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incest (consenting) does it bother you?

Wow is this a Jerry Springer episode? Where do we get to the part where Jerry makes some halfhearted attempt at closing the show with some moral message?

I seriously fail to see what people expect from threads like these, and more than that why people feel a need to stick up for shit that's just downright disgusting.
I have to say, anyone that is open-minded when it comes to homosexual relationships but refuses to even have an honest conversation about incest is a hypocrite. The automatic "eww gross" response is exactly how many individuals approach the topic of homosexuality. Just as homosexual relationships...and heterosexual ones for that matter...do not require procreation, neither does a relationship between two siblings. It is not the relationship itself that is immoral, but the irresponsible acts (or indiscretions) that COULD occur within the relationship. But yet again, that rule applies to every type of consentual intimate relationship. I understand this concept is still extremely taboo, but look at every other animal on this planet. Does anyone dispute that two dogs born of the same mother would respond to each other sexually given the right circumstances (maturity, proximity, etc) ? If you admit that is true, you must realize these things are natural and thus not inherently wrong. Yes, it is still considered socially and legally wrong, but that doesn't prove anything at all as to whether it is objectively wrong.
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Does anyone dispute that two dogs born of the same mother would respond to each other sexually given the right circumstances (maturity, proximity, etc) ? If you admit that is true, you must realize these things are natural and thus not inherently wrong. Yes, it is still considered socially and legally wrong, but that doesn't prove anything at all as to whether it is objectively wrong.

I like your reasoning.. Many dogs eat their own shit as well. I'm comforted that if I ever decide to eat my shit I will have the dog argument as sound justification of its being natural and not inherently wrong. Why I will walk around with shit breath and a smile and have no shame at all telling people that there is nothing inherently wrong with eating my own shit. Afterall its perfectly natural because I have seen dogs do it.

Since this is taboo.. and doing naughty things is really fun some times.. so I wonder if this became accepted if it would have the same appeal to people. That is I wonder how much of the appeal some people find comes from it being taboo.
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I have to say, anyone that is open-minded when it comes to homosexual relationships but refuses to even have an honest conversation about incest is a hypocrite. The automatic "eww gross" response is exactly how many individuals approach the topic of homosexuality. Just as homosexual relationships...and heterosexual ones for that matter...do not require procreation, neither does a relationship between two siblings. It is not the relationship itself that is immoral, but the irresponsible acts (or indiscretions) that COULD occur within the relationship. But yet again, that rule applies to every type of consentual intimate relationship. I understand this concept is still extremely taboo, but look at every other animal on this planet. Does anyone dispute that two dogs born of the same mother would respond to each other sexually given the right circumstances (maturity, proximity, etc) ? If you admit that is true, you must realize these things are natural and thus not inherently wrong. Yes, it is still considered socially and legally wrong, but that doesn't prove anything at all as to whether it is objectively wrong.
Bravo! Well said indeed :)

This is what a few people here have been trying to say when comparing homosexuality and iincest.a truly open minded person be lives that everyone is entitled to their own desires and beliefs so long as no one is getting hurt. We've been in and out of the child topic again and again due to the fact that it is proven that inbreeding does cause some risk of defect.
Somehow this is the only evidential argument people can come up with to why incest is moraly wrong. Even under the principle that an incestuous couple a knowledges this and takes all preventative measures.

I find it hillarious when I am confronted by someone saying that I only think my opinion matters when there are several other people who are quite clearly bringing that into play. The only difference being that I am the minority and they have a safty net of people with equally closed minded views to fall back on.
I think your right there really isn't that much of an increase in defects.. I would consider the risk goes up as this practice continues from generation to generation.. speaking of which.. hell after the eventual kids get old enough you can keep it "all in the family".. YEEHaa.... I would get a house with a porch for the new family. you know just incase. Best wishes I'm off this thread, but if I ever get into the sticks down south, I will take a slug of shine, look up at the moon and wonder how old Fox's family is doing.

I like your reasoning.. Many dogs eat their own shit as well. I'm comforted that if I ever decide to eat my shit I will have the dog argument as sound justification of its being natural and not inherently wrong. Why I will walk around with shit breath and a smile and have no shame at all telling people that there is nothing inherently wrong with eating my own shit. Afterall its perfectly natural because I have seen dogs do it.

