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incest (consenting) does it bother you?

I think looking outside your immediate family for sex shows more progress then finding it with your last name, already sitting at the TV tray next to you at the family double wide.

Repurposing the same stereotypes doesn't count as a new idea. Try again.
Yes, it's a worst case scenario example. However, it shows what some of the consequences of constant inbreeding can be. Underweight, unable to brush their teeth, sexually active children, birth and learning defects...

We are hard wired to find persons with minimal genetics similar to ours attractive. Pheromones are a good example. It's for the survival of our species.

If the incest isn't harming anybody and all parties involved are happy, and preferably not procreating, I don't think they should go to prison. There are numerous cases of GSA where both parties tried to put their feelings aside but could not. It's a strange phenomenon, and I accept it happens. But in a civilised society, we can't be encouraging it. I think it does far more harm than good.

see!! This is a highly respectable open minded opinion expressing your distaste, a respectful reason why you think it doesn't work, yet still respectful of others.

There's no need to result to threats, anger and violence (as violence can possibly attain to words)

we may have a difference of opinion (which may not be so different after all by the way ;) ) but after reading that I can easily respect your opinion on the matter.
I think looking outside your immediate family for sex shows more progress then finding it with your last name, already sitting at the TV tray next to you at the family double wide.

Progress for WHAT? Procreation and evolution? Developing a relationship within the boundaries of the social "norm"?

Who says that someone in these scenarios hasn't attempted to find a relationship outside. What if every person they tried just couldn't match to perfect synergy that they may have known for years with their sibling/cousin.

Remember also, I'm talking about adults, presumably not still living in their parents home.
And also for the record I'm also presuming they don't have incestuous desires because they were raised that way.

I sure as hell wasnt
Well, I say have at it then..

Getting out in the wide world and finding, meeting, winning the love of, learning from, and experiencing diverse and interesting partners, whose separate paths in life result in precious differences in knowledge, character, and wisdom that teach each other elusive lessons, combing and refining each other and exponentially enriching the experience of life... such a amazing complex experience that it could be debated that this combined experience is what life is all about.

Takes a bit of effort and courage, but its rewards for me make it worth it.

Is it wrong to have sex with your relatives, no man it isn't wrong. Is it a little pathetic, I certainly think so. Will it provide the level of experience that finding and winning a love out world does,

I dont see how it could.
The problem is you seem to think that anyone who does such a thing g is simply "settling" for a less challenging path, where as I see it as knowing what makes you happy.

Love and sex isn't a game. I personaly think that the way some people play themselves up with Shitty catch lines, lies and boasting to get into someone's pants is pathetic. The constant push of society saying what you should and should not do when flirting with a potential partner and even how to respond.
It seems people are more interested in finding someone and molding them to fit rather than finding someone who fits naturally
Does anyone dispute that two dogs born of the same mother would respond to each other sexually given the right circumstances (maturity, proximity, etc) ? If you admit that is true, you must realize these things are natural and thus not inherently wrong. Yes, it is still considered socially and legally wrong, but that doesn't prove anything at all as to whether it is objectively wrong.

A lot of animals eat their own young so does that justify humans doing the same thing? Derp.
It seems people are more interested in finding someone and molding them to fit rather than finding someone who fits naturally

How is this any different to dodgy Uncle Billy "moulding" his niece for 18 yrs before deflowering her as soon as she hit adulthood? Grooming doesn't have to take a night, it is much easier to take an entire childhood to manipulate someone into sleeping with you
Love and sex isn't a game.

All of lifes a game... and you seem to care to much about what society says and what others do.. most dont think for themselves, just sheep who do and say what everyone else does. Did I really say the settling thing or did that come from you... Happiness is the most overrated thing in life.. on this one im absolutely certain.
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A lot of animals eat their own young so does that justify humans doing the same thing? Derp.

Yes, and nothing can travel faster than the speed of light...except for the things we know could theoretically, or under certain conditions. Providing one tiny exception of a rule does not necessarily invalidate the concept on a grand scale. But beyond that...

There are certain animals that benefit nutritionally from eating their own eggs/offspring. Human mothers eat their own placenta for much the same reason. Also, some animals can only provide for a certain number of offspring... killing or abandoning one might ensure the survival of all the rest. There are no alternatives and no social safety net like there is for us. It is not all that rare for animals in the wild to be forced to deal with these harsh realties. Given more resources and a different environment these same animals would eventually evolve to no longer have such drastic tendencies.

Edit: Also, wild animals have no sort of birth control. No abortions either. Can you imagine if every form of birth control and abortion were erased from our society or better yet if they had never been introduced? To what lengths would we go to control our population?
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All of lifes a game... and you seem to care to much about what society says and what others do.. most dont think for themselves, just sheep who do and say what everyone else does. Did I really say the settling thing or did that come from you... Happiness is the most overrated thing in life.. on this one im absolutely certain.

