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Dissociatives [DXM Subthread] Long-term DXM Effects & Addiction

Yeah it depends on everyone. I consider minimal dosage under 3mg/kg.

And it does something. In fact i LOVE the effect from dxm at 1.5mg/kg. Its perfect social lube. I become more rowdy and fun and lose some inhibition. Take me to a ball game and I'm a lot more active in the crowd. At friends houses I start the party.

Its such an odd drug. Such strangely different effects at different levels. Its really something.

Agreed. I usually went with the cough syrup, and I was always sort of cavalier about it because I would think, "I'm drinking cough syrup, what can this really do?" even though I had already done it many tiems before. And each time, when I started to peak, I would tell everyone around me "I have underestimated this stuff for the last time!"
Its honestly one of the only drugs I've ever heard of or used that has such different levels of operation. On the low end, you get almost like an alcohol buzz but with a cockiness and brazen attitude. You are in charge, you are the boss. Mid level doses give you amazing trips. Higher ones however go into a totally different realm, the euphoria is gone, and you are now separated from your body....

I find in general the stuff works better without all the syrup. I only use Delsym from time to time, if I have time. It gives you 12 hours, which is nice because you come down easy.
I really highly doubt that using an NMDA receptor antagonist like DXM or ketamine once a month for a couple of months is going to cause severe, lasting cognitive damage. Once/twice a week for months and months on end, probably, but not from once a month use at a moderate dosage.

I smoke pot almost every night.
Ba-zing. As said, that might have something to do with the short-term memory issues.

If you want to try to "smarten up," drop the weed for a while to see if it makes a difference, then add some nootropic compounds like piracetam/aniracetam and an ergoloid like hydergine. That should sharpen things up.
What about Sleep?

How much sleep have you been getting as of late? Sleep is one of those things that people usually don't think about when talking about memory. It is suspected that REM sleep plays an integral role in the encoding of "memory" into long term storage in the brain. Smoking ganj is associated with a decrease in REM sleep, and so I believe that smoking ganj does lead to a decrease in memory.

About the DXM thing though, I felt like I experienced the same thing. I stopped doing DXM because I just didn't want to take that risk as there is mixed evidence as to its neurotoxicity.

Haha then again I have also wondered about it being part of the "awakening" process that was previously described in relation to 2012, higher self etc. So who really knows what it is.
It could be attributed to the DXM, but it could also be attributed to many other things, environmental toxins being one... your ordinary eating patterns, whether you choose to eat healthy food without artificial sweeteners or any other crap in it... If you are into "fringe truth" subjects like 2012 or anything like that, it could simply be the state of reality itself is shifting... for example, how would you know what to "say" if time were dissolving into singularity? Who knows. Personally, I have only done DXM twice. I have been noticing the same stuff you have, and long before I tried DXM. Really, if time were dissolving into a singularity like many sources point to, than that would mean we would be "becoming" our thoughts more than simply thinking them.

Put it this way. Feelings are here and now. Thoughts refer to the past, or future, in some way or another. We think to relate ourselves in the past to something probable in the future. We worry about work tomorrow, we think about whether or not something is going to do something... Again, feeling is here and now, and thought is past and future. So if we were slowly evolving towards no time, that would mean we are in the middle of a transition away from the mind, and more becoming and feeling the mind infinitely in the here and now, as here, and now, is all we have ever really had. If we will eventually transcend time, that means we will have to become past, present and future as one... If that were the case, what would the point of thought be? Thought simply would "be" as one... in the here and now, as feeling.

So that's mainly what I think it is all about. It could be the DXM as the catalyst, it could be our higher selves, it could be nothing... but whatever it is, just like talking, it's like piecing together each other's puzzle to reach a mutual point of understanding... and my point is, where does the entire universe come to a "mutual understanding" of itself? Transcending time, and thought and becoming one in all it's being. So with that said, if you are having trouble say, "getting into the flow of life" or whatever... try not relying on thought as much. Go with your gut, and what your heart tells you is right. Our heart knows much more, instantly, than we can logically "piece together" in our heads.

So if you have a question for yourself, don't ask your mind. Clear your mind and ask your heart and you should get a gut feeling one way or another.

