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Dissociatives [Methoxetamine Subthread] Adverse Effects / Side-effects

^ Interesting. Thanks for the info. It would appear that regular MXE use does in fact have substantial adverse side effects on the urinary tract.

For now (because I'm entirely too weak to cease regular dissociative use :p), I'll be replacing MXE with 3-MeO-PCP. My logic is, because 3-MeO-PCP is significantly more potent, I will be consuming far less arylcyclohexylamine compounds by weight, which will hopefully mitigate any negative physiological side effects.

Also, 3-MeO-PCP is structurally much closer to PCP itself than MXE, and as far as I know there have not been any documented cases of PCP-related urinary tract symptoms. Whereas, MXE is structurally close to ketamine, which is notorious for its negative effects on the urinary tract.
I was never a heavy user of MXE -- my peak usage was around twice per week, and that didn't last very long. However, lately I have noticed some bladder weirdness as well. I now seem to experience a continuous "bladder awareness". It's subtle, and it's not painful by any means, but if I pay attention closely, no matter how recently I have urinated, I feel a light sensation resembling the need to urinate. It's not so noticeable during the day, but for some reason it's very distracting at night when I'm attempting to sleep. I also feel like I urinate more often now, but that's difficult to verify, because I never exactly recorded my urination frequency in the past.

I'm having bladder problems similar to yours - not that its much of an actual "problem" but it definitely worries me. I used 4-5 times a week for a couple months, but have only gone through 2 grams. Besides the bladder issues, MXE got boring and repetitive anyways with the negative effects outweighing the good so I have no realy desire to even order more. Of course, there's always the thought of "one more hole" but the lowest I can order is 500 mg and I know with that amount I would abuse it.
School started for me and I have been dosing MXE since I woke up till a few hours before I sleep. I've noticed it has helped me keep awake in class given I have just enough sleep which never seems to be enough when not on a stimulant like this. I take out a knife and do a line in the restroom while the sound of the flushing toilet drowns out the sound of snorting. So far I've done about 4 grams in a week. I have about 1 gram left and I'm starting to think what the hell I'm going to do when I get up in the morning and wonder where my MXE went? Am I going to be able to stay awake in class?

So far I've felt smart yet stupid while on MXE all the time. I've grown to a tolerance which seems to be a steady to where I'm not surprised when when I take any given amount under 100mg lines. Whenever I find myself sober it's like an 'ah' feeling because it doesn't feel like there was any brain damage. So I celebrate with another line. I see no long-lasting side-effects so far.
Side effects of heavy MXE use?


Has anyone out there been using MXE heavily for an extended period of time?

Before I got put into a psyche hospital then rehab I had been using 2-2.5g a week for about 5-6 months.

Now that I have been sober I am noticing that I am having a little bit of a visual distortion.
Everything will have a faint flickering static overlaid, the dark, shadowed walls and a clear blue sky show it best.
I remember having it while high, so I am trying to figure out if it is a form of HPPD or my eyes deteriorating or something else.

No other side effects to speak of, was pissing more often, but that might be that I was also drinking a lot more water.
During use I would sometimes get a sort of throbbing right above the hip bone, don't have it while sober.

Had my urine and blood checked, was told it was all normal so no kidney damage or anything.

Even after having a miserable time using it for a long while, I still crave it.
I had a similar experience after pretty heavy MXE use. I slowly used more and more over a period of several months, until I was using it for 4-5 days straight, taking a few days off, then starting again. Eventually I would up manic and somewhat delusional, barely sleeping at night and constantly wandering around doing mostly pointless tasks incessantly. I also lost a lot of weight (went from about 72 kilos to 63 - 64). Eventually I had to be given antipsychotics for a week to cause the mania to abate, and it took about three weeks (after completely stopping MXE use) for the mania to fully go away.

I regained the lost weight pretty fast, but went through a period of depression for a while after that. I´m not sure how directly the depression was related to the MXE use, as I´ve experienced many depressive episodes before, including before I had ever used drugs. Also I went through some life changes around this time that were pretty distressing. But from what I understand it´s pretty common for depression to manifest after mania, so the MXE/mania were almost certainly a significant contributing factor.

