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Opioids Kratom Mega Thread v. 5

I've read that the heat can destroy some of the alkaloids... ok, but you never know till you try :) Me and my buddy vaped a couple times and always felt a nice lil head buzz. Seems that not all the alkaloids get destroyed.

E: The high feels different from the usual toss&wash high and of course doesn't last as long.

E2: If I'm sure it wasn't placebo? Nope, I'm not sure of anything ;)

I think smoking anything will give you a temporary head rush
I've read that the heat can destroy some of the alkaloids... ok, but you never know till you try :) Me and my buddy vaped a couple times and always felt a nice lil head buzz. Seems that not all the alkaloids get destroyed.

E: The high feels different from the usual toss&wash high and of course doesn't last as long.

E2: If I'm sure it wasn't placebo? Nope, I'm not sure of anything ;)
How do u vape kratom? You would have to turn it into liquid which is not really possible because kratom tea turns into sludge? And the flavor, must have tasted like ass???
Which type of kratom is best for jumping off oxycontin im hoping to get dose around 90 mg a day when jumping. Also does anybody know a conversion amount for oxy mg equals around how much kratom cause im getting close to doing it after many years going everyday on oxys. And is it possible at 90 mg a day oxcy to jump over and still be able to go to work and function, one last question if i was able to jump then stay on kratom for a couple months then taper kratom. Will i just be facing kratom withdrawl or will it be worse from doing oxys months earlier.
Which type of kratom is best for jumping off oxycontin im hoping to get dose around 90 mg a day when jumping. Also does anybody know a conversion amount for oxy mg equals around how much kratom cause im getting close to doing it after many years going everyday on oxys. And is it possible at 90 mg a day oxcy to jump over and still be able to go to work and function, one last question if i was able to jump then stay on kratom for a couple months then taper kratom. Will i just be facing kratom withdrawl or will it be worse from doing oxys months earlier.

I think bali would be a good strain as it is more sedating ie more opioid alkaloids. You're not going the equivalent of 90mg oxy when switching to kratom, but if you do maybe 8 grams x3/day I believe you would have very minor withdrawal symptoms and I believe you would be able to function fine at work.. I wouldn't go much higher than that since you are new to kratom and would be prone to side effects if you go to high on the dosage, such as eye wiggles, nausea and just dysphoria/malaise when you dose kratom too high and aren't tolerant to these effects.

Also when you taper the kratom you would be dealing with minor withdrawals as long as you taper correctly, and no you wouldn't be facing oxy withdrawals if you've been on the kratom for a decent period of time.
So I'm pretty new to kratom, long time opiate user though. I'd gotten an ounce of some red Bali last week, couldn't hardly stand it by T&W method....have decided to try capsules, have 50 caps red vein indo coming tomorrow. I've tried to do as much research as possible via interwebs, I guess I'm wondering how many caps equal a gram, what's a good dose to get a decent buzz?
Ok, so several days ago I discussed getting really uncomfortable hot flashes and sweating when taking Kratom. Those side effects have since gone away. It was either residual withdraw from all the roxi use OR it was a side effect specifically bc at first I was purchasing my Kratom from a headshop. Since getting Bali from a vendor, I haven't dealt with that unpleasantness. Makes me wonder what's really in the headshop Kratom. ?

Some headshops actually offer fairly decent kratom, but this is not the norm - it's much more likely to find widely inconsistent quality from headshops.

I experience hot flashes and excessive sweating for the first few days Everytime I switch from another opiate/opioid back to kratom. For me, it is simply one of the side effects of kratom. After a couple days, I seem to develop a tolerance to the side effects of hot flashes and sweating... Then I am left with just the pleasant kratom high.

Seems you may have gone through a similar experience to mine.
I am so relieved to read someone else has experienced this! After reading thru the mega threads, I could only find where hot flashes are reported by ppl with liver damage or Hep C of which I have neither. I've never used a needle...always kept my usage to a very expensive pill-popping habit. Kratom seems to have cut the craving for anything else at the moment. For this alone, I am extremely grateful.
Hello all. I didn't do my research today an bought 10g of Green Maeng Da. I didn't prepare for it either. My goal was help coming off opiates and switching to medical herb. I think I have Red Vein? Can someone help me out with this. I have Valium on hand, if needed. Thanks.
Hello all. I didn't do my research today an bought 10g of Green Maeng Da. I didn't prepare for it either. My goal was help coming off opiates and switching to medical herb. I think I have Red Vein? Can someone help me out with this. I have Valium on hand, if needed. Thanks.

Green is referring to the vein color, so if your source is good, it should be a green vein
Hello all. I didn't do my research today an bought 10g of Green Maeng Da. I didn't prepare for it either. My goal was help coming off opiates and switching to medical herb. I think I have Red Vein? Can someone help me out with this. I have Valium on hand, if needed. Thanks.
Maeng Da gives you energy. Red vein mellows you out and and opiated feeling, but then again, a high enough dose of any strain can have me nodding off.
I checked out some sites and watched a you tube video. This is good shit. I took 1 gram and it's straight euphoria. Full disclosure. I woke at 7 am, had 30mg of dextroamphetamine, vaped e-cig a few times, 10mg Valium at noon, 15 drops of CBD juice and 1 gram cap of this Green Maeng Da. I took it at 3:50pm ( 15:50 for the rest of you) and am now jamming Deep Purple whilst feeling euphoric.

Very nice.

Based off the last two posts, I like the fact that one cap does the trick. I'll be responsable with this and pick up the red version for the other moods.

Guy in the YouTube video that was most professional, said he now is into some called green Hulu kuapor. Mentioned euphoria.
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How do u vape kratom? You would have to turn it into liquid which is not really possible because kratom tea turns into sludge? And the flavor, must have tasted like ass???

What do you mean by sludge? Have you filtered it?
Being a recovering opiate addict myself, I currently favor Bali. Most opiate-like strand I've come across so far.
Im starting to feel more of the norepinephrine effects now. Not bad at all, just noticeable. Is that the story with most of the strains?
Im starting to feel more of the norepinephrine effects now. Not bad at all, just noticeable. Is that the story with most of the strains?
I get strong norepinephrine effects with White strains. Maeng Da is milder in that regards but more uplifting which is nice.

I know strains like Bali/Red Vein Borneo does not have this, as it is more of a sedative.

Some headshops actually offer fairly decent kratom, but this is not the norm - it's much more likely to find widely inconsistent quality from headshops.

I experience hot flashes and excessive sweating for the first few days Everytime I switch from another opiate/opioid back to kratom. For me, it is simply one of the side effects of kratom. After a couple days, I seem to develop a tolerance to the side effects of hot flashes and sweating... Then I am left with just the pleasant kratom high.

Seems you may have gone through a similar experience to mine.

While there may be other causes for hot flashes, I'm assuming what you guys are getting has a different name.

Hot flashes are generally for women going through menopause:

"Hot flashes: A sudden wave of mild or intense body heat caused by rushes of hormonal changes resulting from decreased levels of estrogen. Hot flashescan occur at any time and may last from a few seconds to a half-hour. They are due to blood vessel opening and constricting and a symptom ofmenopause.

Hot flashes are episodes that are experienced by many, but not all, women undergoing menopause. A hot flash is a feeling of warmth, sometimes associated with flushing that spreads over the body and sometimes followed by perspiration. Menstruating women in their 40's may have hot flashes, and hot flashes may last for a decade or more in some women"