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[Mega] Anxiety and Paranoia Help / Discussion Thread

if you live in a medical state or have great access to different strains then once you find a strain that works well for you, it can help to diminish your anxiety

if you, like me, are stuck with a few dealers who all sell weed with similar properties, then you can get stuck with only being able to smoke weed which exacerbates your anxiety

another factor is how often you smoke, weed does not cause anxiety in me if i get high once or twice a month, if i'm in stoner mode and smoking all day every day then my life tends to go down shit creek and i become anti-social and VERY anxious.

also some stoners live in denial because if they are high then their high is masking their anxiety, but once they run out of weed then suddenly they have trouble coping with normal situations, because when your high you can just not give a f***
The thing with cannabis is, you kinda need to get used to its effects.

This is why i think lots of people dont just smoke once a week. People who are giving BIG high doses of cannabis oil to help fight a disease (Cancer, bowel disease , etc) will suffer quite badly at first , but your body does actually get used to it.

its just where your bodys immune system goes up , and your body is in a bit of a 'fighting mode' to fight diseases and shit.
hey guys, if having a bad anxiety/panic attack on weed would 0.5mg of Xanax do the trick?

also i used to enjoy weed until i did too much then took a break.
then i did it recently and got high but was feeling insecure a bit but it would go and come as long as i was distracted.
i don't smoke often
hey guys, if having a bad anxiety/panic attack on weed would 0.5mg of Xanax do the trick?

also i used to enjoy weed until i did too much then took a break.
then i did it recently and got high but was feeling insecure a bit but it would go and come as long as i was distracted.
i don't smoke often
Depends how bad. If you start to feel anxious, taking a little Xanax early and using cognitive techniques and other methods to calm down may prevent a bad panic attack from occurring. But in my experience, when anxiety gets bad enough the only thing I can do is take a high amount of Xanax or etizolam and do whatever I can to calm down. (I do not use benzos regularly so I have no tolerance to them)

I once had a very bad panic attack on weed where my heart rate went over 180. It took 2 mg Xanax and allegedly multiple injections of Ativan at the hospital to bring it down. I had also taken pseudoephedrine that day due to nasal congestion so that probably contributed to it. I don't really remember what happened between getting to the hospital and having a nurse call me a taxi 8 hours later.

I had a less severe panic attack later (was prepared) and my heart rate went up to 160. 2 mg Xanax and CBT tricks calmed me down to 120 bpm within an hour. I have no memory of what happened after the Xanax really kicked in, but

Since these experiences I had another panic attack on LSD with subjectively much worse anxiety, but my pulse did not get quite as high. Amphetamine-induced anxiety/panic doesn't drive it nearly as high either. As expected, weed makes my heart beat faster when I'm feeling good, just like many other drugs do, but when I get too anxious, weed seems to really increase my pulse to a dangerous level I haven't experienced on other drugs.

I wasn't always this way, and I'm not sure if I still am. Before the panic attacks I could consume lots of weed and even get anxious without panicing. I used to be able to combine amphetamine and weed just fine. Since I had the two panic attacks, I took a break of a few months and more recently I've been able to tolerate weed without anxiety/tachycardia.
hey guys, if having a bad anxiety/panic attack on weed would 0.5mg of Xanax do the trick?

also i used to enjoy weed until i did too much then took a break.
then i did it recently and got high but was feeling insecure a bit but it would go and come as long as i was distracted.
i don't smoke often
Yes .5mg xanax will work wonders for anxiety on weed, that is without a tolerance. If you still have anxiety from weed while on xanax, it is time give up on weed. Either that or find out what is really bothering you, because obviously there's something in the back of your head that you don't like about your self or your life.
I recently began taking Zoloft, the SSRI antidepressant, and can now smoke weed again without anxiety. I don't have major anxiety issues when not taking drugs, although I have in the past as a result of stress and also as a result of 6-APB abuse. Previously I'd often get panic attacks at moderate doses and I'd need to take Xanax or etizolam to calm down. My heart rate would also easily go over 100 bpm. The worst was all the way up to 180 bpm. Now weed is sometimes enjoyable, and at most I notice a somewhat elevated resting heart rate.
Deep thoughts : what cause cannabis anxiety and how to deal with it .

