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Fentanyl is garbage, and it ruined heroin.

this is depressing, that I will never get to try h, its already incredibly hard to find where im from (or i am naive) and if I did find, I cant imagine the type of shit it would be cut with, even weed is fucking terrible around here. it honestly makes me sad
give me legal poppies or give me death

i'm done with this shit.
y'all know it's alright when handled by adults who give a shit.

let's fucking make it a point to end this nonsense before we die, like as a generation of drug users, the next folks to come around and live on this planet deserve safe opiate cultivation and cultural wisdom about use and tolerance, how to avoid multiple substance induced respiratory failure, etc.
The only good thing about fentanyl is maybe people will learn how to grow their own poppies.

I admit it has been 32 years since I bought NYC or LA street dope. A lot of tar on the west coast. But back then it was known as one of the best forms. Not sure what happened since. In NYC we had the white. All of it was mostly heroin. I did have fentanyl once in it's pure form and it knocked me out. I don't remember getting high. Where as if someone is dope sick and takes a shot of heroin the relief and bliss that washes over my body has no words to describe.

fF someone wants to compare I would compare poppy tea to fentanyl. Poppy tea is awesome.
Americans mate dont know what they missing we still get heroin in UK when i go states i dont use heard it not got the euphoria of heroin no point and so fucking many deaths such a shame . 100 000 dead in one year give4 out heroin presciptions a job of a goverment is to keep its people from dying
this is depressing, that I will never get to try h, its already incredibly hard to find where im from (or i am naive) and if I did find, I cant imagine the type of shit it would be cut with, even weed is fucking terrible around here. it honestly makes me sad
Don't be sad.

Americans mate dont know what they missing we still get heroin in UK
I have relatives, cousins in England, Amsterdam and Greece. According to them fentanyl is everywhere and testing is important these days all over the globe.

Thank God narcan is available these days. God damn lawmakers are trying to kill us by keeping a black market thriving.
I have relatives, cousins in England, Amsterdam and Greece. According to them fentanyl is everywhere and testing is important these days all over the globe.

Thank God narcan is available these days. God damn lawmakers are trying to kill us by keeping a black market thriving.
I have never come across it knowingly but wont be suprised if it move over here . There is no justification of letting 100 000 people die rather than as cheap prescription that will keep them alive but no it's not moral giving drugs to drug addicts it is more moral to let them die and let families bury their dead . I lost a brother when i was young and he was only 3 imagine losing a teenage son or brother guess many on here know the pain
You all have prescription heroin though eh yubacity? I think that would make a difference and mean more real heroin. Yeah, the US does not have that and needs that.
You all have prescription heroin though eh yubacity? I think that would make a difference and mean more real heroin. Yeah, the US does not have that and needs that.
I watched a documentry once where they followed addicts in Switzerland who were given Heroin on a script it changed their lives they got jobs had access to treatment programs . Think it was recommended by a think tank commissioned by the government the advice was rejected .

Most of us dont want to be addicts i fucking hate it im clean again but hate the emotional rollercoaster can get through a detoxx all day long but the paws a differant story starts as just wanting one day of for us normality no pain depression fatigue . The UK doesn't have it been trialing but to get into them you have to be a problematic drug user where I'm a functioning drug user .

In the US which is also my home people even say free needles should not be given out imagine that so it far of prescription drug use more are dying each year then entire vietnam war . Democrats or republicans all the same dont give a shit .
Lost my daughter's mom to a fentanyl overdose not long ago it was completely fucked. I'm just really disgusted by the people giving this shit out in random doses people, bags that are Hotspots in the stash and are lethal. Now I have to raise a kid on my own and I'm a junky myself this Fentanyl stuff fucked me over hard, I'm on Methadone right now but before that I was getting high on it almost ODed bunch of times getting hit with Narcan. Once my kidneys failed and I was in the ICU for a week, heroin never did shit like this to me.
Let's break it down. Fentanyl is straight up knockout powder with a mediocre at best euphoria. I dose and wake up 45 minutes later in weird positions sore as fuck. Not to mention you have to re-dose every 2 hours to not feel withdrawals coming on due to it's ridiculously short half-life. It also sky rockets tolerance, and in my opinion the withdrawals are way worse then other opioids. I don't see the allure in this drug whatsoever.
Amen to that, I am with you 100%.

I've only had it once & was sold it by mistake, I agree with you in it's effect.
I came round in the bathroom, covered in biro where I had drawn on myself, I had taken off all my clothes apart from my jeans & then puked my guts out so badly my stomach hurt.

It's total shit & how anyone can see anything of use in it is beyond me.
Fent is the DXM of opiates.
The only good thing about fentanyl is maybe people will learn how to grow their own poppies.

