• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Day 5 - CT Fentanyl

green maeng-da
This is my go to when I feel I may need it for whatever reason. My sleep is nice on it unless I get stuck in thought loops. Which come to think of it I stop dosing at 6pm as I dose .1 mg benzo fefore I lay down. Damn... just looked and it 6:16. Missed my last dose. 😂 Nah imma get it.
How was your day?
Still ongoing. Seems once engaged it never stops. I have "on" and "off".
Been kinda busy; cooked a light breakfast for two (cats eat cat food ha), saw my therapist, left to drop off paperwork at the care HQ, ran some errands, ran more errands for others, made some dinner (something akin to generals chicken) and now maybe I relax for a bit with my family - here and home.
So saying... I am going to get that kratom before I don't want it. ;)
I think your bases are covered fairly well. Kratom in the toolbox is like having a multi-tool, IME. I love my Leatherman tool and have it at hand always. I could do without the kratom before the actual tool, though.
Imma be back, y'all, ya heard?
I was also thinking of buying some kratom for the methadone CT but am really a novice as to what type ,but it looks like I can get every type/amount needed,it sounds like it helps WD at least somewhere in the first 30 days
so I am doing memantine,pregabilin,kratom clonidine,valium(10 - 5mg. pills only)suboxone 8mg tablets 50+ anyone thinks of anything I missed please say....Ken
I’d definitely try to taper down off the methadone if you can, before you jump! How long have you been on it & what dose if you don’t mind me asking? All of those are going to do you wonders but be careful with the Suboxone - it’s not a full agonist like methadone and might throw ya’ into PWD. I’d use the Valium when you’re in the throws around the 6 day mark, considering methadone withdrawal is so dragged out. The lyrica and Kratom will help immensely. So will the clonidine :)

Good luck & keep me posted man!
This is my go to when I feel I may need it for whatever reason. My sleep is nice on it unless I get stuck in thought loops. Which come to think of it I stop dosing at 6pm as I dose .1 mg benzo fefore I lay down. Damn... just looked and it 6:16. Missed my last dose. 😂 Nah imma get it.

Still ongoing. Seems once engaged it never stops. I have "on" and "off".
Been kinda busy; cooked a light breakfast for two (cats eat cat food ha), saw my therapist, left to drop off paperwork at the care HQ, ran some errands, ran more errands for others, made some dinner (something akin to generals chicken) and now maybe I relax for a bit with my family - here and home.
So saying... I am going to get that kratom before I don't want it. ;)
I think your bases are covered fairly well. Kratom in the toolbox is like having a multi-tool, IME. I love my Leatherman tool and have it at hand always. I could do without the kratom before the actual tool, though.
Imma be back, y'all, ya heard?
Wicked you had such a productive day mate! Fuck yes. Just fed my cats as well. Made some sausage breakfast rolls for supper for mum & myself, just having a cup of vanilla cinnamon tea & playing guitar a bit this evening!
hi yall thnx for rply, I hope u r feeling btr today and r gettin strong as hell now,vey,very cool!- I'm at 130mg. 14mos. now and no help from shitty clinic,been tryin for 4 mos.for an increase met with director tuesday last - no go so now on my own,I'm tryin for 30-60 oxy-10 maybe later from script reup but have high hopes for memantine with methadone reduction,I get 13 bottles every other monday so i can do whatever I want with them. again any help is great,Cats are the best things on earth, truly are.Ken
hi yall thnx for rply, I hope u r feeling btr today and r gettin strong as hell now,vey,very cool!- I'm at 130mg. 14mos. now and no help from shitty clinic,been tryin for 4 mos.for an increase met with director tuesday last - no go so now on my own,I'm tryin for 30-60 oxy-10 maybe later from script reup but have high hopes for memantine with methadone reduction,I get 13 bottles every other monday so i can do whatever I want with them. again any help is great,Cats are the best things on earth, truly are.Ken
wish you the best of luck man. this same time last year i cold turkeyed fentanyl & 100mg methadone(3 mos of methadone) and it was so incredibly protracted and painful. just take a few deep breaths, know to use your meds sparingly - you’re kicking addiction, so use them when you absolutely need them, not to get high to displace any opiate withdrawals. me personally - i wouldn’t take any oxy, id just take the benzos & lyrica & clonidine to get myself through it. oxy will just drag your process out even more i would imagine.
hitting day 8 today ~ still sleeping like shit. starting to eat more and try to get some nutrition in me sooner or later to mend my body for PAWS. might start exercising in the next few days if i’m sleeping better. starting off today with some jazz tunes & tomato soup, and a marlboro red. back hurts like fuck and i’m only 27. jeez.

good morning bluelighters xo
you rock pal,everyone knows how hard what your doing is and you sound okay to me. I want to get everything I can get to battle this.it will be another 10 days before my memantine gets here and by then I'll have another round of 13 bottles so maybe I'll save 1/2 each time and then I'll have some kratom too,I figure a month and it will be over,bye
wicked brother 💕 you got this man! always here to lend an ear if you need as well.
you rock pal,everyone knows how hard what your doing is and you sound okay to me. I want to get everything I can get to battle this.it will be another 10 days before my memantine gets here and by then I'll have another round of 13 bottles so maybe I'll save 1/2 each time and then I'll have some kratom too,I figure a month and it will be over,bye
good morning bluelighters xo
And a good morning to you as well. I woke with back pain and bad stomach cramps but thought about my first post of today with a "good morning" to all BL-ers. Funny how you beat me to it but it's afternoon here so good afternoon to you all.
I think my back and stomache issues were the resul of dropping doses again with my benzo again. Looks like I may need to up it to .125mg again to actually get that muscle relaxing effect as .1mg may not be enough it seems.
Anyway... seems like we are reaching for our personal health and overcoming our general issues. Looking good as the posts here are all in a positive vibe... what the world needs now is love sweet love.
just had a call from the clinic director and it seems that they feel better if I go and dose everyday because I couldn't possibly be in withdrawal still @ 130mg day.now I'm fucked,
mate, yes! yeah man my lower back has been killing me from just lying in bed for a week basically and constantly turning uncomfortably throughout the night & thrashing my arms and legs. i swear my arms get more restless than my legs, these days and i just squirm. 😭 hope you get some relief from going up a little bit with your medication man, i understand that fully!

