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Festival & Rave Harm Reduction thread

Enema man here!

Yes - I have no doubt that MDMA damaged my intestines, not water.
And I have spoken with MANY people who experience digestive difficulties after psychedelic-induced neurotoxicity.
This includes MDMA, mushrooms, LSD, and pipes.
Two of my close friends had intestinal surgery within days of their last trip!
One had a stricture in the large intestine that wasn't removed and a bent section of small intestine that was - caused by regular psylosibin use.
And the other had an appendicitis 24 hours after his first mushroom/MDMA combo.

And then there are the countless examples in medicine that illustrate how the intestines are linked to psychological disorders.
IBS is an extreme example, with sufferers abusing medical resources in a desperate attempt to fix the problem.
Those who suffered sexual abuse, esp. females, have the greatest digestive malfunction.
Severe depression and psychotic disorders like schizophrenia are also associated with altered intestinal motility and fixation on bodily functions.
There are many more examples to be had, should you care to learn about the second nervous system in your gut.

And that is what makes MDMA worth doing in the first place.
The same neurotransmitter than contracts the intestines makes up the most dense and diverse neurotransmitter system in the brain.
It influences blood distribution, glucose consumption, dopamine transmission, neuronal firing...
And in all the brain functions that serotonin modulates, it is the direct controller of none!

The link between the brain and intestines is only beginning to be understood.
And some of the basic properties of this system have allowed pharmaceutical companies to profit BILLIONS of dollars off of SSRIs.
It really is incredible that targeting serotonin into the higher brain, particularly the PFC, causes such a DRAMATIC change in people that they will live YEARS on the medication. And doctor's are so impressed with the results that they keep prescribing them.

Laxguy - if you need evidence that MDMA use leads to cognitive changes, sometimes negative, simply check out the contributions of ChiLights to the following thread: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/...ong-term-side-effects?p=10137491#post10137491

I'm definitely starting to realize that my cognitive capacity is changing, and I'm on a very similar schedule to you, started about a year ago. I've noticed that I am much more spacey than I used to be, sometimes struggling to remember stuff that should be on the forefront of my memory.

I've always had an impeccable memory and have been a great communicator, the differences are quite subtle but they're there.

Also, I notice that as the weeks go on from my last MDMA use, things seem to approach "normality" more and more

The differences I've noted are:
-shortened attention span
-Difficulty multi tasking
-differences in vocabulary
-shorter temper
-minor irritability (decreases over time)
-lesser desire to do unwanted things
-a general "foggy" feeling

It is also notable that around march I started taking lorazepam as needed (daily for a few months until I found substantial research on why this is a bad idea)
I'm also not fully able to say ill be 100% again, I hope that I will. Also, the effects are so minute (writing them sounds way worse that it actually is) that it's not a huge deal to me.

This is the type of person I have to convince on BL.
Obviously some people are more than willing to tolerate the effects that they notice.
If you want more convincing reasons, check out my earliest posts.
Then look at Somedud, Catinthehat4, Bben, Altered Perception...
Just do a search for anxiety or 'brain zaps'.

You will find all the reasons you could possibly need.
If only you care to look.

My friend Folley is correct - repeated doses are known to cause greater damage.
While his 'brain raping' claims may not sound scientific....
And there are certainly many BL members, such as my newest ass fan ChiLights, that will contribute how much they have gotten away with doing....

The fact is that PLENTY of research shows that repeated doses is the most likely way to cause sudden and catastrophic damage to the brain's most intricate neurotransmitter system. If nothing else, primate research has proven that IF 'brain damage' is going to occur, it is MUCH more likely to happen if MDMA is used on consecutive days.

Even the ridiculous high doses they use in these studies, normally 20mg/kg or 12-18 avg. pills injected, do not cause severe toxicity the first night.
It is the exposure on day two, three, and four that causes MASSIVE degeneration of axons and terminals.
And humans are more sensitive to degeneration than primates.

