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Nazi's Perfect Drug

Look at the date, also the methadone comment was discussed on whether it was due to a shortage or not. Conflicting reports, missing information, and not many of the drs from then are alive, due to war and old age. Read the whole thread and you will see this.
ya meth was deff the drug of choice back then.. they would give it to the soldiers so they wouldnt be tired and so they would be so driven.. why do u think adolf was so driven because he was always on speed..

oh and doctors used to perscribe them left and right to anyone that said they have no motivation.. they would hand them out like candy.. its kinda like ritalin and adderall.. they give that out like crazy.. i went to my doctors and said i think i have add and ive tried ritalin and i think it works and she was like ok heres a perscription.. i was like WHAT.. ok.. fine with me !!!.. seeings how i need it for motivation since comming off oc's..

but ya.. they used to call the pills bennies..
^ ^ ^
Hitler was actually injected daily with a "multi-vitamin" that wasn't known till late in the war to contain methamphetamine. And even then, only a very small number of people knew about it. It wasn't known on a world wide scale that Hitler was amphetamine-dependant until some time after the war.

Some german soldier's were also given anabolic steroids, male hormones, oxycodone, methadone and a number of other drugs along with methamphetamine designed to increase effeciency, spur on hysterical and at times suicidal fighting tactics, inspire bloodlust, and to both decrease the need for sleep and scarce supplies like food.
dude it was on the history channel everything i said.. im not bullshiting... u just like bursting my bubble tonight huh ?

oh and if u read the thread ud know that other posters already said what u did.. thanks !!
hahaha, i wasn't bursting your bubble. i was just explaining it further, i like history, ok?
^ ^ ^
I think the coke's got ya paranoid girl! hehe, check that other thread about the garlic breath, i'm not trying to rag on ya... just trying to spread some information..

Oh and if YOU read the thread, you'd see other posters wrote what you wrote too...

don't get yourself all worked up, i'm just fuckin around w/ ya! i know it can be hard to tell w/ all the pricks on here...
jasoncrest said:
In the 70s (I read that on the net), some people used to call Methadone Adolphine. It was just a joke...

in Isreal, methadone is called (officially & on the street) ''Adolan'' to this day. it is believed it called like this in the name of adolph hitler. a myth says it is because the junkies hate methadone so much, but the original brand name is the same.
Hitler received methamphetamine shots everyday, we all know that. We also know for sure that Hitler was given barbiturates to help him sleep on a daily basis.

His use of cocaine is actually just speculation, and according to Ian Kershaw (a major source on Hitler who has written numerous books) says it was highly unlikely that he was using cocaine, and if he was, he (Hitler) had no knowledge of it.

He also received "Eukodol", which I believe was oxycodone or a similar opiate. He was also given morphine without him knowing what it was. He was against the use of morphine because of the stigma associated with it, especially at that time when morphine was the most widely abused opiate and its abusers were the "lowest of the low" (exactly like how heroin addicts are looked at today). One of his major officials, Hermann Goering, was a morphine addict and Goering's physical and mental deterioration, along with his cheating/lying ways made Hitler hate morphine and distrust Goering.

Also according to Ian Kershaw's biography of Hitler, many low profile Nazis were morphine addicts.
Conversely, according to the drug information web site Erowid.org, a large dose of meth, taken intravenously, would be 50 mg. For even a regular user, 50 mg would generate a high from one to three hours and the user would have another two to four hours to come down.

Hence, if we follow the dictates of Erowid, where a regular meth user might go seven hours between hits, we see that McGinty and company gave mice 10 times what a regular user needs and then re-administered the mega dose three more times within less than seven hours.

The mice in McGinty's study were given unadulterated meth. There have been other documented cases of unadulterated meth use. During the time of the German Third Reich, German soldiers were given Pervitin (which had 3mg of methamphetamine) and later another drug which contained Pervitin called D-IX. D-IX had three significant psychoactive substances, cocaine (5mg), methamphetamine (3mg), and 5mg of a morphine extract. Soldiers and their commanders were advised to take only two pills (either the Pervitin or later the D-IX) per day as necessary to stave off sleepiness.

