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Ego Death: Can You Be Who You Want To Be?

I don't believe that true ego death requires the loss of observance. Ego is not inherently linked to separateness with universal consciousness or something besides oneself, ego is the construct through which we operate with the world as the "I" that we have defined since birth. For me, now, ego death is the total melting of one's individuality into the whole that is God/Source/Universal Consciousness, and the pure experiencing of phenomena outside oneself, in the sense of not thinking of one's life, or thinking of one's life and self without any identification whatsoever with it, as if a third party observer.

Given, I don't think about these topics anymore, I would have debated ego death endlessly a few years ago, so this is what just came to me after reading your post, cdin, and being IMO a much more spiritually aware individual.
honestly, I'm in kindof a similar position - I was originally attracted to this thread by Killbooks interesting outlook on the subject that reminded me in a lot of ways of myself 10 - 12 years ago. I hear what you're saying - I guess we're devolving into a sort of semantic debate, i would describe what you're talking about as a potent shift in ego perspective, but even when splitting into a million pieces, flying through crazy tunnels and machine elves in dmt space - there was always a seperate observer 'I' present. That I might be a million miles long, or a recursive fractal but it is still a chain of thought that comes back to this consciousness right here.. I guess I just feel like 'death' has a strong connotation of ending, finality, break - not of a melding and shift in the chain of conscious thought. But then I guess it just exposes my own views of death.... bah, semantics.
this is what I wrote as a comment on the trip report:

glad you came through this with some satisfaction.
I think that is more important than reaching any of your preconceived 'experimental' goals.
All of the conceptualizing is only approximate.
there you are
there is the universe
and the rest is a process
a gradual blending of intention and retention
Agreed, good write up and reminds me a lot of my most intense ego death also on mushrooms. Only in my case I did not choose to nor did I know it was even possible, but being in hell so badly that I accepted possibly dying or going insane over continuing to struggle I surrendered and slipped into it, it lasted for about 5 hours and yeah it involved something similar, like a white dot in blackness. Very abstract, also partially a paradox since there were themes of non-duality and it was not as clear-cut as a division between that white and black... rather it wasn't black like empty space but VOID!
Another paradox that has involved many extreme OOBE / mystical states I have since been in is that in order to gain ultimate power (pertaining your own mind and being) you have to let go of everything including desires... desire for that power, desire to live even ultimately. This makes some things almost impossible to force, they would need to happen by accident just from trying shit. And to add to some clichés here it is resounding in the lyrics 'you cant always get what you want but if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need'.

If you want to get a more stable and therapeutic in this same sort of theme I highly recommend picking up Zen meditation. Unless you are as driven and disciplined as you were insistent on this ego death trip, you will want to do it in a group with others to make sure that you don't give up. Actually similar things happen only it is much more down to earth: just sitting you struggle with yourself and your position and certain paradoxes like having to 'not want' or 'not desire', not even the emptiness in your mind which is a classic beginner mistake regarding meditation.
Psychedelic trips are incredibly comparable to meditation. Only there is a big difference in how psychedelics forcibly induce things and with meditation things happen naturally and at a more reasonable pace.

You can change by just willing it, but that Leary quote is very optimistic as change tends to take time. Start by having compassion for yourself and your flaws, and patience. There is nothing wrong with using the time in your life you gradually overcome flaws. If you do not accept yourself first as a starting point, you are bound to struggle pointlessly and waste time and energy. I have discovered wanting to enhance yourself, become a better person very fast or change irrevocably... it can be very hard to have an overview of what you are doing and you should be very careful what you ask for as there is really no guarantee at all that things are getting any better or easier. Most psychedelics and nootropics did though, is to cause me to become an even more pronounced me - positives and negatives. This gives opportunity to work on yourself, but also makes it all the more confusing and very heavy / hard.

And a warning: when I went through quests like these they raised so many more questions than answers that I felt like I had to excavate my entire being in other to resolve things. If I weren't lucky with certain things I might not have made it.

Take it easy and try to have some confidence that if you work on yourself within reason, surprisingly you can get ahead much more. This seems like a paradox, and it is one of several like the 'ultimate power' one that I have come across that are among the biggest revelations in my life. I went at this the hard way and I truly hope you find the wisdom to take an easier one, even though they feel like they are opposite.
Thanks to OP killbook for involving us all on your experiment. It's been interesting to read everyone's thoughts on the approach and issue, and I wish there were more threads like this. Perhaps the best thing to come out of this is the comments from some of the experienced members on here. Using psychoactives to explore our own consciousnesses is a major part of the reason why many of us are here, and the journey in doing so is both well-worn yet unique for every person. I feel like there's a lot to learn not only from having taken the journey, but also in reading others' experiences of it.

And a warning: when I went through quests like these they raised so many more questions than answers that I felt like I had to excavate my entire being in other to resolve things. If I weren't lucky with certain things I might not have made it.

I believe this is one of the actual risks involved in inducing heavy psychedelic experiences. You can get more than you bargained for, and it takes time and intelligence/sensitivity/wisdom to be able to deal with it and transmute it into actual productive change. Some 'doors of perception' open and never fully close.

I have experienced ego death twice. Started doing a lot of psychedelics by the time I entered 11th grade and by the time I graduated a year later I was a completely different person. I became less involved in relationships and delinquent, childlike behavior and more involved in success and focus. I'm a senior in college now and I have a high GPA in a degree I love with a bright future ahead - it was one of the best things that have happened to me. Soon I plan to take another high dose, maybe after graduating. I like to take large doses, you realize a lot more about who you are and what you want in life. I wouldn't say "ego death" means that your ego dies and you become a new person.. I would say that "ego death" really means stripping away who you are not in order to find out who you are. It promotes self awareness. Some people spend their whole lives not knowing who they really are and just go through the routine, but L can change that.
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Psychedelics do reconnect you with your most important issues in a pretty healing way; large doses also briefly push you into a blank slate state (more like amnesia than death - though many feel something like death - which could be digestion amplified by 10000)