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Drug Dreams [merged megathread]

Unfortunately, all of my drug dreams of late involve me getting caught doing drugs. Most of the time, it will be my parents catching me with morphine or walking in as I'm rolling a j or snorting a line or something. The funny thing is, my parents are perfectly aware of almost all of my drug habits, and have indeed "caught"/walked in on me many times, always with no consequence.
when i was being drug tested on a regular basis (i could still trip but i couldn't smoke, bummer) i used to have super vivid nightmares that someone passed me a joint and i just smoked it without a thought. then immediately after smoking the dream j, i would be like, oh shit what have you done?! it was anxiety producing to say the least. i would wake up all relieved that i hadn't smoked pot. haha, what a weird spin on life. glad that's over.
Dreamed about MDMA twice and about shrooms once. :)
mdma dreams were search related since there is none in my country
and the shrooms one I can't remember properly so I can't say...

I've lost count for cannabis related dreams long long ago.

leiphos@ seems like deep down in your mind you know it's just wrong =D
I've dreamed about smoking crack out of a pill bottle that was filled to the top with crack.

I've had dreams about doing acid, one was in a locker room and i started pissing rainbow colors, and another i was walking up a hill and had a ring pop made of acid that i was eating which made a minivan turn into a dog's head.

I've dreamed about shooting dope and walking around a bad neighborhood that was actually my dad's neighborhood which is really nice, and another where i found dope and traded it to some bum junkies for bud.

And dreaming that i was doing dxm with a couple of cokeheads in the backroom of a deli.

various dreams about drinking and smoking weed which are the only drugs i've actually done that i've dreamed about besides dxm and i've probably had more drug dreams but those are the only ones i remember right now.
one of my friends was driving down south to pick up some special strain of bud or some shit and i gave him money to get me some blues from my guy while he was down there...
that night i have a dream my other friend buys an oc80 and decides he doesnt want it, so he offers it to me. for whatever reason in the dream i decided i didnt need any more oxy (impossible) so i told him to take it. as soon as i wake up i get a text "dude we got jacked and they took your pills"
weird ass coincidence
Dreamed last night about getting my hands on unlimited amounts of opana for some reason and ive only tried it once. Also i got arrested somehow.
I had a dream the other night about beating the shit out of my friend for doing two lines of meph that I was suppose to sell. It was very unsatisfying though because she would just laugh at me while i pounded the shit out of her face. I woke up and rolled over and woke her up with a punch to the shoulder lol. She was like WTF!?
Once, I dreamt that I IV'd some H. It was very nice! I felt lovely in the dream.

And then I woke up.
I've dreamed about smoking meth a few times, especially when I've been withdrawing. But most of the time I actually don't dream at all... I usually take temazepam or seroquel to help me sleep, which seems to suppress my normal REM cycles.
Yeah man - I've dreamt about acid several times, coke, heroin, 2C-B, shrooms and probably others which lie in my sunconscious. Woot! Fun times; it's a hell of a lot cheaper than the real thing, and still pretty fun. =D
sometimes, but rarely. mainly because I don't dream much, due to excessive weed smoking. but most times im thinking about drugs/getting high when im laying in bed trying to sleep.
Most of my dreams involve me finding ridiculous bags of ecstasy and oxy pills. I usually wake up (most likely) 5 mins later saying ".....dammit"
I get higher or trip harder when I dream about doing drugs than when I do drugs in reality oftentimes.
For some reason i always dream about smoking crack?!? I've smoked it a few times in my past but was too prangatang for me (paranoia) whilst on it.

In my dreams i actually feel the hit, strange but nice dreams :) lol
I haven't dreamt of doing drugs in awhile but I have had a fair few dreams about them, mainly mdma & heroin (I don't do H). They are quite weird dreams though.. I remember pills being these massive big things in one of my dreams and you had to break them up to swallow them, was odd. I can't remember what my dream about heroin consisted of now as it was quite awhile back but I remember waking up thinking "wtf was that?".
Hell yeah I dream about drugs, mostly this only happens when I'm either in rehab or jail. The shit sucks, and these are the hardcore shooting dreams. I can even feel it in my dreams. Other times I'll dream about having a pill or a bag in my hand, wake up and it feels like that there was really something in my hand. Very strange yo.
you know whats fucked up?

I had a dream I was dopesick. bad. but in the corner of my eye i saw a bottle of codeine. the minute i drank it i felt the melting rush of heroin as everything disappear. than I woke up sweaty and angry. figures.
I recently moved from where I was living for university and don't have friends who enjoy doing speed where I currently live. Since I hate doing speed alone, I rarely do it anymore.

I just had a dream in which I found out my neighboors enjoyed speed and was about to rail some with them.. and then I woke up! :(

God I hate this kind of dreams...
The only dream i remember is me smoking a bowl in class with my friends, i felt the smoke too and when i woke up i was all awhh lol.