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Kratom to be banned soon by DEA! How will it affect USA? v All kratom talk goes here!

I've actually been using Kratom for the past few months to help curb drinking, and it's honestly been a tremendous help in allowing me to cut back. I know it's going to suck when the rug gets pulled out from under me at the end of the month (in a few days now...), but I know it's REALLY going to suck for the people that have been using it in lieu of opiates and are making wholehearted efforts to get/stay clean. It's all a $$ game for big pharma, and it's disgusting and deplorable that they'd rather have people "legally" addicted to harder drugs (yes drugs) like suboxone and methadone that they can profit off of. The fact that it's going to be schedule 1 is the biggest joke I've ever fucking heard. What's next, are they going to ban caffeine? Tylenol?

I read that in the Kratom Megathread but I'm not buying it after reading the other fake article.

HOWEVER, I find it odd that there are actual quotes from Susan Ash and members of the DEA in there so if it's fake I guess those quotes were just made up but isn't it breaking some kind of law to make false quotes attributed to an actual PERSON like Susan Ash??

Anyways, I want to hear more about this if anyone else knows anything else, but I'm not buying it.

I've given up on Kratom already and I'm trying to move on.

At 8:30 Eastern Standard Time now, people probably have just a few hours to enjoy it legally.

I HATE THE DEA and the war on drugs.

They DON'T mean well, and they are just downright evil.

It's all about money, cause it doesn't help ANYONE, it only hurts.
Amen to that, I'm glad to live in a western country with no LE Agency that's given billions to harass/force/even arrest doctors because of how those with compassion AND actual reasons for treating somebody with a chronic pain issue. And they script long-term benzo scripts to make those in pain in a little less pain (muscle relaxant effect but have a worse withdrawal than opiates) and not express warranted outrage when one is suddenly cut from their treatment because a cop said so. Here docs script opiates as much as they want, only dentists have some kind of watchdog on them. And even here some prohibitive extremely conservative and not based on science, doctors who tell people under 30 or so, that even though their condition needs some pain meds, they will script them in small quantities and eventually cut them off cold turkey after a while, which leads to things like...these last 2 months, one guy entered a mom & pop pharmacy with a syringe saying it had aids in it and to give him generic Oxycontin, Dilaudid, HydromorphContins etc. and another last week tried the same with a fucking AXE to force the pharmacists into giving him what he asked for, but that one guy got caught, they hit the alarm button on time.

Back when I was a chipper, 10 years ago or so, a friend of a friend had the politeness of just going to get "his scripts himself" in the night after witnessing the alarm pass code entered by an employee when it closed. So he hid himself in the mall where that pharmacy was, and when closed, let himself in and took everything (even opiates here are not, generally behind secure safes or such). Let's say I felt like Charlie when I visited him afterwards and the funny thing is, he was returning the weak shit he grabbed in the dark like M-Eslons 15's and 30's back to the pharmacist afterwards, saying he knew who did it, wouldn't say who, but that he was bringing back some of the stuff without the guy knowing to the pharmacy in exchange for a HydromorphContin 24 a day. That was fun times. I hope you keep kratom legal, I never used it, but I thought of it as an out from bupe and thankfully it remains legal in Canada, including extracts. They rather ban ridiculous almost not used other than by the french speaking (often christian) arabs who smoked Khat, well the Conservatives did...the Liberals brought us the nbome ban that takes 2c-x's as collateral damage which pisses me the fuck off.
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I'm hearing that Kratom MAY NOT YET be illegal.

Can other people please confirm this??
The kratom ban does seem to be delayed. From what I've read online, the date when it will become illegal in the USA is unknown, yet also imminent. Weeks to possibly 3 months at the latest is my guess.
Could come any day. DEA claims they're waiting, but haven't said for what. From my understanding, all they have to do to make it final is issue the Final Order. They gave 30 days notice so it can come whenever.

I'm not sure what legislative action Congress take could prevent them from taking action. Could issue a memo but that would be non-binding. Obama saying that he doesn't want it/is stopping would probably be the best thing short of Congress passing a law regulating it.
I do NOT like how optimistic my fellow Kratomites are getting.

Just look at how far down this thread has dropped before I had to call it to the top!!

The DEA has said they will extend the commentary period till December 1st and it's still legal till then BUT, Susan Ash of the Kratom foundation is urging people to continue fighting, making calls and emails to the right people and I will as soon as I know WHO to send them to!!

I think Reddit is more involved in this than we are so I'll go over there soon for the necessary actions to take.

This is what I wrote before in the Kratom Megathread:

I think it's REALLY important people continue to make even more calls and emails during the DEA's "comment period" but it doesn't seem enough people around here are.

I will make some myself once I figure out how.

I think that the DEA is banking on people having blown their wad already and then when not enough people respond during their comment period because they already responded before they will say "see, we gave you guys a few months to respond and you didn't respond much so we are making it illegal".

