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Cocaine Le Junk's Cocaine Purification Megathread v. The Final Word

Nagelfar said:
Are other anaesthetics like lidocaine soluble in acetone? After I've finally gotten around to trying that acetone washed cocaine, it has virtually no numbness. Almost none at all, and no feeling of numbness in my palate or the back of my throat, just a tiny bit in my nose. I had tried 1.5g of the same cocaine weeks before and it had all the numbness qualities you should expect. I had previously thought it was fairly good quality, better than what I've gotten from other people, but this.... confuses me greatly.

It was a fairly odd consistency, maybe it was polluted by moisture while sitting out, it has been really rainy here recently.

First off, the purity of your acetone is crucial. It has to be 100% or damn near 100% water and alcohol free. Reason being, 1 whole gram of cocaine is entirely soluble in just .5 ml's of water. That's right, just .5 ml's! So, make sure your acetone is completely anhydrous, or your simply washing away your cocaine, right along with your cuts.

And secondly, a number of various "caines" other than cocaine are always used as cuts for cocaine. There are roughly 110 other caines. The reason they're so widely used as a cocaine cut is obvious, numbness. Make the user think his shit is more pure by numbing factor alone, and you can sell junk all day long.

In order to check the solubilities of some of the more popular "caines", I'll attach the cocaine solubility chart from The Cocaine Handbook, by David Lee. You can hit on the image to increase it's size. Compare the solubilities of cocaine hydrochloride to that of some of the other caines.

Le Junk ;)


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Le Junk said:
First off, the purity of your acetone is crucial. It has to be 100% or damn near 100% water and alcohol free. Reason being, 1 whole gram of cocaine is entirely soluble in just .5 ml's of water. That's right, just .5 ml's! So, make sure your acetone is completely anhydrous, or your simply washing away your cocaine, right along with your cuts.

And secondly, a number of various "caines" other than cocaine are always used as cuts for cocaine. There are roughly 110 other caines. The reason they're so widely used as a cocaine cut is obvious, numbness. Make the user think his shit is more pure by numbing factor alone, and you can sell junk all day long.

In order to check the solubilities of some of the more popular "caines", I'll attach the cocaine solubility chart from The Cocaine Handbook, by David Lee. You can hit on the image to increase it's size. Compare the solubilities of cocaine hydrochloride to that of some of the other caines.

Le Junk ;)

I'm absolutely sure of my acetone being anhydrous. I am a bit confused as to my outcome though, there was still cocaine (or something?) there, it was free from any smell until a day later or so where it's smell returned somewhat. Would that be the methyl benzoate somehow reasserting itself? I wouldn't think it would be able to decompose from there after a wash since those ancillary alkaloids would be gone, I wonder what it was that I was smelling. Though the smell seemed to come & go, maybe I am just thinking about it too much. The lack of numbness bothered me, but if these effects sound like the result of moisture contaminating it from some other means then that would probably confirm my assumption.
"i Am Not Worthy" !

epote said:
ok from simplest to most complex:

acetone wash

acetone wash+ether wash+clorophorm extraction

acid base extraction

acid base extraction with oxidizition of the base via potassium permanganate

acid base extraction with oxidizition of the base via potassium permanganate and recrystallization of the base via petroleum ether


I can not trust my inexperienced self with ether - I WOLUD blow myself up!

A) Couldn't a safer non-polor such as clorophorm or OTC Naptha do the non-polor wash?

B) Le Junks suggested use of clorophorm sounds just like a non-polar wash - why do you guys - who know what you are doing - call this an 'extraction' VS a Wash?

Before this post - I figured one should:

1) Wash the coke hcl with acetone (and Ether if you have the skill. I would prefer a safer alternative - if one existed)

2) Basify - see the following as an easy method for the challenged:
"The easiest way to change cocaine hcl into the freebase is through 
the use of lye or NaOH crystals. Get a glass cigar tube and put around 1/2 
gram to 1 gram of cocaine hcl in the tube. Add enough water to fill the tube up to about 2/3 of the way full. Then add NaOH, crystal by 
crystal, swirling the test tube around. After a few crystals, depending on the amount of cocaine HCl in the tube, you will eventually begin to 
see a large rock form at the bottom of the tube."

3) Wash the base as well as possible with water. (DRY cleaned base)

4) Find some EASY way to return to HCL. The method I found that seems most simple suggests 'Pour your entire (dry chopped up) freebase into acetone. Stir the freebase until all of it is dissolved entirely in the acetone. Once completely dissolved, add (how much?) muritatic acid to the acetone/freebase. Gently stir the mixture for about 3-7 strokes. A virtual snowstorm of cocaine hydrochloride crystals will start forming out of the liquid and within seconds the entire bottom of the beaker will be consumed with pure cocaine hydrochloride crystals. It is very important that Once the snowstorm starts you STOP stirring the mixture. Leave undisturbed for about an hour and 1/2."

5) Do a final acetone wash.

