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Foreign Drug Scenes

I would hate to be an addict in Russia. I stupidly spent my morning watching clips on Youtube about the clandestined synthesis of Desomorphine or Krokodil thats becoming incredibly popular in Russia. It really disturbed me to be quite honest. It's so sad that addicts over there have resorted to using crude chemistry to create highly unfiltered Desomorphine with high contents of corrosive solvents to get high or keep straight. Making matter's worse, is that there is no opiate replacement therapy over there, and heroin is 10x more expensive then cooking up highly adulterated Desomorphine using codeine pills and industrial acids and organic solvents like petrol, all of which end up in the finished product, which is then injected, resulting in horrible tissue damage, and ultimately amputation's and death. What's worse is that Desomorphine is a very short acting, which means for pretty much round the clock injections. I don't know how true this statistic is, but I read several articles that claimed that the average krokodil user lives around two years, four at the max.

I also read an article on this site The Fix, which was talking about the use of worm feeder in cocaine, and the result of this cut supposedly has similair tissue damaging effects to krokodil. This world's seriously has to end the prohibition on drugs, too many people are dying and getting sick, its really depressing.
This thread has been a very interesting read, so I thought I'd add a little bit about my hometown, Berlin.

Generally, drug policies and enforcement for lighter drugs are very relaxed, you'll be let go with a warning if caught with up to 10g cannabis. Unfortunately, weed is about the only drug considered to be light, even mushrooms count as hard drugs here.

The street scene is quite varied and concentrates on the harder stuff, heroin, (bad) coke, (also bad) speed, benzos, methadone, subutex and hash are all easily available at the right subway stations, where most of the business goes down. This is a good modus operandi in my opinion, as the alcoholics crowd provides some cover for shady transactions, and you're always safer in a public place.

Speaking of safety, thanks to Germany's strict weapons laws, nearly noone carries guns or knives, not even the dealers who do get robbed on occasion. It's universally agreed that if you get caught with hard stuff, it's better to not get an extra charge for weapon possession. So, scoring on the street is quite safe apart from the usual stealing and scamming that comes with prohibition.

The downside of this is that the police naturally know of these meeting spots as well, making it a real hassle to score on days they decide to have a crackdown - nonstop pig presence at the usual spots, so you better have some backups or take care of your business very early in the morning. Come to speak of it, a dealer I know somewhat starts selling his brown at 6 AM and closes business at 10, he says he makes more than enough that way and doesn't get into conflict with LE. Good guy, that one, always reliable and very decent brown, if a tad more expensive than others.

Weed is actually harder to get than heroin, I surmise it's because of the bulk and smell involved, and you mostly buy from private persons who keep to themselves. As in most other European countries, a lot of the weed sold here is homegrown, so while you can expect very good quality, this also reflects on the price, which is quite steep when compared to street hash (which is mostly quite good as well).

Psychedelics are never sold openly, you have to know the right person to buy them from. Your best bet would be one of the many clubs or festivals, but I'm not a big fan of both, so my experiences are sadly lacking a lot when it comes to mind expanding chems. Luckily, many weed growers also cultivate shrooms on the side, so a bit of asking around usually gets you what you want.

OTC products are somewhat lacking, as codeine is banned in every form, so the only things worth mentioning are loperamide, diphenhydramine and DXM. The latter however is available as pure dextromethorphan 30mg capsules, so we don't have to deal with any nasty syrups or unwanted ingredients, which is somewhat unique as far as I know.

The RC scene is practically non-existant, especially when compared to the UK. Some people order their chems from British vendors, but it's never taken off here like in other countries, I guess we're sticklers to tradition when it comes to drugs. The JWHs and analogues were banned quite swiftly, and I expect that to happen with all RCs that catch a whiff of media attention.

Regarding the medical side of things, it's virtually impossible to get a prescription for opiods, although benzos are difficult, but not that hard to get. On the harm reduction side, there are a number of needle exchanges and safe injection rooms, and public opinion seems to finally lose the typical junkie image, supporting even test runs of diamorphine maintainance for extreme cases, and viewing the whole issue as a medical rather than a criminal one. But there still remains a lot of work to be done, and other parts of Germany are FAR less advanced in their drug policies. Bavaria for example is our equivalent to Texas in this regard, don't ever get caught down there with any amount, not even stems. They'll fuck you over proper.

