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Gabapentinoids Gabapentin Megathread


Tardive Dyskenesia/Akathisia
Neuropathy (neck, upper back, feet, and legs burning)
Psychomotor Retardation
Burning Mouth Syndrome (intense)
Muscle Fasiculations
Reduced bowel function
Leg cramping
Dysphagia (frightening)
Ataxia/Physical coordination difficulty
Intensified craving for cigarettes
Periods of anorexia followed by extreme hunger
Moments of complete shut down
Ocular pressure
Eyes burning/itching
Lowered tolerance to stimulus
Sensitivity to light/sound/touch
Burning sensation in left nostril
Chest pain
Difficulty with speech
Reversed reflexes (Plantar)
Difficulty walking

PAWS (Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome)
Mixed episode (wired and tired)
Impaired concentration
Impaired cognitive function
Hypomania (borderline mania at peak effectiveness of drug)
Vegetative state
Moments of complete shut down
Lowered tolerance to stimulus of any kind
Feelings of detachment
Uncontrollable crying
Motivational and Consummatory Anhedonia
Emotional overreaction (high and low)
Sigh...Don't worry people,these symptoms happened during the studies of the drug.Every drug gets reactions,based on the random people they choose.I know this is an old thread,but I felt damage fucking control was needed...Oy...
A week or so... look at the bioavailability of gabapentin with increased doses. It increases rapidly (daily) but also decreases rapidly for me. Even a day's break helps, but a two week break is like restarting from scratch almost. (You will NEVER get the original high again as many an addict knows as long as your brain has a memory of how good that high was---high expectations. :)

Does anyone know how long you should stop taking neurotin to be able to feel it again? My tolerance is way built up and i miss the feeling
I never got ANY high at all. I seriously don't know what everyone in this thread is talking about. I have a hard time believing there is any high, just based on the pharmacology of the drug, and also of course from my one time dose of 1500mg.

I won't ever take it again. If anything it gave me a bit of anxiety and I felt twitchy. Not at all pleasant or any "high".

Reading about the withdrawal from this drug makes me wonder why in the fucking world someone would be taking this regularly. I understand it's prescribed, but I mean for any sort of high.
I never got ANY high at all. I seriously don't know what everyone in this thread is talking about. I have a hard time believing there is any high, just based on the pharmacology of the drug, and also of course from my one time dose of 1500mg.

I won't ever take it again. If anything it gave me a bit of anxiety and I felt twitchy. Not at all pleasant or any "high".

Reading about the withdrawal from this drug makes me wonder why in the fucking world someone would be taking this regularly. I understand it's prescribed, but I mean for any sort of high.

It just depends on the person. I think it's fantastic. It lowers anxiety, the analgesia makes it seem like you're walking on a cloud, it causes cool visual effects, I feel a unique form of tactile pleasure, it increases sociability, muscle relaxation, pleasant sedation, and just makes me feel extremely relaxed in general. I take it as prescribed but the initial high was great.
I'm prescribed 900 mg's 3 times a day (300 mg yellow pills). I usually only take six of 'em though, the doctor just prescribed a high dose so I wouldn't have to worry about refills. I use it for my anxiety and drug cravings and it is excellent. I recently stopped drinking and abusing drugs and have around 50-60 days clean, and this just helps me feel a bit loopy to where I am not on edge every day.

I wanted to say, the bioavailability really doesn't change even if I stagger 300 mgs every 45 minutes or not. If I eat 6 at a time it's just as effective. I think 900 staggered could work better.

Tolerance to the "high" obviously goes down but it doesn't lose much effectiveness day in and day out. I know, I used to abuse the shit out of this medicine. The big APO GAB 600 mg's. I remember the first time I did some I could hardly walk. Make no mistake, this drug can and will fuck you up if you take enough. Feels really dreamy, almost psychedelic. You feel floaty, and get a sort of weird salivating mouth. I would say it's like alcohol or benzos but it's not. Maybe closer to a barbiturate. It's a wonderful drug, I'd really like to read a study about the long term negative effects. It can make you a bit stupid and you can lose motor coordination pretty easy. But no drug is good for you, truth be told. If anybody has any more information about dose staggering I'd love to hear.
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I have a brand new script for gabapentin. I went to the doctor today for RLS and told him the klonopins are not fazing me in the slightest anymore. I've been on k-pins for years and I'm immune to them... maybe permanently.

I have 100 mg capsules. He told me to take two every evening. I only took one. I want to start as low as possible so that I can use them to relieve this ridiculous syndrome I have as long as possible.

