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Gibberings CCIXV2 - And Now For Something Completely Different

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I've never once got nice bubbling hash from a local dealer. The only times I've been treated to it is from friends coming back from either Barcelona or Amsterdam.
Do people actually SELL drugs in NI Don?

I thought Sammy G and his RAAD buddies had stamped all that shit out :)
Hardly a subject for gibberings but Ketama in Morocco is one of the war on drugs biggest anomalies. A state within a state, it is responsible for so much of the worlds hashish that it is number one in the goods column coming out of Morocco. The mainstay of Morocco's economy. The UN don't touch it and, despite deliberately ineffectual attempts by the Moroccan government, the trade continues almost unchecked. Tonnes of the stuff is moved from the mountains across to Gibralter every day. Spanish coastguard can't even begin to keep it in check and the politics with Britain and Spain over Gibralter is deliberately exploited by smugglers.

It's an interesting one, hardly ever acknowledged or talked about. Morocco would crumble (pun intended) without hashish. Ergo, there will always be Moroccan hashish.
Hardly a subject for gibberings but Ketama in Morocco is one of the war on drugs biggest anomalies. A state within a state, it is responsible for so much of the worlds hashish that it is number one in the goods column coming out of Morocco. The mainstay of Morocco's economy. The UN don't touch it and, despite deliberately ineffectual attempts by the Moroccan government, the trade continues almost unchecked. Tonnes of the stuff is moved from the mountains across to Gibralter every day. Spanish coastguard can't even begin to keep it in check and the politics with Britain and Spain over Gibralter is deliberately exploited by smugglers.

It's an interesting one, hardly ever acknowledged or talked about. Morocco would crumble (pun intended) without hashish. Ergo, there will always be Moroccan hashish.

Another useful imperial relic :)

I wonder how much the Moroccan economy has been affected by the rise of indoor-grown, domestically produced, cannabis, in climates unfriendly to cultivation, in recent years?
Another useful imperial relic :)

I wonder how much the Moroccan economy has been affected by the rise of indoor-grown, domestically produced, cannabis, in climates unfriendly to cultivation, in recent years?

I would guess very little. Grow rooms are largely there for weed whereas Morocco, specifically Ketama, produces hash. While it might have had a small effect in GB, and perhaps the Netherlands, most of Europe still doesn't grow its own cannabis. The export market is still huge for them and Moroccan hash ends up in every single country in Europe. The market for it in GB was long ago bastardised by criminals so we got 90% low grade soap bar bollocks, whereas the market for top quality non soap bar bollocks is huge in places like Switzerland and Scandanavia, where prices are high. I don't think Ketama got hit by grow rooms. It's a sizeable place where they do nothing but grow hectare upon hectare of cannabis.
Hardly a subject for gibberings but Ketama in Morocco is one of the war on drugs biggest anomalies. A state within a state, it is responsible for so much of the worlds hashish that it is number one in the goods column coming out of Morocco. The mainstay of Morocco's economy. The UN don't touch it and, despite deliberately ineffectual attempts by the Moroccan government, the trade continues almost unchecked. Tonnes of the stuff is moved from the mountains across to Gibralter every day. Spanish coastguard can't even begin to keep it in check and the politics with Britain and Spain over Gibralter is deliberately exploited by smugglers.

It's an interesting one, hardly ever acknowledged or talked about. Morocco would crumble (pun intended) without hashish. Ergo, there will always be Moroccan hashish.

Yeah. It will be interesting to see how this plays out, with Germany now talking about giving out cannabis for medical problems

And the current situation in much of Europe changing, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, everyone in the UK but the Tories know it's wrong. So we will see what will happen with the Moroccan hash coming into Europe? Will the prices drop as importing it to certain places becomes less risky in terms of jail sentances? I mean if you look into German drug related offences they have been quite harsh on people for importing just a hundred grams or so, a few years in jail. Or will they continue to be harsh for people doing it outside of government approval?

Times a changing.
The only times I've ever felt a tinge of patriotism is when smoking Lebanese hash.

And humous. Let's not forget humous.
Are you from Lebanon Fug?

That may be a silly question given your post but what the hell....I'm all for silly questions :)
Born in Beirut, and half Lebanese yeah :)

The other half is Jordanian, but still haven't had the opportunity to visit though. Would really like to see Petra / anything historical in the region before iSIS blows it to shit.
Woman, 19, who took legal high 'Spice' before pleasuring herself on a city centre bench in Truro in front of horrified passers-by is given community sentence
Teenager said she could not remember incident in Lemon Quay, Truro
Bystanders witnessed her actions, and footage was shared online
Teen admitted intentionally exposing herself and causing alarm or distress
She was sentenced to a 12 month community order by magistrates today

Fuck I hope it wasn't a beach whale!

Found the vid: https://www.facebook.com/lee.felton/videos/10156709032205401/
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Aye such a shame about ISIS blowing all the historic stuff up...

Bit like when the Taliban blew up the Buddas of Bamyan (sp?)

Aparently Afghanistan had a thriving tourist industry in the 60s....not so sure it has one now though...

Apparently the Taliban and ISIS are marketing a new brand of shampoo just for visiting Westerners called "and shoulders" (no head geddit?....sorry bad taste..:))
Aye such a shame about ISIS blowing all the historic stuff up...

Bit like when the Taliban blew up the Buddas of Bamyan (sp?)

Aparently Afghanistan had a thriving tourist industry in the 60s....not so sure it has one now though...

Apparently the Taliban and ISIS are marketing a new brand of shampoo just for visiting Westerners called "and shoulders" (no head geddit?....sorry bad taste..:))

Tis a shame indeed - fanatical idiots trying to eradicate all remnants of ideologies pre-dating theirs. That as well as just wanting to shock / piss off the world at large.

Lebanon still has tourism and was considered a 'hip' place to visit in the 60s - it used to be called the Paris of the middle east before all the civil wars etc, now it's starting to look a little more welcoming but the city is still ridden with bullet holes in buildings and what not. Not to mention the garbage disposal problem they've had as of late which has resulted in literal rivers of shit running through the outskirts.

With regards to the joke, the effort was appreciated, but it is oh so poor :D perhaps better suited to the 'tell a shit joke thread'.
A new delivery was received today, containing the latest gem from my Chinese friends.


I apologise for the crappy photo but it reads: Collect all these exciting new series. It will give you infinite pleasure.

Who am I to refuse infinite pleasure? 8)
No one gives you infinite pleasure, you must take it

This is why I choose to buy from suppliers who follow Confucian philosophy, rather than the disgusting Western philosophies you demonstrate.

Nothing to do with me following my own Western philosophy of selling shoddy wares and maximising profit..:|
What if you strive for excellence with your product? Profits will flow naturally

I tried that business model before. It resulted in manifold profits, but they could not be sustained.

Besides, the type of customer I get doesn't care if the products last more than eight uses. They're happy to come back and throw another quid at me and marvel at how cheap it is.
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