Since this is taboo.. and doing naughty things is really fun some times.. so I wonder if this became accepted if it would have the same appeal to people. That is I wonder how much of the appeal some people find comes from it being taboo.

If someone wants to eat their shit, why should I care? It is not hurting me, it is not hurting you. Do you want to prohibit every single thing that offends your sensibilities? There are people that piss on each other, drink urine, eat semen, rub shit on themselves, stick things in their ass, cut themselves, choke themselves, etc all for their own arousal. How many of these things do you find repulsive? Personally, I think there are MANY things people love doing that are more 'unnatural' than incest.
Well that decides it then. We shall divide society into two distinct regions and each, while being tolerant of each other, will stay within their own confines.

Now if the incestuous, shit eaters and, what the hell lets chuck the child molesters and animal fuckers in with you. Please form an orderly line over there while the rest of civilised society gets on with evolving to such a level that we should be allowed to leave the planet and populate the rest of the Universe.
Neither of you have an actual argument, do you? Just these ignorant, petulant rants. How sad.
^ cheer up its not that sad, you can still ride your family all you want. We can voice our opinion but you're still free to bed down with the everyone who comes to Christmas dinner if you want.

Well that decides it then. We shall divide society into two distinct regions and each, while being tolerant of each other, will stay within their own confines.

Now if the incestuous, shit eaters and, what the hell lets chuck the child molesters and animal fuckers in with you. Please form an orderly line over there while the rest of civilised society gets on with evolving to such a level that we should be allowed to leave the planet and populate the rest of the Universe.

I say we include any people belonging to a third generation of government assistance family. People who won't learn how to read. 90% of the lawyers and 100% of the politicians... thats just a start.. But, I really think this has potential.. oh I almost forgot the zealous violent religious freaks should have a special place there as well.

EDIT: everyone who has ever "worked" for the department of motor vehicles in the US should feel right at home there as well.
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Well that decides it then. We shall divide society into two distinct regions and each, while being tolerant of each other, will stay within their own confines.

Now if the incestuous, shit eaters and, what the hell lets chuck the child molesters and animal fuckers in with you. Please form an orderly line over there while the rest of civilised society gets on with evolving to such a level that we should be allowed to leave the planet and populate the rest of the Universe.

you've got a really high opinion of yourself don't you xD
The narcissism expressed in this post is outrageous.

It looks like a normal Aussie shed, but these walls hid horror beyond comprehension. The Telegraph eyes compound where incest family lived
Source: News Limited
THERE is a quiet town in southern New South Wales hiding the darkest of secrets.

The Daily Telegraph is prevented by the NSW Children's Court from naming it or even describing its exact location. But we have been there.

In the hills surrounding the town, years of systemic abuse and incest were carried out in a largely self-sufficient commune of caravans and makeshift pens.

Today, a faded slippery-dip and push bikes lie untouched in what is just average Aussie bushland. But it is where the incestuous "Colt" family, as they were referred to for legal reasons, lived a reclusive, sheltered life - maintaining and building on a family of brothers and sisters from brothers and sisters.

The family tree (below) explains the relationship between the siblings over four generations, starting with Colt's great-grandparents were brother and sister.

The winter before last, 40 adults and children were found living in two filthy caravans, two sheds and tents on an unsewered block with no running water.

Twelve starving, illiterate and deformed children had to be rescued by police and community services. It was July 18, 2012.

Dirt caked the surfaces of stoves and cooking facilities, along with rotten vegetables in a refrigerator and a kangaroo was sleeping on one of the children's beds.

The children were sexually involved with each other and only one, the youngest, a five-year-old girl, had parents who weren't related.

One police officer later reportedly told her colleagues, she would never get over it.

The five family groups comprised of sisters, Rhonda, 47, Martha, 33, and Betty Colt, 46, who slept every night with her brother, Charlie, and two of Betty's daughters who each had children, proved to be from unions of related parents.

Betty's granddaughter Kimberly, 14, was underweight and unable to clean her teeth, use toilet paper or comb her hair.


