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If you could have an endless supply of/only use one drug for the rest of your life...

I've never used Heroin, so I'm afraid to pick it. I can't choose E even though I love it so, because I dont want to become an E-tard and staying sober for months doesnt appeal. I would need to try more drugs to decide actually. Pot would get boring and I get really sick and tired of (meth)amphetamines after a few days usage.
I looooooooooooooooove my weed :) more then anything.

...but alcohol is just the life of the party, meet soo many new people and my best relationships have been formed from drinking socially.

Alcohol is a pretty ordinary drug, but the social enviroment it comes with it just too great to give up.
As others have said before, I would prefer a variety. But forced to pick, I'd have to choose either coke or oxycontin. The highs and feelings i get off of each of them is insane and an endless supply means no hard comedown :)
Weed most definatly. So many strains that each give a different high. Not to mention the medical uses that I use it for.
Oxycontin. With weed coming in a very close second. I don't think oxy is nearly as versatile as the weed, but when i think of how empty life would be without one or the other, life without oxy seems alot harsher than life without weed.
I think I speak for a lot of stoners when I say weed. No big health risk, no horrible withdrawals, no addiction....It's peeeerfect

Give me a bag of heroin and a needle and you will hear no complaints from me. Who needs the other stuff anyway? It's only there for when I DON'T have opioids.
I would say heroin. I haven't used a drug that compares to the way I feel when on H. If I had an endless supply I would be in heaven.
Endless supply? Heaven?

As I have read (though I've never done heroin, or any opium based drug before) after a while of using, you begin to use to feel normal.

Knowing that you have an endless supply and there is no need to worry. When opioid users refer to feeling "normal" basically not the rush that you used to get but still opioid intoxicated and not goin through the w/ds. It beats being sober.
I'd say LSD and I bet I'd only take every week or so. Having every weekend filled with mind expanding LSD experiences for the rest of my life would be all I ever need. (I would miss bud on the comedowns though.)
having never tried heroin but being as fascinated by it as i am i think i would choose it. ( i have tried other opiates) or perhaps marijuana, considering its gods gift to man and we should all embrace what it has to offer us. (but i dont consider pot a drug, so heroin it is)