Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

Guys what is your most mystical experience psychic clayiorvant stuff you ever experienced?
Dude I swear to god, I saw my invega injections coming and I just did not figure out how it was going to go down. I thought it was going to be given to me by force. I thought I would be forced to go to the local mental hospital if I didn't change my medicaid plan (I didn't, also wouldn't have been able to go to the good one anyway because it doesn't accept medicaid period), but I ended up going there because I signed the papers while I was on a benzodiazepine. I could have gone to a low-security facility, a crisis center, that wasn't authorized to give invega if I went earlier.

I clearly remember dicking around in my favorite game, totally not taking advantage of the open enrollment period where you can change your medicaid plan in Michigan, and I was suddenly struck with the thought "I should change my insurance or else I'm going to go to the bad mental hospital I read about and get an injection that will ruin my life."

I had bad feelings about talking to the scammer who drove me further into psychosis. If I hadn't spoken to them, I would have probably just stopped taking Straterra, talked to my friend more, and got some sleep.

I asked for Ativan because I knew friends who took it and idk it sounded nice. "Don't take both of those, you'll be really out of it." I took both of them.

"DON'T TAKE INVEGA IT WILL CAUSE A CASCADING EFFECT ON YOUR HEALTH AND IT WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE. INFERTILITY. ORGAN FAILURE. NO PERSONAL SUCCESS." Something is Wrong with my hormones and insulin levels. It is bad for people with PCOS and I have PCOS, long suspected back then and not yet confirmed. This one really scares me, I cried when I got it and I almost rejected the medication, but I didn't move fast enough out of my room or say the right things. I do know that I'm technically not sterile, my AMH is fine and my ovaries had follicles and no cysts when I had them looked at. I don't know how true that whole thing was or if it was stuff from my anxiety from reading parts of the side effect pamphlet. I didn't read the whole thing because, in my mind, I was taking invega to save my life from character assassination and being killed by nazis.

"Don't join Bluelight, you'll ruin your recovery." This place made me so anxious I decided I needed Prozac and now I have PSSD.

I've always had these weird premonitory feelings. I scrolled past a picture of my friend on Facebook and my brain went "She's dying." And I thought "Haha, why would she be dying?" She was dying around the time I saw that picture.
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I know you’re trying to help with all this positivity bs but I’m 99% sure Queasy_Chemisty_844 is another poor soul that killed themselves, hasn’t posted anything for 9 months and last posts were about suicide because of invega.
That's interesting to know. Thanks for sharing! ❤️

Queasy_Chemistry_844: "How long does anhedonia last from invega sustenna?

I took two shots of this poison and ever since I haven’t felt any pleasure or positive emotions. It’s like I have no dopamine or serotonin. I’ve lost interest in everything and life feels so dull and grey. Nothing is enjoyable anymore. Has anyone experienced this before? Any responses would be much appreciated."

synapsesandjollies: "well, theres three stages to recovery from the depots. the first stage is getting the drug out of your system. by design, the shots are not just a transient, long-acting drug, the shots put a portion of the drug in your body which is continuously being circulated and acting on your brain. the shots last weeks or months, and you will still have the drug circulating even after the re-up time they would normally be giving you additional shots -- just less than you would have around if you redosed. depot shots are also more potent in the sense that daily oral dosing has a peak and trough potency throughout the 24 hour dosing period but depots are more continuous.

the second stage is your receptors clearing of the drug. even if the circulating drug was magically removed from your system in an instant, it can still be bound to your receptors. not all psychiatric drugs involve this specific concern, but risperidone/paliperidone is one of the drugs seen to bind semi-permanently to certain receptors and only after the receptors recycle their binding site will the action of the drug be removed. the dose can fall appreciably before the actual binding site sheds the drug that is jammed in there. so, there is more to getting away from the drug than simply pissing it out over time.

