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If you could have an endless supply of/only use one drug for the rest of your life...

mine would have to be hash, as im completely addicted and cannot "function" without it.

3)although no one is gonna believe me it lets me travel thru time and space

although i've never tried heroin I've been around heroin addicts all my life and it seems like my kinda high and since this is just a "if" question i'd pick that. (even though I'd never try it in real life.)
Oxycodone HCL no fillers, nothing but Oxy. Hands down it is the best drug. Blows away everything I have ever done. Of course it sure would be a bitch to run out. Only with an infinite supply would I use it.
Methadone. Best fix in town :)

Edit * Well ok Ill retract that and go with Heroin, but thats provided I get it whenever I want, not just once a day.
I am taking it. Methadone. I have been on it for 32 years. Im 52 and I'll be on it until the day I die. I have been on it since I was twenty. Works for me.

ketamine... masses and masses of k for the rest of my life and I'd be one happy fellow
what a tough question. it'd be between alcohol and marijuana. funny thing is i don't like my alcohol if i'm not smokin later...and if there's no pot i don't necessarily want to drink.

so i'd say pot! but some haze...screw that other stuff
I guess if I had an endless supply, oxycontin. Never tried it, but i hear its better than hydrocodone.
Mary, the most sweetest, loving plant in the world... She never hurts me, she always leaves me happy, smiling...