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Is THC "Female energy" while mushrooms are "Male energy"?

I have actually experienced this being, but I still dont think the salvia itself has the female energy.
Im not sure about 'female energy' and salvia. Although I wouldnt throw the idea out the window, cuz like I said salvia is the only substance thts given me any sense of other beings. Maybe I'll be sold on the idea if I ever smoke salvia extract again and see 'her' lol.
In India D. metel seeds are added to
the Cannabis bhang drink or smoked with Cannabis for added intoxication and
to simulate the union of Shiva, the male (Datura) principle, and Shakti, the
female (Cannabis) principle.

This quote is the only place i've heard of cannabis being a "female energy" or half of a deity...

But than from what i've heard, datura is actually not added to bhang drink commonly and some merchants do this to 'enhance' the effects by making the drinker delirious for days...

I read your post on how you were getting extremley paranoid, from mushrooms and claimed to be back to baseline...
Refrain from drugs for a while for your brain and lifes sake...

You shouldn't believe everything on the internet, or from "famous figures"...
Btw i had some interesting Salvia trips, solo and with friends... its...strange but i enjoyed it - which is probably the opposite of what happened to you there..
all drugs effects people differently...

What exactly does experiencing a "female" or "male" energy bring to you with regards to your emotions and senses?
In regards to Mushrooms and penises:

Some people believe that the "manna" of the bible was psychedelic mushrooms. The manna certainly had all the properties:

It was small and round and seemingly "fell from the sky" (it appeared overnight and had no roots),It came with the morning dew. (moisture is essential for growing mushrooms)
When left in the sun, it shriveled up and bred worms, yellowish brown in color. There was plenty of fertile soil (animal dung) for the mushrooms to grow on because of all the livestock that the people carried. The manna was also ground up in a mortar or a mill. Even the amounts of manna used correspond with a moderately strong dosage of mushrooms for baking.

If this was true, and the covenant with God was through these mushrooms, then maybe, the people chose to honor the God who sent them these magic mushrooms through the act of circumcision.

Or, I could be wrong. ;)
weed maybe female energy cuz only female plants have proper alkaloids

now mushrooms aren't going to only be female, not only male
not sure gender's defined at all the same as plants like cannabis

i wouldnt chill with ya, lol ...
In regards to Mushrooms and penises:

Some people believe that the "manna" of the bible was psychedelic mushrooms. The manna certainly had all the properties:

It was small and round and seemingly "fell from the sky" (it appeared overnight and had no roots),It came with the morning dew. (moisture is essential for growing mushrooms)
When left in the sun, it shriveled up and bred worms, yellowish brown in color. There was plenty of fertile soil (animal dung) for the mushrooms to grow on because of all the livestock that the people carried. The manna was also ground up in a mortar or a mill. Even the amounts of manna used correspond with a moderately strong dosage of mushrooms for baking.

If this was true, and the covenant with God was through these mushrooms, then maybe, the people chose to honor the God who sent them these magic mushrooms through the act of circumcision.

Or, I could be wrong. ;)

kinda silly the bit about circumcision , or maybe interesting, god punishing jews because they didnt appreciate the manna .

also they can grow in forests on wood, so not only animal dung, as adam-eve time would have more nomadic people :thumbup:
but maybe they domesticated cows
The feelings I get from mushrooms and marijuana are pretty easy to classify.
The waves of energy that I experience from both of the drugs are what me, and a couple other of my friends, call a "high"

This term, "high", has no more meaning than various chemical changes in the brain caused by drugs. Everything else is an invention of your own mind.
Well, we all know the female plant is the one you want to smoke ...
and I heard a mushroom harvester refer to shrooms as "fungal erections"...
so sure man.
Why not. Weed = Female energy , shrooms = male. :) sorry that so many people dawged your thread. People can just be assholes but its not like they had anything more interesting to say than what you did
Plants in general are more feminine if you think about it. They were the mothers of the earth, being the first complex organisms in our ocean. They heal the earth by absorbing toxic co2 and give, like a mother, life giving sustance we call oxygen. Even their appearance resemble feminine traits. The fruits we eat are mearly the overies of plants containing precious life giving seeds. Fungi derived from the mother. Being the first type of complex organism to venture to land. It even resembled a sperm cell in its begining. Being the father of this place we call earth, he scouted out the land adapting, absorbing the pure mineral nutrients out of the rigid rocks that covered the earth. Thus creating the way for the mother, plants, to come ashore. How? The rocks the fungi covered broke down into what we call soil. The fungi allowed plants to rise from the depths, and start creating the perfect conditions on this planet to sustain what we all call liveable conditions. A womb for all living things, and incubator for life.
So yes, I do think cannibus has a more motherly, feminine feel to me. It calms me, makes me laugh, makes me eat, and even puts me to bed. Its chill like a chill mom.
Mushrooms can be very intense and demand respect. You submit to the experience, like you submit to your room when your dad grounds you. It is usually fun and wants to instill wisdom or life lessons, but it can become firm, like "YOU SEE ME? YOU SEE THIS SHIT? THIS IS HOW IT IS RIGHT NOW AND YOU HAVE TO JUST ACCEPT IT LEARN FROM IT AND DO WHAT I SAY WHEN YOU'RE IN MY HOUSE!"