If any of this interests you, check out http://www.mayanmajix.com/TZOLKIN/DT/DT.html

Otherwise, I would just recommend treating your body right whenever you can, and listen to the deeper voice inside you as I too have noticed my "logical" side has been scrambled into infinity more and more every day. We can rationalize anything, and that's the point... to become everything. =D:D

Great Post! wowzers- my sentiments exactly that you described it in the most articulate matter. thanks
None. I've used DXM on more occasions than I can remember and I don't notice any negative residual effects.
I've felt more detrimental mental effects from dxm than any other drug. Its literally taken years to recover about 95% of my formal verbal capacity. I used to be very quick witted and articulate, but I doubt I will ever fully recover from it...
So far most of the long-term effects from my DXM use have been positive. It has been almost three months since my last trip, so it may be too soon to tell if I've fucked up my brain or not :\

Here are the positive effects I've experienced:

  • Mood stability. I've got bi-polar disorder. My mood and energy levels fluctuate, usually to my detriment. However, after having used DXM many times, my mood is more leveled-out.
  • Depression relief. I tend to be more depressed than manic, but lately my mood has been more happy than sad or upset.
  • Logical thinking. Because my mind isn't stressed out from needless worrying or chaotic thinking, it's like my higher thought processes now have a chance to be dominant. I will also mention here that I can still produce technical works at the same level I could before. It's hard to say if I am capable of doing more than I could before, but I am certainly not hindered in this respect.

Some neutral effects:

  • DXM trip comes back sometimes. This is usually only when I smoke some herb and drink alcohol at the same time. It's like a free trip, but not nearly as clear and clean as DXM by itself.
  • Reduced emotional response. I don't react wildly to adverse events anymore, but I can still get teary from a touching movie, or laugh with genuine mirth at something comical.

I should mention that I am on meds for my bi-polar disorder. Maybe what I am experiencing is simply my medications working as they should... At any rate, I am quite happy with my mind state, and I do believe DXM has had a positive impact overall :)
long term-effects - after 2 years of almost daily use i wound up in the state hospital for seven months. effects noted at this point - completely spaced-out (like 5 seconds behind the present moment,) flat affect, delusions of grandeur (i was a prophet, revolutionary,) pupils were dilated for 2 months, slight dissociation notable for a a few months. started getting back to normal four months after this long ass binge.

i have been on a dxm binge for over a week now.
i need to stop.
cuz i'm headed straight back to the above.

edit: back in NA, feeling great, told every drug user i know to fuck off.
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I've robotripped once a week for six months and have not noticed any side effects besides maybe weight loss, and I always recover from my hangover like an hour or two after I wake up, but I usually stay up all night so I sleep the whole day away usually anyways.
I've dosed once a week for the past few months. My initial interest in it originally was, as I'm sure it was for many people, a 'cheap, legal, high' but after experimenting with it's use in meditation and self-reflection, I've found it to be incredibly useful in helping overcome a depression that's been plaguing me the past few years. It's taught me a lot about myself. The 'dissociation' allowed me to step back and objectively examine my life without letting anxiety and fear cloud my judgement. The mental effects if this use, in my case, has been very beneficial. I'm happy more often, I don't have as strong of an urge to smoke weed and get drunk. It's helped me become more comfortable with myself and the world around me.

DXM has very powerful psychedelic and antidepressant properties, which, I think, could make it a legitimate tool for people looking for direction and meaning in their life. It's acted like therapy for me, as I'm sure it has for others like me (there were a couple of them on the first page). If you're using DXM just to get high, you're doing it wrong, and your mental health will probably suffer for it. But I think if you go into the experience looking to learn something, you'll find it. I'll continue to use it once a week until I feel I don't have anything else to gain from it, because although I have only felt relatively mild physical side-effects and believe DXM to be relatively harmless, I don't believe it's a substance which should be used chronically.

The worst physical effect I've felt was a couple-day hangover after two consecutive days of use.
I have been using dxm almost everyday for 3 years and still get tickled or whatever you want to call the somewhat euphoric aspect. The only problem side effect I've had is loss of motivation I found myself in love with shit like nothing else in the world matters if I have it. I've lost a few girlfriends over it sure but who gives a shit cuz I'm fuckin trippin right now and my problems are gone. 10 years from now tho if I'm not dead, which means I will still be doing this stuff I'm sure I'll look back and regret going nowhere in my life
^Well, there's your answer right there.^

Seriously, it seems clear that DXM affects different people differently. One major factor is the person's general ability to "handle" the effects of a drug. In this regard it is similar to acid or shrooms or anything else that has a powerful effect on the psyche. I used DXM daily for close to a year, at doses averaging 600mg/day. Granted, I skipped some days, while on others I did truly massive doses (for me), getting up to maybe 1500mg in a 24 period for two or three days straight if I was going for a sigma experience.

