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Opioids Kratom Mega Thread v. 5

While there may be other causes for hot flashes, I'm assuming what you guys are getting has a different name.

Hot flashes are generally for women going through menopause:

"Hot flashes: A sudden wave of mild or intense body heat caused by rushes of hormonal changes resulting from decreased levels of estrogen. Hot flashescan occur at any time and may last from a few seconds to a half-hour. They are due to blood vessel opening and constricting and a symptom ofmenopause.

Hot flashes are episodes that are experienced by many, but not all, women undergoing menopause. A hot flash is a feeling of warmth, sometimes associated with flushing that spreads over the body and sometimes followed by perspiration. Menstruating women in their 40's may have hot flashes, and hot flashes may last for a decade or more in some women"

I am not yet old enough to be experiencing menopause, lololol
Yes, and I am not female.

Non menopausal hot flashes are an excepted symptom. Oxygal and I were correct in describing the symptom we experience as a "hot flash" though I suppose to be 100% accurate we should have said "non menopausal hot flash". I assumed this was implied.
Decided to experament a little further today. Instead of 30mg dextroamphetamine in morning, I took 15 mg of dextroamphetamine and one gram of Green Maeng Da. It wasn't half bad to be honest. I was mainly interested in decreasing norepinephrine effects.

Easer to control mood. ( yesterday was fine, but easier to have a flash of anger ).

Tomorrow, I'm going to give this a break. I took today's combo around 11:00am. I currently have a few different substances in my system. Overall feeling good now. Clean mental feeling. Decent combo. The duration on that gram could be a little longer.
Thats the guy I watched and liked. He convinced me to do it.

Me too, actually. I like most of his videos and I can tell he's most likely a bler.

By the way, a very easy way to take Kratom is to mix it in with unsweetened applesauce. I've found out that the less applesauce you mix in, the better it tastes. I made the mistake of mixing 5g of Kratom with about 12 tablespoons of applesauce and it, although not nearly as disgusting as the toss and wash method, was pretty rank. You want to mix in just enough unsweetened applesauce to make an oatmeal like consistency and the taste is very tolerable. You may or may not want to mix in some additional applesauce, if it does taste bad. But I have found that less is more, when it comes to making it easier to ingest.
I can definitely see how this stuff can be psychologically addicting even before there is physical dependence. I received an email this morning announcing I have a package arriving today. Suddenly I don't have the "Monday blues" as much.

I think this is a wonderful little plant but I don't want another addiction. I plan on proceeding with caution from now on.
I'm finding out that Kratom has to be treated seriously. I like it, but would not want to be strung out on it. I get some fire, take only what I need and that's all. So far, one dose a day.

I am experamenting with one gram of really good kratom and 30 mg of dextroamphetamine. I tried it with 15!mg d amp and 1 gram of Kratom. I liked it, had decient energy, but lacked that amphetamine effect.

Today, I'm trying it all, because I like the energy and the clear mental effect.

Side note: the Kratom gave me a mental effect, similar to methylphenidate.

This Green Mang Da is nice. I am going to try different strains to compare. I am open to suggestion aside from the couple I have already recieved. I like euphoria and pain relief, without getting really wired. Good day all.
I'm finding out that Kratom has to be treated seriously. I like it, but would not want to be strung out on it. I get some fire, take only what I need and that's all. So far, one dose a day.

I am experamenting with one gram of really good kratom and 30 mg of dextroamphetamine. I tried it with 15!mg d amp and 1 gram of Kratom. I liked it, had decient energy, but lacked that amphetamine effect.

Today, I'm trying it all, because I like the energy and the clear mental effect.

Side note: the Kratom gave me a mental effect, similar to methylphenidate.

This Green Mang Da is nice. I am going to try different strains to compare. I am open to suggestion aside from the couple I have already recieved. I like euphoria and pain relief, without getting really wired. Good day all.

