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Tryptamines [Mushrooms Subthread] Combination & Potentiation

You had me convinced, so i figured i'd throw 2 of them in my mouth to test it out, and uhhhhh 8( :D
ladyinthesky said:
its they got wet, they are dead
sorry :\

absolutely wrong.

a friend of mine left a sheet of acid in her cooler. needless to say the bag the acid was in had holes in it and the entire sheet got soaked.
When the acid was tested the next time it was only slightly less potent.

So your acid is probably ok, but there is only 1 way to find out.
Delsyd said:
absolutely wrong.

a friend of mine left a sheet of acid in her cooler. needless to say the bag the acid was in had holes in it and the entire sheet got soaked.
When the acid was tested the next time it was only slightly less potent.

So your acid is probably ok, but there is only 1 way to find out.

whoa, i would not have expected that at all. cool! i always thought if it got wet it was kaput.
^Wouldn't it depend on whether the water was chlorinated? Tap water is a no; but condensation 'water' is likely quite different...I mean, liquid LSD can be water I think???. Just distilled...
LSDreamer said:
Don't store it in the freezer, just store it away from light, heat, and moisture. There's so much moisture in a freezer, its a pretty poor place to store you acid.

Hey, sorry just saw this post as I was going through the thread.
I have a little bottle of LSD in a medicine bottle inside a plastic bag. Is the freezer not a good place to store this for a while?

Where else ought it to go?
CrazyDiamond67 said:
Hey, sorry just saw this post as I was going through the thread.
I have a little bottle of LSD in a medicine bottle inside a plastic bag. Is the freezer not a good place to store this for a while?

Where else ought it to go?
by bottle if you mean vial/liquid then YES well actually I don't know for sure but Id imagine the thawing of LSD in solution wouldn't be none too good for it.

for long storage of LSD in solution your best bet would b to drop it on something and then store that. LSD in solution has a way of degrading fairly quickly compared to any other way of storing it.
LordKrishna said:
by bottle if you mean vial/liquid then YES well actually I don't know for sure but Id imagine the thawing of LSD in solution wouldn't be none too good for it.

for long storage of LSD in solution your best bet would b to drop it on something and then store that. LSD in solution has a way of degrading fairly quickly compared to any other way of storing it.

Does it really degrade more quickly in a bottle? I was thinking of either just storing it in my fridge, but I could drop it onto sugar cubes and keep it either in the fridge or my sock drawer. Which is better?
CrazyDiamond67 said:
Does it really degrade more quickly in a bottle? I was thinking of either just storing it in my fridge, but I could drop it onto sugar cubes and keep it either in the fridge or my sock drawer. Which is better?
sugar cubes

and yes LSD degrades rather quickly in vials. When you make a vial it would only last maybe 2 weeks before you could notice that they were becoming weaker.

tahts one cool thing about scoring liquid, is that you know its fresh! but then again you gotta know what your doing with liquid because it aint gonna last as long.
Ima shut up now before I break a rule.

But I would suggest sugar cubes or just lay it on blotter or even gel caps.

to do this, get a 3ml syringe a vial SHOULD be 2.5ml then just dose empty gel caps like that, or draw some lines on some ruff water color paper (not the heat pressed stuff) and do it that way as well. I find sugar cubes to get kinda messy when trying to dose them. They like to one hold moister and two they crumble real easy.

but what ever you do, allow them to dry over night in teh fridge and then move them to appropriate container (can be found in this thread) and put them in the freezer.

personally I would suggest the gel cap idea. I just think it is cool to have empty gel caps that still get you spun.
LordKrishna I know LSD solution in water will not last more than a couple weeks before it starts to get weak... even if it is distilled.

However I've always had the impression that LSD in alcohol, stored in the freezer and airtight was actually one of the best ways to store it. I've heard of people taking Sandoz vials out of the freezer 30+ years later and supposedly it was still amazing stuff.
Conflicting Storage Ideas

I want to know peoples opinion on these two LSD storage practices...

1) Freezer/Refrigerator
2) Fire Safe lock box (aka:air/water/fire tight)
freezer i feel would be best because of low light exposure and temp. anywhere dry and dark is fine for acid i feel like.
Both ideas work fine for the purpose intended. Try using foil to prevent condensation building up on your medium if you choose the fridge/freezer. Who has access to the fridge? I'd think about it from that perspective if I were in your situation.
I'd say option 2, just because it seems safer. Less variables, more stability, put it in a real out-of-the-way place. I think a good safe is more likely to survive a natural disaster.
^ Like the natural disaster of someone eating all yer acid...
I'm not too worried about it being stole, not the issue at all.

I just wanna know what will be better'ish.
In the freezer in an airtight glass vial would be best for long-term storage. The idea is to keep it away from heat, light, and moisture. I would also put some dessicant in the vial to eat up moisture since the freeze contains quite a bit of that.
stigma said:
I want to know peoples opinion on these two LSD storage practices...

1) Freezer/Refrigerator
2) Fire Safe lock box (aka:air/water/fire tight)

I think it would depend upon the quantities involved.

If it were going to be stored over a period of years then refrigeration would probably be the best option after taking into consideration who can access this refrigerator.
iv had acid stored for longer than 1 year in the freezer with dessicant with very minimal loss in potency if at all.