But coming back to Berlin, it's one of my favourite cities in the world (being born here, I'm completely unbiased of course), and certainly worth a visit, not only for its scene, but also because of its history and culture.

As soon as I become a bluelighter, feel free to shoot me a PM, I'll gladly answer any questions to the best of my knowledge, without breaking any BL TOU of course.
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In Portugal, there are very little (if any) laws regarding the use of drugs. I know that people do everything from shoot heroin to smoke a joint in the parks. They took a path of focusing on offering rehabilitation to those who want it, without punishing those who use drugs in general.

Link to article about results: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/03/portugal-drug-laws-decriminalization-_n_889531.html

I'm quite jealous but happy for the Portuguese, they've done it right. Every country should take an example..

Just out of interest, has drug usage risen since those laws were instituted? Or is it too early to tell?
I'm quite jealous but happy for the Portuguese, they've done it right. Every country should take an example..

Just out of interest, has drug usage risen since those laws were instituted? Or is it too early to tell?

"Following decriminalization, Portugal eventually found itself with the lowest rates of marijuana usage in people over 15 in the EU: about 10%. Compare this to the 40% of people over 12 who regularly smoke pot in the U.S., a country with some of the most punitive drugs laws in the developed world. Drug use of all kinds has declined in Portugal: Lifetime use among seventh to ninth graders fell from 14.01% to 10.6%. Lifetime heroin use among 16-18 year olds fell from 2.5% to 1.8%. And what about those horrific HIV infection rates that prompted the move in the first place? HIV infection rates among drug users fell by an incredible 17%, while drug related deaths were reduced by more than half." (source)
Don't they grow poppies all over the place in Tasmania (an island south of Australia)? I thought so.
yes tasmainia's poppy fields produce more than 50% of the worlds legal opium. Also here i sydney it is common to find poppies here, they are seen as a weed. I do not understand why people here do not grow and make their own opium, i guess the main people who it would be applicable to probably do not have the educational know how or are unaware of this....​
This isn't bitching about my dealer as such (actually, that's inaccurate - I'm not bitching about him at all) but rather, lamenting what I consider a poor state of affairs and dominant practice in the drug scene of this country. In just about every way imaginable, the availability, reliability, price and general quality of drugs here has been significantly better than in Finland. My problem is this:

There seems to be only one variety of amphetamines around: "SPEED".

This may not strike you as very specific, and you're likely wondering whether's it's racemic amphetamine or methamphetamine. It is both.

Not once have I specifically been told that it is one or the other, or offered a choice (which was standard M.O. in Finland, although very few people would buy meth, preferring 'regular' amp). The potency of the stuff in general, as well as the ratio of methamphetamine to racemic amphetamine, varies quite a lot from batch to batch. The dealer says based on the estimates of him and his friends, and a few samples they've sent to be tested, that it's usually in the 5-35% range in terms of meth (and a variable chunk of d/l-amphetamine, up to around 80% combined racemic and methamphetamine). Now if you're asking me, it makes quite a bit of difference if you could have up to 30% more methamphetamine than you thought. A few times we've just been stupid and careless and taken a gamble on it not being very strong, and it's turned up to have a shit ton of meth. Then I've usually spent the next two nights awake, tweaking like a cartoon character (you know the stereotype), but my mental capacity always seems to retire for an early night in after 3-5 hours of dosing, leaving me a super-electric wakeful borderline-retard.

Meth is great if you're, say, fighting a war, or at a party that lasts all weekend. It's decidedly less awesome for generally remaining functional and doing things like studying. I prefer plain old amphetamine without the methyl group (preferably pure dextroamphetamine, if I get to be real picky) since I don't really use amphetamines to get high or feel anything other than increased wakefulness and mental focus, and meth makes me feel significantly more tweaked. It also works for much longer - with amphetamines I find it easier to dose, sleep and eat, and redose the next day while not feeling strung-out - and if I want to, I can take more amphetamines to keep me up through the night if necessary.
Here people don't seem to distinguish between the two; the more meth there is in it, the better it is generally perceived to be here. I guess we use the drug for slightly different purposes. At the end it's been better suited to my interests that the speed have as little meth as possible, even if all that is taken up by cutting agents. A significant portion of them are eliminated via simple acetone wash (also, fun stuff like Diethyl Ether is OTC here) and crank costs next to nothing here so it's never a bad deal.

