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i've never been a regular smoker, but my uncle, who smoked at least 20 a day (and at many times, much more than that) for about 25 years quit cold turkey and has been off them for about a year. He didn't relapse once - and this with his wife still smoking! I think it's just one of those things that you can grow out of, or get fed up with.:)
i'm done, officially.

i was half awake on the operating room table. i was struggling to breathe, and couldn't think straight. i was experiencing a serious panic attack, and heard the doctors talking above me--- "she's a smoker, isn't she" "yup, this is bad"

i cried for two whole hours after i was finally able to breathe again. when my mom asked me why i was crying, i said "i don't know why i even smoke, if i never would've started smoking i wouldn't have almost died in that room"

---i didn't almost die, but i sure felt like i was about to. as horrible as it sounds, it took my very own life flashing before my eyes and a very near-death experience to actualy get myself to say i AM DONE.
just wanted to say congrats on quiting quiting anything you are addicted to is a hard task you should b proud of yourself
Re: Successfully quit smoking

carnage said:
My reasons for quitting were not really that strong, I was just sick of wasting my money on a pointless habbit. To all those out there trying to quit, I'd just like you to know that if you really are dedicated to quitting, it will happen.

that's what motivated me to quit (awhile ago). It became such a waste of money. And what I did is I'd put away the money I WOULD have spent on cigarettes (about 2 packs a week... so about $10 a week) away in an envelope (I added $10 to it every week that I was smoke-free) and watching that money build up was really an incentive to stay smoke-free! :D

Also, after a few months I took that money to the mall and treated myself to some nice things as a reward.
I'm having a baby! lol

I haven't had a cigarette since December 22nd last year, so its been over 6mths now since I quit! Though I must say I had a very good reason. December 22nd was also the day I found out I was pregnant! I'd already cut down to 10-15 a day in preparation to quit on New Yrs (which would have been possibly another New Yr resolution attempted in vain lol), though as soon as I found out the news, I'd had my last cigarette. It didn't take long to actually not feel like having one anyway! I straight away had this overwhelming sense to protect this little darlin inside of me. My Mum did the same thing 23 lf yrs ago when she found out she was pregnant with me. I pictured this poor little bub in my uterus getting flooded with black chemicals when I smoked, thoughts like that gave me even more motivation to not have another one. I've only ever had the thought of doing it a few times since I found out, but no desire what so ever to have a puff. My partner smokes Short Penatellas (think thats how its spelt), they're small cigars. I'm trying to get him to quit before bub is born next month. I try to avoid him when he smokes them. He will not be going anywhere near our bub if he keeps smoking them lol!
I was also taking recreational drugs (mainly pills) recreationally for 3-4yrs before I fell pregnant. Also taking speed and meth via IV regularly before I fell pregnant (IV for 2yrs). So this has been a big turnaround for me. I haven't had ANYTHING since I fell pregnant. Apart from a glass of wine or a shandy once every 1-2 weeks. So I guess I've come a fair way.
So good luck to all those out there who are trying to quit without having a reason as good as mine! I probably would have kept smoking lightly if I hadn't fallen pregnant! Let alone everything else I was doing. Be strong.
Ky *;-)
well done carnage :) i'm in the process at the moment, and its hard but I know I have the will power to do so.
>>I haven't had ANYTHING since I fell pregnant. Apart from a glass of wine or a shandy once every 1-2 weeks. So I guess I've come a fair way.>>

sorry to be a spoil sport, but research on teratogens suggests that this is a bad idea too.

Ebola, I know that they say avoid alcohol during pregnancy as I know it can do harm to the baby. I've known ladies to drink nearly every day during their pregnancy and the baby is fine. My doctor said a glass now and then will not cause much harm to the baby. My wine is always mixed with soft drink and the beer is a shandy.
I HAVE come along way since before I fell pregnant. Going from shooting up speed and meth regularly (weekly or sometimes more), taking 5 or more bickies on a night out and other various drugs at various levels, as well as getting drunk at least twice a week, as well as smoking 10+ cigarettes per day, I have done well.
Ky *;-)
I am on my third smoke free day and its going ok, eating a fair bit to kill boredom but i dont eat enough anyway so im not too concerned. I read the aforementioned book by Allen Carr the last time i tried to quit and it helped me a lot(I left it at my last share house so i dont have it now but i still find myself referring to it in my head). As i have been thinking about quitting for about six months now i am noticing other smokers more and more and am realising how ugly smoking makes people. Seeing the old women sucking down their ciggies at bus stops and train stations and seeing their wrinkles(especially the vertical lines on their upper lip) has motivated me to quit while im young. I will miss certain aspects of smoking but the rush of self esteem i get every time i beat a craving is slowing winning me over. I saw a pregnant woman bumming a ciggie off another chick out the front of Royal Brisbane Hospital the other day and I said to myself, "I never want to want a cigarette that bad". What do you say if a pregnant woman asks for a smoke tho? Luckily she asked someone else but even still i wanted to say something, but the chick asking for the ciggie looked dodgy as fuck and i wasnt about to piss her off by keeping her from getting her fix. The people at QUIT line in Australia are really helpful, and you can get them to call you back and check on your progress and give you advice. Just dont start lying to them and say that you are smoke free if you feel too guilty to tell them you have started smoking again like i did a few years ago. Im going to go hire that russel crowe tobacco industry movie tonight to cement into my head how much shit they put in ciggies to get them to burn down quicker, to stop the paper from igniting and to get the nicotine into your brain those few micro seconds quicker.