Then we'll all be like "yeah but we got 120,000 plus signatures BEFORE the comment period" and they'll be like "all that did was earn you the right to have a comment period which you didn't even use, and now we are scheduling it".

I do NOT like two things about your average drug user: 1) they are overly optimistic about things like these 2) they are often lazy and unwilling to take the necessary actions in a situation like this to keep their drug legal when they can.

I think that unfortunately the DEA may just be playing a "long game" now, expecting us to calm down because we think we won, and then just scheduling it at a later date.

I think we can only potentially stop the ban IF WE CONTINUE TO MAKE LOTS AND LOTS OF NOISE LIKE WE DID LAST MONTH!!!

Do NOT be foolish and think that the EVIL DEA is just "letting this slide".

We already have strong evidence that big pharma is trying to make drugs out of Kratom's alkaloids and is probably paying off or influencing the DEA.

The DEA STILL wants Kratom illegal if they can do so and I'd make a money bet with anyone who thinks otherwise.

STOP being overly optimistic and get active on making SURE Kratom STAYS legal!!!

Don't just drop the issue and be hopeful or we will lose this war.
I'm exactly the same....This is going to screw a lot of people. Kratom is a miracle drug for me.

I wouldn't wish suboxone dependence and withdrawal on my worst enemy. I know why people take suboxone for an extended period of time, but I still shake my head at that. I've only taken it for a week at a time. For long term users, I know you're supposed to "taper" but I suspect people end up being on it for years because even with a taper, it's still probably hard for a lot of people. Thankfully, I've never had to go through that. I think even after you taper, you're still looking at about 2 weeks worth of withdrawal - not as intense as H withdrawal, but still no picnic.

I was on suboxone for about a year, I missed my Drs appt to refill, didn't really know much about the withdraws, I found out after a couple days if being off it, I though I was going to die, a week of pure hell, I had to go to the ER 3 times in 1 week, still had no idea what was wronh with me, thought I had some kind of stomach virus. Worst thing ever!! I told my Dr to put me back on pain meds. I will NEVER take sub's again! I'd rather go throw opiate withdrawal.
Does Kratom really help you get off opiates? There is a Kava bar here in town that serves Kratom in a tea form, I'd really like to try and get off the pain meds. What is everyone's thoughts? I also grow through severe pain daily, its a struggle for me everyday ?
Yes Kratom is a great alternative to subs/done to get off opiates..I have already stockpiled multiple kgs due to the impending ban..I don't get it they try all this shit to cut scripts of pain meds and force withdrawal then take the only natural remedy for WD..fucking donkey fucking assholes.
So how likely do you guys think it is that Kratom will or won't become illegal on December 1st??

I'm still REALLY hoping it stays legal.

I love it so much but I don't really feel like stocking up because: 1) I have trouble moderating at times with it and prefer to buy small amounts 2) at this point it's really too late to get more than a KG and it would run out fast and even if I could have ever tried to stockpile KGS it would have eventually run out and then I'd have just been upset.

I'd have to have REALLY started stockpiling early and while part of me wishes I had, I can't go back in time and do it, nor do i really think it would have been a great idea for the aforementioned reasons.

I just want it to stay legal so I can choose to buy small amounts when I want and not when I don't.

I'm being realistic and thinking there's probably about a 75% chance it will EVENTUALLY become illegal, because the DEA is so downright evil, but I don't know how it would go down.

Like they've already heard SO many complaints from thousands of protesters and we've done all this shit to try to keep it legal, I have hard time imagining them simply saying "yup, it's illegal now" on December 1st.

All us Kratom heads would throw a HUGE shitfit again and probably march on Washington and get lawyers.

The DEA knows we are serious and was admittedly surprised at the backlash.

Supposedly they are partially leaving the decision up to the FDA but what sense does that make??

Like the FDA doesn't even approve lots of fucking FOODS at times.

I can't think of how many times I have bought some harmless supplement that you can't get high off of or some food product and it has said on the back "the FDA says this product is not approved by them for medical usage" or whatever.

So is the DEA going to literally try to say that if the FDA is willing to simply say those magic words about Kratom that then it will become illegal and a schedule one fucking substance?!?!

I just don't get it.

I guess none of us knows but I wouldn't mind hearing some opinions...

I'd also like to know what more I can do.

I already called my representative, signed a few petitions, sent emails, etc.
Not really. My opinion...the DEA's mind has been made up since the day they announced that it was going to be scheduled and all of this taking public comments on kratom for the last 3 months was our bone to shut us up while the ban has a chance to sink in. I don't have much confidence that it stays legal but it is still 2016 which seems to be the year of the long shot so who knows.

My bet is that it'll be banned by the start of the new year, either way I'm happy for the last 3 months.
Probably not since it's food but I read something about them wanting to regulate loperamide.
This is extremely upsetting to us because this was how my husband was able to stay vlean. Smh