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Cocaine Le Junk's Cocaine Purification Megathread v. The Final Word

Nagelfar said:
No I bought "acetone NF (anhydrous mixture)" from an online supply company. I did seem to notice my measuring cups seem to have been burnt along the inside, with the acetone becoming completely solidified as 'drips' along the inside (I placed them upside-down on some paper towels to get rid of the remaining acetone, which didn't work)

Okay, you've got the right acetone. Use anything glass until your glass beakers arrive. Eg. shotglass, etc.....

Don't fuck anything else up with plastic. Yes, you are burning plastic alright!

Le Junk
Le Junk said:
Okay, you've got the right acetone. Use anything glass until your glass beakers arrive. Eg. shotglass, etc.....

Don't fuck anything else up with plastic. Yes, you are burning plastic alright!

Le Junk

How long does anhydrous acetone store for? Since I've opened it four or five times to pour it (though I replaced the cap immediately each time) does this contaminate it too badly with moisture from the air or should it be fine?
Nagelfar said:
How long does anhydrous acetone store for? Since I've opened it four or five times to pour it (though I replaced the cap immediately each time) does this contaminate it too badly with moisture from the air or should it be fine?

It's totally fine. It would need to be exposed to the air for quite some time to draw in enough moisture to make an impact on it's anhydrous basis. Your fine, just put away what's left of your newly deformed plastic thingy's! ;)

Le Junk :)
Acetone is compatible with some plastics only. Glass is always OK.

I noticed something which may be useful in diagnosing anhydrous/hydrous acetone: if you spill some anhydrous acetone on your hand it should have an immediate and strong cooling effect, in fact so strong that it is uncomfortable. Watered acetone doesn't have that cooling effect.
xxl said:
Acetone is compatible with some plastics only. Glass is always OK.

I noticed something which may be useful in diagnosing anhydrous/hydrous acetone: if you spill some anhydrous acetone on your hand it should have an immediate and strong cooling effect, in fact so strong that it is uncomfortable. Watered acetone doesn't have that cooling effect.

True, acetone is compatible with alot of plastics, most of which are intended for lab use. Though there are some exceptions, of course.

And I would definitely agree with the coolness to the touch of the acetone vs. it's purity. Good point. ;)

Le Junk
ok, SWIE had a dream last night, it was quite interesting the dream that is...

the dream SWIE was about cocaine quality and general effects. So it went something like this:

In the dream a dude extracted cocaine from peruvian coca leaves. He had night 1.5kg of leaves and extracted something like 7.9gr of cocaine HCL. But he wanted to experiment so he did.

for those that do not know, the cocaine extraction goes like this

1) dampen the leaves with high pH water solution (that is dissolve in the water a base). This breaks down the cell walls and releases any alkaloids contained in the leaf that are in salt form.
2) add lots and lots of kerosene so that the alkaloids from the leaves get dissolved in it
3) collect the kerosene and extract the alkaloids in it by adding a dilute water/acid solution
4) at this point one should oxidize the alkaloid containing water collected. The oxidization is basically adding a compound that readily gives oxygen atoms away. This helps because the oxidizing agent "attacks" the amine groups in the alkaloids present making them inert without damaging the cocaine alkaloid.
5) the end water is treated with a base (ammonia or smt) and cocaine base precipitates. Because the amine groups in the other alkaloids pressent has reacted with oxygen they do not react with the ammonia and just remain in sollution
6) one dissolves the cocaine base in a non pollar solvent and ads hcl acid to give cocaine hcl

ok, so how did swim experimented in the dream? In the step four (the oxidaziation step) he seperated a few ml's of the water and DID NOT oxidize, went straight to cocaine base.

This actually happens allot in cocaine producing countries because the US heavily controls large quantities of potassium permangate which is the oxidizing agent used.

The result was cocaine base with a yellowish color and a smell of decomposing leaves mixed with dirt and water.

When that was dissolved in ether alot of stuff was insoluble, and in any case the whole thing was crystalized giving a kind of offwhite cocaine.

Ether kind of cleaned up all those other alkaloids but not sufficiently enough.

the end cocaine is what one would describe as "edgy" etc. Not street quality crap but definately inferior in terms of high than oxidized cocaine.

BTW those ether insoluble impurities where mostly soluble in acetone which is what people in SA use to dissolve cocaine base because ether is controled as well. Which would give an even worce result.