At least the situation here isn't as dire as I hear it is in Amsterdam; obviously the properly connected can probably get most drugs most anywhere, and especially in Amsterdam. However, several friends of mine that have lived there for long and have the connections for most other things, amphetamine is simply not available. Apparently the market is so dominated by cocaine - it's a shit ton more profitable than amphetamine, and it's perceived as a less intense and hard drug, and more of a party drug that can be lightly indulged in occasionally.

Anyway, that's my rant. I suppose I could bitch about my drug dealer, too, on a poiint of technicality. Whenever he tells us it's good speed he doesn't remember that we like it with as little methamphetamine as possible. Oh, and he's always late. Or then he says he'll be there at 8 and sends you a message at 2AM saying he's too stoned. :!
I think most European capitals/big cities have large open air markets and if you're into drugs and live in or near them you're almost doomed to become an addict. The Scandinavian open drug markets are alive and well and spread out over most of the capitals (guess also because the high standard of living here).

I've bought from them a few times, mostly for the sense of adventure, but to be honest it's one of the most idiotic things you can do. There's probably a 25% chance you're going to get scammed/robbed/into trouble with the law.

It's interesting to hear about the drug scene in Berlin, as it seems to have been the same for decades, but I guess there's no reasen for it to change.

I imagine London would be much harder to score illegal drugs in and you would need to be part of the serious drug scene or go into the really shady areas. It's not like you can just go to one of the train stations, because of the heavy police presence there, being one of the main tourist cities in the world the public spots should be quite safe.

Finland seems like many drugs should be easily available there, because of its closeness to Eastern Europe. I guess like Norway, apart from that Heroin is probably the most consumed drug here. I think there's almost no pot/LSD, or whatever is is of shitty quality and there's no real tradition for it here. Also not much Coke or Ecstacy. It's mostly Speed/Dope/Benzos.
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Finland seems like many drugs should be easily available there, because of its closeness to Eastern Europe. I guess like Norway, apart from that Heroin is probably the most consumed drug here. I think there's almost no pot/LSD, or whatever is is of shitty quality and there's no real tradition for it here. Also not much Coke or Ecstacy. It's mostly Speed/Dope/Benzos.

Finland seems like many drugs should be easily available there, because of its closeness to Eastern Europe. I guess like Norway, apart from that Heroin is probably the most consumed drug here. I think there's almost no pot/LSD, or whatever is is of shitty quality and there's no real tradition for it here. Also not much Coke or Ecstacy. It's mostly Speed/Dope/Benzos.

Yes and no. There isn't as large or open a market for drugs, and the circles tend to be more exclusive - but there's also almost a complete lack of dealers, and a massive population of people who are end-users of a shitload of different drugs, and occasionally or fairly regularly do some dealing on the side to make an extra buck, to supply your friends, or both.

Heroin is a rarity in Finland - the most commonly abused opioid is buprenorphine. It's almost the second most commonly IV'd drug after speed, which is very widely used and always available. There isn't much of a market for weed, but demand is through the roof; it tends to be expensive and gone in the blink of an eye, but it's mostly of very high quality - better than most weed I get from coffeeshops here in the Netherlands. Mostly. Cocaine is expensive everywhere, and outright offensive in Finnish prices - and usually not of high purity, either. Naturally, it follows that it's mostly used by a status drug by people who can easily afford to blow thousands of euros on a night out.

LSD and MDMA are sporadically available. They're usually smuggled in by fairly small operations comprising from one to a handful of people - and once a big batch of the stuff makes it into Finland, it's sure to be at least all over the psytrance parties throughout the forests of summery Finland. At least when I lived there (2008-2010) there seemed to be no shortage.