Then I guess we just have a difference in opinion on love.
When growing up and learning about relationships, I had much more interest in people I've gotten to know and befriend for a period of time before falling in love (crush).
I have and always will be an oddball though. I can't deny that, and I make no claim that any of what I'm saying is normal so perhaps I'm "wrong (?)" But I like to think I'm not immoral in my thinking.

In regards to @one thousand words;
Someone had mentioned earlier that perhaps this could be a degree of acceptable provided that neither party involved holds a position of power/persuasion over the oth; ie parent or significantly older relative.

Do you really believe that I'm not against grooming/manipulation and abuse?
I don't belive that it's impossible to consent to a relative. Such a thing is almost like a paradox because since it is "consent" it's not rape, but if you can't consent completely it would mean that neither have consented so they rape eachother(?)
Are you still trying to use dogs as a civilised example of how to live your life?

As a class of animal they are lower than farmyard stock. I weep for the future if eating your own shit, murdering your own children because you are hungry and fucking a blood relative is considered evolved.

I hope Richard Branson has a strict social requirement for his Virgin Galactic flights because I want a certain level of sophistication to be allowed to mingle with the rest of the Universe.

Chippy are you now saying that certain relatives should not be allowed? That seems a little unfair and hypocritical. Why should an older brother get first dibs, surely the uncle has the wiser more experience disposition for incest? Why not just say that only hot twins should be able to fuck?
Are you still trying to use dogs as a civilised example of how to live your life?

No, just trying to explain why I think incest could be a natural desire with evolutionary origins (similar to homosexuality). And this idea that we are separated from the rest of the animal kingdom is ridiculous. We could actually learn quite a bit from other "lower" species as you put it.

The rest of what you said was too disingenuous (which seems to be a trend) for me to waste time responding to it. So I'll just leave it at that.
It's quite appearant that you're trying to poke holes in my logic but I don't know what you're trying to prove.
I agree that most of your post isn't really worth responding to. It's hard to try and reason with someone who only wishes to belittle others to inflate their already very bloated ego.
And this idea that we are separated from the rest of the animal kingdom is ridiculous. We could actually learn quite a bit from other "lower" species as you put it.

I think the moment we started to communicate with each other using complex speech and developed a recognised word for civilised and society, we separated ourselves from the animal kingdom. Now from time to time there are a few humans who try to act "natural" and expect the rest of us to ignore it, but thankfully the general consensus is we are better than that, and the uprising is quickly crushed.

I actually dated twins once. I always had trouble telling them apart, then one day I realised that Katrina always wore her hair in a pony tail and Steve had a cock.

Lol, serious debate about fucking your own sister? I'm betting you two are both high right now.
If homosexuality isn't wrong, or even unnatural, then how can incest be?

Homosexuality =/= incest

Incest is a particular attraction to a family member, while homosexuality is an orientation. Denying the unhealthy attraction to particular family members is justifiable because of the billions of other options out there. Denying a homosexual (who cannot feel contently in love with the opposite sex) their orientation is cruel because it denies them not only of a particular interest, but their entire life of love.

Genetic problems caused by incest, not evident in homosexuality. Also incest may not necessarily involve two consensual adults like homosexuality. Incest is biologically incompatible with a healthy bloodline. Homosexuality has no chance of reproduction and as such can not have the same restrictions. I am not even sure how such a comparison is made without a foolish attachment based in bronze age mythology. While incest should be eliminated to prevent the complications that come it, homosexuality has no more impact on society then celibacy.

If people are not convinced by the first argument, a.k.a saying incestual reproduction can be avoided through protection - Incest disrupts relationships between child and sibling, or child and parent; while homosexuality involves two distinct individuals.
Yawn. Don't you people get tired of rehashing the same old shit over and over. Shit that has already been addressed.

Denying a homosexual (who cannot feel contently in love with the opposite sex) their orientation is cruel

Yes it is. But then again, denying ANYone their true love is cruel. Do you think a person who is in love with someone who happens to be related to them as well in some capacity can "feel contently in love" with some other person instead? Do you expect them to just deny themselves the same thing you grant to homosexuals so freely (the right to be with the one they love)?

And how many of you claiming to care so much about incest babies also support the right to abortion? If you are such a person, where do you get off trying to regulate a womans body? Why not just build a thousand new abortion clinics and allow any woman who (failing every other precaution) accidently becomes impregnated by her brother to come in and dispose of her potentially deformed "clump of cells" and be done with it? Bam. No risk of incest babies. Sounds like liberal utopia to me...I don't understand whats not to love about that plan.

Incest disrupts relationships between child and sibling, or child and parent; while homosexuality involves two distinct individuals.

Two distinct individuals with the same parental role. Two daddies. Two mommies. You DO know every homophobe in the world uses this same "think of the children!" argument, don't you? They claim children need a mother and a father in order to develop properly into responsible adults. 8)
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wow, you have gone to defending eating shit to now bringing up abortions. If you add circumcision you might actually complete the troll thread trilogy

Chewing with your mouth open and not washing your hands after using the toilet are also denying people the right to choose but it is a slow boat to damnation if we let our standards slip that far too.