I am not an expert in the subject nor a doctor . I am just another break in the wall who realized that ,and is tryin its best to not be that break anymore , be free and enlightened and tell others to do so too .
I know by reading lots of post that there are many people (including myself) out there who has or had cannabis - anxiety problems and it made them to either smoke less dose or stop it once and for all. which is very disappointing because we do love weed and we want to do it cause its too good to stop and its chill(atleast it used to be) and most importantly is an spiritual tool just like other psychedelics .

its too bad that panic / anxiety happens to most of cannabis user . but again if you observe it from higher point of view its not a bad thing at all. smoking herbs , weed, doing mushroom and lsd or dmt they all have one thing in common and thats they reveal you to yourself , each in their own individual way and timelapse .weed might take much longer than Lsd for example . or Lsd might take longer than DMT to teach you things about you . (that is the whole reason that they are on this planet for us)
and when we get revealed to ourself we(most of us) start to panic and we start having anxiety . the reason iam saying "most of us" its becuz we live more or less in same kind of society (the wall) society with more or less similar limitation , boundaries ,laws . we controlled by it we all been told same sort of things about Drugs how bad they are how we should warn our children about it , we learnt that other people perception of us must be important to us and we have to pay attention to what people think of us . we wont walk full naked in street cuz if we do WHAT OTHERS WILL THINK OF US .we are constantly caring and paying attention about what people think of us sometimes without even knowing it .
that ofcurse is deep rooted in us and will take time to forget . just like it took alot of time to made us what we are now.
one perfect way to stop all sort of anxiety and not only weed related is just realize that . that you = me , me = whole existence . that you do whatever please you becuz it is your universe you are creating your own life as you lifes goes on. human mind is such powerful thing use it to ur advantage . be confident that you are all that is .
thats why meditation suggests to those who have stress in their life . mediation just like other so called drugs is another way to find the real you.
next time u smoke weed do it with respect . and believe that its only there to help us human to be awakened .to teach us things. hope it all made sense .
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Tips on how to stop this feeling

Usually when I smoke I just go a little crazy, get very jumpy and I have weird thoughts and theories.. I tend to annoy people when I get like that so lately I've been really trying not get like that. But since I've been so conscious of not wanting to get that way and not wanting to annoy my friends I end up just not saying anything at all and I get really self conscious and kind of depressed. Like, I can hardly talk without feeling like I must be annoying them and I don't want to express this to them because I feel like that would be annoying them too.. Also if I do happen to say something and they don't answer or they don't hear me I feel even worse. I have another problem too, my whole body starts twitching and trembling and I get really embarrassed by it for some reason. The people I smoke with are good friends so I don't have any reason to feel like that. But I just feel stupid because after one or two joints, I'm fucked and they're barely buzzed. They probably have a higher tolerance than me but it just makes me feel stupid and inferior to them.

Any tips? Please? And don't say smoke less because I don't smoke much anyway, only a couple joints between three or four of us usually.
If your tolerance is so low just try a couple hits, I get a good buzz off one hit and am thankful for it. Saves money when premo bud costs so much.
Please? And don't say smoke less because I don't smoke much anyway, only a couple joints between three or four of us usually.

Couple of joints between 3 of 4 of us usually... everyday, once a week, once a month? This can obviously make a huge difference. As for smoking less. You do understand the less you smoke, the more fucked up you get. So the less and less you smoke the more this issue will surface. So you have a couple options, you could just smoke less DURING THE SESSION. If you don' try to match them toke for toke, you'll be much happier. You could always smoke way more and get you tolerance to a level where you barely get high anymore. Though that's probably a bad idea.