Good luck with your quitting everyone and i hope that we can all one day be free of one more of modern societies evils.
mean green 95 said:
congrats! i tried a new cig last week that is 100% natural, but packed really tight. basically like a tiny cigar. man those things cut me back so much, i went from a pack a day to 2-3 cigs a day basically as soon as i smoked one. unfortunatley i cannot get them where i live and they cost 6 bucks a pack, as compared to 2.75

Yeah, this is what I've been saying for quite some time. If corporate smokers take a taste of unfrozen, unadditived cigs that are fresh, juicy, and strong, they'll want to smoke less because it's rather.. satisfying.

Djarum, Nat Shermans, and Natural American Spirit are hawt.
I have still quit, it is getting much easier, but i have decided not to sleep with the patches on because the dreams i have been getting are too intense. I still havent noticed a difference in my taste and/or smell yet but it might take a little while longer yet. Good luck and keep going everyone who is trying to quit!
it is a week tonight since i have quit and have still not yet noticed an improved taste or smell. i guess everyone is different. I am only just starting to cough up shit and it looks pretty nasty. I am still using the patches but i am going to start using the stage two ones tomorrow. Good luck everyone, it is the best decision ive ever made, honest!
i dont know if anyone is still reading this thread, but I have still not had a ciggarette, this is day 11. I have started using the medium strength patches and am going ok. i am just starting to clear some of the tar from my lungs but i havent noticed an increased sense of taste/smell just yet. Generally i am feeling good, and it is a lot easier to get out of bed in the morning, i feel fresher, more alive. I had acupuncture done the other day to try and dextox my sysytem and am taking some chinese herbs and am feeling good, but i dunno if thats just from not smoking, i dont really care what is causing it, as long as it keeps up! Good luck everybody and the easiest way to get thru each day is to say, "I'm not having a cigarette today" rather than "I'm not having one for the rest of my life.". Just make sure you say it to yourself everyday!
keep it up man. for me its been over 3 long angry twichty moody weeks of of no smokin. 8( I'm also on the patch, it helps but i look pathetic when people see me constantly rubbin it squeezin it tryin to get more nicotine out of it haha On a good note i have coughed out a ton of junk and feel 10 times healthier, my sense of taste and smell are soooo much stronger and i sleep better, have more energy, money. It is so damn hard, i didn't think i would last this long but if i could do it so could you good luck
i quit too

i only relapsed for the weekend when i was binge drinking, grrr.
ow well better then nothing i guess.
WRX STi said:
I'm one of those people who can't 'just quit'. It's been 23 days for me and I'm still sooo tempted to smoke a cig. I only started smoking about a year and a half. I've tried to quit before, but the longest I've gotten is a month before I gave in. My friend's mother quit 30+ years ago and still has urges whenever she sees someone smoking a cig..so yeah, some people are just predisposed to that kind of addiction i guess

i was a smoker for about 5 years. I'd say it took about 2 or 3 years for me to stop having strong cravings when I would be around my friends smoking. Even now (5 and half years after i quit) I still occasionally do get a craving, but it's easy to ignore.

When you get one of those cravings, just think about how far you've come and how it sucked so much.. if you take a puff you're back at day one all over again... i'd much rather be at day 30 than day one

to all former smokers: congratulations :)
i think that we'd all like to quit. but something has to happen to kick our asses into gear. ive been wanting to quit. but i suppose since i havent, then i dont really want to. one day ill decide once and for all. and that will be in. until then.... light me up
Depending on how heavy of a smoker you are, and what your behavior for smoking is like...

I have to say Zyban really works. If you are already on Wellbutrin, I suggest that you consider just slowing down and stopping (since it is the same drug...just a higher dose).

I recently quit myself, and after a week of taking Zyban, I realized I was not craving nicotine...it was the habits that stuck around. (i.e., bored, driving, watching TV, sitting in front of the computer)

Obviously consult your physician before taking this...it's not good for people prone to epilepsy or if you are on another anti-depressant.

I encourage you to look into this avenue if just plain cold-turkey is too hard.

BTW... congrats on being able to breathe, smell, and taste again. ;)
Why/How you quit smoking cigs, How it affects you today

Twas 4/20 of las year, I had bought a glorious ounce of some very light green northern lights and a case of dutch master. to my avail i had woken up that morning with the worst cough one could imagine. would hurt to breath nevertheless the smoking. from that day on, the day that cigs affected my weed smoking was the day i swore off all cigarettes for life. keep in mind i had been smoking steadily for 8 years, 7 of them buying packs and cartons. Today I see all my friends with they cigs they will be coughing like shit but still be in denial that it has anything to do with the newports. I also realize that cig smoking is sorta like a coke addiction, u always checking how many cigs u got left, or go to the store even if its pouring rain at 3 in the morning to get your fix for tomorow. thank god im over that shit, i actually tryed to smoke one 2 weeks while at a party drunk. I took 2 drags and felt sick and light headed, threw the cig away in disgust. I cannot honestly bear the smell of cigs anymore it disgusts me that much. remember kids smoke weed not cancer sticks.
that is all
Sorry. I dont like weed, and smoking a ciggy is the only pleasure I afford myself in these harried days. :D Definitely not as much as I used to tho..and I exercise 3x a week.