Another side effect I experienced were what seemed to be severe withdrawals upon stopping the MXE use. This didn´t happen until the very end, when I was using 100mg or more a day for multiple days in a row. I would stop abruptly, and about five days after stopping use, I would get very sick. Lots of vomitting, shaking, a horrible cold feeling that wouldn´t go away no matter how warm I was, and muscle weakness and aching. This lasted a little more than 24 hours. The first time this happened I thought I had just gotten sick with something. But my MXE use pattern repeated a week later, and I got the exact same effects exactly five days after stopping use. Although I´ve never been through opiate withdrawal, the symptoms seemed similar.

Oh yeah, and I also got pretty serious acne on my forehead at this time, seemed like it must have been caused by the MXE.

That all happened about a year ago, and these days my health seems fine, no problems to speak of. Never had any bladder issues that I could detect.

So watch out with MXE, a very seductive substance... in the beginning it seems to have almost no downsides, but they manifest as use gets heavier. Watch out for the mania, it can really fuck you up. The drug has plenty of benefits, but it´s addictive and it can really warp you as well. Use with caution.
I also lost weight, only about 10-15lb, only eating 1-2 a day at most and using the MXE to quell hunger.
Have gained about 10lb since.

I don't think I ever got the withdrawals you talk about, I did have nausea for a few days but I was also starting new meds so I assumed it was that.
I was using 200mg Mon-Thurs, 300-400mg Friday & 500-700mg per day on Saturday and Sunday.
Don't think I experienced mania, but I have depression so I experienced the opposite, extreme despair and hopelessness; attempted suicide with the helium method then ordered some Potassium Ferrocyanide for the next try.

Only thing I've noticed is the static, it's pretty much a lower grade version of the static you see while using.

I'd think the acne has more to do with hygiene during use being worse as it's hard to care while high.

It is indeed a seductive substance, gets you in it's grip quite quickly.
I was using MXE daily for 2 months.. i had 50g but probably about 25g of it went to me. I think it's been about 5 days since it's been gone, i havent really noticed any withdrawl sypotoms expect the feeling of being sick. i dont know if im actually sick or its the MXE WD. i've been coughing alot.. generally feel like the flu kind of. i have 15g coming now.. i'm really addicted to this stuff.
Post-mxe use i've noticed incredibly dry skin due to dehydration. Mxe also worsened my already very minor eczema, but its enough to be noticeable
This last batch that came from China was impure. It was tannish in color and had a funny smell. When vaporized it was very caustic and burned the mouth and lungs. I found that when eating it, it sometimes released large amounts of gas from the body.

One alarming incident happened after I consumed beans and a chocolate pie with whipped cream topping. The MXE had a severe reaction to those food items and caused an unrelenting release of gas so violent I thought my stomach was going to explode. I burped fierce gas out like a demon for what seemed like 2 minutes. I had eaten 300mg and then proceeded to eat a full meal. 300mg was an average dose for me at the time due to tolerance. This all occurred within a 30-45 minute time frame.

I too have noticed that MXE makes a person very dehydrated. The complaints about pains of the kidneys and lower abdomen seem to be a result of dehydration. I think that being excessively hydrated during an MXE excursion may help avoid the dry skin and more importantly any kidney or bladder issues.

I also noticed side-effects from low dose (5mg snorted) to high dose (50mg+ snorted) which includes;

* Tingeling sensations in the hand (especially fingers)
* Tachycardia (I had 125 BPM resting heart rate with 5 mg !)
* Mania (I start rolling hand made cigarette for hours !)
* Weird pressure in the upper chest (Feels like something is bend to my heart)
* Even with 5 mg it feels like I'm having difficulty breathing, look like the breathing is "heavier"
* Sweats
* Gas

Over than that, it's ok :)

Anyone here had the same effect as me ? The side effect which intrigued me is the weird breathing patterns whatever the dose is.... :? Any comments on this ?

Thanks you !
Hi everyone.
I did a serious mistake and used MXE very heavily.
One time I did 140mg i.m., other times it was 50-80mg i.m. in very short time periods.
Although I'm quite experienced user, it didn't prevent me from irresponsible use of MXE...