My reaction to the first time taking it is that it took so long to come on, I thought I would feel nothing. I waited a couple hours, then I forgot about it, went and watched tv and smoked a bowl.

The cannabis I have right now isn't one of the uber strong strains. I can smoke it on and off during the evening before bed, and it helps me get into a sleep zone.

I feel as if either the cannabis boosted the gabapentin or the gaba boosted the bud,

I am more relaxed that I usually get on the mid shelf strains. I feel quite stoned actually, more like I've had 2 or 3 hits of wax than personal size bowl of mid shelf.

So something is doing something. I don't know what. But my phuckin legs are not spastic tonight. And that is me winning. For tonight anyway.
just wanted to drop in and say... FUCK YOU GABAPENTIN!!! ahh, I am finally off that crap. after 4 years titrated to 100mg every other day. had a relatively mild withdrawl with some excess anxiety, pretty painful legs/RLS for a week but I seemed to sleep a lot. tried really hard to keep a dark room and take a mg of melatonin and just enjoy my dreams. now all I have to do is get rid of the 11 year benzo habit. haha, working on it. oh came off gabapentin while in the middle of a Xanax taper too. blah.

and to the dude above me, yea weed really sets gaba off. I, too have really bad RLS and that's why I started it. that and gabapentin/lyrica just "seem" healthy. they make you hungry, tired and happy.. a lot like weed. just like most drugs though there will be a WD. make sure to get plenty of shit done while you are on your meds. that's the point. you can't stay on these things for life. well, very, very few people would consider it.
To throw in my $0.02... definitely worthwhile. & i am a former hard drug user (heroin & fentanyl- IV user. 5 yrs clean).

BUT- i am also on buprenorphine (subutex formula) & high doses of butalbital (a barbiturate) for back pain.

It DEFINITELY mediates the tolerance and/or feeling of "needing" both buprenorphine & butalbital. But even in 3-4 days of use I am seeing a tolerant effect.

Also, its inconvenient, in that, I must wait till i'm in my controlled environment without any obligations- otherwise i'd appear drunk or at least intoxicated (any slightest hint of me acting/being "different" & my family cries foul & thinks i absolutely MUST be fucking using. Gets pretty annoying after 5 fucking YEARS)... or at the very least, i'd appear without the fullest of my facilities in a work situation.

This is an odd chemical; some of its effects really remind me of baclofen- a GABA-B positive modulator! The psychological state just seems similar; albeit less disorientating, less nauseating, & overall better tolerated. However, unlike baclofen- it does have some hint of adrenergic stimulant effects; particularly w/ sex drive & the mode by which it causes disinhibition- it seems to not feel as if it comes from GABAergic action (like ethanol or benzodiazepines); its more stimulatory in its disinhibition. Mind you, its no where near IV'd cocaine. Its important to note also: baclofen HUUGELY reduced my buprenorphine intake inexplicably? Gabapentin has seemed to do this, but, not nearly as rapidly (w/ baclofen- this was around a 50% drop, from 8mg to 4mg in ~2 weeks time w/ absolutely zero discomfort! & i'm a HUUGE pussy when it comes to withdrawal symptoms, too).

All in all, its a drug that fills certain niches; and for me? A recovering addict on Subutex & butalbital? It works! & i don't "need" my other medications nearly as much.
I can a get good high on GABAPentin with no tolerance on 3600mg spread out in 3 1 hour 1200mg doses. Gives a weird body high like and if it gets any stronger it will be unpleasant like an borderline unpleasant body high and I forget what else soooo AMNESIA yeah.
No, you cannot inject it. IDK why you would anyway. Its necessary for Gabapentin to go through the first pass metabolism stage (I think that's what I read). Sticking it up your bum won't do much good anyway, because of the first pass business.
Its great to see that so many people have wonderful effects from it. I know that as long as I don't use it too frequently, my effects are fantastic. I get a substantial mood lift, massive increase in confidence and sociability, sex drive is fucking *outrageous* with insane erections, sexual performance is increased, but to a natural level (In other words, you can orgasm when you want), energy is off the hook, and music appreciation is increased. A dose lasts about 5 hours or so, and usually takes 1.5-3 hours to start to feel the effects. A common sign of it kicking in is you start getting sleepy. But if you don't fall asleep and keep yourself occupied, it is totally worth it.