I have one really important question for you that will totally influence my answer. What makes weed so awesome for you? Why do you like getting high? What's your favorite part of getting high? Getting relaxed and couch locked? Or maybe the real heady psychedelic type high? Or is music enhancement your favorite (it's probably mine). I also like the euphoria. I'm just curious as why you'd like weed enough to try and keep up with your stoner buddies even though you are getting uncomfortable.
OP: Why does it annoy your friends when you talk about weird shit? Thats what its all about, I love talking about crazy theories and what not when I'm baked. I feel like the twitching and what not is from your anxiety, because my body gets very stimulated sometimes but I am in a good place so it isn't overwhelming or anything.
Talking about crazy stuff when high is amazing. I love talking about hardcore science, current events, conspiracy stuff, I can really think outside the box, and I have great ideas. Too bad I can never remember them!
My limit is low so I'm no stranger to cashing out of a sess when there's still green to smoke. Nobody's ever made a deal out of it. If two hits is your limit, then just put your hand up after them and say "I'm done". The point of a sess with friends is to feel good, if you feel awkward and out of place then you've had too much.
Couple of joints between 3 of 4 of us usually... everyday, once a week, once a month? This can obviously make a huge difference. As for smoking less. You do understand the less you smoke, the more fucked up you get. So the less and less you smoke the more this issue will surface. So you have a couple options, you could just smoke less DURING THE SESSION. If you don' try to match them toke for toke, you'll be much happier. You could always smoke way more and get you tolerance to a level where you barely get high anymore. Though that's probably a bad idea.

I have one really important question for you that will totally influence my answer. What makes weed so awesome for you? Why do you like getting high? What's your favorite part of getting high? Getting relaxed and couch locked? Or maybe the real heady psychedelic type high? Or is music enhancement your favorite (it's probably mine). I also like the euphoria. I'm just curious as why you'd like weed enough to try and keep up with your stoner buddies even though you are getting uncomfortable.

I would smoke that amount once or twice a week whereas my friends smoke almost every day which is why they have high tolerance.

I like the social aspect of smoking. I seem to make a lot of friends from smoking weed. I also like the feeling of relaxation as I'm generally not a very relaxed person when I'm not stoned.

OP: Why does it annoy your friends when you talk about weird shit? Thats what its all about, I love talking about crazy theories and what not when I'm baked. I feel like the twitching and what not is from your anxiety, because my body gets very stimulated sometimes but I am in a good place so it isn't overwhelming or anything.

I don't know if it actually annoys them but that's just how I feel when I talk about it.
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Like, I can hardly talk without feeling like I must be annoying them and I don't want to express this to them because I feel like that would be annoying them too.. Also if I do happen to say something and they don't answer or they don't hear me I feel even worse.

Your crazy thoughts and ideas are what makes weed awesome! Instead of holding your thoughts in, you should say them out loud, you'll probably make people laugh and start awesome discussions. I will come up with the stupidest ideas to save the world sometimes, terrible, terrible ideas, but cause they're so bad we just laugh and try to come up with even stupider ideas. It's good to remember that if you're getting stoned with people, they're stoned too. What you're feeling, the thoughts you're having, they're having too.

In the end though, after a few more sessions, if you still have this issue... you shouldn't smoke. Def don't try to match your buddies toke for toke if you're going to smoke, take 1/10th the amount they're doing
hey guys, if having a bad anxiety/panic attack on weed would 0.5mg of Xanax do the trick?

also i used to enjoy weed until i did too much then took a break.
then i did it recently and got high but was feeling insecure a bit but it would go and come as long as i was distracted.
i don't smoke often

Using a highly dangerous drug to curb 'anxiety' from cannabis is a dangerous road to turn down.
I don't know if it actually annoys them but that's just how I feel when I talk about it.

Assuming stuff never really helps man. If they are your friends you should talk to them about it. Nothing is worse then holding stuff in when you are around people you love.
I'm going to try talk to my friends about this BEFORE I next smoke and hopefully that will make my next smoking session more enjoyable. If I get the same results I think I'll try to stop smoking.