I will admit that there were some detrimental effects, but I still believe that these were quite minor in comparison to what many folks report. The most pronounced effect was definitely anhedonia, but this was a temporary effect (lasting maybe a week after cessation). With reference to my earlier point, I had already had lots of experience in managing anhedonia from major ecstasy use over the years, so I did not overreact and simply waited for it to go away, which it did.

Another factor is certainly the way in which a person manages their health while using. We know for example that DXM inhibits glutamin in the brain, so supplementing that is critical. Additionally, one might want to increase their vitamin B complex intake, as well as making an effort to keep their body alkaline. I did this by taking in plenty of lemon juice and watermelon, as well as a good supply of wheatgrass on a daily basis. This entirely eliminated that "grogginess" most of us experience with heavy DXM use, and I was led to believe that that particular side effect was strictly a result of heavy vitamin loss and intensified acidity in the body. So if you are experiencing a sort of lethargy, you might try taking the aforementioned steps.

As for the often reported "loss of intelligence" over repeated dosing - here again I feel like this might be the result of impaired neurotransmitter production, so taking steps to manage those levels (especially glutamin) is probably a good idea. I cannot say that I feel like my intellect has been stunted from my use. Indeed, if anything, it enhanced my mental faculty insofar as it gave me a variety of intense experiences that I had to navigate. Now, I want to draw an analogy here. Consider a group of people who have never ever worked out before giving their personal reports. If that group had been predisposed to believe that weightlifting was destructive to the body, you might notice a preponderance of reports that read something like: "I definitely noticed a pronounced soreness in my whole body - it was like my muscles were wasting away. I could no longer lift what I could the first day, and even writing with a pencil seemed difficult. Definitely not recommended." You see my point here. I propose that one must learn to manage the so called negative effects (within reason of course - I don't recommend abusing oneself) before they can comment intelligently about them. For example, I had to learn how to do many things while intoxicated on DXM that were very difficult at first, but later became easy. One of the things that I had to learn also was how to relocate my emotional content and reaction to situations that I had seemingly lost concern for. This was done by intentionally addressing this point and making a concentrated effort on negating it. I did not accept that DXM had power over my emotions - I have power over my emotions - and so I took the responsibility of accessing them while under the effect of the drug. This was also critical upon cessation - as I have reported there was a definite decrease in emotional content - but again, I had experience in this regard and knew that this was a manageable effect, and so it vanished as I overcame it. I suggest to those who are saying that DXM took something away from them to simply choose to reclaim that something and not let DXM be a drug bigger than you or an excuse to quit putting forth the effort required of us to confront our feelings. The fact that you feel negatively about not feeling things is evidence in itself that you are capable of emotional response - you've just been duped into believing that DXM robs you of something. And its right here that I feel that DXM has the most to offer - it provides a landscape of thinking/emotional challenges that require effort from us to navigate. In this regard it is a fantastic learning tool, much like psychedelics yielding the much feared and horribly demonized "bad trips" are where they in fact offer the most benefit. It is specifically these areas where drugs have the most positive effect on us - provided we take the responsibility to rewire our brains ourselves in response to the drug's challenge to us. Think of it as a sort of personal challenge issued to you by the DXM in its attempt to help you develop, not in an attempt to corrode your mind or body, and you will no doubt come to recognize the fact that DXM is not some mysterious monstrosity that has this magical power to depersonalize.

I personally got more growth from heavy DXM use than from any other single drug. Did my heavy usage hurt me? Definitely, many times, and in many ways. Did it do any permanent physical damage? Not that any doctor has been able to find, and not that I had any evidence of, especially when I took the above mentioned steps to counter the immediate discomforts. Did it do any psychological damage? Sure. The same way that lifting weights does muscular damage. I allowed myself to repair before letting myself be duped into believing that the damage was bad. Not all damage is bad. Indeed, all growth requires some damage, to make way for new growth.

