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Gabapentinoids Gabapentin Megathread

There are tons of threads that cover Gapabentin, I'm merging you with the megathread.
I might be going to be prescribed this, anybody have any experience with this? ......neuropathic pain is the main purpose, I don't take anything else, I don't know the dosage yet I am just getting insight I see the neurology specialist on monday.

Neurontin (gabapentin) as well as its offspring Lyrica (pregabalin) is a dangerous and unpredictable drug that can cause permanent central nervous system damage and lead to physical addiction. The mechanism of action of this drug is not well understood. The withdrawals from this medication are similar to benzo withdrawal but with the added component of neurological symptoms that can render you dysfunctional.

I urge you to research this drug thoroughly before considering it as a treatment option.
i find neurontin to be a very effective med...if i take 800 mgs i can feel it kick within 30 minutes..it lowers my enxiety and it also gives me a slight manic type energy..it feels very clean and i dont feel sedated on it like i do benzos..i simply feel chilled out yet i feel more pro-social on it..it doesnt hurt my libido like benzos, it seems to enhance it a little..sadly i wouldnt compare heurontin to Ghb effects and im a bigtime lover of Ghb lol...

only downsides of neurontin is that if i take it for more than 3 days in a row, it tends to poop out..plus, when im on neurontin the last thing i would want to do it take some type of test of any sort..lol..my mind is not mush like alcohol but my meory seems impaired..all in all a very good drug..

have you guys had success using neurontin everyday for months on end??
rebel marven-since neurontin is not well studied, its effects and such, how doy ou know it causes or can cause long central nervous system damage??
rebel marven-since neurontin is not well studied, its effects and such, how doy ou know it causes or can cause long central nervous system damage??

I am a biomedical researcher and I have been researching this extensively for quite some time. There is sufficient evidence for me to feel confident enough to make that statement publicly. If that is not enough, you are welcome to hear my personal case history and review the facts and data.

I just don't want anyone else to end up with the damage like I have sustained because of this drug.

Please be careful.
^^well go ahead and explain the damage that happened to you..i find it would fit right in on this thread..
I might be going to be prescribed this, anybody have any experience with this?

plenty of experience!

i took it for maybe 6-8 months. starting dose was 1800mg, raised to 2100 but i went right back down because i felt like a zombie. that was my dose when i started to tapeer. i'm at 900mg now.

it made me really slow mentally. it just felt like my thought processes took forever to finish. i could never think of the right words. i was clumsier. it became obvious why people refer to it as morontin. i started to get really anxious and paranoid as well, and i was starting to sink into a depression - i felt hopeless a lot of the time.

i know, i know, it takes all kinds - but i seriously can't believe people take this shit recreationally. i would rather huff freon.

i would rather be dead than take it again.
i would rather be dead than take it again.


Tardive Dyskenesia/Akathisia
Neuropathy (neck, upper back, feet, and legs burning)
Psychomotor Retardation
Burning Mouth Syndrome (intense)
Muscle Fasiculations
Reduced bowel function
Leg cramping
Dysphagia (frightening)
Ataxia/Physical coordination difficulty
Intensified craving for cigarettes
Periods of anorexia followed by extreme hunger
Moments of complete shut down
Ocular pressure
Eyes burning/itching
Lowered tolerance to stimulus
Sensitivity to light/sound/touch
Burning sensation in left nostril
Chest pain
Difficulty with speech
Reversed reflexes (Plantar)
Difficulty walking

PAWS (Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome)
Mixed episode (wired and tired)
Impaired concentration
Impaired cognitive function
Hypomania (borderline mania at peak effectiveness of drug)
Vegetative state
Moments of complete shut down
Lowered tolerance to stimulus of any kind
Feelings of detachment
Uncontrollable crying
Motivational and Consummatory Anhedonia
Emotional overreaction (high and low)
^^wow, ive only experienced maybe one of those symptoms...you could take any drug and there would be similar possible side effect issues..
I've taken gabapentin recreationally for about two years now. When I say recreationally I mean once a week at a dose ranging from 1800 mgs to 3600 mgs, taking 300 mgs every 45 minutes until I've completed my dose. The effects are generally elevated mood, decreased social anxiety, talkativeness, increased feelings of empathy with others, euphoria, slight visual hallucinations, physical energy and ah-may-zing sex.