Most stuff is pretty well available, though, if you have the connections - and more importantly, the money. Everything seriously costs an arm and a leg, as Finland falls either at the end of established trade routes, or in some cases, the equivalent of two or three stations further from where the tracks end, so to speak. We have a small population, and therefore a small market, and therefore high unit prices (as well as the economic purchasing power to pay prices for drugs that seem criminal, even for the Mob). The standard reaction here in Holland for people is to seriously call me out on taking the piss when I tell them, and I have to insist that I'm actually serious. Diseconomies of scale.
I don't see why it would be that different, but guess opiates aren't that available in Eastern Europe.

Also, in countries with small populations I guess there's a small market for recreational drugs, and most are either serious drug users or straight drinkers. And in countries with a lot of money around it might pay off more to get people addicted to serious drugs, so maybe it's the only thing that's worth it.

Very different from America where most use recreational drugs like Pot or Coke.
I don't see why it would be that different, but guess opiates aren't that available in Eastern Europe.

Also, in countries with small populations I guess there's a small market for recreational drugs, and most are either serious drug users or straight drinkers. And in countries with a lot of money around it might pay off more to get people addicted to serious drugs, so maybe it's the only thing that's worth it.

Very different from America where most use recreational drugs like Pot or Coke.

Yep - there's a lot less casual, occasional recreational use, and the people that use drugs usually have at least a bit of a problem with at least one drug, together with conforming to national drinking standards - essentially alcoholism, in my book. Also, it's a pretty safe bet that anyone you meet that does drugs more than once a year or so, will not have friends that don't use. They may say they do, but it's usually the kind of "Oh yeah, we're old friends", but if you asked him to ask the guy to loan him 5 bucks, he wouldn't even ask. Any kind of drug use carries a very heavy social stigma and results in total ostracization from most of 'functioning society', so drug people hang out exclusively with other drug people.

One of my closest friends only drinks alcohol, but I could openly discuss my drug use with her without fear of being judged (and mind you, her drinking was moderate - I drink more than she does, and then you've got the drugs). She was the only person like this I ever while I lived there.
yes tasmainia's poppy fields produce more than 50% of the worlds legal opium. Also here i sydney it is common to find poppies here, they are seen as a weed. I do not understand why people here do not grow and make their own opium, i guess the main people who it would be applicable to probably do not have the educational know how or are unaware of this....​

I think quite a few people do grow the papavers in Australia. The only thing is that you need to grow quite a few of them and as soon as you milk them/scratch the pod for opium it is considered to be an illegal drug. People have to opt for stealthier ways of extraction. A couple of years back there was quite a big bust in Western Australia where someone was harvesting a field he had grown for personal use. The ones that grow as weeds in my city at least are the red non drug type poppies but I think in NSW and Victoria the somniferum do grow wild.
My problem is this:

There seems to be only one variety of amphetamines around: "SPEED".

This may not strike you as very specific, and you're likely wondering whether's it's racemic amphetamine or methamphetamine. It is both. .

Thats interesting. In Australia we usually only get methamphetamine although there are some rare dealers who will have amphetamine sulphate, you dont see it very often though and its usually only if the dealer is in close contact with a manufacturer, I havent seen any for a few years now although when it was around it was highly sought after by some people for the reasons you mentioned in your post.
Thats interesting. In Australia we usually only get methamphetamine although there are some rare dealers who will have amphetamine sulphate, you dont see it very often though and its usually only if the dealer is in close contact with a manufacturer, I havent seen any for a few years now although when it was around it was highly sought after by some people for the reasons you mentioned in your post.

