LSD overdose is no myth


Apr 22, 2003
Today SWIM had to take a trip to the hospital after dropping 1 blotter the night before and not being able to come down for the entire day after, on no sleep and with a pounding heart that wouldn't stop. The biased point of views most LSD users on this board have don't serve the purpose of harm reduction in that they claim most LSD horror stories are untrue. You can have your kidneys shut down, you can go on what amounts to a permanent trip and you can cripple your mind and give yourself HPPD to boot. SWIM will never take LSD again after seeing what could happen in one night, in one town in which several zombies were seen patrolling about 7/11 in search of grub, pot and community. The fools don't even seem to know how bad the batch they got was or what they really did to the only thing that matters in the human body: their minds. There's a reason that this drug went out of style in the 60/70's: LSD cripples minds and destroys promising lives. I was once all about this drug and now I understand that the drug is unimportant and unnecessary for any life. Love is all you need.
Could this not have just been a panic attack? What did you actually have to go to hospital for?
^^ Yea man. This needs further explanation. What did the doctors say happened? Did the drugs they gave him help him out?
It could have been 5-MeO-AMT, DOB, etc etc.

What makes you think he had an LSD (which there has only one shady account of an overdose) overdose?
He is fairly certain it was a huge dose of LSD because he has taken LSD before and is certain that all of the feelings he got were similar to previous LSD experiences. Could it have been AMT or DOB? Perhaps but is there any way to really know what is put on those blotters? Everything told him it was just too damn much and it precipitated a panic attack that wouldn't stop. He says he is still having perception problems, flashbacks and trouble keeping his mind together. He also said the trip seemed to be great for the first few hours but when it wouldn't end it started doing damage. It is possible that it could have been a combination problem. He has been taking piracetam almost daily for months and did take it earlier in the day along with a choline bitartrate tablet. It has been speculated that the method of action of piracetam has something to do with maoi activity but no study I have seen seems to truly know. The blotter may have contained a combination of AMT and LSD because several others who took it had the trouble of not being able to fall asleep or being able to end the trip. He said the blotter tasted much more bitter and stronger than before and actually burned his tongue a bit. Someone else who took the same blotter 1 hour after him fell asleep eventually and felt fine the next day. Others minds were truly beaten down. Some who took this batch may never recover. I will disclose the brand name and state found in if the moderators believe it would reduce the harm. People must be warned, some may never fully regain the ability to keep their minds together. This is no joke and I'm not a DEA agent trying to terrify you. This batch was made either carelessly or with the intent of hurting people. Everything in his bones tells him it was LSD and a huge goddamn dose at that.
It is possible that the hit(s) contained LSD but not only LSD as the single psychoactive ingrediant, which is why he most likely assumed it to be LSD and only LSD. There was probably enough LSD in it to cause an LSD high.

Just like ecstasy, I see no reason for acid to not be cut to shit with other cheaper, and bunk substitutes if i was the criminal manufacturing them.
Looks like someone got some strong acid and couldnt handle themselves. Tell your friend to suck it up. LSD isnt the problem, its the user.

Sure you can't go to sleep sometimes after a strong acid trip, the trip stays with you. Doesnt mean it was a bad This is kind of funny. Maybe some kids need 35 ug hits, so they dont shit there pants when they get a 150ug hit.

Who said LSD became unpopular by the 70s? It was prevelant up until 2000.
preach on. some people are use to the weak shit due to the inconsistency of availbity it has been really week all the time then when that technicolor shit comes around people are like im dying. lsd overdos is something that is not easily acheived and if it was there is no way that enough lsd for an overdose can fit on a single blotter.
the recorded lsd overdose that i read was about some guys who got crystals and thought it was coke they started to snort it and it wasnt working so they did more. keep in mind that one 100ug of crystal cannot be seen by the naked eye and they where snorting large amounts of it.
the toxicty level for an overdose of lsd is in the range of 10.000 to 18,000 hits if you can store that on a single blotter you know more than me. no pun intended im just stating a fact.
youre overdose story holds no water.
it could have been anything anxeity, what he ate, his surroundings, what happend to him that day, what happend to him that week, what he was thinking about on his come up, and what has been going on in his life. there are many underlying factors that decide wheter youre trip is going to be a good one or not.
Im sorry but your friend had bad trip. How often do you hear of Acid Overdoses? never because they dont happen and probably never will.