So the point of the dream is this:

SWIM was right, cocaine high quality is dependant not only on active cuts but also on alkaloid content due to manufacturing procedures.

And the only way to "save" that thing (Besides oxidizing) is doing an acid base extraction WITH an ether wash of the base. The result will still be not as good but acceptable.

ALSO the dream had another revelation. Swim had dreamed of performing an acid base extraction an a street bought cocaine sample. The end result was FUCKED UP, among the worst highs ever. SWIM yesterday smelled some modafinil base, it had the excact same smell as that fucked up cocaine...Also it has prety much the same properties and similar pharmacological properties as well. Its VERY likely that modafinil is used to cut cocaine its dirt cheap and looks ALOT like cocaine.
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interesting dream..............

epote said:
ok, SWIE had a dream last night, it was quite interesting the dream that is...

the dream SWIE was about cocaine quality and general effects. So it went something like this:

In the dream a dude extracted cocaine from peruvian coca leaves. He had night 1.5kg of leaves and extracted something like 7.9gr of cocaine HCL. But he wanted to experiment so he did.

for those that do not know, the cocaine extraction goes like this

1) dampen the leaves with high pH water solution (that is dissolve in the water a base). This breaks down the cell walls and releases any alkaloids contained in the leaf that are in salt form.
2) add lots and lots of kerosene so that the alkaloids from the leaves get dissolved in it
3) collect the kerosene and extract the alkaloids in it by adding a dilute water/acid solution
4) at this point one should oxidize the alkaloid containing water collected. The oxidization is basically adding a compound that readily gives oxygen atoms away. This helps because the oxidizing agent "attacks" the amine groups in the alkaloids present making them inert without damaging the cocaine alkaloid.
5) the end water is treated with a base (ammonia or smt) and cocaine base precipitates. Because the amine groups in the other alkaloids pressent has reacted with oxygen they do not react with the ammonia and just remain in sollution
6) one dissolves the cocaine base in a non pollar solvent and ads hcl acid to give cocaine hcl

ok, so how did swim experimented in the dream? In the step four (the oxidaziation step) he seperated a few ml's of the water and DID NOT oxidize, went straight to cocaine base.

This actually happens allot in cocaine producing countries because the US heavily controls large quantities of potassium permangate which is the oxidizing agent used.

The result was cocaine base with a yellowish color and a smell of decomposing leaves mixed with dirt and water.

When that was dissolved in ether alot of stuff was insoluble, and in any case the whole thing was crystalized giving a kind of offwhite cocaine.

Ether kind of cleaned up all those other alkaloids but not sufficiently enough.

the end cocaine is what one would describe as "edgy" etc. Not street quality crap but definately inferior in terms of high than oxidized cocaine.

BTW those ether insoluble impurities where mostly soluble in acetone which is what people in SA use to dissolve cocaine base because ether is controled as well. Which would give an even worce result.

So the point of the dream is this:

SWIM was right, cocaine high quality is dependant not only on active cuts but also on alkaloid content due to manufacturing procedures.

And the only way to "save" that thing (Besides oxidizing) is doing an acid base extraction WITH an ether wash of the base. The result will still be not as good but acceptable.

ALSO the dream had another revelation. Swim had dreamed of performing an acid base extraction an a street bought cocaine sample. The end result was FUCKED UP, among the worst highs ever. SWIM yesterday smelled some modafinil base, it had the excact same smell as that fucked up cocaine...Also it has prety much the same properties and similar pharmacological properties as well. Its VERY likely that modafinil is used to cut cocaine its dirt cheap and looks ALOT like cocaine.

I've gotta say my friend, after reading thru this dream of SWIE's, it almost seems truly lifelike! ;) Such vivid details and seemingly lifelike accounts, I almost felt as though you were there. Though we certainly know that's not possible, especially with your personal distaste for drugs and profound and negative stance against those that do. :)

I will say this, these dreams do seem interesting, though they do differ slightly from those I have on a somwhat regular basis. In my dreams, the freebase (formed correctly via the ammonia route) is simply dissolved in ether while a seperate beaker of acetone and HCI is quickly added. The dream is always the same, the chunk of pure cocaine is always pearlescent, and after being washed with acetone and left to dry for 48 hours, is nothing short of disco blow. Pretty much the same recurring dream everytime, unless there's no real cocaine to begin with, when in that case, the forming of the freebase is light, tall, paper thin, no rocks and the final result is typical speed from whatever caine they substituted. I call those, nightmares! 8o