I could just be doing what humans do best, and applying meaning to meaningless symbols, but if nature is complex enough to create me typing this message right now on the world wide web, how is it so daft that there is something like complex relationships between fungi and plants that operates using the mycelium mega networks underneath our very feet to maintain and regulate the house we call earth just like a set of loving protecting parents of nature and life?
Who knows?

Just my thoughts.
I would also like to clarify that when I use terms like mother and father, male or female, I am referring to the traits and descripters that our society and culture has placed on these specific words or symbols. No, I do not think of plants and fungi as our literal parents, physically or spiritualy. I mean it in an evolutionary since.
We as humans lack the vocabulary to truly express the things we want to say, especially when it comes to psychodelic experiences. Its much easier to compare it to previously known information than to come up with a new word or symbol that no one else knows of. So when I say "Like a mother" I mean just that. A simple metaphor to describe my experiences that most people can at least kind of understand.
You sound really, really high......... or just kinda burnt out 8( If you wrote this sober, I'd definitely steer clear of the drugs for a while. Also, if your suffering from psychosis, which wouldn't surprise me given the nonsensical nature of what you wrote here........ definitely lay off the drugs. Your whole male vs. female energy thing doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. Neither drug has specifically a male or female energy. That's all in your head man. It totally depends on the person. Some people might notice more of a male or female energy while they are using these substances. However, others would feel the opposite way or neither. Like other people are saying, you really sound spun as hell though :\
i do not believe in 'male' or 'female' energy, gender is a social construct.

But if you google masculine feminine this is what comes on one of the sites

The Masculine Side:
The masculine side deals with the strength of the self. It is what causes you to act either timidly or self-confidently. The thing that is most important in determining the strength of the masculine side, is the value that you, at a deep level, place on yourself. This is a value you know within yourself that you have really and truly earned. It could be thought of as a sort of self esteem. Placing a high value on yourself affects your whole being and helps you feel strong and confident in operating your life. And when can operate your life with confidence, you get more out of life. Things can really turn around for you, and this automatically makes you place a higher value on yourself. You can build the masculine side through progress and small wins, through positive reinforcement, by practicing, and by generally taking an active part in operating your life.

If you have a strong masculine side, you are in charge of your own life because you are internally controlled. You tend to look people in the eye. You stand straight, and you usually command attention when you walk into a room, whether you say anything or not. This happens because of the strength within. If you have a weak masculine side, you also have a lot of doubts. You doubt yourself, your abilities, your capability to do things. Things intimidate you and you don't move forward well. You are afraid to put yourself out there because you know you are going to fail, so you don't even try to accomplish things. If you have a weak masculine side, you often feel the need to show off your attributes and accomplishments, whereas if you have a strong masculine side you are self-confident, and don't feel it is necessary to show off.

The masculine side is full of things that you have to be strong and self-confident in order to do. These include being able to claim your basic rights, such as the right to feel free to operate independently of others, and the right to belong or fit into society in any way you please. Claiming your rights also includes being able to stand up to people who try to take away your rights, either by force or intimidation, or by manipulation, or by trying to hinder you in choosing your own direction in life. The masculine side also includes the ability to be decisive, to take risks when appropriate, and to focus intently and concentrate in order to get things done. In addition, a strong masculine side builds common sense, which helps you figure out how to accomplish things and get more of what you want out of life. This includes figuring out how to operate your life in a responsible manner, how to reason without distorting reality and without fooling yourself, and how to accurately weigh probabilities so that you know the most likely outcome to expect in situations you come across.

The Feminine Side:
Like the masculine side, the feminine side is also based on a value. But instead of a being a value you place on yourself, the feminine side is based, at the same deep level, on a value that you place on others. It could be thought of as a sort of "other esteem". This value affects your whole being. If you have a strong feminine side and place a high value on others, you are often giving and unselfish. You usually know what is good for people, and you tend to operate in ways that helps others get what they want out of life. You happily let people operate their own life without interference from you, but when asked, you are also willing to help by supporting, cooperating, and giving advice. People feel comfortable with you because you give of who you are without pushing yourself on others. If you have a strong feminine side, people also feel comfortable being around you because there is no selfishness for them to detect.