From all the research I have read the 'safe' dose of MDMA is likely 1-2 avg pills taken no more than once every 90 days.
Some scientists believe that ALL doses produce some small level of axonal degeneration.
And cognitive studies of humans have indeed found mild deficits even in moderate MDMA users.

Meanwhile, these same users do not always display a loss of endocrine function or SERT density on neuroimaging scans.
These two findings may simply mean that our methods of detection fail to see the damage that is occurring.
And more precise imaging requires a dead brain!

Besides, there are many studies that DO show loss of SERT and endocrine function - even in MDMA users that have been abstinent for up to THREE years! So the 'methods of detection' are finding alarming results in a minority of users.

Anecdotal reports on BL will confirm that rolling two days in a row is a VERY bad idea.
The last person that bothered to poke fun at me, Master Splinter, ended up in complete agreement with me - ROLLING TWO DAYS IN A ROW IS RETARDED.

It is never as euphoric and jaw clenching and general shittiness is MUCH more pronounced.
I always said it felt like a rusty coin took a SHIT in my mouth.
The only bad comedowns I had were on the two occasions I rolled two days in a row.
The third time led to my screename and infamous presence on BL.

I also do NOT recommend taking the Adderall the night after MDMA.
Yes, this increases toxicity because serotonin is lower. Extra dopamine after MDMA is a shitty experience anyways - you won't like it.
Take the adderall the first night if you must, but in reasonable quantity. And get sleep.
Then roll the second day.
Then consider a SMALL dose of a 5HT2a agonist like mushrooms the next.
Ketamine, again in small dose, would also be ok.

But for god's sake, listen to the people around you.
The smart ones.
Only in this forum of etards could you actually find people willing to support a three day roll!
Plenty of mods in the past have issued strong warnings to posts like yours.

Do it.

Your the shit FBC! <3

I would just like to add, that Ive had a lot of digestive problems after my MDMA abuse. I always blamed it on the fact that I would put a cocktail of pills and chemicals into my empty stomach, which could potentially lead to an ulcer. Its gotten to the point where I cant eat mushrooms without pretty bad stomach discomfort

I remember you saying somewhere that like 90% (that doesnt seem like the right number) of your SERT is located in the digestive system, that sure explains why MDMA give much more of the loving feel when you eat it instead of snorting
One of the first signs that I saw in my very earliest stages of research...
Time and again, anecdotal reports of MDMA users that fear 'brain damage' or a serious comedown make DRASTIC changes to their diets.
We are talking pot-smoking fast-food eating young people becoming VEGANS overnight.
This is seen on BL and Erowids rather easily.

And it goes beyond simple change in appetite.
The radical transformation in lifestyle has a much deeper cause.
And I see something very similar in former SSRI users that experience profound anhedonia.
They become exercise and healthy diet fanatics!

The most convincing reason of all for me is that the night of Serotonin Syndrome, my gut pain started at the stomach - not the bowel.
The swelling just grew and grew until I thought my liver would burst!
And liver toxicity is suspected to be caused by the immune system, not MDMA directly.
I couldn't eat solid food for a month, and even liquid diet caused MASSIVE anxiety and physical pain.
Talk about brain raping.

Yes, 80-90% of all serotonin and its receptors are found in the intestines.
Men have more than women, perhaps why they burp and fart so much more.
The word itself means the 'serum' that 'tones' the intestines.

Most people have a loss of appetite the day after rolling.
And nausea or needing to shit during a roll is also very common.
But when it goes bad, the digestive system is a key player.
And 'neurotoxicity' in my opinion is the intestines rewiring the brain.
Ill keep it short and simple.. Dont do it!
All you are doing is trying to feel better about yourself for being irresponsible, by hoping some E-tard is going to give you the go ahead to possibly do some serious damage to yourself..
You probably wont even get high the third day.. If you dont believe any of the intelligent ones on here, atleast do some research yourself.

And just because some people dont 'feel' different. They usually are.. Most rollers i knew from before rolling have: Shorter attention span, weird ticks/habits, changes in vocabulary, short term memory issues and difficulty finding certain words.

