Day 9 of 240 oxy per day withdrawl not getting better losin it!!!


May 10, 2014
Hey everyone this is my first time posting and hope I can get some great advice to help with my nasty withdrawl symptoms. My story briefly is I had a snowmobile accident in 2004 (I should be dead and definitely paralyzed but thank God I'm not !!) I had original back surgery 12 days after accident as the spinal swelling was too bad to do before. They put temp hardware into back that was to be in for one year. They took it out 13 months later.....and my freakin back wasn't healed so as a result my vertabreas at T12 and L1 started collapsing on each other lead to bad curvature of spine within a couple weeks. Had to have another back surgery now I have perm hardware titanium cage and titanium vertabreas. I was in a lot of pain when this all happened obviously so (sorry so long didn't mean to ;) basically now my oxy dose has kept increasing due to tolerance for over ten years I was up to 3 times 80 per day (240 per day) I was so tired of feeling tired all the time I told my husband last Saturday was going to be my last dose.....and that's where at today. I still feel like a complete bag of crap muscle aches, rls really bad along with insomiea I didn't sleep a wink last night and of course fatigue can't even barley get from room to room. Can anyone relate to me and tell me when I might c a light I'm almost ready to call my doctor and get some more and try a different approach cold turkey is very close to a living Hell!!
I am so sorry to hear about your life changing accident as well as what you are going through now.I am the least qualified person on here to advise you about the actual WDs but I know that other members will come along that have experience as well as good advice so hang tight. Have you ever looked into suboxone or talked to your doctor about it?

I wish all those RC chemists out there would come up with something to use for chronic pain that is not an opiate and not addicting. Surely we can do better.
Sosick, you sound like you're having a miserable time over there. I had discontinued my pain meds for the last time a few years back, but wasn't taking nearly as much as you. I had tapered gradually though I can't imagine coming off oxy abruptly the way you did. The post acute withdrawals can linger for a while, especially when you've been taking opiates long term.

Do you have any other meds you can take to ease your symptoms? I've heard that gabapentin or lyrica is useful for restless legs, also magnesium, b-complex vitamins and hot baths. How is your pain level otherwise? There might be something else your doctor can prescribe other than oxycontin. I hope the worst of this ends soon for you!
Girl, you are more of a man than me! Wow this sounds so painful. I could not stop CT if in your position. I think you should talk to your doctor about the quality of life you want and try to figure something out you can both live with.

Ever consider medical marijuana? Legal or not, I'd look into it unless you already know it won't agree with you.

Good luck and don't force yourself to go cold turkey unless you have to do it that way.

Edit - 9 days....damn! Your meds should already be more effective at a lower dose.
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Hello Sweetheart...
this is my first real post [and its a reply] so i hope i can help in any way shape or form
when i went through WD it was nowhere near to the extent of what u must be feeling but i thought i'd give u a list of the little things [&bigger things] that helped me. Remember WD will go away and it will not kill you. Firstly you havta REALLY want to do this... i'm sure you truly do.. but only you know how badly u desire this. anyway that list
if u can source a diazepine based drug eg; etizolam i cant tell you how much that helped
Try not to stay in bed. DO STUFF!!!! go for pointless walks, go prepared, with someone, have a picnic, why the fuck not eh?
Try to get some endorphins regenerating. this is a big part of opiate withdrawal... you've become so dependent on Oxy [a relaitve of morphine] that your brain no longer needs or remembers how to create endorphins
[and 'Endorphin' means ENDOgenous mORPHINe]
i'll be frank with you darling, i was highly advised to have as much sex as possible as the release of endorphins at orgasm catalyses/reminds your brain to produce more endorphins. Unfortunately for me i only had my left hand. but if u can,, have as much as u can. my left hand became my best friend, hahahahaha....sorry
Eat lots of chocolate and sweets but balance it with good food [ i'm sure you know what good food i'm talking about. lots of veg, but be careful of carbs cause i know first-hand that during WD, u'll put on weight easily]
i'm from the UK and we have something called dioralyte which is an essential salt and electrolyte replacement powder u mix with water specifically for diarrhea, this really helped me because i'm sure your aware that going to toilet is quite an experience at the moment. i dunno if you have anything similar where u are, ask a pharmacist for a electrolyte replacement supplement for diarrhea. they taste nice to
probiotic yoghurt [counter-intuitive i know but it helped me and my guts]
Voltarol [diclofenac] as a topical cream for the back and joint pain.
Watch mainly Comedy when u are too weak to go out. your emotions will be greatly enhanced for about a month. the good and the bad. i found laughter particularly profound during WD. but then those thing that were even slightly upsetting had me in bits.
Dance by yourself [or as i did in the shower to positive Drum n Bass] in front of a mirror. u'll feel like an idiot , which'll make you laugh........
You can do this me lovely
feel free to PM me
You're through the worst of the withdrawal, I know what it's like to wake up hoping you'll feel better and feeling exactly the samethough . Try thinking back to how you felt a week ago, is there a difference between then and now? I bet there probably is, use that difference as motivation even if it feels like you're not getting anywhere when looking shorter term. You have done amazingly well to get this far, it would be a shame to have gone through everything you have for it to be for nothing. If you can just dig deep and keep toughing it out you will be feeling better soon.

