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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Detroit Megathread

Detroit is flooded with FIRE blows right now. Haven't seen the yellowish stuff. Typical light grey, dissolves with zero residue left over. good nod with long legs..

and we don't really even have stamps on the bags here. it's all packaged more or less one of two ways: lottery tickets or tinfoil/rolling paper. all over the whole fuckin city.
yeah i remember on a different forum i was on. we had a section where you put pics up of your drugs. this dude from detroit posted dope and every single time it was either lottos or just a brown rock
Yeah, you can use photobucket. Actually we no longer have a gallery so you have to use a third party site like photobucket or flickr, etc. Post it right in this thread if you want
Geez. Tinfoil or lottery tickets? Detroit has it ass backwards. Just buy a damn balloon pack and put the dope in that. Makes it easier for the junkies to 'hide' it.
So i copped a descent amount yesterday, shot one of my usual shots imediatly following the exchange, and one about half sized right after, needless to say i was zooted and that was around 7pm. i did another shot at 1 am and i was doing the still buzzed / tired nod out around that time. at 1 i went to shoot up a larger dose and woke up at 330 on the floor completely blacked out, shit was scary, and this morning i shot up and nodded off on the shitter for an hour. jeeze idn what i been gettin but its actually descent lol
The series Drugs Inc is halfway through their new season. The Detroit episode should be coming out before xmas, or so I was told. You can see me in the first few minutes in the background sitting on an abandoned houses porch with the Detroit skyline behind me. I was lucky enough to work with the camera crew finding interesting ppl, DDs and addicts,most of which are on the Detroit episode. TOOT TOOT, thats my horn Im tooting. But honestly They paid me well, and were super nice folks mostly from London. Check out one of my main guys talking about sliced bread. Probably the most articulate DD ever on the show and Im not talking about the DD with the glass of booze among his drugs on the table. Dude with the liquor on the table is just a shit talker if you ask me.

Heres a clip of some dudes from my area who like the DMT. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/drugs-inc/videos/dmt-a-psychedelic-new-drug/
Definitely stoked to check that out
Bout time they've done one featuring Detroit, I mean shit they've already had Alaska and Hawaiian episodes

I did always figure they had to be paying some of the people they interview pretty well though, especially the mid level and whole sale dealers that they seem to be able to get to talk to. You know a drug dealer is always trying to get paid and to incriminate themselves on national tv with info that could potentially put em away for a long time, they gotta be making something worth while...

Edit: Oh yeah one of the recent episodes iirc was exclusively focused on Heroin in NYC and there was a a huge bust I think they said not even a block or so from Times Square, the photos/video showed more dope than I've ever seen packaged like that. Also the bum/addict they were following around copped some snip one morning, fixed up in a porto-potty, and I think it was safe to say he was quite happy with the quality that day lol, so you guys should all try to check those out
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whats happening, Detroit? Hope everyone had a good Christmas and stayed safe for the holidays. Anybody doing anything fun for NYE?
farmer jon, i wouldnt go looking for drugs in a strange city you will probably get caught in some sort of sting or get robbed by some thugs. considering that your going to detroit, really bad idea. I would say it would be a safer bet to go to a doctor pretending to have back pain or something and get prescribed some opiates (oxycotton, vicodin, codeine, etc.), if that doesnt work then i dont have any other ideas. it might not be as strong as heroin but it would probably keep the withdrawl away while your in detroit. never just go around asking the 'guys on the corner'. however, this is no reason to be sober! You can get drunk, fake an illness to get pain medicine, get high on some type of cough syrup (be careful to get one that is dxm only), etc. Just get inventive and do your reasearch
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heroin addict with a jones that he shouldnt go out and find some heroin in a big strange city. Thats a challenge at the least, no way am I not going looking.
The series Drugs Inc is halfway through their new season. The Detroit episode should be coming out before xmas, or so I was told. You can see me in the first few minutes in the background sitting on an abandoned houses porch with the Detroit skyline behind me. I was lucky enough to work with the camera crew finding interesting ppl, DDs and addicts,most of which are on the Detroit episode. TOOT TOOT, thats my horn Im tooting. But honestly They paid me well, and were super nice folks mostly from London. Check out one of my main guys talking about sliced bread. Probably the most articulate DD ever on the show and Im not talking about the DD with the glass of booze among his drugs on the table. Dude with the liquor on the table is just a shit talker if you ask me.

Heres a clip of some dudes from my area who like the DMT. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/drugs-inc/videos/dmt-a-psychedelic-new-drug/

didnt see you on the porch but yea the fat dude in the yellow seemed like a really legit dealer

good episode tho, and its kool to see how border patrol plays such a big role in Detroit, makes sense i just never really had thought of it
Great episode, one of my fav so far. Didn't realize how much of the city was abandoned. When I was in highschool would have given my left nut for DMT.

But opiates are my thing. So I was confused at first because they called dope "blow" which means coke in most of the English speaking world. Have a quaestion. As for who supplies the market is there mexican tar?

It seems that there is colombian dope. But an interesting suprise was SE #4/ China white. I guess thats because of the proximity to Canada. So thats around? What is in general the best dope? Is it SE Asian? What about Aphgan dope, anyone hear of that being around.

Sorry for the million and one questions but hear in San Diego we get mostly all mex tar.

Bty way off topic again, because its proximity to Canada, is there alot of E or Molly given that the techno scene started there too and Im sure some scene still exists. Also, do the DMT boys do other psychedelics or is DMT the main thing?

By way, I had a friend that used dope around the world. The best he says he ever did was a yellow tinged dope I think in Chiang Mai or Cambodia.
A lot of Detroit is very desolate. If you look up Charlie laduf(sp?) on fox 2 Detroit he plays golf through the city. If is sad and funny at the same time.

Jspun I don't know about the dope scene anymore but the first time I cold copped down there " blows" threw me off I thought it was coke too. All the stuff I got was tan to white colored I never got anything else in the city but h and coke. I'm gonna guess and say tar is there because of Mexican town. But Im not sure. I haven bought dope in the city for many years now. I was never in the rave scene either but a friend of mine used to get a lot of ecstasy in the city.
Jspun, We call them blows here in Detroit as in id like five blows or five nicks. The only tar Ive ever seen East of the Mississippi was stuff I brought from Mexico. I assume most of what we get is from Afghanistan. By far the best Ive ever had was also in Thailand, Chaing Mai, Mae Sai, the golden triangle. The Asians, from what Ive read were the first to market opium. Burma used to be the world supplier, in fact most all the heroin in that area comes from Burma as the Government turns a blind eye and makes a few bucks in the process.
Ive got a buddy here from Cali whos mostly used to tar out there and when he comes here he nods like a motherfucker. I feel sorry for all you out west who have to shoot that garbage. Ive had good tar but its just so damn bad for you.
Im not really into psychedelics anymore but yeah theres a lot of molly here. I hear a lot of the psychedelics come in from Canada but Im not in that game anymore.
Detroit will always be a city I want to visit because of the history, and because my dads side of my family is from there.

Oh , and robocop. Duh