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[Mega] Anxiety and Paranoia Help / Discussion Thread

I posted a month ago about the panic attacks I'd get while consuming weed while on the stimulating antidepressant Wellbutrin. The panic attacks started after many months of daily weed and Wellbutrin use. After they started, I essentially went four months without using weed. An update - I stopped taking Wellbutrin a few weeks ago, and am now able to smoke weed again without any anxiety attacks. For my first post-Wellbutrin weed experience, I smoked a joint after taking some etizolam, but other times I've vaped without any antianxiety drug and not felt nearly the same degree of anxiety - often times none at all.
I been smoking 12 years before this panic attack that has caused me all these problems and had anxious highs everyone once in a while before it. pretty much since I was in my 20 I was a daily smoker and a little over a year ago I had a hardcore panic attack from smoking with my friend.

After the panic subsided I still felt weird and everything looked trippy, it is like the panic from the panic attack went away but all the strange feeling and being high never went away. they day after I was trying to eat at a mcdonalds and I just couldn't handle feeling like this and all the noises inside the restaurant and had to leave. I heard of DP/DR and I am not sure if I got it because despite things looking hyper-rea/high contrast and I feel super strange and trippy 24/7 I am still sure I am real and experiencing the world through my body and the world around me is real. I really don't know why I have been feeling this way constantly this past year or even what this feeling is. the best way to describe it is like constantly coming down off a bad trip, you just feel weird and out of sorts with a mild body load and the feeling is a just bleh, the world around me looks like there is a strange hue to it and all the objects seem strongly outlined.

Along with GAD, depression, and random panic attacks this feeling is really getting to me because it never seems to go away it is like I am never returning to base line despite stopping all drugs. I really just want to feel normal again and kind of feel stupid for smoking that bowl despite smoking thousands of times in the past. Not getting to feel normal again at any time for over a year stresses me out an worries me that I will be like this forever. It just took one day and one bowl to go from totally normal to pretty cracked.

I have taken xanax I was given by a friend and it helps my anxiety and relaxes me but I still feel this constant weird unpleasant feeling.

So do I have DP/DR? what is causing this feeling and what is it exactly? how can I get rid of it? If I get rid of this constant weird unpleasant feeling I will consider my anxiety and depression so much more manageable and my quality of life so much better.
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I had DP/DR for about 7 months brought on by MDxx.

The best thing I can tell you is to do your best to keep your anxiety down and just live your life. It will eventually go away but it took me a long time to get used to it.
Anxiety after Marijuana

I was at a BBQ on Saturday and smoked up. It was a good for a hour or two but then I started to feel a lot of free floating anxiety. Yesterday I drank a few beers and that helpled.

Today I still feel this anxiety. This has happened before when I smoked. But not recently because I was getting higher quality stuff. I am naturally predisposed to anxiety anyways.

Has this happened to anyone else?

Should I expect this feeling to pass soon?

Is there anything I can do naturally without benzos or alcohol to ease it?
I smoked all through the 80's and early 90's. Then one day the weed started to make me anxious. The condition got worse until I had to give it up. I haven't smoked in 20 years and now if I'm in a closed room or around a lot of smoke it gives me a panic attack. It sucks cause my wife loves to smoke and she talks about how it relaxes her. Hope this isn't the case with you. Good luck.
Take a break from the herb for while and then see how you feel. Do you notice it more with certain kinds of weed? Sativa strains tend to induce anxiety a bit more easily.
Hello everyone lets analyze ganja anxiety, paranoia, psychosis and compare storys as to who have experienced this and overcome it and those after many attempts who cant couture that magic of the old Mary Jane again,