Most were uneducated but The Daily Telegraph understands at least two of the Colt teenagers went to the local high school where they were told to shower before class for hygiene reasons.

"I'm not able to talk about that," is all the school's principal will say.

People that live in the town say the Colts would arrive in two "huge Toyota troop carriers" to do their shopping at a local supermarket.

There is a prevailing feeling within the town it will be tarnished by the Colts incest if its location is revealed.

"I don't know anything," says the manager of the local store.

"I've commented on that in the past and it's come back to bite me on the arse."

The manager at the local pub, where two workmen are the only customers, offers little more:

"I'm aware of them but I'm unable to help you further," the manager says.

A "sixth generation" female resident of the town says rumours and gossip about the Colts still dominate local conversations.

"They always kept to themselves," she says.

"They were just like a normal family except they were all kids.

"One of them died earlier this year ... he had a baby with his sister."

She says many of the Colts had red hair and appeared "slouched".

Once their shopping was done they would return to their home tucked into the bush, only accessible by the dirt road that leads in from the bitumen. The 30km trip from town to the Colts' refuge of a large tin shed, caravans, a water tank and kids play things, takes drivers past numerous property "for sale" signs.

"Everyone is selling up," says a local.

"As soon as it got out, nobody wanted anything to do with the area. [One property] has been on the market for months."

The property has since been sold and the new owner has no connection with the "Colt" family."

Another reason to add to the list about why this should never be socially acceptable.
Does anyone dispute that two dogs born of the same mother would respond to each other sexually given the right circumstances (maturity, proximity, etc) ? If you admit that is true, you must realize these things are natural and thus not inherently wrong. .

A good breeder knows not to inbreed their dogs because they will come out with birth defects. Is it happening in the world? Absolutely. Is it right that it's being done? No.
I fail to see how it's fine because dogs may be out there doing it, it's not a strong enough argument, since it is wrong for dogs to do it.
Wow is this a Jerry Springer episode? Where do we get to the part where Jerry makes some halfhearted attempt at closing the show with some moral message?

I seriously fail to see what people expect from threads like these, and more than that why people feel a need to stick up for shit that's just downright disgusting.
Jerry! Jerry!
He is not your brother!

I have a sister who says the same thing.

Only she doesn't whisper it in my ear after sex

this cracked me up :D

And clair it appears youve found what looks like a highly sensationalized artical of the worst case scenario of your stereotypical inbred redneck family.
I dont know how many times ive mentioned that this thread is completely about ONLY contraceptive sex. Not a single person here is saying that the creation of an inbred baby is ok.
A good breeder knows not to inbreed their dogs because they will come out with birth defects. Is it happening in the world? Absolutely. Is it right that it's being done? No.
I fail to see how it's fine because dogs may be out there doing it, it's not a strong enough argument, since it is wrong for dogs to do it.

I think you've missed the point.

He is not saying that it is ok for dogs to be inbred. he is giving an example how it is not "naturaly" against the morals of nature for an animal to participate in intercourse with kin.
There are a few people here saying that its against nature to have that desire. Someone even tried to give an example of a poorly witnessed scenario where cows "avoid" this situation. ( I say poor because there is no scientific evidence or studies that anyone has bothered to back up their claims with)
All these things is what makes it "taboo" but not "immoral"
^thanks for the assist fox.

Well looks like the so called "progressives" are out of ideas and want to save as much face as possible with their lame ass jokes/cherry picked articles. Thats another one in the 'win' column for me.
Yes, it's a worst case scenario example. However, it shows what some of the consequences of constant inbreeding can be. Underweight, unable to brush their teeth, sexually active children, birth and learning defects...

We are hard wired to find persons with minimal genetics similar to ours attractive. Pheromones are a good example. It's for the survival of our species.

If the incest isn't harming anybody and all parties involved are happy, and preferably not procreating, I don't think they should go to prison. There are numerous cases of GSA where both parties tried to put their feelings aside but could not. It's a strange phenomenon, and I accept it happens. But in a civilised society, we can't be encouraging it. I think it does far more harm than good.
Well looks like the so called "progressives" are out of ideas
I think looking outside your immediate family for sex shows more progress then finding it with your last name, already sitting at the TV tray next to you at the family double wide.
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