It sounds like you have the same goal as me regarding Kratom. I'm not into the stem effects as much but just enjoy a mood lift and, as you described, the sharper mental focus. I am a little surprised 1 gram is enough to produce effects for you. Didn't you say you have prior opiate tolerance/experience?
8) I tried Kratom powder (in capsules) last summer (2015). It was recommended for my pain and the suicide level depression that rides shotgun to the pain. I ordered the Maeng Dai for uplift/stimulation.

Really LONG story, but basically my GI shuts down with pain meds. There's little I can do for my pain, unless I give up my career and go home to medicate and wait for death. So...I'm assessing better options to deal with the depression. I'm a tough little chick, but decades of HURT have robbed me of my motivation and "give a shit".

Back to the Kratom...I found that it "numbed" me emotionally (no anger or sadness). I just felt "smooth" if that makes any sense. It allowed me to keep up my façade of "I'm good" for a couple of hard weeks. We lost one of our darling Dalmatians just days after my birthday. It broke my heart, but the Kratom kept me together. It kept me calm whereas I would have otherwise lost it. I actually thought perhaps I was in shock, because I wasn't crying inconsolably.

Hindsight tells me it was not shock, but benefits of Kratom I'd taken. I thought holy shit...I've found a miracle!

I had to stop before I really got started, as pre-existing constipation advanced to a partial bowel obstruction. I have no clue as to whether the Kratom made my tummy troubles worse...or if it was just coincidence.

Anyone else experience constipation from Kratom? I'd be taking it NOW if I didn't fear obstruction.

Meanwhile, I'm trying MMJ which doesn't seem to be the answer, either.

Something's gotta give...before I give up.
8) I tried Kratom powder (in capsules) last summer (2015). It was recommended for my pain and the suicide level depression that rides shotgun to the pain. I ordered the Maeng Dai for uplift/stimulation.

Really LONG story, but basically my GI shuts down with pain meds. There's little I can do for my pain, unless I give up my career and go home to medicate and wait for death. So...I'm assessing better options to deal with the depression. I'm a tough little chick, but decades of HURT have robbed me of my motivation and "give a shit".

Back to the Kratom...I found that it "numbed" me emotionally (no anger or sadness). I just felt "smooth" if that makes any sense. It allowed me to keep up my façade of "I'm good" for a couple of hard weeks. We lost one of our darling Dalmatians just days after my birthday. It broke my heart, but the Kratom kept me together. It kept me calm whereas I would have otherwise lost it. I actually thought perhaps I was in shock, because I wasn't crying inconsolably.

Hindsight tells me it was not shock, but benefits of Kratom I'd taken. I thought holy shit...I've found a miracle!

I had to stop before I really got started, as pre-existing constipation advanced to a partial bowel obstruction. I have no clue as to whether the Kratom made my tummy troubles worse...or if it was just coincidence.

Anyone else experience constipation from Kratom? I'd be taking it NOW if I didn't fear obstruction.

Meanwhile, I'm trying MMJ which doesn't seem to be the answer, either.

Something's gotta give...before I give up.

Kratom can lead to constipation so if you already have a pre-existing issue with that then yes, it made it worse. Have you tried laxatives or stool softeners and increasing the amount of fluids you consume each day?
:| Yes, I rotate methods to try to keep bowels moving. This has been a problem for decades, due to IBC, stage 4 endometriosis, adhesions from multiple surgeries, etc. My bowels are literally choked, but no surgeon will touch me.

I am currently taking Linzess 290 daily, along with stool softeners, prune juice and MUCH WATER...and hospital grade enemas. I live in fear of a ruptured colon. Yep, it's that bad. I live a torturous existence.
:| Yes, I rotate methods to try to keep bowels moving. This has been a problem for decades, due to IBC, stage 4 endometriosis, adhesions from multiple surgeries, etc. My bowels are literally choked, but no surgeon will touch me.

