• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

How do you feel right this moment? ~ V.Healthy Living

Woke up at 3 o'clock in the morning after drinking two bottles of wine and half a six pack. Drinking the rest of the beer and eating some noodles. Feel pretty good.
Good. Finished my first workout of the week, and am enjoying a tasty, green recovery smoothie.

I still need to find a way to kick it up another notch yet, for next week. Ah well, I've a week to figure that out.
Found a couple of vaporizer packs and decided to indulge while I was body-achey and feverish last night, thusly...

Day 7 of no booze.
Day 1 of no pot.

I am really hoping this fever breaks tonight so I can get back to the gym tomorrow before work.

Have been out of the gym and eating healthy due to being pretty sick last week and lasting into this week. However...

Day 15 of no booze.
Day 9 of no pot.

Feeling pretty damn good about staying strong in that department.
^ I'm so jealous as what you guys had was once one of my favorite dishes. (Stuffed with cheese though, nothing else. :p)

I feel as though I didn't sleep a wink last night and therefore am strangely out of it. I slept plenty but had some crazy weird dreams. In the future, if we buy airplane tickets, apparently we will have to be on that damn plane no matter what! And we will have lectures in college taught by legitimate farmers, who are teaching a subject that has nothing to do with farming [or maybe it does--It was all Greek to me ;)].
^ Sounds like a wicked sweet dream to me.

I feel like I have to poop... probably because I do.
I feel like stretching some. :)

I feel pretty good, a little stinky but good.
I feel healthy :)

Been eating well the last few days, exercising a decent amount, and on top of regular sleep I took a 3 hour nap in the middle of the day yesterday. I woke up feeling so damn good. fuck yeah.
Surprisingly good considering the amount of abuse my body gets, guess all the healthy eating and more sleeping recently is benefitting
I feel like absolute shit. Been sneezing all day, just ate french toast and mild italian sausage slathered in cheap syrup and lightly coated with butter. My heart feels weak sometimes, this is one of those times. I've been told by doctors that my blood pressure is too high for my age. I don't do stimulants really, though I kind of want to but I know that if I do it'll totally fuck with my heart. I need to make a change, I really do, I'm just not sure where to start. I'm saving for a bike right now.. Thats what I need, when I was younger and I had a mountain bike you couldn't get me off the damn thing.... I would ride to get around, ride just for the fuck of it. I was completely straight edge at the time too, no drugs at all. And I felt wonderful. I'm tryna get back to that kinda fitness but with my current level of intelligence and maturity... I'll be unstoppable.

To better days.
Just got in from work and hungrily ate fish and chips after skipping lunch, so physically feeling over full and greasy. Should've made a better dietary decision to be honest.

Emotionally life is good, recovering from an alcohol and suboxone/benzo relapse but managing to maintain Sobriety so far - Gym membership starting this weekend and deciding on supplements instead of Benzos for a future plan - Despite the fact that I'm fairly sure I could get a repeat prescription if I wanted one! :) So yeah - In short lifes pretty good!