also what an absolute banger!

here’s a little something i wrote myself this time sobering up last year if you’d wanna hear :)

And a good morning to you as well. I woke with back pain and bad stomach cramps but thought about my first post of today with a "good morning" to all BL-ers. Funny how you beat me to it but it's afternoon here so good afternoon to you all.
I think my back and stomache issues were the resul of dropping doses again with my benzo again. Looks like I may need to up it to .125mg again to actually get that muscle relaxing effect as .1mg may not be enough it seems.
Anyway... seems like we are reaching for our personal health and overcoming our general issues. Looking good as the posts here are all in a positive vibe... what the world needs now is love sweet love.
ooof! wrong soundcloud link, i meant this one!

mate, yes! yeah man my lower back has been killing me from just lying in bed for a week basically and constantly turning uncomfortably throughout the night & thrashing my arms and legs. i swear my arms get more restless than my legs, these days and i just squirm. 😭 hope you get some relief from going up a little bit with your medication man, i understand that fully!

also what an absolute banger!

here’s a little something i wrote myself this time sobering up last year if you’d wanna hear :)

And a good morning to you as well. I woke with back pain and bad stomach cramps but thought about my first post of today with a "good morning" to all BL-ers. Funny how you beat me to it but it's afternoon here so good afternoon to you all.
i swear my arms get more restless than my legs
I get that.
Me and wife had to start sleeping in separate beds when instarted gettin off opioids including but limited by fent. I would lash out in my "sleep" and not hit her but I am not a small person and she is. Just the weight of an arm moving against another was kinda painful to her. The she had spinal surgery (thank god for the competent doctor....
We can sleep together now without issue other than her having a smaller bed. Just brings us closer, yeah?
Hope you get some relief from going up a little bit with your medication man
Oh yeah it knock all that pain to the curb but also dosed some pregabalin, free weed and kratom. Better than pepto bismol. Almost instant results.
Now lemme check the link you posted.
Stay you and stay strong.
Well... it seems that is what you are doing so the statement was kinda moot.
Always, bro, and thanks for the interaction.
Yeah this place is a gold mine, in my experience. But as always ya get out what ya put in but the words typed in the anals of BL are priceless to me.
I get that.
Me and wife had to start sleeping in separate beds when instarted gettin off opioids including but limited by fent. I would lash out in my "sleep" and not hit her but I am not a small person and she is. Just the weight of an arm moving against another was kinda painful to her. The she had spinal surgery (thank god for the competent doctor....
We can sleep together now without issue other than her having a smaller bed. Just brings us closer, yeah?

Oh yeah it knock all that pain to the curb but also dosed some pregabalin, free weed and kratom. Better than pepto bismol. Almost instant results.
Now lemme check the link you posted.
Stay you and stay strong.
Well... it seems that is what you are doing so the statement was kinda moot.
Always, bro, and thanks for the interaction.
Yeah this place is a gold mine, in my experience. But as always ya get out what ya put in but the words typed in the anals of BL are priceless to me.
oh my days i remember when my partner of now experienced me dopesick the first time. you know how antsy kids in class will shake their knee up and down? i do that for a solid 3-4 days in active withdrawals just to calm my legs and brain down. and it shook the bed each day and she wasn’t sleeping either because of me thrashing around 😭
I am likely to get into a brawl when feeling sick. Seems it does something for my nervous system to calm down. iDK. win or lose it has the same effect.
Always looking for a more efficient and sustainable ways/options to aide in many processes but on the topic of use and then non use I think we only have taking as needed as a sustainable method to eliminate these WD issues. I know there are ways but is it worth it... really?
Let's move ahead, yeah?
posting just for silh*ts and giggles.
posting just for silh*ts and giggles.
just got finished with a measley 10 mile mountain bike trek through some mud :) smoking a ciggy on the back porch, and considering smoking some weed my neighbor gave me! going to go over to his place and play guitar / have a few brews with him tonight. was going to go get some kratom since it’s been helping loads but amazon prime stripped me of my last dollars i’ve got now LMAO

drinking a 5hr energy as well, just enjoying some tunes and a post-runner’s high!

how’s your day?
ow’s your day?
Easy and relaxed.
I'm still healing so doing what is necessary for my own well being.
Used to love rodink bikes (still do) and once rebroke (dislocation) of clavacle when I hit the damn tree. Ha what a hoot.... Hurt like hell then.
Been hitting a little weed here and there myself since yesterday. Been a while and it feels good as opposed....
Bout to make more coffee it's early enough.
All my best
Easy and relaxed.
I'm still healing so doing what is necessary for my own well being.
Used to love rodink bikes (still do) and once rebroke (dislocation) of clavacle when I hit the damn tree. Ha what a hoot.... Hurt like hell then.
Been hitting a little weed here and there myself since yesterday. Been a while and it feels good as opposed....
Bout to make more coffee it's early enough.
All my best
nice man! just got back from the corner shop with 3oz of some green maeng da!

and oh shit! that’s a mazza! hurt ya self a bit on the bikes eh??