I admit it has been 32 years since I bought NYC or LA street dope. A lot of tar on the west coast. But back then it was known as one of the best forms. Not sure what happened since. In NYC we had the white. All of it was mostly heroin. I did have fentanyl once in it's pure form and it knocked me out. I don't remember getting high. Where as if someone is dope sick and takes a shot of heroin the relief and bliss that washes over my body has no words to describe.

fF someone wants to compare I would compare poppy tea to fentanyl. Poppy tea is awesome.
Pod tea is great but the wd is worse than heroin it long-acting so the wd is drawn out I said it before 22 days after detox on pods my legs still hurt so much it would make me cry at night . Also, relapse for 3 days you will get minor wds again same with Indian raw opium afeem . Is a fent wd worse then heroin or about the same
Oh yeah, poppy withdrawal is nightmarish and dramatic. Been through some heavy ones. Not sure I could ever go through that again. These days I am taking kratom but don't find the withdrawal any near as bad. Because, yeah, poppy tea withdrawal is from 40 alkaloids. One is even called Apemorphine (I think) Quite a monkey. lol
Worst WD I ever had was off 10 of the Mammoth Poppy Pods per day they contained like 60-70mgs Morphine in them each not to mention all the other alkaloids like @JackARoe is saying. It hit me hard and brutal first two weeks were intense but the whole WD was awhile. I kicked that for a whole month after dosing it daily for years. The Poppy Pod Era was possibly the best Opiate years of my life, it is such a full round blissful state like 30mins after drinking that brown goodness you are greater with the most profound euphoria that last all day long. If I could just use that again daily I would never go back to Fentanyl again. Oral Opium is where it's at.
Fentanyl is way less pleasant than heroin, no doubt whatsoever. And it's obviously way more lethal, too.

But I can't quite agree with the BL consensus that fentanyl "has no euphoria." It's certainly way more sedating at the same dose and I also agree that it feels subjectively "colder" too... But fentanyl still has a euphoria, IME – one that feels pretty characteristic of opiates as a class (when comparing it to buprenorphine, methadone, propoxyphene, etc., & not just heroin).

Don't get me wrong, I'd be very sad if heroin disappeared in my area (as it might). The only time I have any actual desire for fent is when I'm on meth already – then the sedation is kind of a plus. Otherwise, heroin beats it in just about every way. But I can't deny the "relief & bliss" that did wash over my body when I shot fentadope after 36hrs in withdrawal while stranded in NY this Xmas...
Yeah I mean I did FentaDope daily pretty much for a year and it deff feels good, has a rush to it and comfort. But it's way too hard dosing the right amount without over shooting the mark and waking up on the floor. But did it feel nice when I was in full on withdrawal and I loaded a fat shot, yes it did. And I may even do some again cuz drug addiction is a funny thing and some days I miss that oblivion. Might kill me though.
Don't be sad.

Agreed there is no reason to use heroin unless you are old and in horrible pain, dying of terminal cancer, or have been on heroin for years and need it now

Much much safer, more pleasant,lower strength opiate and opiod preperations exist, heroin is like, endgame when there is little place to go for a rapidly rising tolerance or much more severe desire for euphoria/analgesia that morphine cannot even provide.

I personally think oxymorphone is about as good/bad/intense tbh. Very little need for oxymorphone/opana. Fent is not suitable for human consumption in my opinion.
But I can't quite agree with the BL consensus that fentanyl "has no euphoria." It's certainly way more sedating at the same dose and I also agree that it feels subjectively "colder" too... But fentanyl still has a euphoria, IME
Thanks for that JTemperance. I almost flat out asked in the fentanyl thread about euphoria. I have always thought being an opiate of course it has euphoria. Fentanyl patches were always sought after too. I would imagine any opiate that take away sickness is euphoric. The relief is euphoric. I wonder if someone can differentiate a small dose of heroin with a small dose of fentanyl. Maybe not until larger doses are taken.

I have to say there was a time period (1990's-2000's) where the word on the street was heroin was getting purer and purer and now people can snort or smoke it compared to the weaker stuff of say the 1950's. Odd how at that time period although fentanyl was in a lot of street heroin it was not like it is today. But logically if someone can make as much money with less poppies then it was bound to happen.
Worst WD I ever had was off 10 of the Mammoth Poppy Pods per day they contained like 60-70mgs Morphine in them each not to mention all the other alkaloids like @JackARoe is saying. It hit me hard and brutal first two weeks were intense but the whole WD was awhile. I kicked that for a whole month after dosing it daily for years. The Poppy Pod Era was possibly the best Opiate years of my life, it is such a full round blissful state like 30mins after drinking that brown goodness you are greater with the most profound euphoria that last all day long. If I could just use that again daily I would never go back to Fentanyl again. Oral Opium is where it's at.
One month same here i much rather do a heroin wd the legs hurt so much indian tonic water someone recommended helped alot but taste like shit
Yeah those giganthemum poppies is also what I used primarily from 1994-2009. On and off. I even chipped a year. Took it twice a week and spent the off days in mild withdrawal. It sucked. Better to either be fully on or off. Balance is more important. The methadone/bupe philosophy knows that too. But yes, I would take 10-12 large pods in the morning, 10-12 pods at night. At that time my family owned a very busy flower store and I had accounts at places all over the world and had too many boxes of potent poppies come in constantly. (Some of those poppies still exist in banquet halls and fire stations as decor our store did)

I think poppy tea withdrawal was the first time I realized that there are probably some forms of opiate withdrawal that will kill you. One time I had such a hard time getting off myself I went into a 5 day detox. (I said it was heroin, did not want to explain poppies) My BP went dangerously high. But as the other heroin addicts were feeling chipper on day 5, the day they get out, I was just as sick as when I went in. But I stayed off and 3 months later went Quepos Costa Rica to see The String Cheese Incident and had the best time of my life tripping through the rainforest and seeing music. The moral of the story being if someone is going through a big undertaking make sure when you are fully out of the woods you plan a vacation for yourself. :) The mind needs that. I stayed off poppies 3 years after that. Or at least was not a daily user.

Anyway, yeah fentanyl (sorry for getting off topic). I almost want to try straight up fentanyl.