the third stage is growing away from the changes that drug use had caused in your system which can stick around indefinitely even if every single bit of the drug is wiped from your body. a single dose can already cause long-term changes, and weeks of continuous dosing all the more. the nervous system is extremely sensitive, and must be in order to perform its tasks, and is also very changeable. when a potent drug goes in there and fucks tons of things up, the nervous system is not usually going to snap back super quick and without issue. recovery is typically more gradual, and may only be partial for some people.

how long the anhedonia lasts depends as much on the individual and situation as on the drug itself. we are not all equally susceptible to particular drug harms, we dont all neuroplastically adjust at the same rate, we dont all have the same context of use (medical health, any other drugs being taken, diet, lifestyle, sleep quality, mental wellbeing, education and preparation, etc). it is not at all unusual for people to struggle for many months or even years after this kind of drug reaction, but some people see progress pretty quickly, within just days or weeks of their dosing being discontinued.

anhedonia, apathy, or similar such effects are among the most typical and expected with these drugs (whether your prescriber called them antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, antidepressants, sedatives, sleep meds, or whatever else). neuroleptics have a neuroleptic effect -- the blunting of pleasure and emotions is a part of the drug types very namesake. if all other factors are favorable, most patients will probably notice positive changes within the first 3 months off the drug, but it can take much longer for the symptom to more fully diminish and ive not seen good data on how often people get back to 100% even years later.

maybe youll be lucky and see lots of progress within the first month or two clear of the drug, or maybe youll go a year without seeing a lot of improvement but still recover much more substantially later on."

To DrZaius1, The reason I shared that post was because of the helpful and significant answers or information provided by "synapsesandjollies," initiated by "Queasy_Chemistry_844".
I know my condition is improving daily, in some way or another. Today I tested my sexual function, and I was fortunate and blessed to see improvement. The thick, white substance of semen came out. I praise God for improving my life, despite the negative effects of the Invega. I know people will be blessed by this information I have provided. So, to anyone going through sexual dysfunction, know it does get better. Peace and love. ❤️
The good news for those viewing this thread, is that improvement does happen. My experience is proving to be very contrary to the claims of many people. Many have claimed to have no emotions, and no motivation, even after many months. I, on the other hand, am constantly improving. I pray my emotions and motivation improves. But I been had emotions and motivation. I just would like it to get better. And one of the signs of complete recovery is that motivation and emotions will be where they were before Invega or even better. Even my sleeping is improving. I still would like my sleeping to get better, but it has increased from where it was before. All signs for me are pointing to a complete or full recovery. We shall see what will happen. I will make sure to continue to be completely honest about my experience. I don't plan on embellishing or lying about my experience. I will remain truthful always. ❤️
There is some really good news about recovery from the following bluelighter:

loosewheelnut: Hey everyone I just wanted to give an update on my recovery. I had two injections of clopixol on December and now 5 months later id say im mostly recovered. Not bed ridden anymore, not suicidal, can feel my reward system and motivation again, not really depressed either but getting a job would probably make me happier. Given the half life of clopixol is much shorter than invega is probably why ive recovered so quickly. But ive been injected by both and recovered from both and if ive done it twice i think anybody can do it, you just have to give your brain time to return to homeostasis. The only thing that bothers me is I still haven't returnedy ability to get high or drunk again but that's nothing compared to when I was going through the hell phase. Anyway I hope this inspires some people, might visit a few more times but these days I spend less time here because I don't feel the need to be here as much. I hope you all a quick recovery May 3, 2023 (thread 7, page 8)

loosewheelnut: No suicidal thoughts no anhedonia, spirituality comes back and you feel normal again. You can also get drunk and high again. Take it from me I've been injected twice and recovered twice Jun 6, 2023 (thread 7, page 76)

Dude I swear to god, I saw my invega injections coming and I just did not figure out how it was going to go down. I thought it was going to be given to me by force. I thought I would be forced to go to the local mental hospital if I didn't change my medicaid plan (I didn't, also wouldn't have been able to go to the good one anyway because it doesn't accept medicaid period), but I ended up going there because I signed the papers while I was on a benzodiazepine. I could have gone to a low-security facility, a crisis center, that wasn't authorized to give invega if I went earlier.