Your friend had an adverse reaction to the drug. Im sorry for him but if it burnt his tounge Im not doubting 5-Meo-Amt.
LSD definitly has some crazy side effects. It's not something I plan on fucking with again anytime soon...
Maybe overdose is the wrong word to describe what happened but bad trip understates the physical condition his body was in. Uncontrollable tremors, burning, itching, jumpy heartbeat. I guess the point I wanted to make was that by treating LSD as a commonly used drug that usually doesn't do permanent harm isn't the full truth and should be accompanied by a strong warning. Is not most HPPD caused by LSD? Does not it trigger schizophrenia in those predisposed to it? Does everyone go back to homeostasis after a powerful trip? If someone gets stuck in a loop and spend what seems to be an eternity in a trip will they not be damaged even when the drug 'wears off?' I retract describing his problem as an overdose but the way I think of overdose is any dose over what is the most common and comfortable dose used. This is probably not how most others would think of an overdose but how far do you have to go before you cross the line from too much to overdose? Hunter Thompson described the acid generation and Timothy Leary's failure pretty well when he said the inherrent fallacy was the assumption that someone was tending the light at the end of the tunnel. And the result was a generation of mental cripples who thought they could buy peace and happiness for two bucks a hit. I'm not calling acid the devil but can we stop pretending its more safe than it actually is? A mind is a terrible thing to waste and if you have a lot of trouble in your life and no one to help you then don't go looking for truth on piece of paper with a picture of Max Headroom on it. I guess there isn't really much more to say on this topic. Mods feel free to close this thread.
Maybe a re-made batch of STP?

This doesn't sound like any generic substance, STP was around in the 60's and had comparable effects....
toxicty level for an overdose of lsd is in the range of 10.000 to 18,000 hits
I read that it was actually estimated to be between 50-250 hits at the maximum strength which is roughly 300ug. I also read the story about the guys who thought they were snorting coke and ended up in comas and vomiting and such which I'd guess would be the true definition of an overdose. I also read a story about a guy who had taken 50 or so hits and spent the next several years on a never ending trip that intensified every time he would smoke pot and such. It eventually tapered off but he was never right again. What about Ozzie Osbourne? What caused his neurological problems? I'd read somewhere (probably myth) that he'd taken acid everyday for a year to see what would happen and he ended up a fried zombie. I don't know which is myth and which is true and the sad thing is no one seems to. The guy who had the bad trip is feeling much better today and seems to think that it was potentiated by the piracetam he'd been taking.
Maybe some kids need 35 ug hits, so they dont shit there pants when they get a 150ug hit.
Maybe this guy is right but how many people know how many ug is on their blotters anyway? Zero. None. Nada. Bad trips are entirely subjective and the damage is all contained within one's own mind. Doesn't mean he's weak in the brain just more fragile and humbled than before. Some had taken multiple doses and from just two tripped for 24 hours. One guy who had five had to be strapped down. Maybe he just wasn't familiar enough with the acid culture to understand what was considered a 'normal response.' He learned his lesson but I hope it is not too late before others learn theirs.
Yeah, i was going to point out just that, Piracetam potentiates the effects of amfetamines/MDMA, im sure the same goes with LSD. But that still dont explain all the side effects your friend felt. However, they could be psychosomatic, the bodys effect to the trauma of a bad trip.

I have had a real bad trip once, with heart palpitations, tremors, sweats paranioa. Ended up in hospital then, but that was from an insane mix of 2ci, speed, space cakes, coke... I sort of deserved it. Point is, dont just blame the drug, consider your own actions also, did you treat the drug with the respect it deserves? Nobody denies LSD is a potent psychedelic drug. I never take more then half a blotter at a time.
I don't really think anyone who takes a dose of something they can't see or measure treats the drug with the respect it deserves. What did they do for you at the hospital stonedbaby?
Bad Trips can cause problems that you describe. The mind is more powerful then most people even know.