To compare then, while German soldiers weighing roughly 75kg (165 lbs.) were taking not more than 12 mg of meth (orally) per day (two pills with three mg each, twice a day), lab mice were injected with relatively 250 times as much, in one day. To ingest two hundred times too much water, coffee, aspirin, heroin, alcohol, etc. within a six hour period is enough to kill anyone. That some researchers found evidence that defective mice would show a sign of brain damage many months after what should have been a life ending meth binge is unremarkable.

Meth Mice Study Falls Short

Source: The Guardian
Date: 19 November 2002

Nazis tested cocaine on camp inmates
Jeevan Vasagar in Berlin

Nazi researchers used concentration camp inmates to test a cocaine-based "wonder drug" they hoped would enhance the performance of German troops, it was reported yesterday.

Prisoners at Sachsenhausen who were given the drug, code-named D-IX, were forced to march in circles carrying 20kg packs. They were able to march 55 miles without resting.

The German news magazine Focus quoted an eye-witness report by a prisoner who wrote: "At first the members of the punishment battalion whistled and sang songs. [But] most of them had collapsed after the first 24 hours."

The pills contained a mix of cocaine, the amphetamine pervitin and a morphine-related painkiller, according to Focus, which said that Nazi scientists began experimenting with the drug in 1944.

It was hoped the drug would give soldiers almost unlimited fighting powers at a time when the German armies were in retreat.

The researcher Wolf Kemper, who uncovered the project, said: "The aim was to use D-IX to redefine the limits of human endurance."

Nazi doctors were enthusiastic about the results, and planned to supply all German troops with the pills, but the war ended before D-IX could be put into mass production.

Hitler was against drug use, particularly condemning the use of cocaine, a popular society drug in the 1920s that the Nazis called "devil's stuff".

But the Third Reich did not have the same scruples when it came to military use of drugs. Amphetamines were mass-produced for use at the front, the same article reported.

Despite doctors' warnings about their side-effects, amphetamine pills were in every first-aider's kit to give to exhausted soldiers.
I was talking about the fact that is is surely Methamphetamine that made Hitler decide to apply the final solution, which killed millions of people.

So Methamphetamine indirectly killed dozens of millions of people...

Methamphetamine could also have saved the world, because maybe after a while he started to get amph psychosis, and make stupid military decisions (invading russia, for example).

But it sure as hell powered his speeches, germany was like a million girls rebounding, their bf broke up with them, and they see hitler, who seems like he will raise germany cuz of his anger, and his meth-caused charisma, which is what is at the root of the whole thing (that and his own childhood)
FractalStructure said:
Methamphetamine could also have saved the world, because maybe after a while he started to get amph psychosis, and make stupid military decisions (invading russia, for example).

But it sure as hell powered his speeches, germany was like a million girls rebounding, their bf broke up with them, and they see hitler, who seems like he will raise germany cuz of his anger, and his meth-caused charisma, which is what is at the root of the whole thing (that and his own childhood)

Running the risk of getting off-topic by being too philosophical, one can't put meth into the context of blame or praise in history this way for the very fact that if, for argument, a meth-psychosis made him lose grip of the war, then meth-charisma put him in a position to start the war.
I was talking about the fact that is is surely Methamphetamine that made Hitler decide to apply the final solution, which killed millions of people.

So Methamphetamine indirectly killed dozens of millions of people...

The "Final Solution" was a term coined by Eichmann.

Adolf Hitler was antisemitic and wanted to get rid of the Jews, but he didn't know how. It was Heinrich Himmler (the 2nd most powerful man in Germany at the time) that organized and implemented the Holocaust. He held final command and responsibility. In fact, he even visited extermination camps and witnessed executions being taken place. The whole thing was his idea, and with Hitler's support and agreement, it was turned into reality.

Himmler wasn't using meth, so methamphetamine had nothing to do with the holocaust.
Fuck the history channel, I wouldn't believe any of this over the usual bluelight conjecture; especially because it's antinazi.

A lot of people don't like jews, they tried to kill jews; drugs probably had little to do with this decision.
Humanical factions (especially religions) fuck over eachother all the time
Just like how america(and many others) enslaved africans, another example would be 9/11, another example would be american urban gangs killing eachother.

My point is that, don't yall think it that it serves dual purposes (1. defaming hitler, and, 2. defaming drugs) to say that hitler used drugs...
^ Exactly, drugs should not be blamed for world wars or genocides.