Ok heres a little bit about my experience,i always took drags off of pot as early as 10-11yrs old just a puff emulating my uncles and cousins it was always around they never kept it to secret I would grab a roach and play around never inhaling it properly just looked at as simple tobacco never got high from doing It never did it often as well.I started smoking pot truly around 14-15 that's when I truly understood it and loved its pleasant effects but little did I know how it would make me act in the future so after a year of heavy pot use I started to become a slacker in a big way became very akward weird shy never changed clothes that much acted strange in public became very uncleanly and just a plain weirdo to be honest,but I didn't care I chased weed like crack literally and I never did a hard drug ever in my life to this day IM 28.i mean I would steal sometimes from family just to cop a bag of smoke my mom kept hi grade pot all the time and sometimes she would one up me and put it in a good place were I couldn't find but 95% of the time I was able to find it and pinch a 15-20's worth and toke up to that blissful heaven all while looking like a complete disaster just dirty bummy I did shower though, so as I became and older teenager in high school I was the quiet weird guy in a thugged out school people either thought I was a skitzo or some kind hardcore silent killer so I didn't get bothered much but I felt the uneasiness as I walked in to class rooms so Anyways I became so introverted and non social i blundered many of friends with weird statements forced conversations i alienated just about all old friends really didn't care at the time the pot made me numb and not give a shit so as i became an adult still smoking strong still weird i got my first job were i just freaked everybody out playing a tough guy saying stupid things doing odd things for 3 months i literally walked out the job and didn't say hi goodbye to anyone not even the boss this bitch would turn red as the devil when she saw me she was so ashamed people treated my like a weirdo my uncle got me the job i was such a stoned introvert i caused him to rip me in front of everybody as i left i gave him the finger we hate each other till this day we have a silent war going on. so after being humiliated by my weirdness many of times losing close cousins because of it,after i quit after this old lady drilled me on the job pot started to do something strange when i would smoke its like i would focus on my weird embarrassing behavior and the humiliating behavior i showed and i would drop down to my knees shaking pot usually made me say fuck it now its telling me you big weirdo what have you done to yourself people think your the biggest weirdo on the planet which was probably true at the time then i realized pot done something strange to me i can only compare it to a mental schizophrenia like situation but temporary crazy so i continued to smoke while get horrible self analyzing panic attacks until a full blown freak out were i did a day n a half in the hospital and was prescribed Risperdal for THC paranoia,but it wasn't paranoia it was reliving the screwed up akward things i done, so i stopped smoking and became a little more normal still flash backing about my horrible embarrassing mistakes which still happen sometimes today but after getting blitzed off of good pot from 14-20 it has left me with OCD,social anxiety,delusions of some sort and anxiety i have been on every ssri and anti-psych med there is and i cant recapture my old normal calm cool relaxed self i don't know if the pot re wired my brain or am i not even sick at all just terribly ashamed of what my life has become i have lost all respect with some family members they hate and taunt me today.

so what happened am i a whack job naturally and the pot brung it out earlier,did the pot make me a whack a job because i have a terrible addictive personality ,or what am I just weak minded can anyone relate to this? pot and the weird things I done has killed me up to this point i have never gotten back to myself just stuck in rut popping psych meds to no avail.but the strange thing is i have never stopped craving pot i wish there is a strain out there that what let me get high with normal effects i wish i could put myself up for study and find the miracle strain for me if possible or am i done forever with Mary Jane idk i wish they would legalize so it can be openly studied.

anyone ever heard of a situation like this,has it happened to you or someone you know please elaborate


this is a copy of a post I made days ago my situation is the same as some but different my main question is,for us who cant get stoned anymore no matter how long we take brake or trying different strains why does this happen can this be scientifically proved and is there a actually the magic plant or hybrid out there that makes us get high normally or can it be made or like a special experiment or a mutant strain of cannabis that works lol im over weed sorta but I would love to get high all of use who cant smoke anymore need to join a group and make a protest of some sorts and maybe some rouge scientist can helps us [lobby to get help to be able to smoke a right now illegal drug]if I had any smarts and balls I would really become a scholar,botanist,scientist or whatever and figure this out lol just saying
Hey, just stopping by to say that I truly believe there is hope out there for all us paranoid/scittish folk! I just smoked tonight for the first time in about 5 months with just a few good friends and my anxiety/paranoia was so low too the point where I was able to actually enjoy my high. Actually, when I first started to feel the high I was a bit anxious. What I did however, was instead of keeping this anxiety trapped inside, I opened up to my friends and started telling them how I felt. I told them about my anxiety and paranoia, and how I'd get it even around them. They were very loving and told me it was all okay and not to worry. I then gave them all huge hugs, I felt like I was going to cry. It felt amazing to be able to finally get all that pent up fear out in the open. I'm not saying I'm 100% cured nor do I intend to smoke everyday like I used to. However, I just wanted to give some hope to those out there suffering from this dilemma. Remember to just have fun, life doesn't always need to be taken so seriously. Peace and love <3
panick attack with weed... can I still do other drugs?

I' have been smoking weed daily for the past 3-4 years, and I recently had my first panick attack ( heartbeat racing, chest pain, negative thoughts, feeling I was going to die...or fainth!!! ) I decided to stop smoking weed cuz i know if I smoke again it will start again! So my question is can I still try other drug like mdma or 2C-B or I will also be in a state of panic attack? any experiences with weed panick attack and other drug use?

NB: I also think that my panic attacks are related to the fact that I almost fainthed on shrooms like 4 months ago...which causes me my real first attack. I do thing that my brain associate any feeling with that badtrip experience!

what do you guys think?
i'd suggest you take a long break from drugs, then try some weed and see if you can handle it. if you have problems with anxiety and panic make sure you always have some benzo with you and pay attention when taking "harder" drugs
also, don't think about the fact that you are going to die, to faint etc. if it happens, it will happen. you can't do nothing about that. i fainted one time after smoking mj and that was no big deal. i regained consciousness after some seconds feeling incredibly better and not even high (i didn't faint due to the weed ..i guess)
Try 'em and find out. Seriously.

