Day 9 of 240 oxy per day withdrawl not getting better losin it!!!

Hey d3athadone

Day 4 that's awesome!! In the beginning it was minute by minute which turned into day by day week by week. Now I very rarely think about it and when I do it's an easy thought to dismiss I really struggled with paws and the lack of energy. By 5-6 months I was seeing a difference but still not my normal energy level. I felt at that point things were coming together though and it just continued to get better.... slowly but better.
Hi !! herbavore
At the time I quit my son was 6 months. He's turning 3 in a couple weeks.

Awww, three is my favorite human age. Every three year old is a scientist ( pure observers and questioners), an absolutely untainted artist and an amazing spiritual guru to boot IMO. I loved hanging around with my kids when they were that age and letting myself be drawn back into that purity.