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Television Intervention

I don't know why, but its my favorite show, maybe I just like the usualy happy endings...
I can never seem to catch the show when its on. I like it though.

Although, I usually turn it off about half way when they get to the whole intervention part. I hate that part. Blegh!
I listen to Drum N Bass and Jungle. I checked out his myspace cuz I was curious when I saw him on intervention. His music sucks... he thinks he is good but I've heard him spinning and he is downright awful
ladyinthesky said:
i love how in like every intervention they say that at a certain age that person started smoking weed....is that a bad thing lol

Funny thing is I tried pretty much every drug before weed, and even now as a opiate head I don't care for weed.
"my fav episode is "christie" the meth head tittie dancer who runs around the house and yard completely naked.

they devoted an entire episode to her....

man, that girl was off the hook."

I seen that meth whore.. I'da given ger $10 for a little sucky sucky if I was the camera man.. Then shot video of it and sold it as "meth whores caught on tape" somebody would buy it... LOL.
Favorite episode of A&E's Intervention?

My favorite episodes of Intervention are-

"tim"- The crack addicted producer. This was really dead on in my opinion. The compulsuion and depression he faced...

"Caley"- The young violin playing girl that smoked speedballs-I identified with her a ton

"kristin"-heroin addict/alcoholic-she was a prostitute and lost her job cause she was on the show

"Amy"- the girl who was a meth addict and she had curly black hair and lived in the street and she cut herself on the show and was admitted to the psych ward...

there are so many compelling people on this show but those are my favorites, oh and "andrea and Ricky"
The guy that was addicted to DXM, Ben- he was fun lol
The alcoholic from the last airing. I just could relate to him in some points. I think he shows some characteristics of BPD. You could just see the pain, it hurt me to see that. But it also pissed me off how manipulative he was of others thinking it didn't hurt them.
Gotta go with the guy who was kicked off the USA Biking team because he called Lance Armstrong fat, and then later on became a homeless crackhead. His episode was timeless!

BTW, Lance Armstrong went down a few notches in my book after that episode. He basically caused that guy's downward spiral into drugs and homelessness all because of a bad joke.

FU Lance! =P
^ CHAD. How could I forget him? He was crazy! How could he bring himself to smoke crack on camera like that? Like during the interview? If you ask me I'd be waaaaaaay to paranoid. It creeped me out when he was smokin with the old lady. It just reminded me of the bad ol days in my addiction. creepy. But yeah man, look at how much chad changed? I think there should be a chad fan club.
Oh yeah and how arrogant is lance then? Like "I AM a dough boy! waaaah!"
I like all of them but there was one with this meth addicted guy who was spending his days searching the woods for some certain kind of wood he thought he could go into business selling or something.. I can't remember his name at all but that was a really good one.
Yea, Ben the DXM addict. The boozer who kept yelling and crying "My babies, where are my babies, my babies while she sat out on the back porch having a cig. Her mother would hide her mini vodie bottles. And she had to be picked up at bars by her sister. She was very rich and the perfect mom before becoming a drunk. Oh yea she was an interior designer, that is till she became a drunk and lost everything.

There are a few other but I'm not awake yet. the last ep was good, the body builder who was a big time drunk.. he kept saying he'd hurt himself if someone wouldn't get him "a Bottle"

I like the show but some of the counselors piss me off sometimes and the parents piss me off sometimes.

christy, the meth-addicted, alcoholic stripper!

not the most likeable by far, but definitely the most entertaining Intervention in the history of the show.
MynameisnotDeja said:
I like all of them but there was one with this meth addicted guy who was spending his days searching the woods for some certain kind of wood he thought he could go into business selling or something.. I can't remember his name at all but that was a really good one.

oh shoot his name's on the tip of my tongue... tim? i remember him as "the burl guy" cuz that's the wood he'd search for... reminds me of my own hyper-focusing sessions from amphetamines.
What about the millionaire alcoholic that said that there was something that lived upstairs and took her cat everywhere?
I know this is a little late but I watched this episode on 8/4/08 (obviously not the first airing) The end said...

- He went to rehab and was kicked out
- When he got home he was charged with a DUI
- He lives with his grandparents
- He has been clean since April or Aug 2007
ellua said:
oh shoot his name's on the tip of my tongue... tim? i remember him as "the burl guy" cuz that's the wood he'd search for... reminds me of my own hyper-focusing sessions from amphetamines.
His name is Coley; yeah that was a good episode.