Supermarine Spitfire & the T-34 as one of the pivotal reasons why tha Nazis lost WW2.

Let's hear three cheers for methamphetamine... =D

Yup if meth had not been invented hitler probley wouldnt have been stupid enough to invade russia. That was pure suicide.

So i guess you could say that the invention of meth is a very good thing inspite of the fact that it turns peoples lives to shit alot of the time.
A Drug History forum section on Bluelight, where we could talk about:
-old medications (from Laudanum to Quaaludes)
-past celebrities' drug use (Kennedy, Hitler, Edgar Poe, etc...)
-when and how the drugs where invented

I think this would be a truly interesting forum.

I absolutely agree with jasoncrest thats a forum we could really use, i would support it all the way :p Ive always loved world history but drug history is even better :)
jasoncrest said:
A Drug History forum section on Bluelight, where we could talk about:
-old medications (from Laudanum to Quaaludes)
-past celebrities' drug use (Kennedy, Hitler, Edgar Poe, etc...)
-when and how the drugs where invented

I think this would be a truly interesting forum.

Suggest it in the support forum though if you're serious :)

You can still talk about the history of drugs in their appropriate focus forum. Quaaludes are fine to talk about in OD for example.

And celebrity drug use would probably be better off in drug culture. feel free to start some history topics in there if you like =D
jasoncrest said:
During World War II, the Nazis invented a wonder pill to help the soldiers.

It was called D-IX.

It contained Methamphetamine + Cocaine + an Opiate.

I would like to know what is the Opiate it contained?
(some sources say it was Morphine, some other say it was Eukodal, or dihydro-oxycodeinone...)

How many mg of each of these substances did the pill contain?
I bet the opiate was either demerol or methadone. Demerol is used in conjuntion with steroid/adrenaline shots that US special forces use in time of need.
oh and i found this..

there is no evidence, as had been widely believed both here and in the USA, that they were working as part of a German attempt, directed by Hitler, to replace opium supplies which had been cut off by the war.

This myth has been widely expanded to attributing one of methadone's first trade names - Dolophine - to being a derivation of Adolf and even that it was called Adolophine in Germany - the 'A' being dropped after the war. In fact the name Dolophine was created for the drug as a trade name after the war by the Eli-Lilly pharmaceutical company in America. It was probably derived from the French dolor (pain) and fin (end).6

jasoncrest said:
So I think we can say that Methamphetamine is the biggest killer drug of the century?

(or maybe alcohol or nicotin killed more people than the whole nazi genocide?)
Meth is by far not the biggest killer drug of the century. If you are talking about what drug killls the most people from people just taking it...it's definately tabacco, then alcohol...or vice versa...im not sure. Meth though definately is the number one, snort/smoke/inject some and then run about the city mugging, robbing, and just randomly shooting people to death in shopping markets.
just my opinion though...and nowadays that's worth about as much as 2 valiums. :)
DexterMeth said:
I bet the opiate was either demerol or methadone.

This has already been answered in the thread, the Opiate in D-IX was Eukodal (which was Dihydro-oxycodeinone, today known as Oxycodone).
DexterMeth said:
Meth is by far not the biggest killer drug of the century. If you are talking about what drug killls the most people from people just taking it...it's definately tabacco, then alcohol...or vice versa...im not sure. Meth though definately is the number one, snort/smoke/inject some and then run about the city mugging, robbing, and just randomly shooting people to death in shopping markets.
just my opinion though...and nowadays that's worth about as much as 2 valiums. :)

I was talking about the fact that is is surely Methamphetamine that made Hitler decide to apply the final solution, which killed millions of people.

So Methamphetamine indirectly killed dozens of millions of people...
jasoncrest said:
I was talking about the fact that is is surely Methamphetamine that made Hitler decide to apply the final solution, which killed millions of people.

So Methamphetamine indirectly killed dozens of millions of people...

No, he was an anti-Semitic arsehole before he got anywhere near methamphetamine & had considered his 'solution' to the 'Jewish question' long before he was getting the crazy tablets