Any / All constructive input / thoughts requested!


PS - Does ordering a small amount of clorophorm online draw unwanted attention?

PPS - I read somewhere that all 'cains' but the one we love would dissolve in a solution of stannous chloride. Or is that what potassium permanganate is for?

I am not worthy! :)
Magnesium Sulphate VS Sodium Hydroxide

Le Junk said:
I would think it would be called the same universally. Try and locate epsom salts. If not, you could probably just order magnesium sulphate online. You can here..................

Le Junk

Dear Le,

Did I see this posted by you here?

"If not, and you plan on using hardware store acetone, add about 100 ml.s of sodium hydroxide per every 1 liter of acetone, shake and then filter. Your hardware store acetone is now anhydrous."

If this is true - would this not be the simplest method?



PS - I saw 'pure' acetone that had some VERY bitter adulterant added to it! Beware Drug Store Junk!
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streetcleaner said:
Anyone have a link where you can get the right acetone? I'm having a hard time finding one.

I just used yahoo local and entered my zipcode and entered the word "scientific." Then I scoured the results a found a couple of places that sell supplies for science experiments, amateur geologists, telescopes, archeological tools, etc. It turns out it was less than 2 miles from my house.

I googled for legitimate acetone uses. I picked one that seemed likely in case they asked any questions. I had a friend drive me and paid cash, but I am super paranoid. They had the acetone, the pyrex wares and the filters. I look very clean cut and respectable, as I make a living in construction management. The guy didn't even ask what I was doing or hesitate!
After I typed that I wondered. Am I being overly paranoid? Is Acetone used in manufacturing of any kind of drugs in the US? Or for anything illegal for that matter?
Trey73 said:
After I typed that I wondered. Am I being overly paranoid? Is Acetone used in manufacturing of any kind of drugs in the US? Or for anything illegal for that matter?
Yeah you are being just a tad paranoid, but so am I. Acetone is used to clean lots of stuff from fiberglass, something called vinyl esters, and in the graphic arts community to clean off glue and stuff, or it used to be. That was my use in school.
Le Junk - Help! Drying acetone with Lye???

Le Junk said:
First off, the purity of your acetone is crucial. It has to be 100% or damn near 100% water and alcohol free.

Le Junk ;)

Dear Le Junk,

A LONG time ago you said we could Dry our acetone with Lye.
We need to know - was it just a typo?

You Wrote:
"If not, and you plan on using hardware store acetone, add about 100 ml.s of sodium hydroxide per every 1 liter of acetone, shake and then filter. Your hardware store acetone is now anhydrous."

PLEASE - someone tell us if this is accurate?
(God knows - I would HATE to bake Epsom Salts in my dirty, smoke spewing oven!)

(To any one who can answer)

Best OTC Manufacturers?

muse sicko said:
I went to Sherwin Williams paint store. However, we had to check the MDS (material data sheet) to see its purity. It said it was 100%. I also checked the other hardware stores and art supply stores to find out the purity, but no one knew, so I visited the respective websites for the manufacturers. That should tell you.

Dear Muse,

After all that work, what brand(s) did you find to be the best?


WarrenZevon said:
Dear Le Junk,

A LONG time ago you said we could Dry our acetone with Lye.
We need to know - was it just a typo?

You Wrote:
"If not, and you plan on using hardware store acetone, add about 100 ml.s of sodium hydroxide per every 1 liter of acetone, shake and then filter. Your hardware store acetone is now anhydrous."

PLEASE - someone tell us if this is accurate?
(God knows - I would HATE to bake Epsom Salts in my dirty, smoke spewing oven!)

(To any one who can answer)


Yes, it's true! ;)

Le Junk
WarrenZevon said:
Dear Muse,

After all that work, what brand(s) did you find to be the best?



Personally, Klean Strip brand, available at Lowes, Home Depot etc. is excellent. It's comes in a blue and yellow can and can be found in the paint section.

Le Junk ;)
Anhydrous Magnesium Sulphate

WarrenZevon said:
Dear Le Junk,

A LONG time ago you said we could Dry our acetone with Lye.
We need to know - was it just a typo?

You Wrote:
"If not, and you plan on using hardware store acetone, add about 100 ml.s of sodium hydroxide per every 1 liter of acetone, shake and then filter. Your hardware store acetone is now anhydrous."

PLEASE - someone tell us if this is accurate?
(God knows - I would HATE to bake Epsom Salts in my dirty, smoke spewing oven!)

(To any one who can answer)


Dear Le,

Lets say someone needed ALOT of acetone and just dried it with anhydrous magnesium sulphate. Imagine they need to pour off (no eye droppers here) a lot but need to keep the 'wet' white gunky magnesium sulphate OUT / seperate from the fine acetone. What would you suggest? Just doing smaller batches? Would it be possible to filter out the gunk?

Finally - how much epsom salts do you need to dry 'x' amount of OTC acetone?

Thanks For Dealing With Lamers Like Me,