Le Junk ;)
I'd like to offer a challenge to anyone who has access to chloroform. Hypothetically speaking, of course, just before losing all of the chloroform I was borrowing, I performed two seperate chloroform extractions and in doing so, was left with nearly half or more of something in the filter paper. 1 gram of cocaine is soluble in 12.5 ml.s chloroform, and ephedrine for example, is entirely insoluble. Interesting I thought. After letting all of the chloroform/cocaine drain thru a low flow filter paper onto an awaiting glass pie plate, I blow dryed off the liquid portion and then let finish evaporating overnight. The dish in the morning was nothing short of beautiful! Entirely covered with dry round diamond like cocaine crystals. It resembled a snow covered window pain in the winter. Anyway, I proceeded to scrape all of them up and then performed a basic acetone wash on the newly formed crystals.

And this is the honest to God's truth, THE best results ever, both times! I just so happened to lose the chloroform after those two runs, but it seems almost to coincendental that the results both times with the chloroform were my best two results ever, don't you think?

Anyway, the conclusion from this would be obvious that ephedrine is to blame. It certainly has always been on the top 5 list anyway, so that's why I emplore anyone with chloroform and low flow filter papers to give this a run at least once. Follow it up with an acetone wash and report your findings. I truly believe there's something here. I quit using, so I'm no longer available, but damn it's tempting!

I'll attach the solubility chart for exact #'s etc. Best of luck and please someone give this simple idea a try. Thanks.

Le Junk


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Wow. Someone must really have cocaine on the mind to have prophetic dreams about cocaine cuts, contents and cleaning procedures which are accurate. ;)

Things like that used to happen to me when I studied latin, words and phrases popped into my dreams which almost taught me things.
Le Junk said:
Pretty much the same recurring dream everytime, unless there's no real cocaine to begin with, when in that case, the forming of the freebase is light, tall, paper thin, no rocks and the final result is typical speed from whatever caine they substituted. I call those, nightmares! 8o
Too bad they're so d@mn common... there's so much crap out there that sometimes this purifying doesn't seem worth it -- you end up with much less, or even a funky taste/smell for some reason (reacting with acetone?). I figure I might as well "enjoy" the ephedrine/caffeine if I get that kind of sh*t. As long as it doesn't thrash the nose anyways.
After my washed cocaine sat, it became completely odorless. Is that a good sign? I thought pure cocaine still had some smell to it, it even seemed to initially have a strong smell like it did before immediately after the wash when the inital acetone evaporated with the acetone smell.

Also, how good is that clorox test? I actually tried it with my newly washed cocaine, and it didn't turn any color at all. It all just floated in there, maybe one small piece sank, and stayed white. Even several minutes after.
the clorox test sucks.

cocaine has no smell, if it does is due to solvents traped etc or decomposition
I have yet another question. Since the acetone wash removes the smell, and I have read elsewhere that it is the acidity decomposing which makes that smell in pure cocaine, would it help to add some 31% muriatic acid to the final stage after an acetone wash? This is without the step turning it to freebase and back where that step is required, if I understand correctly, just a cocaine hcl anhydrous acetone wash. Would the muriatic acid addition help in a smaller degree? Without that, it doesn't work in its method of administration via insufflation or IV correct?
Nagelfar said:
I have yet another question. Since the acetone wash removes the smell, and I have read elsewhere that it is the acidity decomposing which makes that smell in pure cocaine, would it help to add some 31% muriatic acid to the final stage after an acetone wash? This is without the step turning it to freebase and back where that step is required, if I understand correctly, just a cocaine hcl anhydrous acetone wash. Would the muriatic acid addition help in a smaller degree? Without that, it doesn't work in its method of administration via insufflation or IV correct?

Simply, no. :\

Le Junk :)
I have yet another question. Since the acetone wash removes the smell, and I have read elsewhere that it is the acidity decomposing which makes that smell in pure cocaine, would it help to add some 31% muriatic acid to the final stage after an acetone wash? This is without the step turning it to freebase and back where that step is required, if I understand correctly, just a cocaine hcl anhydrous acetone wash. Would the muriatic acid addition help in a smaller degree? Without that, it doesn't work in its method of administration via insufflation or IV correct?


for numerous reasons, 1) it wont react, cocaine hcl is insoluble in acetone 2) it will make your cocaine VERY acidic, your nose will be in for a world of pain
SO MANY METHODS of 'purification' - Which one now?