Yes Hitler used meth daily, but he wasn't even the one that came up with the idea of the extermination of the Jews. In fact, his initial intentions were to deport them all (basically, he just wanted them out of Germany).

It was Heinrich Himmler that came up with the idea of extermination (and he was NOT on methamphetamine).

Himmler was the one who founded the concentration and extermination camps and he was in charge of them all, he also formed and headed the Einsatzgruppen death squads and ordered ALL the killings and mass shootings.

Hitler just "Okayed" Himmler's ideas. Himmler even carried out acts and made orders without consulting Hitler (the ultimate fuhrer) on many occasions. In fact, Himmler was so powerful, he was the only nazi leader that was able to defy Hitlers orders without facing punishment because Hitler needed Himmler and he knew that no other Nazi had the gonads or organizational skills to carry out mass murder like Himmler did.

Himmler was so racist and antisemitic that he went to great lengths to try and prove that the Nordic race was superior to all. He sent scientists to Tibet to collect measurements of peoples facial features and things of that sort.

Another fact is that many major Nazi leaders including Goebbels, Goering, and even Hitler himself were against the extermination of the so called "subhumans" because they thought that it would be much better to use them for slave labour to serve Germany's economy.
Himmler however, convinced Hitler that it was not necessary and extermination was a must.

Moral of the story is that Himmler was the main perpetrator and the mastermind behind the Holocaust, and yet, he was not on meth.

So drugs are not to be blamed for the Holocaust.
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Picture of Himmler looking straight in the face of those he ordered to be killed:

This one in Dachau camp:



this one in Ravensbrueck women's camp (Himmler is in the center inspecting female SS gaurds):


Himmler taking his daughter on a tour of a concentration camp (pretty sick man):


with daughter again:

Himmler with his entourage visiting and inspecting Mauthausen camp:


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cocaine (5mg), methamphetamine (3mg), and 5mg of a morphine

yup, those were the doses i knew of... pretty low when you think about the dose (but he was given it a few times a day, but still, thats not gonna be more than 25-30mg of morphine which isn't a heckava lot for someone getting IV's every morning
i have been to dachau camp and have a pretty scary 'beyond the dead" type of story to go along with it. All i have to say is dont pis of the lost souls there, you will only have a little longer to live
i believe in ghosts, and due to this, i would think concentration camps that are still standing (the buildings themselves) would be the most haunted places in the world. Assuming ghosts haunt places that traumatized them and led to their demise.

As for the nazi drug, from what i know it was a mix of low dose cocaine, meth, and oxycodone (not morphine).

What im wondering is how doses like that even made a difference. Also, as far as drugs and their connection to the nazi slaughter... i mean, these people would tear babies APART. literally. I dont care how much you hate a race or religion, thats so fucked up i cringe when i think about it. Im jewish myself and my grandfather had 8 siblings, he was the only survivor and if he didnt survive, i wouldnt be here.

Now, you would think i'd hate germans, especially since this only happened less than a lifetime ago, (grandfather is still alive), and i have some german friends whose grandfathers would have killed mine, and killed many jews.

I still dont cut off their balls or do anything, really. I think that maybe drugs were a big factor, but then again i mean this in the sense that it exacerbated anti-semitic feelings, and helped people be more callous on the battlefield, killing women and children with no remorse.

Its one thing when eric harris and dylan klebold did it at columbine (not racially or religiously motived really, however its been spun in anti-christian and pro-fascist way, which isnt all that accurate altho eric did want the same power hitler had). Thats just two people, but when a whole army is this callous to murder, doesnt that make you wonder? (when i say murder i mean civilians)

Himmler was the one who founded the concentration and extermination camps and he was in charge of them all, he also formed and headed the Einsatzgruppen death squads and ordered ALL the killings and mass shootings

He ORDERED the extermination, but did not carry it out with his own hands.

yup, those were the doses i knew of... pretty low when you think about the dose (but he was given it a few times a day, but still, thats not gonna be more than 25-30mg of morphine which isn't a heckava lot for someone getting IV's every morning

In the mornings hitler was ived with Vitamultin, a healthy dose of vitamins and some methamphetamine.