I clearly remember dicking around in my favorite game, totally not taking advantage of the open enrollment period where you can change your medicaid plan in Michigan, and I was suddenly struck with the thought "I should change my insurance or else I'm going to go to the bad mental hospital I read about and get an injection that will ruin my life."

I had bad feelings about talking to the scammer who drove me further into psychosis. If I hadn't spoken to them, I would have probably just stopped taking Straterra, talked to my friend more, and got some sleep.

I asked for Ativan because I knew friends who took it and idk it sounded nice. "Don't take both of those, you'll be really out of it." I took both of them.

"DON'T TAKE INVEGA IT WILL CAUSE A CASCADING EFFECT ON YOUR HEALTH AND IT WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE. INFERTILITY. ORGAN FAILURE. NO PERSONAL SUCCESS." Something is Wrong with my hormones and insulin levels. It is bad for people with PCOS and I have PCOS, long suspected back then and not yet confirmed. This one really scares me, I cried when I got it and I almost rejected the medication, but I didn't move fast enough out of my room or say the right things. I do know that I'm technically not sterile, my AMH is fine and my ovaries had follicles and no cysts when I had them looked at. I don't know how true that whole thing was or if it was stuff from my anxiety from reading parts of the side effect pamphlet. I didn't read the whole thing because, in my mind, I was taking invega to save my life from character assassination and being killed by nazis.

"Don't join Bluelight, you'll ruin your recovery." This place made me so anxious I decided I needed Prozac and now I have PSSD.

I've always had these weird premonitory feelings. I scrolled past a picture of my friend on Facebook and my brain went "She's dying." And I thought "Haha, why would she be dying?" She was dying around the time I saw that picture.
I had the same with the forced hospitalization. I was like maybe i shouldnt shave my head i wanna look good when these female doctors will evaluate me. I had this feeling my mother will force hospitalize me months before. Not only one situation like that. Level of clayiorvancy is unreal in me sometimes
I really dont know what to do 😭 the revenge on my family will be sweet 😈😈😈😈 but rn im too traumatised and destroyed to do anything.
bruh i was reading end of v1 and someone wrote that invega half life depends on where its injected and that if you got it injected in ur glutes , its a longer half life.

RIP , Virtually all my injections were in my ass cuz i preferred it hurt the least.

bruh i was reading end of v1 and someone wrote that invega half life depends on where its injected and that if you got it injected in ur glutes , its a longer half life.

RIP , Virtually all my injections were in my ass cuz i preferred it hurt the least.

Dont believe that. Its all bro science made by their minds. Stick to God only. Ask for protection and strenght to carry through all this shit. I thought to myself if people have enough strenght to kill themselves because of this bullshit why not use that to expose the industry. What's stopping anyone to give the public talk about the whole forced drugging on misdiagnosis shit with neurotoxic drugs we never needed? BRO IMMA GO FAMOUS WITH THIS STORY IN POLAND IMMA SEND YALL LINKS WITH MILIONS OF VIEWS UNDER IT TALKING ABOUT IT I PROMISE. INSHALLAH GOD WILLING AMEN
I seen people saying they thriving on these injections. One dude was year on trinza and said it was the best thing for him and he had no side effects. Are they fucking retarded or something? How the f is that possible
I seen people saying they thriving on these injections. One dude was year on trinza and said it was the best thing for him and he had no side effects. Are they fucking retarded or something? How the f is that possible
yeah its bullshit, trinzia is way worse than sustenna and has longer half life. Bojana was given few sustennas and trinzas and she didnt recover for 14+ months RIP
If there is anyone having insomnia-related issues, because of Invega, a story on the schizophrenia forum offers hope:

jga: Hi i just want to update that my insomnia related invega sustenna had been past.i have been using invega sustenna since 1 year 2months and insomnia is past.i can sleep without problem. Mar 2022