Even im starting to notice a slight difficulty finding certain words and its harder for me to spell in foreign languages (words i used to know now look weird sometimes)..

When i speak or type in Dutch i have no problems.. If i find myself getting worse or find out my friends and family notice changes like these in me. I will space even further apart if this doesnt help i will probably only roll at one or 2 events a year and i will be fine with that (hoping it doesnt have to come to this tho haha)

Take care of yourself.. Do not try taking it on the plane!!! If you cant be sure what you are buying over there keep it to 1 night only..
Stay safe and have a good time
Based on my party days at festivals and raves I just want to say throw in my 2 cents about harm reduction at events. Depending on geographics, certain parties will be be a few hundred people attending all the way to thousands of people. Parties are not like they used to be. Parties used to be some what low key and not so popular in the public's eye. Yes drugs used to circulate but now adays it's out of control.

Over time I have seen people get arrested and very sick at parties. I have never seen anyone die but now adays you here about it all the time. Deaths and serious illnesses usually happen at these gigantic festivals held out side (for example, Camp Bisco, Ultra, ect.).
There are many people who sell alot of drugs at these festivals/parties. Alot of the drugs aren't pure and can be deadly. Now adays there are so many powders and research chemical drugs going around that people will take anything to get a high. Bath salts? Really?

But people definitely need to be taught harm reduction. If you do plan on taking any illicet drugs at a party (always illegal but everyone makes there own choices), please make sure you either take in your own drugs so you know where they came from. If you take in your own drugs or buy from someone at the party, make sure the drug is what it is supposed to be. Just cuz you are at a party/rave do not over do it. You are not super human cuz you are partying at a rave/festival.
Becareful mixing drugs. Don't take drugs in excess. If you are going to dance and jump around perfectly fine. Just take breaks to drink fluids or eat food. Just cuz you aren't rolling you still needs liquids and food. My best advise for all day parties and especially outside parties, It's best to take your illegal substances after the sun has gone down. That way the sun and heat will not be burning up your temperature. It's best to be under the influence in a cool environment
Music Festivals and Long Rolls

So im going to a three day long music festival in a few months, and I have two questions,

1. How bad of an idea is it to roll 3 days in a row, if its out of the question, what about two days in a row?

2. Whats the best way to make a roll last the longest (or best dosing strategy). I don't want to roll for more than MAX 6-7 hours, thats just way too much.

Thanks =D
These kind of questions always make me laugh. Just cause I've had the same questions before, and over the years, I've realized this: Mdma is a drug. When you take a drug, you get high. Everytime you take mdma you will get high. Just remember that.

People, especially here, dramatize the tolerance effect, serotonin depletion, things like that. They are very real, but they are related to extended use, not one wild weekend. If you don't have a tolerance to the drug, I'm sure you could roll all 3 days and feel pretty awesome and euphoric each time. The question is how shitty do you want to feel after and how much POTENTIAL damage do you want to risk having after? Potential, because in reality, rolling hard for a whole weekend probably isn't going to have any noticeable negative consequences on your long term health or cognitive functions. Let's say you roll all 3 days. Sure you might not roll as hard the last day, not as much empathy and euphoria, you might have a longer and rougher comedown, and you might build a small temporary tolerance to mdma, but you're still gonna roll each time and probably have a great time.

That's just short term though. If you do this every month for years, you'll start to notice plenty of negative effects and tolerance. You'll lose magic and you'll regret it. Just remember, the more mdma you take in your lifetime, the less special it will be in the end.

One thing I DO think is very important though is not to redose very much. That is what causes alot of damage with mdma use. Taking more mdma once you start to come down. If you are going to take 2 doses of mdma in 1 night, drop them both within an hour of eachother. Otherwise it's very hard on your serotonin receptors.