There's a reason why they don't usually get regular amp. Meth is vastly superior. It has a longer half life taken orally lasts 8-10 hours, with a consistent euphoria throughout, more available ROAs, higher bioavailability, much more euphoric, cheaper to make as far as I know, and (relieve it or not) has less side effects. In the US, at least the parts I've been, you will not be able to find street amphetamine sulphate. Only meth, or the amphetamine pharmaceutical RX meds that are found in almost every household being given to 6 year olds because theyre to hyper. Our amphetamine sulphate is 100% pure, pharmaceutical grade, and I'm assuming many other countries have amphetamine based add meds, so why choose an adulterated, shitty version of something that can be obtained easily and has consistent quality is and always pure? Street meth, however, makes more sense then street amp, as desoxyn (RX meth tablets)is hard to get a hold of, and due to filler and a plastic matrix, it cannot be IVd, snorted, or vaporized. So street meth is actually more pure than desoxyn, as it does not have filler, especially if it is in a crystalline form. You can take it using pretty much any ROA, whereas amphetamine sulphate has a low IV and insufflated BA and cannot be smoked. Pretty much your options with normal amp are oral and rectal, and neither can compete with meth.

Now having rated about that, meth is a lot worse for you, is way more addictive, and gives the user intense urges to revise, often leading to the user continuing to redoes for days, u til they run out of money. It ruins lives faster than heroin, from what I've seen, and I've had a lot of junkie friends and tweaked friends who have fucked their lives up so much, that no amount of rehab or therapy will bring them back to reality and get them back on track. The meth-addicted ones always seem to sink at a much faster speed, and usually much deeper. Ive seen people who have a 9-5 job and yet have a formidable heroin habit, but the tweakers are too busy talking to the shadow people to be able to connect with people in the real world, and to have a job, or do anything at all except smoke meth all day.

Ironically, I am on meth as I type these very words, and I've been ranting all around on BL in this manner for several hours, and for some reason I keep posting on threads and I just can't control what I end up saying, whether it's actually relevant to the topic or not, so please forgive me, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, my fingers just keep typing random musings about drugs, not caring what information I share, or whether it's important or not.so this is one of the less directly harmful consequences of meth use: you just talk. To anyone, no matter who or what about. You just do it cause her endorphins are too excited.
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My nan died a few days ago & im due to get a fair few £'s in the next month or two.

i was looking into a worldwide drug tour tbh kinda like south amercia for yage, bolivia for the coke, holland for the weed, laos/cambodia for the heroin or maybe pakistan.

this thread gonna give me a good read over the next day.

i was speaking to a mate off here last night (blind helper monkey) and he said about the heroin market in india, they pay £3-£5 for a gram of what they call "brown sugar" it comes wrapped in straw & its around 70% then they also have white heroin but thats a bit too much for me tbh.

anyone know of any heroin markets in india, the laws etc & if what he was told on bluelight about this brown sugar is true or just another phantom forum lie.

any advice about good places to visit, really £'s aint a issue i got £10,000 coming to me i deffo want to go to Peru for some amazon yage but apart from that im open minded.

man, there are sooooooo many things to see n the world...and you only want to get stoned?
Our amphetamine sulphate is 100% pure, pharmaceutical grade, and I'm assuming many other countries have amphetamine based add meds, so why choose an adulterated, shitty version of something that can be obtained easily and has consistent quality is and always pure?

Am aware. I always go for pharms over street stimulants when available and yes there is a heap of dexamphetamine tablets here that find their way onto the black market. If I had a choice between methamphetamine and amphetamine I would go for the latter due to the shorter duration. I'm a big fan of sleeping and less than keen on the come down from meth. Also price per dose on diverted medication is usually cheaper than meth- the price for meth is through the roof here.
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Hi. Things are changing fast in France.

Shooting rooms are welcomed by the Minister of Health, cannabis decrim is discussed, and so on.

It's nice to see a change!
^ Have the conservatives recently lost power there? Or were the changes something that has been in the pipeline for a while.
There's a reason why they don't usually get regular amp. Meth is vastly superior. It has a longer half life taken orally lasts 8-10 hours, with a consistent euphoria throughout, more available ROAs, higher bioavailability, much more euphoric, cheaper to make as far as I know, and (relieve it or not) has less side effects. In the US, at least the parts I've been, you will not be able to find street amphetamine sulphate. Only meth, or the amphetamine pharmaceutical RX meds that are found in almost every household being given to 6 year olds because theyre to hyper. Our amphetamine sulphate is 100% pure, pharmaceutical grade, and I'm assuming many other countries have amphetamine based add meds, so why choose an adulterated, shitty version of something that can be obtained easily and has consistent quality is and always pure? Street meth, however, makes more sense then street amp, as desoxyn (RX meth tablets)is hard to get a hold of, and due to filler and a plastic matrix, it cannot be IVd, snorted, or vaporized. So street meth is actually more pure than desoxyn, as it does not have filler, especially if it is in a crystalline form. You can take it using pretty much any ROA, whereas amphetamine sulphate has a low IV and insufflated BA and cannot be smoked. Pretty much your options with normal amp are oral and rectal, and neither can compete with meth.

