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Do people still huff?

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
This is just a question I have after reading a post though I'm not sure if they were just trolling.
I'm NOT in any way saying for someone to go try this as it can kill you stone dead & some people do really bad stuff after taking butane/ glue /gas etc, it is REALLY BAD & I'm not in any way trying to say people should do it, in my view though I've done it a bit too much back in the day it is a "dirty" way to get high & quite toxic & can kill you so fast you'll not even know about it.

Do people still huff solvent these days? Back at school we used to love to have a smoke of soapbar (low grade Pakistan pressed hash that was huge in the UK years ago) & then go sniff gas or glue but we were poor & I figured these days with all the good stuff out there & the huge RC market people wouldn't be fussed with a can of lighter gas / bag of glue but it seems I may be wrong (if the thread was legit)

Anyone willing to admit to doing this & if so why you do it etc?..........

Personally I'd prefer to do Nutmeg or even 3C-E / Escaline (oh that come down huh folks) again than pick up a can these days.
Of course they do! I huffed starter fluid(diethyl either and random hexanes) in high school 12 yrs ago. I met a couple ppl while I was homeless last couple years. And I met a couple guys who huffed gold paint either as a DOC or with beer and crack. One guy wasn't all that dumb. They actually were good workers(labor pool) while not high.
Of course they do! I huffed starter fluid(diethyl either and random hexanes) in high school 12 yrs ago. I met a couple ppl while I was homeless last couple years. And I met a couple guys who huffed gold paint either as a DOC or with beer and crack. One guy wasn't all that dumb. They actually were good workers(labor pool) while not high.

I sure wasn't taking a "more morally higher than you" stance on this, far from it believe me as I've done it enough myself.
My view was in this day & age where stuff like a-pvp is so cheap on the street or online as one example why would people do solvent?............different strokes for different folks I guess.

diethyl either

I've never heard of it myself but I'm going to have a look into it, Ether in the hands of an idiot can be deadly a old friend who worked at a place where he had easy access to it used to "borrow" loads & I've seen how that stuff doesn't mix well with a flame, I used to think Acetone was bad lol.
I've never heard of it myself but I'm going to have a look into it, Ether in the hands of an idiot can be deadly a old friend who worked at a place where he had easy access to it used to "borrow" loads & I've seen how that stuff doesn't mix well with a flame, I used to think Acetone was bad lol.
Do NOT do it man fun like once or twice while landscaping I wrapped a soaked towel and weedwhacked with tha wah wahs. But other times felt like i was dying ir trapped in hell in a never-ending eternity of repeating my last moments. Once saw a digital clockface whilst sitting in front of a fire(not smart highly flammable) and it went down to 00:00 meaning my time was up. So I jumped into the fire... No lies... Yeah like I said dobt do it. Just weird enough to enjoy but potentially terrifying if not braindamaging. One ? thumbs down.
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The kids these days are all about the nitrous oxide I believe, that or codeine kids be loving there codeine, I blame bad rap music for this.

gone are the days of walking around with a bag of glue in your school bag

Lighter gas with a hint of lynx deodorant was my jam back in the day with a cheeky soap bar biffy on top, pukka

Never realised how fucking dangerous it is till I was old enough to know better, now I just sniff my can of Brasso for the fond memory's
I've huffed liters of glue in highschool, trippiest shit ever, it's really popular here although the homeless are into bronze huffing, maybe when the country gets richer they'll huff gold :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: had mad sessions in the nature and couple of times in my flat, once we huffed a 1 liter can in 4 persons in 3 hours, i glued my desk, leg and rug because we were out of plastic bags and I emptied the bread bag and forgot that it has a little hole, well I did my thing, blew to dispense the glue through moving the bag and it got all over the place.
Even smoked synth noids over them, wasn't the smartest dude at 16
Most of street kids huff here in Istanbul. It helps them when it's cold and when they're hungry. Also they use it before they commit crimes to get over the fright and moral values which makes it harder for them to be a criminal.
There are others who prefer the high also.
Yeah, I've definitely huffed gas many a time..... it's extremely trippy..... the meth probably didn't help in most cases....

by jake ricker from his series Mad World
Glue, in romania under the brand Prenadez is very very hallucinogenic to an extent a delirant, but it's not like regular glue,it's a special formulation, back in highschool I tried with other glues but they didn't work. The taste is horrible but after huffing 30-40 seconds you get used to it, although the taste and smell stays with you a few good hours even if you huff outside in the nature like we did, I heard of some homeless people very addicted to it which huffed daily and had a hole in their lungs
gone are the days of walking around with a bag of glue in your school bag

Lighter gas with a hint of lynx deodorant was my jam back in the day with a cheeky soap bar biffy on top, pukka


I swear at times we must be from the same part of the UK & roughly the same age too.
sitting in front of a fire(not smart highly flammable) and it went down to 00:00 meaning my time was up. So I jumped into the fire...

I'm going to find the most shitty empty factory unit in Birmingham I can find, huff a load of that stuff & remake this in your honour.

What is that chemical actually used for?

I huffed duster and other various propellants in high school.

Former coworker said he huffed Freon.

The only thing I’d huff anymore is ether. Diethyl ether.

Used to snag vail-fulls from the university chemistry lab. I can also buy small amounts on Amazon and shit for photo development
This is just a question I have after reading a post though I'm not sure if they were just trolling.
I'm NOT in any way saying for someone to go try this as it can kill you stone dead & some people do really bad stuff after taking butane/ glue /gas etc, it is REALLY BAD & I'm not in any way trying to say people should do it, in my view though I've done it a bit too much back in the day it is a "dirty" way to get high & quite toxic & can kill you so fast you'll not even know about it.

Do people still huff solvent these days? Back at school we used to love to have a smoke of soapbar (low grade Pakistan pressed hash that was huge in the UK years ago) & then go sniff gas or glue but we were poor & I figured these days with all the good stuff out there & the huge RC market people wouldn't be fussed with a can of lighter gas / bag of glue but it seems I may be wrong (if the thread was legit)

Anyone willing to admit to doing this & if so why you do it etc?..........

Personally I'd prefer to do Nutmeg or even 3C-E / Escaline (oh that come down huh folks) again than pick up a can these days.

Er, guilty as charged guv'nor. I actually quite like butane. I know it's lethal and stupid, but the rush is incredible...
The kids on my estate have started setting fire to the bottom of wheelie bins then inhaling the fumes off the burning plastic.
Not sure about the effects they get from it but wouldn’t have thought it would be good for your health long term lol