Set your own rules and limits for yourself. There's no specific time or date where your serotonin receptors are instantly ready to be flooded again with mdma. It's all relative, and it's all different for each person.
Yeah this absolutely is not a monthly thing, my usual break is probably at least 3 months in between each time, each time being one night/day. But anyway, in sizes of doses for the maximum time of rolling, does anyone have suggestions 150mg and 100mg? 120 then 80, ect
Do like 180mg and then 120mg (about 90mins after swallowing the first).

That should properly fuck you up.
you shouldn't repeatedly dose mdma , especially over days.

You risk depression and anxiety, as well as a potentially fatal decrease in serotonin.

More than likely though, Mdma will lose its 'magic' for you, and it will merely be a stimulant effect you are getting.. A Buzz...

Not true euphoria,
Not true loved up feelings.

Festivals that are days long are really bad harm reduction wise in the sense that people just neck pills for that entire space of time......................................................

If that was me personally going to a festival,
I'd allow probably a 120mg capsule of mdma, loads of ket and probably some 2cb.

I definitely HIGHLY recommend you dont keep taking mdma...
yeah i know,
and lots of methoxetamine going around as ketamine.

Dangerous if someone thinks its ket and hoofs massive lines
yeah my mate had to beat the living shit out of a drug dealer because he sold some of his mates loads of MXE and said it was just ket so they all did like half a gram each and were throwing up everywhere and shaking and shit, a couple of them almost had to go to hospital.

the dealer knew it was MXE too, fucking cunt.
fucks sakes, arsehole dealer, he deserved a good kick in then
I've got a quick question in regards to where this thread has gone.

I enjoy music festivals and the like. When going to these, I like munching on Mushrooms, LSD, and similar things for the majority of weekend (sometimes 3 nights/days in a row). I am not really too worried about the effects of tripping in consecutive days.

My question is in regards to MDMA harm reduction. I am usually up for getting .1 to .2 grams of MDx and taking [and giving away] dabs through out the weekend. I see that re-dosing is a not the best idea, but what about re-dosing in very small amounts?
I've got a quick question in regards to where this thread has gone.

I enjoy music festivals and the like. When going to these, I like munching on Mushrooms, LSD, and similar things for the majority of weekend (sometimes 3 nights/days in a row). I am not really too worried about the effects of tripping in consecutive days.

My question is in regards to MDMA harm reduction. I am usually up for getting .1 to .2 grams of MDx and taking [and giving away] dabs through out the weekend. I see that re-dosing is a not the best idea, but what about re-dosing in very small amounts?

Thats even worse, neurotoxicity has been shown to go up with each consecutive dose, so if your doing 10 small doses instead of 1 or 2 big doses, I would reconsider...
I've got a quick question in regards to where this thread has gone.

I enjoy music festivals and the like. When going to these, I like munching on Mushrooms, LSD, and similar things for the majority of weekend (sometimes 3 nights/days in a row). I am not really too worried about the effects of tripping in consecutive days.

My question is in regards to MDMA harm reduction. I am usually up for getting .1 to .2 grams of MDx and taking [and giving away] dabs through out the weekend. I see that re-dosing is a not the best idea, but what about re-dosing in very small amounts?

Redosing seems to guarantee a nasty comedown,
I think your better off just capsuling a dose your comfortable with,

Festivals that go on for days are where people neck pills constantly, and mdma
This is really not a good idea though.
^^ Thanks yal. That is definitely making me reconsider my MDx intake methods. I do usually pre and post load with 5-htp, but still. I am usually a fan of re-dosing, and plan to change that. I can just be LSD'ed up, and flip for a show I would really like to roll for and keep it at that.
Yo sam! What do you recommend taking the 2nd day at a festival? I dont drink and do not want to roll twice.. I have never taken Ketamine nor do i have a source(yet). A friend of mine tried Ket once and loved it, but said because of the hallucinations he feels its not suited for a festival.. Im going with friends who don't roll and wont mind me taking some molly, but if im stumbling around like a retard the impression i leave wont be good lol.

I read you usually take Ketamine and was wondering if ill be able to keep myself under control. What would be the right dosage for this and how long will it typically last?
Also is there a come down?
