• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Day 5 - CT Fentanyl

Easy and relaxed.
I'm still healing so doing what is necessary for my own well being.
Used to love rodink bikes (still do) and once rebroke (dislocation) of clavacle when I hit the damn tree. Ha what a hoot.... Hurt like hell then.
Been hitting a little weed here and there myself since yesterday. Been a while and it feels good as opposed....
Bout to make more coffee it's early enough.
All my best
the weed has been helping me as well, since i’m not a chronic smoker. one joint will last me 2 days as i’ll just hit it one or two times & put it back out. gets me in a good mental state & doesn’t give me anxiety unless i smoke a lot. i’m not a fan of being super stoned as it just bottoms my blood pressure and i get existential anxiety 😅
You have a very positive outlook - that's the MOST important thing. Often people go into acute withdrawal due to an external force be it finances, interventions and up-coming urine tests. But whatever it is, it's a changed forced upon you.

It's most certainly true that perception of pain is highly dependent upon one's emotional state. If you have reached day 5 then it should begin to get easier. While I mobilize using crutches, I still try to walk for 1 hour every day. I woke at 6AM feeling a bit down, took my prescribed OC (well, generic, but the same thing) and went for a walk. I had a bacon sandwich and a cup of hot chocolate mid-walk and now I feel MUCH better.

I should add that if anxiety sets in, exercise appears to make things worse - in fact my doctor even stated that to be the case. BUT that is my case so I cannot state this as a general principal.
Just wanted to post as I wanted to have some sort of support or I guess merely just type out something. The wave has passed and I’m feeling way better mentally but the no sleep is killing me. Took 100mg of Benadryl with 600mg of gabapentin thinking the neurontin would offset the RLS but it failed, so taking a bath rn after being woken up from the worst dream.

I’m sure a lot of you can identify with having those super short ‘using’ dreams where you are using your drug of choice, during withdrawal. I had a dream I found a needle and did the whole process and woke up as soon as I pushed it in and it shot me straight up.

Anyways, hope everyone is well.

First off, congrats!!!! How ya holding up?? After I got out the Corps I got heavy into it myself, it started the usual route, got hurt, prescription’s, wanted harder stuff etc. now u mentioned RLS, what helped me, Iron is low in our bodies at night and it helped me when I went to Walgreens and got some Iron pills was like 5$, I would take them about 1.5 hrs before bed and helped, when I woke up during the night and was bothering me, I got a kitchen towel and got it wet and popped it in the Micro. For a quick sec to warm it up and wrapped it around my knees for a few mins. Felt it in my knees the worse. Really helped.
First off, congrats!!!! How ya holding up?? After I got out the Corps I got heavy into it myself, it started the usual route, got hurt, prescription’s, wanted harder stuff etc. now u mentioned RLS, what helped me, Iron is low in our bodies at night and it helped me when I went to Walgreens and got some Iron pills was like 5$, I would take them about 1.5 hrs before bed and helped, when I woke up during the night and was bothering me, I got a kitchen towel and got it wet and popped it in the Micro. For a quick sec to warm it up and wrapped it around my knees for a few mins. Felt it in my knees the worse. Really helped.
doing great man! have been exercising a lot recently & sleep is slowly coming back! thanks for checking in 🥺
You have a very positive outlook - that's the MOST important thing. Often people go into acute withdrawal due to an external force be it finances, interventions and up-coming urine tests. But whatever it is, it's a changed forced upon you.

It's most certainly true that perception of pain is highly dependent upon one's emotional state. If you have reached day 5 then it should begin to get easier. While I mobilize using crutches, I still try to walk for 1 hour every day. I woke at 6AM feeling a bit down, took my prescribed OC (well, generic, but the same thing) and went for a walk. I had a bacon sandwich and a cup of hot chocolate mid-walk and now I feel MUCH better.

