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Gibberings CCIXV2 - And Now For Something Completely Different

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I AM the kid up the road from FUBAR. If he's talked about me, in any honest way, you'll know I'm quite a big deal (despite the size of my actual deals).
That's what he calls his willy. He tries to hide the scar with a big helmet but he has it on the wrong way around.

It's this kid's bedtime.

Dede,dede,dede,dede..de that's all folks!


I just realised that Ian Hislop looks a wee bit like Porky Pig.
Thankfully I'm a bit more with it today than I was the other day :eek: - I really have no idea what I was talking about but I think I had a great time. I've been up for a few hours, made breakfast and did the housework stuff, got a few things that need to be done then the day is mine.

Have a great day everyone

he he he, how's that head of yours Dimples? Gawd you were spangled to the point of pure adorable! Wish I'd been with you! Fun times, fun times.

Morning EADD, Up at 6:30 but to be fair I fell asleep really early last night 8o. How can I have slept so much and still feel so tired? I swear I sleep with my eyes open. Oh well, morning meds down the hatch, I'll be fighting the land of nod off soon. If I can stop running to and fro to the loo. Oh thank you morning water tablets you sick bitch!
I'm fine today thanks, was a bit worse for wear yesterday though - I was fine one moment then got myself very confused :D. Once I logged off and got myself into the sunshine with some music it turned into a very enjoyable day.

I hope you have a good day :)
Morning everyone.

Doctors today for a nerve block injection into my spine. I'm fine with needles in general but the ridiculously long on that they use to get into your spine just spooks me a little bit. Its like about 6 inches long and 21 gauge.

Its so annoying when you email work to tell them where you're going and they don't even bother to reply. Just very rude if you ask me.

Anyhoo.... "The sun is shining......the weather is sweeeeet yeah!" :)
Morning everyone.

Doctors today for a nerve block injection into my spine. I'm fine with needles in general but the ridiculously long on that they use to get into your spine just spooks me a little bit. Its like about 6 inches long and 21 gauge.

Its so annoying when you email work to tell them where you're going and they don't even bother to reply. Just very rude if you ask me.

Anyhoo.... "The sun is shining......the weather is sweeeeet yeah!" :)
Good luck with the nerve block brother. Hopefully it brings you relief from all the pain. I still have a couple of half kilo Turkmenistanian Mexedrone suppositories left if it does not work. Guaranteed to make you forget about your back pain. FUBAR swears by them..
Morning everyone.

Doctors today for a nerve block injection into my spine. I'm fine with needles in general but the ridiculously long on that they use to get into your spine just spooks me a little bit. Its like about 6 inches long and 21 gauge.

Its so annoying when you email work to tell them where you're going and they don't even bother to reply. Just very rude if you ask me.

Anyhoo.... "The sun is shining......the weather is sweeeeet yeah!" :)

EEEP! I only have an epidural to compare it to. Similar??
Cheers Consumer...I'll pass on the mexedrone though. My poor arsehole hasn't been the same since I plugged that last kilo I bought. Also this telly isn't working and the coathanger arial keeps falling off. I want my fucking money back!!!!

Sadie - I think it's similar as regardless of what they put in (or take out) the needle needs to be a certain size to get through your spine and in to the spinal cord. The last time I had one I saved up my Diaz script so I wouldn't be too nervous but not for that luxury this time. I'm feeling really anxious as it is, this is going to be nasty. This feeling reminds me of sitting in the dentists waiting room as a kid.....arghhhhhh!!!!!
Cheers Consumer...I'll pass on the mexedrone though. My poor arsehole hasn't been the same since I plugged that last kilo I bought. Also this telly isn't working and the coathanger arial keeps falling off. I want my fucking money back!!!!

Sadie - I think it's similar as regardless of what they put in (or take out) the needle needs to be a certain size to get through your spine and in to the spinal cord. The last time I had one I saved up my Diaz script so I wouldn't be too nervous but not for that luxury this time. I'm feeling really anxious as it is, this is going to be nasty. This feeling reminds me of sitting in the dentists waiting room as a kid.....arghhhhhh!!!!!
I will have you know that coathanger arial is made from the finest Turkmenistanian steel. It comes with a lifetime warranty. Just return the arial and the television to your point of purchase to receive a full refund.

On a more serious note, wouldn't it be standard practice to give some diaz before getting someone to undergo s procedure like that. I would be bloody well asking for some either way.
it's not as bad as you think. Sharp scratch ( the usual with any needle really ) Then kind of a dull thump. They really should give you a topical anesthetic prior to injection.

Once it's there as you know, it's not so painful. That is if it's very similar to an epidural. The process sounds similar but you never know. Either way, you've got my number for anxieties. I can always be just on the other end of the phone.

As many women say, it's just a prick ;) hope all goes well love <3
Yeah it's done now. Wasnt too bad. They stick a local in first with a 21 gauge green tip and then the big black spine needle.

If had lumbar punctures before as well and they're about the same except for the absolutely blinding headache your left with for the next week caused by CSF leaking out of the hole.

It kind of redefines the nature of a headache. I'd never known anything like it. I'm hoping the hole in my spine caused by this wont be the same.......
I'm only just in the door and you bastards are trying to make me faint with all this talk of needles. Especially the dreaded lumbar puncture!
I'm only just in the door and you bastards are trying to make me faint with all this talk of needles. Especially the dreaded lumbar puncture!

Same here! NSFW (not safe for wusses) that shit please :p

You'd think after all the times I've been stuck over the last few years I'd be over it now, but nope. Exposure therapy definitely works to an extent, when I was having daily blood tests I was fine with it pretty quickly, but it fades. Cannulating me is always a guaranteed fainting though, regardless of how frequently I had it done. And if you want to put an art line in then you can get to fuck.

It's all moot anyway because I'm never getting sick again :D

How's everyone doing anyway? Crunch is over at work so I'm deliberately trying to avoid doing a full day of work every day this week. Survived camping in freezing overnight temps at the weekend, the only person not complaining of the cold thanks to many merino layers and my swanky new down sleeping bag. My knee is also completely fixed so I'm back out running again, club run across fields in the sun last night was fucking lush. League races start again next week too. Life is good basically :)
Evening young Josh!!

Hope all is well with you. So your a fainter then eh? I'm the cannulation king me mate :) Have you ever thought of asking for a tetracaine gel local first? Its usuailly kept for kids and people with extreme needle phobia but I'm sure theyd do it if you asked. That and just not looking should stop the old fainting episodes......
I've never actually fainted from getting the needle used on me but I do get rather squirmy.
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