I've found a few things potentiate it which I haven't seen listed in all 14 pages of this thread.

Chamomile tea - When you first start feeling the effects, drink a nice strong cup of the tea (two teabags) or take a ground chamomile capsule. Definately increases the euphoria and 'downer' effect of gabbies.

Passionflower tea - basically does the same thing as chamomile tea but with more of a downer effect.

GABA supplements - although they say GABA does not cross the blood/brain barrier, I've found this to be untrue. Mixed with gabapentin, GABA really amps up the effects.

All the above mixers will cut down on your need to dose high, thus saving precious gabapentin. :D I notice if I'm doing gabbies with any of them, my dose will can be pretty much cut in half.
I've just started this for odd symptoms in my leg which the doctor thinks is nerve damage. ( I was in a car accident about 5 weeks ago)

Anyway, the doctor said to titrate the dose, 300mg day 1&2, 600 mg days 3&4, and 900mg day 5 onwards.
She didn't tell me why, and google hasn't been of much use.

Can anyone explain why I need to slowly increase the dose?
I've just started this for odd symptoms in my leg which the doctor thinks is nerve damage. ( I was in a car accident about 5 weeks ago)

Anyway, the doctor said to titrate the dose, 300mg day 1&2, 600 mg days 3&4, and 900mg day 5 onwards.
She didn't tell me why, and google hasn't been of much use.

Can anyone explain why I need to slowly increase the dose?

Its because your body needs to get use to the drug. It needs to get into your system and upping the dose slowly will help keep unwanted side effects away like diarrhea. Also you may be good at 300-600mg. If so let your dr know you don't need to increase it to 900mg and that it is working.

It's always good to introduce a drug slowly. You never really know how your body will react to a drug. If you have a reaction then it won't be as bad as taking the full amount. I hope this helps.
Maybe GABA supplements would help with the withdrawal and/or can be used during a taper to supplement while you lower your dose? I have no idea if this would help, just thinking out loud.

I am curious about this drug. I have been prescribed it in the past, was on a dose of 3200 mgs and am now back on it at 2400 mgs. It is the only drug that works well to manage my anxiety other than benzos which i dont take due to a past addiction. Ive heard it marketed as a 'wonder drug' that helps with depression, anxiety, pain, as well as having some antipsychotic properties and helps with opiate/benzo withdrawls). They market it as being 'non addictive' and safe for use at high doses. This is bullshit as I have become completely dependant on it, and when i go a day without taking it i feel myself getting sick. I went off 3200 mgs in the past and went through withdrawls that i would equate to a mild dope sickness. Also i have taken 4000 mgs and experienced a temporary psychosis. I am just wondering what other peoples experiences are with this drug as it seems to be (in my opinion) as bad as benzoS and i cant grasp why its marketed tge way it is, fucking evil drug companies man... Any ways im just interested to hear what other people think of the drug.
Gabapentin and Pregabalin withdrawal have been likened to a weird mix of an opiate/benzo withdrawal, with a significant amount of mood instability. Gabapentin is not a drug I would want to be physically dependent on, especially not on more than 600mg a day.

Your dosage is far too high, which is why you are quite physically dependent. If you require dosages that high, just switch to pregabalin (Lyrica), as it more efficiently crosses the BBB and has a higher BA, making it a more effective anxiolytic and analgesic at lower dosages, cutting down on physical side effects and cognitive impairment.

300mg Gabapentin ~= 100mg Lyrica
I am a biomedical researcher and I have been researching this extensively for quite some time. There is sufficient evidence for me to feel confident enough to make that statement publicly. If that is not enough, you are welcome to hear my personal case history and review the facts and data.

I just don't want anyone else to end up with the damage like I have sustained because of this drug.

Please be careful.

would you mind sharing this information with us please instead of just a statement and nothing backing it up. not just a list of symptoms.

i believe you could be right.

i recently dropped neurontin from my schedule as i was having horrible adverse reactions to it after having used the drug on and off for a few years prior. i would start trembling, overheating, feel nausea and almost feel stiff at some points with doses as low as 600mg,not to forget the headaches. they were the main symptoms i experienced, though, a few others from the list you provided.

i used to praise this drug for neurological pain but not so much now.