Everybody reacts differently. Take minimal/moderate doses of other psychoactives and test the water. However, when pot fucks with you there's a good likelihood that all other psychedelics and hallucinogens will, as well. If you're looking for a high I'd stick with drugs that don't fuck with your mind (thought processes, I mean), just your body.
i personally can use other drugs yet cannabis will still give me a panic attack. I could even smoke am-2201 and not get as bad anxiety as i do from cannabis. I don't know why.

you'll have to try for yourself, no one else will know.
Cannabis isn't for everyone, the same goes for any drug. Maybe you had some underlying anxiety and cannabis unleashed it due to overuse. If you're smoking grass everyday, consider cutting down (although seeing as you've now had this experience I'd say stop it completely).

You can still try some other drugs if the anxiety is completely linked to cannabis and nothing else, for example; you could try some psychedelics if you want. I would still wait for quite a while for trying it though and at least start off small as a tester, you don't want to be trying some form of psychedelic and having a bad time because of anxiety and panic attacks.
So my new rule which I've found really helps with anxiety is treat Mary Jane like a very special lover as opposed to a whore. What that means for me is, no filthy bongs at parties, no drunken car sessions, no smoking with weird strangers, no buying filthy weed. Just special, relaxed occasions with your best mates and good buds. So far I've found that when I treat cannabis with respect I've been getting much nicer highs :).

That's so nice I just had to quote it :D I still treat MJ like my main ho at times but hope to make her my fiancée soon.

To all the schitzies out there, I hope you might be able to find a psych who might be able to openly discuss your usage. It might be helpful to have an outside view though I'm sure most will discourage it I've found some will actually just try to work things out with/for you... Like help you try to figure out when it seems beneficial and when it seems to be effecting you negatively (sometimes it's hard to tell by yourself, and an outside perspective can help.) I'm Bipolar so obviously it's a bit different but I've been delusional/been prescribed risperidone and seroquel and whatnot so can relate. Also I relate to the quote above, if I'm around people I trust completely it may be safer than toking paranoid by myself. And i definitely cant be stoned 24/7, i need reality checks/sober breaks. not judging if you do, but thas how i do. Ya kno :)
Cannabis and anxiety

Hi :)

First of all I would like to say that I know it's a lot similar treaths like this, but i feel i need answers to my spesific situation. I have used google but i haven't found the answers or experiences i was looking for. My english may not be perfect, but I will try my best to explain my situation, so just ask for an explaination if anything i writes comes out unclear.

I'm still have anxiety even tough i quited smoking for 5 months ago. i quited smoking pot after ignoring the negative signals my body gave me for a couple months. . Instead of just feeling a little bit nervous when i was high i felt anxious all the time even when I took i break from the plant for a week. Sadly I ignored the fact that it was a connection from cannabis to my anxiety so i kept my smoking habit. One day i was camping with my friend in the mountain my high at hard doses felt different. I felt like was going insane and i started to be very aware to sounds around me like: " was that sound from the wind or its just i sign that im going to be psycothic". I started to feel very paranoid so i desided to take a brake from the pot after the bag we had was empty. Sadly i started to have panics attacks where i was sure i was going to become insane 8(

I stopped smoking and after some rough weeks with bad anxiety my condition was better. I was not paranoid anymore and the panic attacks disapeared but i still felt the anxiety in my stomach almost all the time. . The following months i started to consentrate on work, on eating healthy and exercise. The anxiety is now better and waay easier to live but im kind of frustraded that it never let go.

So my question is if anyone have some advises or exepriences they want to share with me. Is it anything i can do to get rid of the anxiety? I will apriciate it alot. Even thoug i can't express my feelings in the same good way i do in my own language it feels good to write it in a forum a seems alot better than any forums from my country. I also know that cannabis is not the drug for me anymore and i have for sure learned my lesson to respect my mental health. I have good experiences with other hallicunogens and i hope I can enjoy some psychedelic experiences after i've got rid of my anxiety and my mentalt health is stabil.:?

If you have something to say about the last i wrote, feel free to do it :)

Thanks :)
I'm no expert on the matter, but I have friends on both ends of the spectrum. From what I can gather, you have to have underlying anxiety issues to begin with for marijuana to cause an anxiety attack. A friend of mine has had ongoing anxiety issues for nearly 5 years now and it was triggered from his first and only hit from a bong.

With that said though, other friends of mine will smoke after a stressful day to just wind down, forget about the shit and think about pleasant things.

Obviously the mental effects of sativa over the sedating effects of indica would play a part as well.
It is a double edged sword. If you have ever had an anxiety attack on weed, you can bet you'll have another. You have to watch how you smoke, or build such a tolerance you no longer get anxiety from it.
Also poly drug users are at a higher chance of getting anxiety on weed because of a chemical imbalance in their brain. That's how my anxiety started on weed, i was using MDMA at the time.