If you have a weak feminine side, you place a low value on others, and you are not a giving person. Instead, you are selfish and greedy, and tend to keep yourself closed off from people. You are isolated because you don't want to share of yourself, or share anything you have. Also, you don't take responsibility for yourself, but blame others for your problems. Although the feminine side is generally not as well understood as the masculine side, the negative or selfish aspect of a low feminine side is something almost everybody recognizes, especially in others. In fact, it may be the most easily recognizable characteristic of all, because of the element of discomfort involved in being around a selfish person. If someone has a weak feminine side, it could also be said that he has a strong "dark side" (the evil or negatively motivated side). In someone with a strong dark side, there is usually an imbalance in which the feminine side is very weak, while the masculine side is much stronger. In the extreme situation where a person has an almost nonexistent feminine side, he will often act in ways that could be considered evil in nature, because he acts only on his own behalf, and does it to such an extent that he doesn't care how much his actions hurt others in the process.

If you have a strong feminine side, you often behave in ways that are considered feminine in nature. You do things that you have to be giving and unselfish in order to do. This includes recognizing people's basic human rights and allowing them to operate their life without interfering with those rights. For example, allowing them the freedom to operate independently, and the freedom to fit into society wherever and however they want, even the freedom to let people choose when to face up to reality and when to be in denial. Allowing people their basic rights includes letting them control their own life, letting them choose what to believe without being manipulated by you, and letting them choose their own path or direction in life without hindrance from you. The feminine side also includes having an enthusiasm and zest for life, and recognizing what things are worth getting enthusiastic about. And it includes having the persistence and tenacity to stay with something until it is finished, while still knowing when to give up on it if your energy is better used elsewhere. In addition, the feminine side also includes being kind, compassionate, patient, responsive to the needs of others, and it includes the ability to limit the amount of energy you put into helping people, to keep from hurting yourself or draining your own energy.
The effects of these substances as to whether they cause more masculine or feminine thought patterns or actions is purely dependent on set and setting, not the substance. Both substances have highly variable effects dependent on the user's set and setting. In fact, how each of these effect one person could very easily be literally the opposite for another person. The effects of either of these also can vary on each and every time that one uses them. There is nothing more masculine or feminine about either of these drugs. It may be true that more males may use these substances or be more likely to use them regularly, especially with mushrooms. However, if this is the case, it is purely a cultural phenomena and nothing to do with the substance itself.
Mushrooms for me is neither male nor female energy. It has always been alien, universal energy... Sometimes even had a hive knowledge experience to it. Always profound for me.
I remember reading about shamanic ceremonies that referred to Ayahuasca as 'The Mother' and Mescaline as 'The Father'. I have never had the opportunity to try DMT, but to me Mescaline does feel like 'Male Energy'. Regarding Psilocyn, I would tend to agree with 'Hawk-o' that it is alien energy.
I would say mushrooms are androgynous...No,no they are Alien and are symbiotic to the human in it`s relationship.
Mushrooms do have kind of an alien energy. Weed kind of has it too a little, but it's different since it's not as strong of a drug obviously. Still, they both have the same kind of "alien" energy to them.
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As a fungus it seems odd to discuss sex one way or the other. The reason sex of plant entheogens is a topic, is that spiritual Shamanic use has long held such associations, it is not some device created by TM but uncovered by his research. As of Mother Ayahuasca & just reminded of Father being of the Mescalita, is interestingly so... Based on just on the certain anthropology of this, I once voted female for the shroom as but in reconsideration, Alien, seems fitting. And we do smoke the female plant, Mary-Jane! %)

Despite the phalanx appearance, the Goddess connection to the psilocybe mushrooms, may have some relation from the early as the African coprolitic mushroom cattle cults & the great Horned Goddess.
BTW: The reason Salvia has a female association after 1000's of years of use by the Mazatec Indians as one translations from Spanish terms for it, comes out as: "Eye's of the Shepherdess". which is rather unique when we look at most western religious texts. Some people do not like LSD but like shrooms, some like coke & booze but not weed, some like hash but not tobacco. Your preference is of significance to you, & no-one else. :|
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I dont feel male or female energy certain drugs but i always associate them with colors for whatever reason. For example THC is somewhere between yellow and orange, Mushrooms is red, LSD is a slightly different red and alcohol is a dark blue.
i also associate drug with colors but male and female energy also. cannabis is definitely female, so is salvia psilocybin i would say is more male but i also think it has somewhat of an androgynous nature.