Think of it this way and see if it helps you out;)

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Ya exactly! I really feel bad for some of you guys who have had such negative effects by this because aside from mu brief coricidin period which was hell, dxm really hasn't effected me super bad physically. In fact it's the reason I quit heroin. Heroin is a physically painful drug and I know other drugs are like that as well. Dxm just isn't that physical to me but it is the most psychologically addicting drug I've come across. Dxm is a mental rollercoaster ride and if you let yourself start a daily pattern it's hard to get out
In a nutshell...I've used DXM on and off for about 4 years. I moved to Chicago just needing to be in a city with my girlfriend who I love/loved and proceeded to get mostly legal drug fucked as there is a Walgreens or CVS on every corner and anyfuckingdrug you want around every corner it seems sometimes. I am a worst case scenario in what it can do to your life. If circumstance were diferent, say humanity decided its ok to take drugs, and if I weren't such a grand disappointment...my life would be different. I'd elaborate but I'm too depressed.:|
Funny...The next day after DXM I feel better than before. I actually feel energetic and motivated and very at peace.

It effects everyone different.

Plataue sigma is stupid tho, don't do that.

FACT: don't use DXM often. If u abuse dissociatives then you're asking for it.

Occasional DXM use is porbably not that bad...

Sigma is great.

I highly enjoy using dissociatives in a binge fashion for days, but then taking an extremely long time off after.

I can do that because I respect how powerful the stuff is.

I haven't done any binge like that in a very long time because you gotta really have a good week free from responsibility to do it.

All things in moderation, even moderation. :)

Oh... if you are going to "binge" you better not be doing it to escape life.

If are compelled by curiosity to explore the extended disassociated state, then at-least do it as safely as possible.
First of all I am 14 almost 15 I waigh 60kg and am 174cm tall.

Well I am having a huge problem at the moment. I took dxm pure powder with hydrogen (if that matters it was called dextromethamorphan hydrogey 1 or something like that) 6 times for recreational usage. I only went to the second pletau never above becasue after taking 10 pills (1 has 30mg dxm in it) once I felt way to stupid and I had to though up and my parents almost noticed. So It went like this first pletau with 4 pills 1 month break. 6 pills (felt so super awesome!) 1 month break. 10pills (way to stong) 3 weeks break. I took 6 pills on silvester (had to though up and went away after 4 hours). then 7 pills (felt also very gret not as stong as the second time to my surpise might have lost its magic a little.) And then for the last time 3 weeks and 6 days ago I took the last 6 pills I had. Well I ended up having a 2 weeks long hangover I just felt a little drunk and not very good after 3 hours and it went away more and more over those to weeks. then after those 2 weeks past I sudently from a saterday to a sunday felt really high again I felt like nothing was real it got better over that week it chged to jsut feeling drug and got less everytime. Now to this week. I still feel it my memory is not as good as it was before I have trouble understandingthings as fast as before and after drinking a lot of water yesturday (3 leters) I welt higher again. I have felt all sorts of side effeks like nause, diare, depresions, fast heart rate (still feel it sometimes), wierd as fuck dreams (I woke up at 5am and fell aslpeen and woke up like 20 times and always had a new dream.), drowsyness, a little diseyness, I had the tunnel view for one day, my skin is itchy and sometimes I cant fall asleep. I meen Im not worried about anything of this exsept for the fact that I might have long term damaged my brain I meen why would I lose my concentrashion so fast and why is it so hard to understand thing why is my memory still so bad? And will it go away if yes how long will it take and when will my heart start beating normal again?

So the highest does was 300mg to the middle of the second pletau and I really dint feel any side effekts exsept for the fats hear beat
Well I don't know about long term but the day after i do dxm i feel like a fucking faggot. Like everything is boring, i feel deppressed, i just sit around all day. It makes me not want to do dxm. Which is a good thing cause if i felt fine the day after i'd prolly do it more often ha.


I used to feel depressed the day afterwards now I just feel good, maybe a little tired.
Can't find the big & dandy thread so posting here------How long do I have to wait after taking DXM and then taking MDMA
Can't find the big & dandy thread so posting here

The Big & Dandy DXM Thread - Part 2- Robojesus, forgive us our sins.

How long do I have to wait after taking DXM and then taking MDMA

Based on my own experience, I'd say you should wait anywhere between 3 to 7 days. The comedown period is proportional to the amount of DXM taken (I was once tripping for a whole week from 888 mg DXM polistirex). If you want to be more scientific about it, look up DXM's half life (and what it means). Good luck!