These experiences induced psychotic and depressive state. Now i have to use antipsychotics and antidepressants.
Vision became noisy.
Periodically I hear some sort of high-frequency whistle inside head.
Also now I have anagen alopecia, my hair became thin. It is definitely connected to methoxetamine neurotoxicity somehow. Everything with hair and health was ok until these experiences.

I will leave this post in case it will help someone.
Hello, does anyone feel a severe headache when using mxe? Not the first phase, maybe after a few hours and espec when the good effects are gone?

uh, too bad reenoise. I think using intranasaly would be less harmful- I hope u get well soon!
Hi everyone.
I did a serious mistake and used MXE very heavily.
One time I did 140mg i.m., other times it was 50-80mg i.m. in very short time periods.
Although I'm quite experienced user, it didn't prevent me from irresponsible use of MXE...

These experiences induced psychotic and depressive state. Now i have to use antipsychotics and antidepressants.
Vision became noisy.
Periodically I hear some sort of high-frequency whistle inside head.
Also now I have anagen alopecia, my hair became thin. It is definitely connected to methoxetamine neurotoxicity somehow. Everything with hair and health was ok until these experiences.

I will leave this post in case it will help someone.

dissociatives can deplete your body of vitamin B12
<3 dissociates
always my love since the start
still have this last hole saved for months now :)

a lot to teach, and easily lost in

on the subject of liking dissociates or not i find not everyone can enjoy dissociation there is a separation of users and purpose
they can be serious experiences and with the right outlook and setting, i believe are the superior drug of "spiritual" mental evolution
such can be said of vice versa, we all know delusions :sus:

to me they allow access of the full spectrum of basic drugs from "downers to uppers trippy to speedy etc"
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I've been using mxe almost daily for nearly 2 years, with the occasional 1 week-1 month tolerance break. I've tried to limit to no more than 100 mg/day but recently I've gone over that on days due to tolerance. I also try to give myself 4-6 hours to wind down for proper sleep, and some hours in the morning before getting started to give my body 16 hours between doses. Thankfully I feel quite healthy, and my use has helped me rehabilitate from opiate addiction- it is serious medicine for acute and especially post acute withdrawal syndrome. I 'feel' like it metabolizes rather benignly along with proper hydration and antioxidant supplementation (esp. Extra Magnesium, b vitamins). The worst I've noticed is the tinnitus effect with a slight headache after repeat redoses, but no trouble with bladder, kidney, liver, digestion etc. Also I feel a little depressed during my tolerance breaks but its all relative. Its worth noting that I normally have low blood pressure, so this brings me up to a more normal range. I guess for my type it works well.
I 'feel' like it metabolizes rather benignly along with proper hydration and antioxidant supplementation (esp. Extra Magnesium, b vitamins).

I am curious about the mention of dietary supplements. Have you noticed that magnesium and B vitamins make you feel better, or have you found some kind of scientific evidence to lead you to believe that it mitigates MXE toxicity?
So, after my first run with MXE back in 2012, I was starting to become a little suspicious that it was having a ketamine-like bladder toxicity effect, due to more frequent urination. So, I quit for a good 10 months or so.

Due to the fact that many people seemed to be getting away with far more heavy usage, compared to my relatively moderate consumption, I decided to assume that the side-effects were more or less my paranoid imagination, and started using again, a couple months ago.

Recently, I've been noticing a very worrying trend of sudden, sharp internal pains, in the general lower abdominal / bladder region, within ~48 hours after using. Even very small quantities, like 12 milligrams, will cause this effect.

Perhaps individual sensitivity can explain why other heavy users don't seem to notice any problems. Maybe certain impure batches have toxic contaminants. Or perhaps it's just a weird synchronicity causing me to make false conclusions. However, needless to say, I'll not be using any more for quite some time, if ever.
how's your fluid intake TAC? should be 64-128 ounces a day (half gallon to a gallon) for most people, perhaps more if you're a drug user.
^ I feel like I drink a lot of water. I've never measured it, but I'm constantly hydrating, got clear piss, and I take care to hydrate extra well whenever I take MXE.
hm, idk then.

i don't notice any bladder/kidney issues, and my doses of MXE are pretty high.