• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier


I don't like "tagging" and I never have, but I think there's a difference between "tagging" and true graffiti art. I've seen some pretty amazing pieces around my city.
What if my art was not with paint but with hammer and chisel? What if I created art by chipping and chiselling the hell out of any structure I could find?

that already happens with glass cutters on bus windows and the like

I would never go get up on the side of someones house yet on a apartment building all the time.

wow.. you're so fucking considerate.. i'm sure the people who pay rent there love you 8)

seriously just admit it lacey.. you think "getting your name out there" is more important than "respecting other people's property".. you make up justifications like "oh well it's an apartment not personal property" as if a person doesn't own the apartment building or something. i mean i still like graf art if it's good, but seriously isn't not like one has the moral high ground in any way when they vandalize someone else's property, even if that vandalism is quite beautiful
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I aint takin no moral high ground. I dont give a fuck. Yall can get pissed off all you fuckin want.
lacey, in all seriousness, forgetting the vandalism or not side of things and just concentrating on the artistic side.............can you throw a few up that you rate and maybe explain how to decipher it please?

Like those ones doofqueen threw up, maybe u could show how they spell Take etc.

banksy, some of my favorite stuff.

Anyone into stencils? My girl does quite a bit of stencil pieces up around town, when I get back to my own computer, I'll share a few pics.
I Tag Quite A bit Around This Hickburg.

but Sadly, I Suck, And I cant get ahold of the part where you evenly put the paint on :(.

Any tips?

PM Me :)
im pretty sure its just as wack and in bad taste to paint on apartment buildings as it is houses or any other kind of residence. in a city there are thousands of places to paint other than; places of worship, places of personal dwelling, places of study, and places of commerce. so painting on those places is bad form. besides if you are going to create a masterpiece you'll need time to do it and most of those places dont lend well extended forays into the art of aerosol.

as for the question of the significance of a tag versus more involved types of graffiti...

modern graffiti started in the late 60's. some people say in philly, some say new york. regardless.. before people knew how to paint a piece they started by writing a stylized version of their identifying handle. thusly a "tag" is a building block to start from at the beginning of most graffiti writers career. those who rely on this building block or something similar to it for more than a couple of years are generally looked upon badly by those who have advanced their skills into more involved types of graffiti. at some point the tag itself can become an after thought, left only next to a completed masterpiece as a signature of the creator.

to say that the point of graffiti is "getting up" and or "getting your name known" and or "fame" is just as myopic as stating that art is only art when it is with permission. each person who writes graffiti has their own reason for doing so.
Excellent last two posts, naptownhiphopist.
naptownhiphopist said:
to say that the point of graffiti is "getting up" and or "getting your name known" and or "fame" is just as myopic as stating that art is only art when it is with permission. each person who writes graffiti has their own reason for doing so.

Nobody said thas the only reason....I speak for myself...
tango so sorry I didn’t comment. How rude of me! And for some reason I’ve always thought you were male (I really don’t know why) I liked your piece. Very psychadelic! And thanks for your compliment :) I used ironlak and montana so was good paint yes :)

lacey would you consider me to be toy being unskilled? I feel like I have respect for what graf is about even though I’m not very good just yet. It’s more about lack of respect than skill yes? And when can I see some of yours? =D

and yes I realise ‘toy’ is an old term….

maz thanks for liking my stuff despite how you feel about the culture :) I don’t really get your weed theory though. Government property is not your property however I don’t feel. It’s a free space (maybe not legal but free none the less) also I will just mention again that no real true graf ARTIST would paint on anyones home. And you really don’t think if a very famous artist painted on a train it would automatically not be art? I don’t really get that either….

I find grey concrete and saturation advertising in every public space offensive too. I don't see why advertisers should have the right to invade my consciousness in such a way simply because they have the power of money, as long as that is allowed then graf has my full and wholehearted support. Art trumps our twisted and destructive modern concepts of property and ownership any day imo.
^^ I like what you said about it and agree. I find advertising offensive.

nap I like your pieces too. I wish I could make mine all shiny and more 3d like that and be able to blend my colours and patterns and tones better but I still find can control really difficult as I’m used to brushes and even then I’m a ‘messy’ artist and graf seems to be so neat and precise.

Ummm emo graf? I don’t understand :\
delta_9 said:
I don't like "tagging" and I never have, but I think there's a difference between "tagging" and true graffiti art. I've seen some pretty amazing pieces around my city.

i was hoping someone from chicago would chime in on this besides me.

graffiti is art to people who accept it as art. to everyone else, even the most beautiful piece can be ugly.

eye of the beholder and all that shit.:p
spray paint smells like toxic.

graff looks pretty cool though. It definitely imporves the look of the side of a jail house or abandoned building. However, I don't think I'd want people painting all over my property if I owned that building.

And STOP Bush stencils on stop signs are funny.

some beginner shit i did a while back when i was dating a girl named bianca.
doofqueen said:
lacey would you consider me to be toy being unskilled? I feel like I have respect for what graf is about even though I’m not very good just yet. It’s more about lack of respect than skill yes? And when can I see some of yours? =D

and yes I realise ‘toy’ is an old term….

toy is more than just being unskilled. toy can be doing stupid things too....like painting a church or a house is a pretty toy-ish thing to do.
i would almost say that (at least in chicago) being a toy is more about doing stupid shit than it is about your general skill...and i say this because there are plenty of people who just aren't that good at graf but they still go out every night and bomb with the best of them. and the more up you get the better you get. it just takes practice.
we've got some amazing grafitti on a fence around a building site, (will take pics when we next drive pas)t, and it's so well done because it's allowed there so people can take their time and create a piece of art not just a name slapped on a wall. i hate....nay loathe seeing just some random word/tag stuck on a building....to me it's pointless and a violation.
i often go outside to take a walk and smoke some herb,

i live near a lac, with little trail inside the wood, there is no light its all dark,

^and this is with the flash,

its very cool, but eventually you meet this.. (if you go that way..)

its under a road, and last time i went there i did wonder if i could care to try some lines myself....



:) ?
is any spray paint good ?
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