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Help! - Apparent spiritual posession/negative entities while tripping

Light11, don't you find it weird that the stuff you're experiencing corresponds to millenia-old clichés?

Maybe you're being influenced by the culture you received as a kid, don't you think? :)

I mean, if you were from a completely different culture, you would probably bad trip about completely different stuff. Imagine you were an Inuit animist (why not lol), maybe you would bad trip about some sort of animal god killing all the fish in the sea? I don't know, I'm just making stuff up. My point is that what you experience with these evil forces seems very specific. Just think about it, couldn't that make you take a step back from the situation?
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I very much so believe in demon entity's. Pretty much from experience from time to time we tend to get a "visitor" in our house. Doors will open, lights will switch on and off and I hear a lot of noise at night, even right next to me the electronics can make "clicks" and cracks. Oddly enough I almost always tend to wake up in the middle of the night with sleep paralysis after these things happen, whatever scientific explanation there is, not being able to move, then finally getting up and seeing yourself lying on the bed is sheer terror.
Why is it demons? Each event could have its own explanation. Maybe demons make your car start each morning. How would you know the difference?
Well of course I don't mean the literal demon, but for sure it is a presence. I'm sure of that. Each event could have its own explanation but after a while the things that happen are too much for it to be a coincidence, or to be caused by natural outside factors. I didn't believe in any of this and I was a huge critic, but I guess this kind of stuff has to actually happen to you before you are able to believe it. Honestly I have experienced floating outside of my body in my room several times, and when I was back it was in excactly the same state as I witnessed in my "astral body". If it's a dream I wouldn't know 2 windows were open, the telly was on and stuff like that. It isn't fun though, it feels like your suffocating and something is trying to rip you out of your body. Sleep paralysis... Fuck that shit I'll take a bad trip over that any day
I have experienced hauntings. There is a big lurch between what we experience and what is really going on.

You store more information than you can access in your memory and there is also backfilling (false) memory with experience, to explain precognition.

When you begin to reconcile abnormal experience by considering that every "normal" experience prior has all been a kind of delusion then you have to consider the implications of that for all your experiences, not just normal ones.
I'm serious man it's really bad here. I'm talking STRANGE things. Like hearing someone walk outside the room. I put my radio on to block out hearing these noises, out of nothing the radio switched off and my door opened. Call me crazy, but that can't be explained, and no I don't think it's my false memory X)
You need a new radio, you forgot the door was open, some doors open on their own, temperature changes cause things to move, air pressure. An apparition, ghost, demon, poltergeist, whatever you want to call it, is not a real explanation.
I'm serious man it's really bad here. I'm talking STRANGE things. Like hearing someone walk outside the room. I put my radio on to block out hearing these noises, out of nothing the radio switched off and my door opened. Call me crazy, but that can't be explained, and no I don't think it's my false memory X)

I've had a lot of stuff like that happen to me at night, since I was a kid. Like voices calling my name, feeling animal and people presences, even once a cat licking my arm and pressing his paw on my face while I was sleep paralyzed. Last time I woke up feeling a presence next to me, and at the exact moment I turned the light on, a bag fell in my room. I choose to explain this by (extreme in this case) coincidence and also by the hallucinations induced by the sleep paralysis state.

I've even talked to a dead kid through ouija (glass upside down on a kitchen table, with letters and numbers written on small pieces of paper, we all had one finger on the glass, just laying, not pressing). I still don't know what to think about this one. It was crazy. He was replying to every question, except the ones about god and other intelligent life forms. The session lasted maybe one hour, I was with 3 persons, I trusted them all. If one of them was moving the glass on purpose, they would have told me by now. At some point the glass gathered a lot of the paper pieces and made them fall on my lap.

And I still don't believe in spirits and such. ;)
Why have you continued doing these substances, and with these people, if this is going on when you take them?

You said that you saw a motherly/feminine figure. Okay, so that would likely be the goddess, right? And isn't she about love and letting go of fear? It sounds to me like you have accepted the ultimate fear.

Psychedelics do work in metaphors. How many people have thought something weird was going on with this planet, like you have done? Is it possible for them to all be right?

It sounds to me like you have recognised the evil within humanity, and failed to recognise that which emanates within yourself. We all have fear and evil within, and we all act ritually - and we express that through our culture.

Metaphors my friend.

So I've finally talked it over with her and my suspicions were precisely correct, though admitting to it she still wants me to believe that she has no awareness of the possession or any of the things that she does that I've described in my original post. I have an extremely hard time believing this though, although it may be true, none of it adds up based on her responses and reactions. Now the only question left to answer is how do I go about ridding this demon for good?

So she admitted to that which she had no awareness of?
Seems nobody here cares to read what I have to say. If all of this was my own delusion then why in the FUCK would my girlfriend ADMIT to knowing about the evil inside of her? It brought her great sorrow knowing that we wouldn't be able to be together now that I knew this, because my relationship with God will always come first and she knows that.

She's "admitting" to it to pacify you...?...maybe you scare her...?...she's just telling you that to throw you off gaurd so she can eat your soul...?

ORRRRRR...she' just as crazy as you are...?
To the OP.
Words are the least reliable conveyer of truth. Don't take hallucinogenic drugs to raves. Try alcohol and don't take any other psychoactive drugs for the while. If the problem ceases then it should become clear to you that what you were seing was simply in yourself. This is what hallucinogens do, they show us who we are. Everything you've described that you've experienced are all fear-driven. Try to use the opposite end of the spectrum now. "Love-driven experiences"