Le Junk said:

The acetone was definately not to blame for the nose bleeds. It wouldn't even cause nosebleeds after waiting only 24 hours. What most likely caused the nosebleeds was another cut that was also insoluble in acetone. One popular cut that does cause nosebleeds is butacaine, and is also used as a cut due to it's numbing qualities.

Butacaine numbs much more quickly than cocaine. In fact, the numbing is almost immediate vs. 1 1/2 to 2 minutes with cocaine. Butacaine also has some of the stimulating properties of cocaine, but does not produce any euphoria. The only caine that can produce euphoria is cocaine. Butacaines numbing effect lasts considerably longer than cocaine as well. It will also cause irritation to the mucous membranes.

Does any of that sound like what you experienced?

Le Junk :)

My Kind Le Junk,

OK - So let us assume we have active and inactive cuts - of god knows what sort.
Let us assume we have only 1% coke.

My question for Le Junk respectfully follows...

What is your present 'easy cocaine purification for the chemistry challenged' that will leave us only with that 1% coke?

I am so overwhelmed by this thread - I beg you - keep it simple?

How do we lose ALL the possible 'cut'?

Thank You For Your Brave Mission,
- 'challenged'
WarrenZevon said:
My Kind Le Junk,

OK - So let us assume we have active and inactive cuts - of god knows what sort.
Let us assume we have only 1% coke.

My question for Le Junk respectfully follows...

What is your present 'easy cocaine purification for the chemistry challenged' that will leave us only with that 1% coke?

I am so overwhelmed by this thread - I beg you - keep it simple?

How do we lose ALL the possible 'cut'?

Thank You For Your Brave Mission,
- 'challenged'

Without question, for those chemistry challenged and for those with some background, the anhydrous acetone wash is by far the single most effective improvement you can make to your cocaine, hands down! ;) However, it is imperative that you let it evaporate for a full 48 hours afterwards, not 24, but 48. It'll make all the difference. Once the 48 hours are up, use a ceramic plate to crush up the blow as fine as possible. Then transfer all of the blow to a waxy covered paper plate. Push all of the coke to one end. Then, with the plate titled ever so slightly towards you and holding each edge by one finger from each hand, gently tap on the pile until all of the crystals start falling down towards you. Collect them frequently and transfer them to another plate. With the original pile, push the pile back up to the top again and repeat over and over until all of the crystals are on one plate, and a flat white powder is on the other. Discard the flat white powder. Chop the crystals into even finer crystals and then snort and enjoy. That's it.

Le Junk.......out for the day! :)

Le Junk
My Kind Le Junk,

OK - So let us assume we have active and inactive cuts - of god knows what sort.
Let us assume we have only 1% coke.

My question for Le Junk respectfully follows...

What is your present 'easy cocaine purification for the chemistry challenged' that will leave us only with that 1% coke?

I am so overwhelmed by this thread - I beg you - keep it simple?

How do we lose ALL the possible 'cut'?

Thank You For Your Brave Mission,
- 'challenged'

ok from simplest to most complex:

acetone wash

acetone wash+ether wash+clorophorm extraction

acid base extraction

acid base extraction with oxidizition of the base via potassium permanganate

acid base extraction with oxidizition of the base via potassium permanganate and recrystallization of the base via petroleum ether
epote said:
ok from simplest to most complex:

acetone wash

acetone wash+ether wash+clorophorm extraction

acid base extraction

acid base extraction with oxidizition of the base via potassium permanganate

acid base extraction with oxidizition of the base via potassium permanganate and recrystallization of the base via petroleum ether

I'll make one small note, if I may. On the acetone wash+ether wash+chloroform extraction method, it should actually be performed in the following order for safety reasons. Chloroform extraction+acetone wash+ether wash. You want to make sure all traces of chloroform are entirely removed.

Le Junk ;)
Are other anaesthetics like lidocaine soluble in acetone? After I've finally gotten around to trying that acetone washed cocaine, it has virtually no numbness. Almost none at all, and no feeling of numbness in my palate or the back of my throat, just a tiny bit in my nose. I had tried 1.5g of the same cocaine weeks before and it had all the numbness qualities you should expect. I had previously thought it was fairly good quality, better than what I've gotten from other people, but this.... confuses me greatly.

It was a fairly odd consistency, maybe it was polluted by moisture while sitting out, it has been really rainy here recently.