I know you probably don't feel like it but now is the time to try and start forcing the calories down, as many as you can without making yourself sick. The more energy you can give your body to work with the sooner you will start feeling strong again.

Hang in there.:)
Hey herbavore thanks for your encouraging words. I did some research on suboxone and it seemed kinda crappy to come off of too? Not sure though? On day 5 my doctor called in a script for a few clonapine doesn't really seem to do much except really lower my heart rate makes me feel dizzy. Day 10 still feel super crappy (literally lol) but I guess it takes time.
Hey T. Calderone thanks for your support! I'm trying not to go on any meds when this is all said n done. At this point I am shocked that my back pain is only about 10% of what it was 24/7 for ten years. I know I need to b easy on my back (I used to b a runner but that is not allowed since accident) I need to get my life back it's passing me by and I can't do that to me or my family anymore. Thx again.
Hi Azure Cloud thanks for your support ! You know I did do a little mariguana years ago but it's just really not my thing. I'm in Canada and we don't have medical mariguana for chronic pain only cancer patients. I have a teenager and an oooppps 6 month old baby that I really want to b clear minded for. Thanks again
Hey 8harmonics thank u for making me laugh! I will look into some of your suggestions for sure. Day 10 still feel shitty literally but more hopeful than yesterday mostly because of all the love and support from you all!! When I figure out how to pm I will lol (for some reason I can't seem to have access to everything on this site with my iPhone ?) my daughter and I watched 21 Jump street the movie last night and normally I wouldn't have found it that funny but I was laughing my ass off. Good advise!! Hugs
Hey omen Owen ck2 thank u for your post it really helped your right the first 6 days I couldn't even barely talk. Now I can apparently lol eating is still a struggle no appetite and when I do it's not long before I have the shits again. I really thank u for your support and encouraging words I will hang in there and keep my eye on the prize. There has got to b more to life than laying on the couch everyday because your tired and in pain. Thank God I have a supportive husband he has taken off work since I started this as I can't even lift my baby yet. Thx again
Sosick, you are doing great. Hang in there. You've received some excellent advice from others in this thread.

I hope your nightmare is over soon and I hope you find the quality of life you are looking for. You seem to have made a really good start so far.
Yeah hang in there, if you've got this far you can definitely do it all the way. Oxy doesn't have a massive half life so the wd period shouldn't be too long even given the big old dose you're coming down from, I would say you really are through the worst of it and will be feeling considerably better within the next few days or so. That morning when you wake up and you're like FUCK YES I FEEL BETTER AND REFRESHED! is one of the best feelings in the world even though you're still not feeling recovered. Trust me it's worth hanging inn there for that feeling.

I know you won't feel like eating and it will give you the shits, but push on with it. For me I've found that if I start pushing the food down even when I don't want it my body turns the corner soon after. You could say that it's because I'm able to start getting the food down because I'm starting to feel better I've definitely noticed my detoxes have stretched out for longer when I haven't made the effort to get those calories down. Try to think of the shits as being a good thing because it means you've instantly got space for more food!
Thanks Azure Cloud and omen Owen ck2 I have been forcing myself to eat today hoping it will make a difference. For some reason the last couple days my best time seems to b early evening until I go to bed in hopes I can sleep. Mornings so far are the freakin worst. Omen I am so looking forward to that first great morning thank u for reminding me it WILL come as there is times when I feel so shitty I wonder if I'm just always going to feel this way because of the time/dose I was on. U guys r amazing with your support it has encouraged me to carry on more than you will ever know. Thanks to u all !!!
Yeah it will come, hang in there. Took me three weeks when I came off my methadone script (and that's relatively quick compared to lots of people) but when it came it was a wonderful thing.

Keep forcing yourself to eat as much as possible and I bet it will happen in the next few days (but don't get downheartened if it doesn't). I have no evidence to back up this theory but it just seems to be the way it works for me.
Your doing great.. nice work!!... I kicked a very large habit.. didn't sleep at all for a long time. It gets so much better and you are going to feal amazing in a little while. Amazing Push.. Sosick:)
Hey Omen your sooo right!! I forced myself to eat pretty much 3 meals yesterday and I can notice a difference today!!! Yeah !!! Still weak but I think I might try a small walk outside for the first time. Day 11 and can really c the light. Hoping each day is slightly better now. Thanks for being such a great support u r awesome!
Thank u neversickanymore i appreciate your words. I'm going to keep pushing on NEVER want to go through this again !! But certainly understand why people give in during withdrawl I made sure I had NO oxy in house before I started or I too may not have made it this far. I still haven't had any cravings for it but I hear that usually happens. Do u have experience with that just wondering when that might kick in? Also why the heck am I so winded when I walk seems like I'm always sitting. But my head wants to go. Thx
Sosick, I am proud of you. I kicked a habit a bit larger than yours about a year ago, CT. I cannot add much more than what has been said except to say while the cravings subside, the want takes awhile. Hang in there. It definitely gets better the farther you go. You can do it.
Because you were taking this for pain and if you were not abusing to get high, what you have might be better classified as a dependence and not an addiction.

I know this may seem like a splitting of the proverbial hair, but maybe because of this, your psychology won't be set up for cravings.