I should add that if anxiety sets in, exercise appears to make things worse - in fact my doctor even stated that to be the case. BUT that is my case so I cannot state this as a general principal.

cheers man, i really appreciate the support! stopped counting days, so dunno what day i’m on without looking at the calendar. went out on the bike today and took a massive bail(the trails are insanely muddy near my house today from the storms) and i just ate pure shit, ripped my mtb jersey in the shoulder, chipped my helmet and frayed my goggles-strap 😭 got to fix a few things on the bike as well now, nothing major. but exercise has been doing wonders for me. it did the last time i kicked - primes up those endorphins really nicely and if i go anywhere over 8 miles on a trek, i get a nice runners buzz from it & feel incredible.

good to hear you’re having a decent morning man. the bacon sounds so good. i had cheese grits & a fried egg w/ toast 😤
good morning laddies & lassies. dunno what day clean i am, but it’s 7am here. having coffee with milk & honey, listening to some emo tunes from my childhood & watching the sun come up! going to help the rescue farm guys put together a chicken coop today for a client and to see the pet deer they have. honestly quite exciting!
good morning laddies & lassies
top o' the day to you, as well.
seems like ya got some healthy actions lined up and a great attitude this morning.
glad to see ya still posting clean days. ;)
No go forth and try not to choke the chickens. :LOL:
stay safe, brother.
my best
top o' the day to you, as well.
seems like ya got some healthy actions lined up and a great attitude this morning.
glad to see ya still posting clean days. ;)
No go forth and try not to choke the chickens. :LOL:
stay safe, brother.
my best
bruvvvv 3 / 4 of my neighbors have chickens so i’m literally using my free time to help one put up a coop because they keep coming over in my yard eating all my cat’s food 😭 i’ve been past the tipping point of strangling those chickens and i’m just ready to get them OUT. but yeah man i’m gunna keep posting as much as i can. did some landscaping, and the coop now about to go get a few clonzepam for the evening & kick back 😎
Isn't is odd that when you do not think mentally about a drug - it's rare that physical distractions make you turn to it?

I forgot to take my OC for 24 hours but was no worse for it - because it stays in the plasma so long.
Isn't is odd that when you do not think mentally about a drug - it's rare that physical distractions make you turn to it?

I forgot to take my OC for 24 hours but was no worse for it - because it stays in the plasma so long.
very odd. albeit i will say i’ve been having mad dreams about when i was an IV user but that always seems to happen the first 2 weeks getting clean.. i even had a dream i drew up 70ml of methadone and shot it up LMAO
they keep coming over in my yard eating all my cat’s food
Oh, hell no. Ha! Focus on that pen or there may be a block party soon and the main attraction? Grilled chicken. :LOL:
Isn't is odd that when you do not think mentally about a drug - it's rare that physical distractions make you turn to it?
I have noticed this in my life and use it often. I even use BL as a distraction from cravings and it works and keeps on working. Not to say I dont fuck up but damn if it doesnt save me a lot of money and shield me from possible death. Of course it would all depend on what content to focus on and what one brings to the party. ;)
Although distractions are great it would be optimal if we could find and work on what causes us to abuse drugs/alcohol. I know pain and the need for meds I am talking more about abuse and throwing caution to the wind, ya know?

Get those chickens penned bro or fire up the grill and send out the RSVPs. :rofl:
Dunno - never been to a clinic but juice is either 1mg/ml or 10mg/ml and I'm GUESSING you were not on 700mg of methadone/day - I mean, it causes long QT with result 1 friend dead, one friend heart attack... from LOWER doses.

So can we go with 70mg?
The execution of Nguyễn Văn Lém suggests otherwise.

I'm not about to publish the image - it's a bloke being murdered, so it's not nice - but I'm almost certain no further crimes were placed at his door.
ecution of Nguyễn Văn Lém suggests otherwise.

I'm not about to publish the image - it's a bloke being murdered, so it's not nice - but I'm almost certain no further crimes were placed at his door.
This thread was made for my man who is kickin fent... not sure what value or role this content plays on this.
I get we can get off course and kick the shit but yeah keep those pix and murderous subtext where they are, please. And thanks.
Best wishes
just had a call from the clinic director and it seems that they feel better if I go and dose everyday because I couldn't possibly be in withdrawal still @ 130mg day.now I'm fucked,
I popped dirty for THC from a legal US state and the clinic took my 2 weeks takehomes. I was already going to Colombia in a little less than a month so I just walked off. It's been pretty rough but I'm on day 15.
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