Also, in case my drug use, or lack thereof, comes into question, I will say that I have used *plenty* of drugs, and have been taking in some sort of substance since I was 17; I am now 28. While it hasn't been terribly consistent, I still consider myself a user. I used to be a heavy user, and am now extremely light. I've waterlined heroin, snorted/smoked cocaine, mushrooms, lsd, mdma, gaba, methadone, various opiates/opiods, 4-aco-dmt, pod tea, and others. And of course a myriad of combos. So, having gaba work doesn't always depend on whether a person has used or not. Its the same for Tramadol. Most opiate users can't get off on that stuff. But when I was taking it, I nodded INSANE amounts and for hours. The whole experience lasted 12 hours, if not longer. And I could NOT get off on pod tea, or an inexpensive dose of opiates. BTW, I took over 30 p. somniferum pods last summer. Know what happened? I got the worst case of itchies in the entire history of the human race, for about 6 or so hours. No high, nothing. That should say something.

Anyway. Gabapentin to date is one of the most simple, yet enjoyable substances. Oh, and getting a solid dose of gaba, smoking bowls, and taking half a melatonin or a muscle relaxer will hammer you. You'll be stoned, have a nice body buzz, but still have energy enough to do stuff. Combos are great.
I completely agree with you...depends on the person. I have to take at least 3200 mg, but i feel all those things you mentioned. A nice sleepy feeling and calmness. Im more socialable and just feel good. Its not like an opiate, but its relaxing.
To echo previously stated comments: thank you for posting a thread on gabapentin!

I am on it.. 600mg 4x day (2400mg/day). At first, it was a wonder drug for me; & enjoyable as well. But more importantly- it allowed me to severely drop my daily butalbital intake (a barbiturate), helped w/ anxiety (in an odd.. benzo-ish sort of way), & it created decreased inhibitions, in an odd; stimulatory-sort-of-way (it actually exasperated my sleep issues/insomnia). I had a horny-type feeling reminiscent of cocaine or amphetamine/methamphetamine. It also was a novel and SUCCESSFUL antidepressant/mood-stabilizer! As i've tried/have been Rx'd all antidepressants--of all flavors, from tetracyclics to SNRIs; but excluding MAO inhibitors.

HOWEVER- after about a week in? These positive effects slowly faded :\ They still do, however, potentiate my buprenorphine dose (i take/Rx'd 4mg per day) ONLY if i take it prior to insufflated buprenorphine (it's the Subutex, pill formula).. that's about it, though. No noticeable impact on my butalbital intake (as high as 2000mg/day); antidepressant & mood-stabilizing effects have faded. I planned a quick taper, but, even a moderate reduction (i had ran out for ~4 days) creates extreme anxiety, not entirely unlike moderate withdrawal of butalbital or other barbiturates/GABAergics. So, i'd like to take it slow.. hopefully be able to only use it for situational purposes.

& whoever said (paraphrase) "it causes a high similar to how an antihistamine causes drowsiness" is obviously quite misguided on this medication.
benzodiazipines potentiate gabbapentin. this is fact. if u want the gaba potentiated, take the benzos first. if you want the benzos potentiated, take the gaba first but wait 2 hours for your stomach to absorb it or else it will decreas bio availability of the benzo. ever see on a bottle of gabapentin "dont take antacids within 2 hours of taking this medication"?
Gabapentin is actually a wondeful party drug in my books. To increase effects drink acidic drinks and stagger doses at least an hour apart.
The best way to take it (for me) is 300mg washed down with a double espresso. Then wait half hour, add another 600mg. Wait half hour and then another 300 with a diet coke, or an energy drink. Then smoke a cig. I only ever take 1200mg at a time, and that relaxes me enough to be chilled out and yet productive.

Any way of lessening tolerance? Other than waiting three days?
The best way to take it (for me) is 300mg washed down with a double espresso. Then wait half hour, add another 600mg. Wait half hour and then another 300 with a diet coke, or an energy drink. Then smoke a cig. I only ever take 1200mg at a time, and that relaxes me enough to be chilled out and yet productive.

Any way of lessening tolerance? Other than waiting three days?
There really is no drug you can take where time isn't the only remedy for tolerance. Every 3 days is enough anyway. Unfortunately you can't expect to be high every day as nice as that would be. Why not try phenibut? in between gaba doses The effects are somewhat similar and surprisingly, I haven't noticed any cross tolerance.
Thank you for the suggestion. I haven't heard of phenibut, but I gather I'm in the right place to find out what it is!
My routine:
eat 300mg every 10 minutes and wash it down with some soda (carbonated) also take 2 aleve or similar pills... I do this until I finally consume around 4800mg .... do this and tell me it isn't worth a damn !!