I am currently taking Linzess 290 daily, along with stool softeners, prune juice and MUCH WATER...and hospital grade enemas. I live in fear of a ruptured colon. Yep, it's that bad. I live a torturous existence.
Hi,Dixichik! I read your story abiut your battle with Endometriosis. You have gone thru hell and back. I'm glad the kratom helped. I recommend "Bali" / "Red Vein Borneo" strain to numb emotional and physical pain. If constipation is a problem, try some of the "White " strains, it does not cause me constipation, in fact I usually have to go #2, 20 mins after dosing. "Maeng Da" is basically somewhere in between those two strains, red strains/Bali is the worst for constipation. Your bowel issues sounds serious. Have you considered Anal / Rectum surgery? You are an inspiration to us blue lighters!
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I can definitely see how this stuff can be psychologically addicting even before there is physical dependence. I received an email this morning announcing I have a package arriving today. Suddenly I don't have the "Monday blues" as much.

I think this is a wonderful little plant but I don't want another addiction. I plan on proceeding with caution from now on.
Kratom is really difficult to get physically addicted to. It takes months and months of daily dosing to even reach that point. You have to seriously put an effort and dose like crazy to get addicted to this stuff lol
I took kratom 24/7 for a couple months and got off without problem after I ran out. Maybe I had some restless legs and sweating the first night, but after that I was good. My only problem is a high tolerance to the "Bali/red" strains from abusing it too much. But addiction is near impossible imo. There is a "ceiling effect" at higher dosages, where it just makes you sick and nauseous. This protects us from over doing the kratom.
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8) I tried Kratom powder (in capsules) last summer (2015). It was recommended for my pain and the suicide level depression that rides shotgun to the pain. I ordered the Maeng Dai for uplift/stimulation.

Really LONG story, but basically my GI shuts down with pain meds. There's little I can do for my pain, unless I give up my career and go home to medicate and wait for death. So...I'm assessing better options to deal with the depression. I'm a tough little chick, but decades of HURT have robbed me of my motivation and "give a shit".

Back to the Kratom...I found that it "numbed" me emotionally (no anger or sadness). I just felt "smooth" if that makes any sense. It allowed me to keep up my façade of "I'm good" for a couple of hard weeks. We lost one of our darling Dalmatians just days after my birthday. It broke my heart, but the Kratom kept me together. It kept me calm whereas I would have otherwise lost it. I actually thought perhaps I was in shock, because I wasn't crying inconsolably.

Hindsight tells me it was not shock, but benefits of Kratom I'd taken. I thought holy shit...I've found a miracle!

I had to stop before I really got started, as pre-existing constipation advanced to a partial bowel obstruction. I have no clue as to whether the Kratom made my tummy troubles worse...or if it was just coincidence.

Anyone else experience constipation from Kratom? I'd be taking it NOW if I didn't fear obstruction.

Meanwhile, I'm trying MMJ which doesn't seem to be the answer, either.

Something's gotta give...before I give up.

I have the same from it.. Like I can be depressed and feel nothing on it. It's great for stress or anxiety or anything like that. I can feel nothing on it. That's what I love about it.

I must be an anomaly on all facets kratom. I don't get the constipation. It seems to do the opposite for me. But, I am also weird and get munchies on it where most people lose their appetite. Eating kills the buzz though, so what I do is eat before I take it and then I can go hours without killing the buzz.

I'm an anomaly on all drugs though. Weed makes me extremely tired and paranoid so I can't smoke any unless I'm at home and ready to go to bed. It sucks because I always decline when it's offered. Everything affects me differently I guess.

After about 3 days I no longer feel the stimulating effects but I feel the numbness in emotions which is why I always want to take it. I find that I can keep a buzz going if I skip 2 days between 1-2 days of taking it.
It sounds like you have the same goal as me regarding Kratom. I'm not into the stem effects as much but just enjoy a mood lift and, as you described, the sharper mental focus. I am a little surprised 1 gram is enough to produce effects for you. Didn't you say you have prior opiate tolerance/experience?

i have had bunk Kratom before. I take my medicine seriously. I can officially say that new stuff I got is fire.
I take a few different medicines. I know way better then to get strung out on it. But honest to God, it was the best I ever had.
After some research, I want to find a smacky opiate feeling one with low stim effects. I don't know, but any kind I get, will be fire.

