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LSD Info Request: What's going around - Love Potion #9

It was awesome and yeah that's how fucked I was, I thought this was that page. Hahaha. My bad. Sorry.
Hey guys, picked these up just today in Melbourne. They look like little Mexican skeleton guys. I only saw a few tabs from the sheet but in the rest of it he looked to be playing a green guitar. Any info on these would be swell :)
They seem to be about 1cm x 1cm also slight black lines along the perfs.
Hey guys, picked these up just today in Melbourne. They look like little Mexican skeleton guys. I only saw a few tabs from the sheet but in the rest of it he looked to be playing a green guitar. Any info on these would be swell :)
They seem to be about 1cm x 1cm also slight black lines along the perfs.

These are nbome. 1200ug. I had the same ones just the other night. Very metallic tasting. If your going to have it start with half. Stick it up in between your gum and teeth, don't swallow any saliva for a good 30 minutes-45. A whole one is a bit intense on the come up they last about 6-8 hours. I personally don't mind the substance but if you we're sold them as acid tell your dealer he is full of shit. DO NOT DOUBLE DROP!!
These were actually sold to me as LSD. I'm not too annoyed though as I've been meaning to try 25i anyway. I'll let him know that it's definitely not acid though.
Yeah do mate. You may have been in a really bad way if you doubled them you could have been in really bad way. One is pretty overwhelming. Especially in a public place. They are most definitely nbome as I was sold them as that. I have a decent sized chunk of the sheet to. Pretty fun drug in my opinion. I suggest you save one of them and combine 1 tab with half a table of real lsd. It's pretty spectacular.

Found these bad boys in north sydney. back of the sheet was a kind of purple/yellow colour. guy swears black and blue they are the real deal. will be trying out tomorrow so will report back when i know.
I couldnt even begin to guess what they could be called. anyone have any news or info?
I suggest you save one of them and combine 1 tab with half a table of real lsd. It's pretty spectacular.

I imagine it would be rather spectacular! 1 tab of nbome and half a table of real lsd, that would nail a horse! lol, just kidding, I know you meant half a tab, probably silly auto correct?
Hahhahaha. Fuck. Only picked this up now. Yeah don't eat half a table of LSD. Stupid smart phone
Hi there :)

Anyone tried Google Chromes? Couldn't get a pic - they're slightly bigger than regular tabs, with the Google Chrome logo on a greyish background.
I heard they're a mix of DOx and 2somethingsomething. Can anyone verify?
anyone heard of the sunshine print? My mate who is an experienced user had 2 and said it was the most intense trip he has ever had and never wants to touch acid again. Anyone have any idea of the ug? The guy we got it off said it was imported from mexico but i kinda doubt it
anyone heard of the sunshine print? My mate who is an experienced user had 2 and said it was the most intense trip he has ever had and never wants to touch acid again. Anyone have any idea of the ug? The guy we got it off said it was imported from mexico but i kinda doubt it

Yeah I have heard of them. Apparently around the 300ug mark. Same as dahli lamas. They are an import but not sure where from. I doubt they would be in large numbers. Maybe just someone's personal stash he was lucky enough to cop one
I don't think they're from Mexico but I've had these too (sourced online, if you get the drift) and they are definitely as high as advertised or very close to it [300ug]. I had my first ever LSD experience on these a few weeks ago, took 3 quarters of a tab (we had 3 between 4 people) and had the most intense trip of my life (and I've tried a lot of other psychedelics). I've had '300ug' blotter since then and it didn't feel anywhere near it, so be cautious with these tabs if you're new.
Picked these up in Adelaide. Sold as 25i but no idea of the print. Not sure if this is the right thread but hopefully it helps someone out with not getting burnt...


Those look similar to what I picked up in Brisbane yesterday. Sold as acid. Can anyone confirm what these are?
Here's a pic:
^ I'd bet they are the same, that cactus kind of gives it away.

No info on them tho sorry.

Altho they also look the same as the ones a bit up the page with the 5 cents in the pic and oldred3s said-

These are nbome. 1200ug. I had the same ones just the other night. Very metallic tasting. If your going to have it start with half. Stick it up in between your gum and teeth, don't swallow any saliva for a good 30 minutes-45. A whole one is a bit intense on the come up they last about 6-8 hours. I personally don't mind the substance but if you we're sold them as acid tell your dealer he is full of shit. DO NOT DOUBLE DROP!!
Those look similar to what I picked up in Brisbane yesterday. Sold as acid. Can anyone confirm what these are?
Here's a pic:

Yep same as the ones I got. Why do people have to seek this as acid!!?? It's gonna fuck someone up thinking its acid. Fuck I hate shit deceiving dealers!!! Sell it as nbome people will still buy it if you tell them what it is and explain the effects. Shit my guy sells me shit as it is, doesn't make up a bullshit story about what's in just straight up lets the customers know what tey are eating. These rookie scheming dealers need to be knocked the fuck out.
Out of curiosity, is your dealer selling it cheap or just the regular street price? Cos I get it cheaper than acid. No need to reply with an exact price tag, just wondering if its being flogged to you by your dealer at the same price as acid.
^ The real issue is the dealers selling this shit as acid, are selling it to anyone including young kids. Which leads to freak outs, which leads to news stories, which leads to more bullshit propaganda setting back psychedelic science another couple of years.

I have always so extremely serious about knowing exactly what I'm putting in my body, and being able to tell others who might not care enough until it's too late and they get owned.

Anyway discussion, sorry mods.