Now having rated about that, meth is a lot worse for you, is way more addictive, and gives the user intense urges to revise, often leading to the user continuing to redoes for days, u til they run out of money. It ruins lives faster than heroin, from what I've seen, and I've had a lot of junkie friends and tweaked friends who have fucked their lives up so much, that no amount of rehab or therapy will bring them back to reality and get them back on track. The meth-addicted ones always seem to sink at a much faster speed, and usually much deeper. Ive seen people who have a 9-5 job and yet have a formidable heroin habit, but the tweakers are too busy talking to the shadow people to be able to connect with people in the real world, and to have a job, or do anything at all except smoke meth all day.

Ironically, I am on meth as I type these very words, and I've been ranting all around on BL in this manner for several hours, and for some reason I keep posting on threads and I just can't control what I end up saying, whether it's actually relevant to the topic or not, so please forgive me, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, my fingers just keep typing random musings about drugs, not caring what information I share, or whether it's important or not.so this is one of the less directly harmful consequences of meth use: you just talk. To anyone, no matter who or what about. You just do it cause her endorphins are too excited.

All right. I do agree with some of what you saying here but i cant help but point out some inaccurate information here. I want to state: i by no means am trying to insult you or anything like that. Just an opinion from a fellow Methamp/Amp/stimulant user;)

1) "Desoxyn (RX meth tablets)is hard to get a hold of, and due to filler and a plastic matrix, it cannot be IVd, snorted, or vaporized." This is not true. It is true that they are hard to get ahold of because they are usually ony Rx'd for obesity and when all other ADD/ADHD meds have failed, but they CAN be snorted, they CAN be IV'd(if your into IVing pills, which I dont condone in the 1st place but to each their own, as long as you take the proper precautions) And I guess if one was dead set on it you could smoke/vape Desoyxn also as you can 'smoke' any pill. Its just not going to do what you expect/wish it would. Desoxyn is best taken oral. Just because its Methamp does not mean its the= of a bag of quality glass. It has its perks over street Meth, as it has its cons. Its one of the Best ADD/ADHD meds/all around study focus meds I've yet to try and I've tried pretty much all. It is not the best type/form of Meth that will produce intense euphoria, hours upon hours of energy, ability to stay awake for days etc etc. Which brings me to #2

2) "So street meth is actually more pure than desoxyn, as it does not have filler, especially if it is in a crystalline form" This I have an issue with because 100 out of 100 times, you KNOW what your getting when you take Desoxyn. Granted your not getting it from some 3rd world country or bogus internet site etc. To say that street meth is more "pure" then Desox because it "does not contain filler" is insane. You have all kinds of fillers/additives/chemicals etc in street meth. You never really 'know' what your getting where as Desox you always know what your getting. Though your only getting 5mg of Methamp+a few inactive fillers and what not, with street meth you could be getting a whole galaxy of off the wall chemicals/ additives, etc. Even with pretty pure shards you will still have some fillers etc. So to say that street meth is more pure then pharm grade methamp is incorrect. Though I get where your coming from, a nice big fat bag of good crystal glass shards packs 100x more of a punch/euphoria/ blah blah blah than these measly little pills but that does not mean street meth is more pure because of how awesome it is. There are added chemicals to street meth that are fucked(even though i love me some great glass=D)

3) The rest of what you describe i agree with entirely. Meth will consume, swallow, and spit back out your soul just enough so that you think you can do it all over again, when in reality you cant(save a few who can do Methamo responsibly). Its an extremely addictive substance which we all know. All right now I am done with my stimulant induced rant, please forgive me if I sound stand-offish or dickish because I really am not trying to be. From one upper fan to another=D