I have opiate experience to the point of railing 20 mg of oxymorphone. That got me so high, I was snoring. So the farthest I got prescribed was 20 mg of oxymorphone ER a day. That shit can kill you if you don't have the tolerance. But I withdrew off it in 10 days with a few days of minor anxiety. No side effects.

Sorry folks, I must say. Don't get emotionally wrapped up in your medicine or let it mess with your head and you will be fine. That might not sound easy to do, but it is. It's all in your head.
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I've received red Bali, do I need to use a filter to keep the shredded leaves/granules out of my tea? Smells vile lol xxx
i have had bunk Kratom before. I take my medicine seriously. I can officially say that new stuff I got is fire.
I take a few different medicines. I know way better then to get strung out on it. But honest to God, it was the best I ever had.
After some research, I want to find a smacky opiate feeling one with low stim effects. I don't know, but any kind I get, will be fire.

I have opiate experience to the point of railing 20 mg of oxymorphone. That got me so high, I was snoring. So the farthest I got prescribed was 20 mg of oxymorphone ER a day. That shit can kill you if you don't have the tolerance. But I withdrew off it in 10 days with a few days of minor anxiety. No side effects.

Sorry folks, I must say. Don't get emotionally wrapped up in your medicine or let it mess with your head and you will be fine. That might not sound easy to do, but it is. It's all in your head.

Hmmm...maybe my vendor isn't as good. I think my product is decent but I can't describe it as fire. I guess I may have to experiment more with different vendors and different types of Kratom. Lmk if you discover a smacky one with low stim!
Well I'm taking a several month break but I just hope SOMEDAY I can actually get high off less than 10 grams again.

Most of you guys would probably be SHOCKED at the mountains of Kratom I would sit there and toss and wash...we are talking about 14-18 grams to get high.

I'd just weigh it all out, put it on a piece of paper in front of me and one after another take about 8 or so teaspoons straight into my mouth washed down with about 2 bottles of water.

Usually it would seriously take me a full 10-15 minutes to swallow it all to the point where sometimes I'd even start to feel some effects BEFORE I finished swallowing it all lol.

But somehow my stomach is just able to tolerate it.

I wish early on I'd learned to keep my tolerance low, but I never really got that lessen, only the one about not doing it more than 3-4 days a week which thankfully helped my WDs to never really be THAT bad.

Last time I took a 90 day break it got my tolerance from an ounce a day to 14 grams a day so MAYBE if I take 6 or more months off...as I plan on doing....I could actually get my tolerance back to 10 grams or so.

One thing I've found is that Kratom tolerance is hard to lower when you get to those super high doses.

Maybe i could also experiment with those methods of putting it in water and swallowing it, but at the doses I was taking I would have choked on it so that wouldn't have been smart.
^ I guess if that is your preferred way of doing it.

Mixing 8 grams in 8 ounces of V8 juice TWICE I could have that down in 10 seconds, 30 if I'm swallowing capsules.
^ I guess if that is your preferred way of doing it.

Mixing 8 grams in 8 ounces of V8 juice TWICE I could have that down in 10 seconds, 30 if I'm swallowing capsules.

Hmmm, when I EVENTUALLY do try Kratom again I may have to attempt that, just with not too much at once.

I don't want to choke on that shit and Kratom could be pretty easy to choke on if you take too much at once.

I'd definitely rather not be sitting there taking all that time to spoon it all in if I don't have to.

But unfortunately I think I need to wait a good 6 months or longer to use Kratom again.

It's actually TOO GOOD a drug IMO to the point of making me complacent and at times lazy...except when I'm on it I'm not lazy, but I refused to take it every day (wisely IMO) so the off days during even MINOR WD were just too complacent for me to get enough shit done that I need to do.

It's almost like Soma from Huxley's Brave New World IMO.
I go back and forth between capsules and mixing in liquid, when I can't handle the gritty taste anymore I'll switch over to capsules for a while. My favorite is V8 juice, the thickness of it makes it perfect to cover up the grit. I can use OJ or just water and sugar up to 4 grams but above that the grit is too much.